Killa is a simple tale of a young Chinmay Kale and his short time in a village in Konkan, and yet it has so many layers. His anger towards leaving his old city, the loss of his father, the anxiety about living in a new place and meeting new people, the joy of making new friends and being accepted and finally the realization of his mother's importance, her grief, her struggles and acceptance of his own life.
All of the above is showed beautifully --- without exploiting any emotion or incident by overplaying the drama. Despite of that, every scene grabs you and your attention.
Debut film-maker Avinash Arun has done a fantastic job with direction and cinematography. But then again the canvas to work with was also beautiful. As someone who has a house in Konkan I can vouch for its beauty. Its white-sand beaches, clear blue seas, gorgeous light houses and lots and lots of coconut trees. Goa maybe the go to destination for many, but there are many hidden gems above in Maharashtra on that coastal line.
Amruta Subhash has done a good job, but that is expected from an actress of her caliber. But the movie belongs to the kids. They are the ones who surprise you and all of them are amazing. Parth Bhalerao will take all the credits for his role as the naughty Bandya, but Archit Deodhar (who played Chinmay Kale), Gaurish Gawade, etc are all brilliant as well. A special mention must be made to Umesh Jagtap who has a very small role of a drunk fisherman and he still leaves a mark.
Killa makes you laugh a lot and makes you sad in places, but best of all it takes you back to your own childhood, which would have been sprinkled with similar moments and friends.