- Bowery King: He's offered seven million dollars for your life. Seven million dollars is a lot of money, Mr. Wick.
- John Wick: So I guess you have a choice. You want a war? Or do you wanna just give me a gun?
- Bowery King: Somebody, please! Get this man a gun!
- Winston: You stabbed the devil in the back and forced him back into the life that he had just left. You incinerated the priest's temple. Burned it to the ground. Now he's free of the marker, what do you think he'll do? He had a glimpse of the other side and he embraced it. But you, Signor D'Antonio... took it away from him.
- Sommelier: Good afternoon, Mr. Wick. It's been a long time.
- John Wick: I'd like a tasting.
- Sommelier: I know of your past fondness for the German varietals, but I can wholeheartedly endorse the new breed of Austrians. Glock .34 and .26. Recontoured grips. Flared magwell for easier reloads. And I know you'll appreciate the custom porting. What's next?
- John Wick: I need something robust. Precise.
- Sommelier: "Robust. Precise." AR-15, 11.5-inch. Compensated with an ion-bonded bolt carrier. Trijicon accupoint with 1-6 magnification.
- John Wick: Could you recommend anything for the end of the night? Something big, bold.
- Sommelier: May I suggest the Benelli M4? Custom bolt carrier release and charging handle. Textured grips, should your hands get... wet. An Italian classic.
- John Wick: Dessert?
- Sommelier: Dessert. Our finest cutlery. All freshly stoned. Shall I have everything sent to your room?
- John Wick: Yes. Thank you.
- Sommelier: Excellent. Mr. Wick? Do enjoy your party.
- Winston: Jonathan, listen to me.
- Santino D'Antonio: A man can stay here a long time and never eat the same meal twice.
- Winston: Jonathan, just walk away.
- Santino D'Antonio: Yeah Jonathan. Walk aw...
- [John kills Santino with a bullet in the forehead]
- Winston: What have you done?
- John Wick: Finished it.
- Julius: I fail to recall the last time you were in Rome. And here I'd heard... you had retired.
- John Wick: I had.
- Julius: Then humor me with,uh... but one question. Sei qui per il Santo Padre?
- [translation: Are you here for the Pope?]
- John Wick: No.
- Julius: All right then.
- [Pulls out a key]
- Julius: One of our finest rooms.
- John Wick: Grazie.
- Julius: Enjoy your stay.
- Bowery King: As I live and *breathe*! John Wick. The man. The myth. The legend. You're not very good at retiring.
- John Wick: I'm workin' on it.
- Santino D'Antonio: Listen to me. What is this? Hmm? Do you remember? This is your blood. You came to me. I helped you. If you don't do this, you know the consequences.
- John Wick: I'm not that guy anymore.
- Santino D'Antonio: You are always that guy, John.
- John Wick: I can't help you. I'm sorry.
- Santino D'Antonio: You're right. You can't. But he can. I'll see you soon, John.
- Italian Tailor: Buongiorno, signor Wick.
- John Wick: Ciao, Angelo.
- Italian Tailor: Welcome back to Rome. Hai bisogno di un vestito nuovo?
- [Are you in need of a new suit?]
- John Wick: I am.
- Italian Tailor: Tell me, Mr. Wick, is this for a formal event or a social affair?
- John Wick: Social.
- Italian Tailor: And is this for day or evening?
- John Wick: I need one for day and one for night.
- Italian Tailor: [Regarding a suit being made for John] ... And what style?
- John Wick: Italian.
- Italian Tailor: How many buttons?
- John Wick: Two.
- Italian Tailor: Trousers?
- John Wick: Tapered.
- Italian Tailor: How about the lining?
- John Wick: Tactical.
- Italian Tailor: Silicon carbide discs. Ceramic matrices. Accompanying laminates. Cutting-edge body armor. We just sew it between the fabric and the lining. Zero penetration. However... quite painful, I'm afraid.
- Santino D'Antonio: Winston!
- Winston: Mr. D'Antonio, your evening has been colorful I see. Seeking safe harbor, I presume.
- Santino D'Antonio: I want his membership revoked now.
- Winston: In the eyes of this institution Mr. Wick has breached no legality.
- Santino D'Antonio: Then you know that I have the right to demand...
- Winston: Nothing, you demand nothing of me, Mr. D'Antonio. This kingdom is mine and mine alone.
- Santino D'Antonio: Alright. Then enjoy your kingdom, Winston, while you still can.
- Winston: And you, its privileges, sir.
- John Wick: The knife is in your aorta. You pull it out, you will bleed and you will die. Consider this a professional courtesy.
