There was far too much hype for this movie including "live" updates in every commercial break in the movie preceding this. Also, I am very much not a Chiefs fan. For me they are the current Evil Empire of the NFL. (Actually they have some very upstanding players and I use the term evil as hyperbole.) But once again I am faced with my obsession to watch every Christmas movie premiere on at least 5 channels.
I enjoyed this movie. It was enough different from the usual stuff and there may have been snow, but no snowball fights or many of the other checklist items for a Christmas movie. Tyler Hynes and Hunter King have very good chemistry, almost what I sometimes call sizzling. The story hooked me first with the quest to win the fan contest and then looking to the outcome of the obstacle near the end.
I thought the acting was a little mixed. Hynes was his usual steady but laid back self. King's character had attractive qualities but also some neurosis especially in her total obsession with the superstition. Given that, I had mixed feelings about the ending, especially after the buildup of the backstory. (I realize that these feelings are somewhat contradictory.)
As I said, not a Chiefs fan, so I didn't recognize many of the cameos, but there seemed to be a few.