I've taken Xanax for over 25 years and I know exactly what these people have experienced. I started taking it when I came down with Meniere's Disease which caused severe attacks of vertigo that could last 8 to 10 hours. The need for help was very real and Xanax allowed me to continue working and carry on a fairly normal life. Three inner ear surgeries in about four years time resolved the worst of my symptoms which was the vertigo. Unfortunately I kept on taking 1MG a day for many years when I should have stopped taking them altogether. My experience was similar to that of several of the people in this documentary. I no longer take a daily Xanax but I have a few small doses in case I'm having a really bad day and start to feel dizzy. I don't think the people who gave this documentary low reviews understand the situation very clearly, this was well done and contains useful information. It's worth watching!