- [John walks away]
- Abram: I can assure you that the stories you hear about John Wick, if nothing else, have been watered down.
- Bowery King: Kimber 1911. 45 ACP. Seven round capacity.
- John Wick: Seven rounds?
- Bowery King: Seven million dollars gets you seven rounds. That's a million dollars a round, baby.
- [John loads the gun]
- John Wick: Let's go.
- Bowery King: [Referring to the scar on his neck] A gift from the boogeyman. Perfect for every occasion.
- Santino D'Antonio: No wife, no dog, no home. You have nothing, John. Vengeance is all you have left.
- Winston: Jonathan.
- John Wick: Winston. What am I looking at?
- Winston: The Camorra's doubled Santino's open contract, it's gone international.
- John Wick: High Table...
- Winston: Mmm.
- John Wick: And the Continental?
- Winston: You killed a man on company grounds, Jonathan. You leave me no choice but to declare you excommunicado. The doors to any service or provider in connection with the Continental are now closed to you. I am so sorry. Your life is now forfeit.
- John Wick: Then why am I not dead?
- Winston: Because I deemed it not to be.
- Aurelio: [seeing the damage to John's Mustang] John, what the hell? I thought you loved this car.
- John Wick: What do you think?
- Aurelio: Well, your motor's about to fall out and the chassis's all bent up, the-the driveshaft is all destroyed. And I don't know if you noticed, but you got a crack in your windshield. I mean... what do I think? I could fix this.
- John Wick: Thanks for finding her.
- Aurelio: Not a problem, man. I just made a few calls. No big deal.
- John Wick: [giving him the keys] Let me know when it's fixed.
- Aurelio: All right. It'll be ready Christmas... 2030.
- Gianna D'Antonio: There was a time not so long ago in which I considered us as friends.
- John Wick: I still do.
- Gianna D'Antonio: Yet here you are.
- [in Italian]
- Gianna D'Antonio: Death's very emissary.
- [switching back to English]
- Gianna D'Antonio: What brought you back, John?
- John Wick: A marker.
- Gianna D'Antonio: Held by?
- John Wick: Your brother.
- Gianna D'Antonio: Tell me, John. This marker... is it how you got out?
- [he nods]
- Gianna D'Antonio: And what was her name, this woman whose life has ended my own?
- John Wick: Helen.
- Gianna D'Antonio: Helen. This Helen... was she worth the price that you now seek to pay?
- [he nods again]
- Gianna D'Antonio: Now, let me tell you what happens when I die. Santino will lay claim to my seat at the Table. He will take New York. And you will have been the one who gifted it to him.
- Winston: What are you doing, Jonathan?
- John Wick: He burned my house down.
- Winston: You rejected his marker. You're lucky he stopped there. What the hell were you thinking, giving a marker to a man like Santino D'Antonio?
- John Wick: It was the only way I could get out.
- Winston: Oh. You call this "out"? What did you think was gonna happen? What did you expect? Huh? Did you really think this day was never going to come? Hmm? What does he want you to do?
- John Wick: I didn't ask. I just said no.
- Winston: Two rules that cannot be broken, Jonathan. No blood on Continental grounds, and every marker must be honored. Now, while my judgment comes in the form of excommunicado, the High Table demand a more severe outcome if their traditions are refused.
- John Wick: I have no choice?
- Winston: You dishonor the marker, you die. You kill the holder of the marker, you die. You run, you die. This is what you agreed to, Jonathan. Do what the man asks. Be free. Then, if you want to go after him, burn his house down, be my guest. But until then...
- John Wick: Rules.
- Winston: Exactly. Rules. Without them, we'd live with the animals.
- Bowery King: No one sneaks up on me anymore, thanks to you. I am all-seeing and all-knowing.
- John Wick: Then you know why I'm here.
- Bowery King: Santino D'Antonio, yes. Your contract went wide, John. That's bad for your health. What's the number up to now, Earl?
- [Earl holds up seven fingers]
- Bowery King: $7 million! Damn! It's Christmas. We're going to Applebee's after this.
- John Wick: I need your help. You have eyes begging for change on every corner in the city. I'm thinking you can find Santino. I need you to move me. Underground. Get me to him.
- Bowery King: How sweet it is! The boogeyman begging me for help. Well, of course, John. Yes, John. Whatever you'd like, John. Would you like a backrub with that, John?
- John Wick: You're going to help me.
- Bowery King: Why the fuck would I do that?
- John Wick: Because I'm the only one that can help you.