150 reviews
I loved season 1 funny, original, and thought provoking. Season 2 takes on a different tone that still is original and thought provoking but not as funny as Season 1.
- Eggoreluckadman
- May 29, 2020
- Permalink
It's like Atlanta but for Arabs and Muslims. It's pretty early but critic reviews have been great and the fan reviews have been oddly low. I think people are boycotting for some awful reason. Relatable for sure, not just for Arabs and Muslims, but for everyone really. Anyone who may feel they don't know their place in the world or their community. The acting is very solid, especially from the parents who are both incredible.
- awesomeman-toto
- Apr 18, 2019
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I fell in love with Ramy 1 and his identity crises issue, which is something most Muslim Americans go through.
Although I aporeciate the presence of the great actor Mahershala Ali and his great permormance and dedication to the role, I hated the immaturity of Ramy' role in second season.
- khaled-28442
- Jun 4, 2020
- Permalink
You can find out from my name that I am a Muslim and you can also know how many Muslims around the world suffer all the time from problems and accusations that we are terrorists to our endless problems and the wrong stereotype I wished that only one day will come and amend that wrong image Fortunately this day came and Ramy came with it .
Ramy is a comedy drama series, but it is mostly dramatic and reflects it in a simple way. He does not exaggerate in comedy and does not try to be very serious about subtraction.
The show features many representations of story and music
Ramy may not be the ideal image for Muslims, but what is fun if it is perfect?
The best thing about the show that Americans may not really understand is the struggle that we suffer as Muslims daily between being believers and our sins. Americans may not be considered important but it is important for every believer.
- ahmedgorshy
- Jul 13, 2020
- Permalink
I am a 60 year old american woman....never to old to learn insights into other cultures. This show is educational, spot on not only about Muslims and Arabs but about our current culture as well. It is funny and so smartly written and acted. Every actor cast is perfect....makes you feel these people are right next to me living this plot out and not actors at all. So good....
Speaking as an Egyptian-American Muslim, I can relate to a lot of what happens on the show. I've been through similar struggles before and I'm even currently going through that same identity struggle. One of the great aspects of the show that I can't stress enough is it's authenticity. While these struggles obviously don't portray what every Muslim goes through, I have been able to relate to most of the aspects of the show through either past experiences I've been through myself or through someone else I know. From the struggles that Ramy personally experiences, or the struggles that his sister and parents deal with, they all show a truth that many of us have lived with and it's refreshing seeing this accurate depiction.
The show is obviously controversial, as it deals with the struggles a Muslim might face while trying to balance beliefs and desires. I think it deals well with the controversy by not shying away from it. Not everyone might like the way that a Muslim might be portrayed but I think it does well in showing this other side of faith and having to deal with that struggle, and that even the most devout Muslims should be able to empathize with.
Regardless, the show is extremely well done. Everyone's acting on the show is beyond incredible, and goes to show the insane amount of talent that a lot of these actors have, even characters with minor roles. The writing is a bit iffy at times, but it still does an overall incredible job and provides a perfect mix of comedy while still keeping true to the purpose of the show in beautifully showing Ramy's identity struggle. Loved the soundtrack as well!
Before watching the show I was a bit skeptical at how it would turn out, but I have been incredibly surprised. It's amazing that there's finally a show that deals with the life of a Middle Eastern person living in the 'West'. All in all though, this isn't a great show because it's the first of its kind. This is a great show because it simply is a great show. An incredible job and I can't wait to see more of either this show or similar projects in the future.
The show is obviously controversial, as it deals with the struggles a Muslim might face while trying to balance beliefs and desires. I think it deals well with the controversy by not shying away from it. Not everyone might like the way that a Muslim might be portrayed but I think it does well in showing this other side of faith and having to deal with that struggle, and that even the most devout Muslims should be able to empathize with.
Regardless, the show is extremely well done. Everyone's acting on the show is beyond incredible, and goes to show the insane amount of talent that a lot of these actors have, even characters with minor roles. The writing is a bit iffy at times, but it still does an overall incredible job and provides a perfect mix of comedy while still keeping true to the purpose of the show in beautifully showing Ramy's identity struggle. Loved the soundtrack as well!
