- [from a Super Bowl spot]
- Mr. Krabs: The commercials in this game are really expensive, SpongeBob.
- Squidward: [scoffing] It's just the pre-game.
- Mr. Krabs: You've got twenty-six seconds to tell me everything in this movie.
- SpongeBob SquarePants: [saluting] Sir, yes sir! There's fast cars, flashbacks, Snoop Dogg...
- [a crowd of fish gasps]
- SpongeBob SquarePants: ... robots...
- [SpongeBob rips his pants and gets excited]
- SpongeBob SquarePants: ... a wise sage...
- Sage: Hello!
- SpongeBob SquarePants: ...churros...
- SpongeBob SquarePants, Patrick Star: [losing focus] Ohhh...
- SpongeBob SquarePants: ...the only thing missing is Gary.
- [SpongeBob is screaming out in the open with lightning strikes in the background]
- SpongeBob SquarePants: GARY!
- Patrick Star: Let's go find him!
- SpongeBob SquarePants: Do I smell a road trip?
- Patrick Star: That could be my breath!
- [the title appears and read by the commercial's narrator]
- Mr. Krabs: Eh, that was money well spent!
- [the Super Bowl spot ends]
- Squidward: Which is why, even though I can't stand SpongeBob, but at the same time... well, I love him. I love him. And I hate him. He's like ice cream with salt on it, because he's sweet and super annoying. He's nice and nails-on-a-chalkboard annoying! Okay, fine, he's mostly super-freaking-annoying. But this little nattering noodge... is my friend. And he doesn't deserve to die.
- SpongeBob SquarePants: Aww, don't worry, Gar-bear. I'll be back before you can say "Why did he cruelly abandon me like that?"
- Patrick Star: [trying to be optimistic] Buck up, SpongeBob. It's not over yet.
- SpongeBob SquarePants: It sure feels over. And crappy.
- [Young Patrick sits on a log by himself, sobbing. Young SpongeBob walks up to him]
- Young SpongeBob: Hi, my name's...
- [Patrick bawls. Tears gush out of his eyes. He topples off the log]
- Young SpongeBob: Hi, my name's...
- [Patrick bawls even harder. A blast of tears shoots out and sends SpongeBob flying backwards. SpongeBob recovers and quickly shields himself]
- Young SpongeBob: Hi, my name is SpongeBob, what's your name?
- Young Patrick: I'm... Pa-Pa-Patrick. Waaaahhh!
- Young SpongeBob: Why are you crying, Pa-Pa-Patrick?
- Young Patrick: I'm homesick.
- [He clambers back onto the log and continues sobbing]
- Young SpongeBob: Well, that's a pretty good reason.
- [He jumps onto the log and sits next to Patrick]
- Young SpongeBob: Maybe all you need is a friend.
- Young Patrick: WAAAAHHH! I don't have any friends!
- Young SpongeBob: Well, you've got one now!
- Young Patrick: Really?
- [He picks up SpongeBob to see where this friend the sponge mentioned is]
- Young Patrick: Who is it?
- Young SpongeBob: It's me!
- Young Patrick: You mean it?
- Young SpongeBob: Of course!
- Sandy Cheeks: Alright, what'd y'all do with SpongeBob?
- Squidward: We don't know where he is, Sandy. Hasn't been here in days.
- [Sandy grabs Squidward around the neck suspiciously]
- Sandy Cheeks: Don't you play coy with me, cephalopod.
- [She lets go of Squidward and points an accusing finger at Mr. Krabs]
- Sandy Cheeks: And you, arthropod. Start talking. Where is he? Tied up in the basement? Stuffed in your trunk?
- Mr. Krabs: Nay, I could never harm the lad. His absence has taught me that much. And I'm not just talking about the money I'm losing with him gone.
- [Sandy and Squidward exchange looks]
- Mr. Krabs: Okay, fifty percent talking about the money, fifty percent talking about I truly miss the boy.
- [Squidward trudges to the Krusty Krab. The joint is dismal, but thankfully empty]
- Squidward: Another day, another migraine.
- [He goes to sit behind the register]
- Squidward: Well, at least I'll get a little peace and quiet before that little...
- SpongeBob SquarePants: Good morning, Squidward!
