First, I watched this because I knew Kenny (Luca) and S. Ryan (Producer) from The Shield series, a masterpiece. I was hopping something great too, but the most remarkable thing from SWAT are some cameos from The Shield (Billings is still Billings) what was great though.
Secondly, SWAT is a super cheesy series,100% predictable, and worst of all the last two seasons are getting involved into political-racial issues (not interesting when you produce cheesy fiction) instead creating something more risky and interesting like The Shield.
Last, even the cast is pretty good and most of them credible as SWAT members (Street and Luca are the best) on the other hand Hondo has the worst acting by far. Same face, same words, same acting repeating on every single episode.
So overall, just cheesy entertainment not to think too much. Easy to forget almost every single episode because the lack of any interesting and deep storyline here.