Before watching the show I was a bit skeptical at how it would turn out, but I have been incredibly surprised. It's amazing that there's finally a show that deals with the life of a Middle Eastern person living in the 'West'. All in all though, this isn't a great show because it's the first of its kind. This is a great show because it simply is a great show. An incredible job and I can't wait to see more of either this show or similar projects in the future.
- brown-banana
- Apr 19, 2019
- Permalink
As a saudi muslim living in america i can say this is the story of my life. i cant Believe what I'm watching its soooooo good. every episode is better than the last one I am so blown away. of my favourite shows
- abdulelah-74844
- Apr 20, 2019
- Permalink
First, this review is from an Arab Muslim because a lot of the negative reviews highlight that they are Arab Muslims.
After finishing season 2 of Ramy, I was left with a lot and a lot of questions that needed an answer. answers not from the series or the creators, but from myself. and only me.
Ramy wasn't just a great story during those two seasons. it was a real journey on it we discover how people feel and think and present themselves to the world and the inner state of mind.
each time I thought to myself, "this person needs an episode for him so we can get to know more of the background of him", the series flies by a story that is emotionally captivating and irreversibly makes all the characters very important with their role in the plot.
it taught me things I have never thought of before. for the real people like "Ramy Hassan" out there, I hope they find their way. to pause their life for some time and re-think about the things they do and want.
there is not a single actor who hasn't been AMAZING in this show. I want to thank every single person who helped in creating this work of art and human narration to self and to others.
Ramy: season 1, 9/10 Ramy: Season 2, 10/10
Ramy wasn't just a great story during those two seasons. it was a real journey on it we discover how people feel and think and present themselves to the world and the inner state of mind.
each time I thought to myself, "this person needs an episode for him so we can get to know more of the background of him", the series flies by a story that is emotionally captivating and irreversibly makes all the characters very important with their role in the plot.
it taught me things I have never thought of before. for the real people like "Ramy Hassan" out there, I hope they find their way. to pause their life for some time and re-think about the things they do and want.
there is not a single actor who hasn't been AMAZING in this show. I want to thank every single person who helped in creating this work of art and human narration to self and to others.
Ramy: season 1, 9/10 Ramy: Season 2, 10/10
- youssef_salam
- Jun 2, 2020
- Permalink
I am a 57 year old Dutch man who accidentally found this series as I was scrolling down the list of Golden Globe winners. I thought the premise stood out, and gave it a try. Well, I am so pleasantly surprised by Ramy! First of all Ramy himself is totally adorable as the hipster/ muslim boy. He is charming, handsome, funny and smart. Ramy wants to be a good muslim but finds himself often in situations where it is impossible to choose to be a decent muslim or a happy cityboy. This makes for bittersweet episodes that pile up prejudice upon prejudice. Ramy gives all his family member and friends their own stories, many times so confrontational it becomes painful to watch, but luckily the many funny twists make it still digestible. Ramy undeniable has deserved his Golden Globe. The stories Ramy tells are spot on. They capture American society from a muslim perspective and that is not often seen on tv. I should also mention the photography, it is gorgious and artful, and at its best in the surreal scenes.
- alfa-624-376688
- Jan 13, 2020
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So when I heard about a series made by an american streaming service about an american Muslim young man of Egyptian descent I, being and Egyptian Muslim, kinda knew what to expect, conflict between the liberal american life style and the conservative Islamic beliefs and of course parents who value the traditions of the old country more than they value religion which common among born Muslims and quit honestly the show didn't disappoint, it showed a weird Egyptian everyday family living in the American society so this part of it didn't surprise me but was never the less very delightful.
what truly surprised me, in a good way, however was all the 1980s and 1990s nostalgia left subtly for Egyptian in the know in most of the Arabic music that featured in the show but the most delightfully surprising part of it is Amr Waked's make up, it's like everyday before shooting he went to the make up artist looking like an Egyptian young-ish man and he came out looking like Refaat Ismael in a good day and if you're an Egyptian Millennial who doesn't know who Refaat Ismael is then I'm sorry that your life as teenager was magic free.
Like all the other shows mentioned in the subject Ramy takes a deep dive into the culture the protagonist lives in. It's funny, sad, emotional, hilarious and is a rollercoaster for emotions.
