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The Lion King (2019) Poster


Donald Glover: Simba



  • Rafiki : Who are you?

    Simba : I'm nobody.

    Rafiki : Everybody is somebody. So I ask again, who are you?

  • Simba : My father once told me: protect everything the light touches, if I don't fight for it who will?

  • Rafiki : And so, I asked... who are you?

    Simba : I am Simba, son of Mufasa.

  • Simba : You can't win, Scar!

    Scar : This is my kingdom! My destiny!

  • Simba : [attacks Scar after Scar admitted in to killing Mufasa]  My father, your own brother - how could you!

    Scar : [to the hyenas and lionesses]  First he kills Mufasa, and now he wants to kill me!

    Simba : YOU killed him! Tell them the truth!

    Scar : Don't believe his lies!

    Sarabi : Scar? You told us you didn't get to the gorge in time.

    Scar : That's true!

    Sarabi : [outraged]  Then how did you see the look in Mufasa's eyes?

    [Scar growls] 

    Simba : MURDERER!

    Scar : KILL THEM ALL!

  • Simba : It's over, Scar.

    Scar : Have mercy on me.

    Simba : Mercy? For what you did.

    Scar : It was the hyenas. Those were the revolting, scavengers made me do it. I was planning on killing them all.

    Simba : You fooled the hyenas? Just like you fooled me.

    Scar : Simba, you wouldn't kill your only uncle.

    Simba : No, Scar. I'm not like you.

    Scar : Oh, Simba. You are truly noble, and I will make it up to you. Just tell me how I can prove myself. Tell me what you want me to do.

    Simba : Run... Run away, Scar. Run away, and never return.

    Scar : Yes. Of course... As you wish.

    [looking down and seeing a pile of hot coals, began to angry] 

    Scar : Your majesty!

    [throws embers of fire at Simba's face] 

  • Scar : Say it, Are you the king?

    Simba : No, No-I...

    Scar : Are you the king?

    Simba : No...

    Scar : No what? Say it!

    Simba : I'm nothing

    Scar : Then bow to your King!

    [Simba falls and hangs over the ledge of Pride Rock] 

  • Simba : Come on, what are you waiting for?

  • Simba : [singing Hakuna Matata]  One more time.

    Pumbaa : I think we got this one.

    Simba : We're just getting into the groove.

    Timon : Let's leave a morning roll.

  • Simba : [Simba belches]  must be the termites.

    Pumbaa : Or the crickets.

  • Scar : Simba... I'm so happy to see you

    [Angrily glares at the hyenas behind him] 

    Scar : Alive.

    Simba : [angry]  Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip you apart.

    Scar : I can give you more than one. You see... they think I'm king.

    Nala : Well, we don't. Your reign is over, Scar. Simba is the rightful king! If you wanna get him, you have to get through us. Are you with me, lions?

    Simba : The choice is yours, Scar. Step down or fight.

    Scar : Must this all end in violence? I'd hate to be responsible for the death of a family member. To feel the shame of knowing... I took the life of someone I love.

    Simba : I put all that behind me.

    Scar : But have they put it behind them? Do your faithful subjects know what you've done?

    Nala : What is he talking about?

    Scar : So you haven't told them your little secret? Well, Simba... now's your chance to confess. Tell them who's responsible for Mufasa's death.

    Simba : It was me.

    Sarabi : It's not true. Tell me it's not true.

    Simba : It's true. I'm sorry.

    Scar : He admits it. Murderer!

    Simba : No, no. It was an accident.

    Scar : If it weren't for you the king would be alive. It's your fault he's dead! Do you deny it?

    Simba : I'm not a murderer.

    Scar : We should believe a son who takes the life of a father? We should believe a son who takes the life of a king? A son who abandons his mother?

  • Timon : [about the hyenas]  what's your plan for getting us past the slobbering guards?

    Simba : Live bait.

    [He, Nala and Zazu look at Pumbaa] 

    Pumbaa : That's a great idea. Those guys could never resist fresh meat! So all we need to do is find something that's like big, plump, and juicy, maybe like a gnu...

