583 of 720 found this to have none
One of the main characters is pregnant. Her water breaks and she bleeds before she delivers a baby in unfavorable circumstances. Nothing explicit is shown.
A married couple kisses.
367 of 549 found this moderate
A woman is shown stepping on a nail and blood drips from her foot. It is very terrifying and scary but also sad for what else is happening in this scene
A raccoon is abruptly flattened by unknown forces, then there is a large blood splatter.
While in a bathtub and in labor, blood is seen pouring from the woman's vagina but no nudity is shown. The bloody aftermath is seen a couple more times.
The audience sees a tub with a fair amount of blood in it. Later on, a bloody hand is seen.
An old man's wife is seen having been killed. A large gash is shown. Moderate blood.
If it wasn't for the labor scene, this movie probably could have been rated PG.
483 of 507 found this to have none
475 of 499 found this to have none
More than a dozen prescription pill bottles are shown in a scene.
371 of 609 found this severe
Very suspenseful and intense scenes.
Many abrupt jumpscares throughout.
While there are several jumpscares throughout, this film contains more tension than scares. There are plenty of scenes that will have you on the edge of your seat.
Kids are placed in perilous situations throughout the movie.
Characters are in the dark frequently and alone in suspenseful moments.
The monsters are extremely disturbing. They are humanoids with spider-like limbs, rotting flesh, and jagged teeth. They have armor-like "panels" on their eyeless faces that extend using sinewy muscles to reveal hearing organs on the side of their heads.