Don't think of it as a comedy it's a show about the reality of living in Muslim/ethnic family and because it's a TV show and not a documentary there are some exaggerations which people in other reviews can't grasp but what can you do.
As an ethnic immigrant who grew around Muslims in Australia, this show is stirs up conversation of the taboos in a brown society and explores each character with time and care.
Again if you're a fan of the other shows you'll love this, if not then give it a shot with any expectations (specially expectation to be offended)
- ishanmanutdfan
- Jul 15, 2020
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I like to like it, as the idea is promising. I can identify with it having lived in the UK for 12 years. But think the comic exaggeration is over the top. Gratuitous mentioning Palestinians to fill in awkward moments, some sexual encounters are over the top and farfetched, jumping from a reluctant kiss on first date to erotic asphyxiation for a punchline that could've been achieved without going that far. What is Muslim Muslim? Is it a self-perception definition? Or outside perception? Comedy is a hit n miss process, can't say it's a hit but it is a start.
1) the show is an example of another Orientalism problem: show is full of stereotypes about angry and irrational Arabs even though Ramy looks like breaking these sets and many other things
2) looks like authors were collecting all exceptions like antisemitic uncle, old fashioned parents, dumb friends.. in reality this all would be balanced. Stories dont look natural
3) i've been to many mosques around the World and never seen the one like on Ramy: irreligious (anti-religious) discussion in a mosque ( like sneafing cocaine ?) , Visitors looks like they dont know how to pray and so on.
4) looks like all Arab characters are dumb in the show
The show is rather a depiction of how some maybe muslim millenials ( who barely see mosques or muslim communities in their daily life ) imagine their counterparts than the real picture of Muslim communities.
The show is rather a depiction of how some maybe muslim millenials ( who barely see mosques or muslim communities in their daily life ) imagine their counterparts than the real picture of Muslim communities.
Some of the reviews are so frustrating. This is spot on with its portrayal of a Muslim family...with parents who immigrated here and children who were raised here....saying it isn't "Muslim" enough because the kids swear in front of their parents...I have always swore in front of my parents among other things that I think become more normal or common the longer we were here. After a while a lot of Muslim families in America kind of mash these new American normalcies with how a Muslim family might live who did NOT immigrate to America. This is spot on...the "Muslims" who decided this isn't real enough based on THEIR opinion and nothing else are so ignorant. This show is AMAZING!
- benji-UCLA
- May 1, 2020
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To all those viewers (Muslims & non- Muslims), who criticize this series for delivering an inaccurate picture of the Muslim community in the US, one must remind them that Ramy is not a docuseries and never meant to be. It is Ramy Yussef's comedic take on leading life as a Muslim boy in a foreign country filled with varied faiths.
- pangipingu
- May 12, 2020
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Easily one of the best shows in the last decade. I binged through it. Something I never do.
Not being a Muslim myself, you witness universal truth how it is to be unfairly misjudged all accompanied by great sincere humor as we all evolve through this life in different age brackets (parents, sister, brother, friends) to be good human beings--excelling and failing all at the same time.
The acting, directing, writing is all TOP notch! Great casting all around.
I easily foresee this show winning awards this season!! It has that "it" factor!
Not being a Muslim myself, you witness universal truth how it is to be unfairly misjudged all accompanied by great sincere humor as we all evolve through this life in different age brackets (parents, sister, brother, friends) to be good human beings--excelling and failing all at the same time.
The acting, directing, writing is all TOP notch! Great casting all around.
I easily foresee this show winning awards this season!! It has that "it" factor!
I can't speak to the authenticity of the show, as I do not come from this background. The show offers a platform for an under-represented wedge of our melting pot, which I think is important. That platform is used to great effect. The writing is witty and insightful. The characters are likable and interesting with enough depth to keep you interested. I really believe this to be a must-watch.
- randolphnimmer
- Apr 19, 2019
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I'm 47 years old male originally from Russia, I'm agnostic and I love this show.
Probably this show is very important regarding religion parts of it, I don't know. I see mainly for first and second generation immigration issues and challenges. I like the tone and its quirkiness more, than similar "immigration" shows, like Fresh off the Boat and Never Have I Ever.
Also can you get enough of Mahershala Ali on TV? Personally I can't.
Great show, hope for a 3rd season.
