I was on the edge about watching this, the reviews not being very glorious so far. I decided to watch it anyway because I like the movie's poster and I can say that while it wasn't amazing, I enjoyed it and thought it was a fairly good movie, with some flaws. Firstly, it's quite hard to categorize this movie, as it tries to be many different genres, starting from a supernatural horror, then a crime-thriller, then Misery, then a drama, then a home invasion. It's quite the mixed bag there and while it does work at times, there are other times where it feels like the movie overwhelmed itself. For example the little girl starts out as creepy, but suddenly turns stupid half-way through. That's not really a tight script, for a movie that relies entirely on 2-3 characters. Then there's the ghosts, and they feel out of place. What is the movie really trying to be?? However, despite these shortcomings I thought it was fairly enjoyable and decent, if you like slower movies about only a few characters, and are not expecting a horror movie. It definitely is more of a crime-thriller with some drama and ghosts (for whatever reason). I think it would have been better received if they got rid of the ghosts entirely.