14 of 47 found this moderate
Lots of sex scenes during the whole serie. They usually last a lot and sometimes mild nudity is seen.
Multiple sex scenes, most of which is graphic and at times shows some nudity, in one a man's buttocks is visible. All of these scenes are a bit lengthy.
Reference to a "hand job" and also "blow job".
There is an awkward conversation about what people are "into". A sex scene then follows this, which shows two people undressing down to their underwear and proceeding to have sex. Buttocks of the woman are visible for a few seconds.
8 of 16 found this mild
A man is seen lying on a road after a motor cycle accident. Non graphic, only some blood on his face. He is also seen puking.
10 of 15 found this moderate
Some uses of "fuck". Other profanity including "shit", "bitch", "twat, "bastard".
6 of 14 found this mild
Characters drink wine and smoke cigarettes.
4 of 15 found this mild
None, although some scenes are emotional.