A dramedy about the lives of Egyptian-Americans, their struggles, their hopes, and dreams.
Brilliant writing, mesmerizing acting & directing.
Among all the new shows and repetitive superheroes, it's refreshing to see the world from the lens of minorities.
You learn to love the characters and laugh & cry with them.
I was not expecting the show to invoke these many feelings, somehow they feel familiar & foreign at the same time.
We always have the picture of Muslims in a certain way, Ramy offers them through a non black & white lens.
If you have longed for something new and fresh, do yourself a favor & watch Ramy.
Brilliant writing, mesmerizing acting & directing.
Among all the new shows and repetitive superheroes, it's refreshing to see the world from the lens of minorities.
You learn to love the characters and laugh & cry with them.
I was not expecting the show to invoke these many feelings, somehow they feel familiar & foreign at the same time.
We always have the picture of Muslims in a certain way, Ramy offers them through a non black & white lens.
If you have longed for something new and fresh, do yourself a favor & watch Ramy.
I was sitting watching tv when the trailer for this series came on.
Something felt wrong.
As a Muslim who grew up in a Western society for 22 years, I do not like the way Muslims are being portrayed.
Something felt wrong.
As a Muslim who grew up in a Western society for 22 years, I do not like the way Muslims are being portrayed.
- meyada-70629
- Sep 5, 2019
- Permalink
Is ramy the best show you'll ever see? No...is ramy the worst show you'll ever see? No
like someone said...it's a mixed bag. The episode about jerking off his friend was terrible...the episode about ramy's dad was amazing.
It shows the struggle of millenials with religion and i guess that's why i want to keep watching but it also does over the top depictions like the cursing infront of parents the crudeness even in the mosques...although i feel like it's for some artistic effect
when it veers off to try and build the other characters...it falls short most of the time.
I really hate that i like this show. It's probably the only show that i find speaks to the struggle of balancing trying to do right be a good person practice your spiritual side and still live a full life. Ramy is a weak character and that's the point yes...i see alot of him in me...technically we're all like Ramy in some ways
unlike what most people say...season 2 was way better than season 1. Season 1 was empty and drifted alot season 2 had a little more ground. I really hope they up it with season 3. Pleeeeeaase!!
Ramy...the not-so-great show that i like.
like someone said...it's a mixed bag. The episode about jerking off his friend was terrible...the episode about ramy's dad was amazing.
It shows the struggle of millenials with religion and i guess that's why i want to keep watching but it also does over the top depictions like the cursing infront of parents the crudeness even in the mosques...although i feel like it's for some artistic effect
when it veers off to try and build the other characters...it falls short most of the time.
I really hate that i like this show. It's probably the only show that i find speaks to the struggle of balancing trying to do right be a good person practice your spiritual side and still live a full life. Ramy is a weak character and that's the point yes...i see alot of him in me...technically we're all like Ramy in some ways
unlike what most people say...season 2 was way better than season 1. Season 1 was empty and drifted alot season 2 had a little more ground. I really hope they up it with season 3. Pleeeeeaase!!
Ramy...the not-so-great show that i like.
- Nostradamus_esquire
- Apr 7, 2022
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- vivamanutd84
- Apr 19, 2019
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"Ramy" is a well-made TV show with some bright moments, especially when Ramy's character becomes more philosophical in his pursuit for contentment, usually the scenes with Mahershala Ali's Teacher character in. But all too often this is cut way too short by episodes or protracted moments where the writers/filmmakers feel the undying NEED to over-apologise for every possible issue in existence which the Western World may have with Islam and Muslims. I really think that both the character and filmmaker versions of Ramy are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, whereby they want to explore their heritage and religious philosophy, but the overbearing establishment breathing down their neck, having bullied them for so long, is making them constantly feel guilty for simply being Muslim, and thus they are constantly trying to imitate their white oppressor. Malcolm X once asked: "Who taught you to hate yourself?" and I think Ramy may need to be asked that.
