Veteran Films is a non-profit production company created to provide jobs for Veterans, Victims of Domestic Violence, and Native Americans. Veteran Films takes film novices and places the above individuals into jobs they can succeed at while learning the film business, and allows the individuals to migrate into other jobs they may find more suitable to their future within the business. Veteran Films' focus is hiring local crew and talent, or those connected in some manner locally.
On the very first day of location scouting 5 members of the crew piled out of a van during a blizzard and pushed a woman's stuck car out of the snow.
The Harbinger's set construction is the largest ever in the state of Minnesota. Consultant Red White also worked on the second largest of all time.
Set construction was at Ironbound Studios, the largest set warehouse in North America at over 50,000 sq./ft. set in the town of Chisholm, Mn pop. 5000.
Winner Best Director - Crypticon.