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How long is Shaft?
1 hour and 51 minutes
When was Shaft released?
June 14, 2019
What is the IMDb rating of Shaft?
6.4 out of 10
Who stars in Shaft?
Samuel L. Jackson
Jessie Usher
, and
Richard Roundtree
Who wrote Shaft?
Kenya Barris
Ernest Tidyman
, and
Alex Barnow
Who directed Shaft?
Tim Story
Who was the composer for Shaft?
Christopher Lennertz
Who was the producer of Shaft?
John Davis
Who was the executive producer of Shaft?
Tim Story
Kenya Barris
Ira Napoliello
Josh Mack
Marc S. Fischer
, and
Richard Brener
Who was the cinematographer for Shaft?
Larry Blanford
Who was the editor of Shaft?
Peter S. Elliot
What is the plot of Shaft?
JJ Shaft, a cyber security expert with a degree from MIT, enlists his family's help to uncover the truth behind his best friend's untimely death.
What was the budget for Shaft?
$35 million
How much did Shaft earn at the worldwide box office?
$21.4 million
How much did Shaft earn at the US box office?
$21.4 million
What is Shaft rated?
What genre is Shaft?
Action, Comedy, Crime, and Mystery
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