    [They all continue to stare blankly at him] 

    Pumbaa : why's everyone looking at me?

    Timon : [Shenzi's clan are paying attention to Timon and Pumbaa who is set up like a roast pig]  Ma chère, mademoiselle. It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we proudly present your dinner! Be... our - GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!

    [they flew before the clan of hunger mad hyenas] 

  • Pumbaa : [referring to the stars]  Hey, Timon. Do you ever look up there and wonder what those sparkly dots are?

    Timon : Oh, Pumbaa. I don't wonder. I know.

    Pumbaa : Really? What are they?

    Timon : They're fireflies. Fireflies that got stuck on that big bluish-black thing.

    Pumbaa : Oh, I guess that makes sense. I always thought they were balls of gas burning billions of miles away.

    Timon : Oh, Pumbaa, why is everything always gas with you?

    Pumbaa : I know.

    Timon : What do you think, Simba?

    Pumbaa : Yeah.

    Simba : Oh, I don't know. But somebody once told me, the great kings of the past are up there. And they're all watching over us.

    [Timon and Pumbaa start laughing] 

    Pumbaa : That's a good one! That's insane! That's insane!

    Timon : Royal dead guys watching over us! Well, I hope they don't fall out of the sky!

    Pumbaa : Hang on, your majesty! Don't let go!

    Timon : Oh, that would be a mess.

    Pumbaa : Oh, man!

    Timon : I mean, Simba, think about it. Why would a bunch of kings be looking out for us? We're outcasts.

    Pumbaa : Royal warthogs.

    Timon : I can't!

    Timon : I can't!

    Pumbaa : I actually can't.

    Timon : I can't.

    Pumbaa : No, you can. I can't.

    [Timon laughs again] 

    Simba : Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's stupid I'm going to go get some grubs or something

    [looking sad, Simba gets up and leaves] 

    Timon : What did you say to him?

    Pumbaa : I don't know.

    Timon : As you were saying it, I thought, "This won't end well" you just start laughing.

    Pumbaa : You laughed too.

    Timon : I did not. I would never.

    Pumbaa : Man, I blew it.

  • Simba : [referring to the impala running away from him]  What's up with that guy?

    Timon : Uh, Simba, How can I say this? He's prey.

    Pumbaa : Yeah

    Timon : And he is never going to want to frolic with a carnivore.

    Pumbaa : No. You two will never frolic.

    Simba : Why not?

    Timon : You see in nature, there's a delicate balance.

    Simba : Oh yeah. The circle of life. I know that.

    Pumbaa : No.

    Timon : No, no, no. I don't know where you're getting "circle" from

    Pumbaa : No, yeah. There's no circle of life.

    Timon : No, it's no Circle.

    Pumbaa : No, not at all.

    Timon : In fact, it's the opposite.

    Pumbaa : Yeah.

    Timon : It's a line.

    Pumbaa : Yeah.

    Timon : It's a meaningless line of indifference.

    Pumbaa : And we're all just running towards the end of that line. Then one day we'll reach the end and that'll be it. That's it. Line over.

    Timon : Nothing.

    Pumbaa : Nada. And you can really just kind of Do Your own thing and fend for yourself, because you're line doesn't affect anyone else's line.

    Timon : You're alive and then you're not

    [eats an insect] 

    Timon : like this guy. Mmm.

    Simba : You sure it's not a circle? that we're all connected?

    Pumbaa : A circle would mean we're all this. That would mean what I do affects him. affects that thing affects that thing.

    Timon : Yeah. No, that's not how it goes.

    Pumbaa : Which would make doing whatever we wanted not that cool.

    Timon : Let me simplify this for you. Life is meaningless.

    Pumbaa : Yes. that's why you just got to look out for yourself. That's why you do you, Simba.

    Timon : Yes Simba, for the first time, we're enrusting you to make a plan for us today

    Pumbaa : This is important, think about all you've been taught.

    Timon : What do you want to do?

    Simba : Absolutely nothing.

    Pumbaa : Exactly!

    Timon : Woo-hoo!

    Pumbaa : He gets it!

