This series features episodes based on actual cases where a dispute between neighbors escalate to the point they end in bloodshed. They use actors to play the families and neighbors involved in actual cases and recreate actual events of disputes that end tragically. I'm sure they take some dramatic license but they seem try to include the actual events that started the first conflict and subsequent escalation that ended in tragedy. How accurate these are I can't say but they do include commentary of actual members of the 2 or more families involved along with the actual neighbors and friends. So they recreate the story including some of the actual people providing their recollection of the events to tell the stories of tragic events. I watch it with with my 21 year-old son and we are both intrigued with the show. Regardless of how accurate the recreation by actors may be, the viewer does learn the final outcome. It certainly shows the viewer why you want to do everything you can to be good neighbors and how tragically things can end when you don't.