John Miranda credited as playing...
- El Reviewer Random: [after suffering a heart attack] Where am I?
- God: You have traversed another existential plane. In mundane terms, it is what you know as the afterlife. Paradise, if you prefer.
- El Reviewer Random: And you...?
- God: That's right, I am the infinite and omnipotent being that dominates over all existence. You know me as God.
- El Reviewer Random: Do you exist?
- God: Indeed. And there are multiple very well-founded arguments to explain my existence. But here we are not bound by the banal limitations of space-time so such a matter can wait. I can read inside you that a more urgent question concerns you.
- El Reviewer Random: Well, yes. Not that I'd want to push my luck, but why am I here? I've always been an atheist and I just made a video making fun of a movie that's about defending your existence.
- God: Don't worry. I did not give you the precious gift of reasoning so that you would accept beliefs without first questioning them.