Well made and well acted drama with lows and highs in. It is not a blockbuster type movie but a drama with a good story but anyone viewing needs to be aware that it has adult themes and despite it's having been set to a nightlife backdrop it is not going to be well understood or well appreciated by a young audience. It is so not a teen film. For the mature audience that it has been addressed to it is a gem though. Really strong themes and strong performances that show how life's pressures can build up and take their toll. Some light hearted moments as well – it is not all down. The end is moving and don't let kids watch it as they would find it upsetting – in fact adults will as well. It is a British movie and although it makes no excuses for this and does not compromise people from the world over will identify with the story. The accents are there but understandable and all films have subtitles so if you get stuck just use them. In summary good, very good!