  • Simba : Who are you?

    Rafiki : I know exactly who I am. The question is, who are you?

    Simba : I'm nobody. So leave me alone, alright?

    Rafiki : Everybody is somebody. Even a nobody.

    Simba : Yeah, I think you're confused.

    Rafiki : I am confused? You don't even know who you are.

    Simba : Oh? And I suppose you do?

    Rafiki : I held the son of Mufasa.

    Simba : You knew my father?

    Rafiki : Correction, I know you're father.

    Simba : He died a long time ago.

    Rafiki : He's alive. And I can take you to him. Follow me. I will show you! Your father is waiting.

    [Simba just sees his reflection in the water] 

    Rafiki : Do you see him?

    Simba : I don't see anything.

    Rafiki : Look closer.

    [Simba looks closer at his reflection and sees his father] 

    Rafiki : You see, he lives in you.

  • Scar : Sarabi why put yourself through this, all you have to do is be my queen. Your suffering from what a memory of a life you once knew, a king you once loved. I tried to make you understand what a true king can be.

    Sarabi : Scar, a true kings power is his compassion.

    Scar : [angered]  I AM TEN TIMES THE KING, MUFASA WAS!

    Sarabi : You are nothing compared to Mufasa.

    [Scar attacks Sarabi] 

    Scar : [notices a roaring Simba]  Mufasa, that can't be.

    Simba : Get away from my mother!

  • Simba : I told you, isnt it great here? You know maybe it will be like this forever.

    Nala : It's amazing. But there's... there's something I don't understand, if you been alive all this time why haven't you come home? We really needed you.

    Simba : There fine... alright, nobody needs me.

    Nala : Your the king.

    Simba : Nala, Scar is the king.

    Nala : Simba he's decimated the pridelands, there's no food, no water.

    Simba : There's nothing I can do.

    Nala : What about your mother? This is your responsibility. You need to challenge Scar.

    Simba : I can't go back, ever.

    Nala : Why? Because of what happened at the gorge? Scar told us that...

    Simba : You wouldn't understand, none of it matters okay, Hakuna Matata.

    Nala : [confused]  What?

    Simba : It's something, I learned out here okay. You see sometimes bad things happen and there's nothing you can do about it, so why worry?

    Nala : Why worry? What happened to you? You're not the Simba I remember.

    Simba : And I never will be, are you satisfied?

    Nala : No, I'm disappointed.

    Simba : You know, now you're starting to sound like my father.

    Nala : Good, I'm glad one of us does.

    Simba : [angry]  You have no idea what I've been through.

    Nala : I came here looking for help, I guess I made a mistake. Goodbye Simba.

  • Pumbaa : [Timon and Pumbaa meet Zazu for the first time]  Hey, hey, look. A bird!

    Simba : Timon. Pumbaa. This is Zazu.

    Timon : Oh, wow... it's a puppet.

    Zazu : Charming. Simba, we are with you until the end.

    Pumbaa : We are at your service, my liege.

    Simba : Follow me.

  • Simba : Timon, Pumbaa, I want you to meet my best friend, Nala.

    Timon : Best friend? Well, that hurts.

    Simba : Nala, you're going to love it here. This place is amazing. It's everything you could ever want.

    Nala : Simba, we need to leave. Scar has taken over with the hyenas. You have to take your place as king.

    Timon : King? Simba?

    Pumbaa : We kneel before you as humble servants.

    [They both laugh] 

    Simba : Pumbaa, relax. She's wrong.

    Timon : Lady, you've got your lions crossed

    Pumbaa : Nice.

    Nala : Seeing you again, you don't know what this will mean everyone. What this means to me. You have to come home

    Simba : This is my home. Please stay. This place is incredible. I know you'll love it.

    Nala : I can't.

  • Timon : [as Simba burps]  Oh.

    Pumbaa : Hello!

    [Timon and Pumbaa laugh] 

    Timon : Nice one, Simba.

    Simba : Oh, thanks. Must've been the termites.

    Pumbaa : [farts]  Or the crickets.

    Timon : And you wonder why I prefer to sleep underground.

See also

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