To be honest I sometimes think the show does a better job of discrediting and smearing Islam than it's critics do. The key reason for this is because it makes minimal effort to differentiate between whether the issues, such as the Muslim characters' prejudices of other people, are personal issues of the characters (cultural), rather than issues of Islam. This leaves the door open for people who may not be educated on the matter to draw improper conclusions and associate the flaws of the self-concerned characters with Islam itself. The sad part is that this is all done in the name of comedy, often for some cheap, and unfunny laughs. You can say that this is to 'create conversation' and that the problematic Muslim characters do exist. But the same arguments are made by the far right who also generalise Muslims based on the actions of minorities. For far too long Muslims have suffered from mass-misrepresentation based on the actions of a few, and unfortunately, Ramy does not do too much to change this.
Also I have to say I did roll my eyes when I saw yet ANOTHER story about how much of a tiring and unbearable experience, being Muslim is. While the show does do more than what a lot of other surface level works do to explore some of the nuances, it simply drowns in the white-noise of it's annoying flaws. This isn't made easy by the excruciatingly annoying character of Ramy, he comes across as so entitled and (real-life)Ramy's bumbling and repetitive delivery of his lines doesn't really help. The characters just feel repetitive and two-dimensional a lot of the time. You could say that his character is meant to grow as the show progresses but he feels quite static to be honest, and it's nobody's fault but his own.
I will also note that I don't think (real-life)Ramy has any malicious intentions in making this show, he just seems to be confused with what he's trying to do, and I think he must have one too many voices in his ear.
To be honest I sometimes think the show does a better job of discrediting and smearing Islam than it's critics do. The key reason for this is because it makes minimal effort to differentiate between whether the issues, such as the Muslim characters' prejudices of other people, are personal issues of the characters (cultural), rather than issues of Islam. This leaves the door open for people who may not be educated on the matter to draw improper conclusions and associate the flaws of the self-concerned characters with Islam itself. The sad part is that this is all done in the name of comedy, often for some cheap, and unfunny laughs. You can say that this is to 'create conversation' and that the problematic Muslim characters do exist. But the same arguments are made by the far right who also generalise Muslims based on the actions of minorities. For far too long Muslims have suffered from mass-misrepresentation based on the actions of a few, and unfortunately, Ramy does not do too much to change this.
Also I have to say I did roll my eyes when I saw yet ANOTHER story about how much of a tiring and unbearable experience, being Muslim is. While the show does do more than what a lot of other surface level works do to explore some of the nuances, it simply drowns in the white-noise of it's annoying flaws. This isn't made easy by the excruciatingly annoying character of Ramy, he comes across as so entitled and (real-life)Ramy's bumbling and repetitive delivery of his lines doesn't really help. The characters just feel repetitive and two-dimensional a lot of the time. You could say that his character is meant to grow as the show progresses but he feels quite static to be honest, and it's nobody's fault but his own.
I will also note that I don't think (real-life)Ramy has any malicious intentions in making this show, he just seems to be confused with what he's trying to do, and I think he must have one too many voices in his ear.
- sunburn-63912
- Aug 21, 2020
- Permalink
I'm a Coptic Egyptian. If you wanna know what that means, look it up :). I was born in Egypt. If the show was meant to show an Egyptian household as an immigrants living here raising their kids...in many ways it did not connect with me and many of other Egyptian Family's I know. I kept saying to myself, no this is definitely not something an Egyptian household would do or say, so in that regard it feel real flat. I felt it was very westernized to make people happy here. Also, there's definitely some unrealistic POVs, which I won't get into from a "supposed" Egyptian Immigrant parents and their kids. It's a bit strange to me.
- hakeemnermeen
- Oct 7, 2022
- Permalink
I am a 52 year old generic white dude and I love this show. I forget in between seasons how well written this show is until I start watching the new season. I had never heard of Ramy Youssef prior to this series but I find his perspective to be very unique and interesting.
I am 5 episodes in and thoroughly enjoying season 3 so far. It might be the best season yet. There are very few shows that I actually get tempted to rewatch seasons and this is one of them.
I also enjoyed Mo over on Netflix a lot which I believe Ramy has his hands in. Top notch television. I look forward to seeing what comes next from this guy.
I am 5 episodes in and thoroughly enjoying season 3 so far. It might be the best season yet. There are very few shows that I actually get tempted to rewatch seasons and this is one of them.
I also enjoyed Mo over on Netflix a lot which I believe Ramy has his hands in. Top notch television. I look forward to seeing what comes next from this guy.
- kjak-69010
- Sep 30, 2022
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