I saw it once on cinema and as far as I know it was only released one month then it was gone, not even DVD is out yet, but I remember it was weird and yet very awesome at the same time.
A nameless high school student gets intro trouble with his school after he was caught in a street fight. Since his style cannot be tolerated in a high class school he is transferred to a low class school where he meet his old love interest, Anna, but she has changed and is a leader of a high school gang known as The Metamorphosis, they control the school with another high school gang, but when other gang member falls inlove with him, it goes all out war, the teachers who had enough also go into war with their own gang as The Authorities, later other gangs get involved including a bike gang known as Fatty Bob Dudes and prostitute Gang The Playmates.
It's really weird and funny, and very difficult to take it serious, specially when the cast looks like they had too much fun. It's not so weird as the Japanese style, but it's weir enough and a good beginning of a crazy Chinese genre.