- Maggie Rening: Who's this?
- Sean McCaffrey: This is Ronald Bartel, the deadliest arsonist since Mrs. O'Leary's cow.
- Ronald Bartel: Moo!
- Brian McCaffrey: Maybe if you bit your tongue every once in a while, your career dissipation light wouldn't be flashing right now.
- Brian McCaffrey: I'm not letting another McCaffrey die!
- Sean McCaffrey: Listen to me. You'll watch two if you don't get out now.
- Sean McCaffrey: 'Cause the language of these people is fire, right?
- Ronald Bartel: Oh, they don't speak the language of fire. Not like we do.
- Sean McCaffrey: You and I don't speak the same language.
- Ronald Bartel: Oh, come on, Sean. Of course we do. You love to speak with the dragon. So do I. And the dragon loves to speak with us, and you know it. Poor Rimgale. That's all he ever wanted. But the dragon wouldn't dance for him. It's true. Just you and me, Sean. When your Uncle Brian and Rimgale came to see me in here, they came to interview the Devil. You knew that if you were ever going to come in here to see me, you knew it was your alter ego that you'd be seeing. You would be seeing another you.
- [waves at Sean]
- Ronald Bartel: Hi, another me!
- Sean McCaffrey: I'm the son and grandson of dead firemen. I investigate arson, not because I like fire, but because I understand it. Distinction without a difference to some of the people I work with.
- Ronald Bartel: They just wanted what all would-be dragon-tamers want. They wanted an opportunity to sit with the man they know knows how to converse with the dragon.
- Brian McCaffrey: Maybe if you bit your tongue every once in a while, your career dissipation light wouldn't be flashing right now.
- Sean McCaffrey: Trouble with biting my tongue is... I always seem to end up with a mouthful of blood.