- [Squidward jumps in fright and almost drops his magazine]
- SpongeBob SquarePants: And isn't it a lovely morning?
- Squidward: [knowing that any interaction from SpongeBob means trouble for him] Nope, not talking to you. I'm especially not getting involved in any of your nonsense today. I always end up with the wrong end of the stick.
- SpongeBob SquarePants: Okay, Squidward.
- [Squidward sighs]
- SpongeBob SquarePants: But you should know that Old Gertrude's getting pretty finicky these days.
- Squidward: Old Gertrude? Who the kelp is that?
- SpongeBob SquarePants: You worked with her for years! She's the eight-burner grill in the kitchen.
- [SpongeBob enters the kitchen]
- Squidward: [through clenched teeth] It never ends.
- [the gang peers out from a hiding place]
- Mr. Krabs: Do you think we should have stayed in there with Squidward?
- Patrick Star: Nah, he's got it.
- [Squidward stumbles around inside the suit of armor]
- Squidward: Where is everybody?
- Soldier: Charge!
- [the soldiers attack, knocking the armor into a fire pit. The metal heats up and Squidward screams in pain. The armor jumps up, clutching its behind, slips on Patrick's food and falls out a window]
- Patrick Star, Sandy Cheeks: Squidward!
- [the gang rush down a spiral staircase]
- Sandy Cheeks: We've got you! Hold on!
- [as Squidward plummets towards the ground in the burning armor, the gang races outside with a trampoline to catch him. They dart this way and that with the trampoline. The armor crashes to the ground next to them]
- Patrick Star: Man down.
- [a chicken drumstick lands on the trampoline. A dazed Squidward emerges from the hole in the ground]
- Squidward: [sarcastically] Good... catch.
- SpongeBob SquarePants: [holding up a squeaky toy] Ooh, Gary, what's this?
- [Gary eats the toy. There's an awkward pause]
- SpongeBob SquarePants: OK, that'll come out later.
- SpongeBob SquarePants: Oh, I love your sense of irony, Patrick.
- Patrick Star: Thank you. I love my sense of ironing too.
- Plankton: Tonight I launch Evil Plan Number 3,087, and finally take possession of the Krabby Patty secret formula!
- Karen: Great. Another evil plan.
- Plankton: What's wrong with another evil plan?
- Karen: Oh, nothing, it's just we're running out of room on The Wall of Failure.
- Plankton: Wall of Fai--?
- [He sees a wall of framed pictures of his failed plans]
- Plankton: Karen, why do you keep collecting these?
- Karen: Heh. Memories.
- Plankton: Hmm! Well, tonight... is gonna be different.
- [laughs]
- Plankton: You see Karen, my computer wife, every time I've tried to steal that formula, Krabs has tried to thwart me.
- Karen: Mm-mm, not Mr. Krabs.
- Plankton: But tonight, that all... what?
- Karen: It's not Mr. Krabs, sweetheart. I've checked the data. It's SpongeBob who's the problem.
- Plankton: Oh, fishsticks. What could that boob have to do with it? Heh.
- Karen: Boob savant, you mean. SpongeBob is the one who keeps foiling your plans. Not Mr. Krabs.
- Plankton: Oh nonsense, It's Krabs, Karen! I know it is. And tonight, I will finally, extract my revenge!
- [laughs evilly]
- Karen: Will you be late?
- Plankton: You can't put a clock on genius, Karen.
- Sage: Beware, young seekers. All is distortion. If you aren't careful, the lost city will draw you into her fickle embrace, blind you with her dazzling distractions and tempt you with her fleeting games of chance. Whatever you do, don't be led astray, don't lose focus and don't forget why you came here.
- SpongeBob SquarePants: Don't forget. Good one.
- Patrick Star: Thanks, Sage-meister. I think we got this.
- SpongeBob SquarePants: Yeah, Sage. I think you've been pretty good up until now, but I love Gary more than anything in the whole world. And we came here to get him back.
- Sage: Okay.
- SpongeBob SquarePants: I wouldn't worry about us losing any focus.
- Sage: [dreading] Oh, boy.
- [first lines]
- Documentary Narrator: The temperate, pristine, shallow seas of the Tropics. A place of unparalleled beauty and fecundity. These islands play host to a vibrant ecosystem below. A vast, organism known as the coral reef.