Imo it is the best battle royale game however pubg and blackout is so close that it feels wrong to say Apex is the best. If we go by definition then Apex is the number 1 lol. I mean Fortnite and Player Unknown's Battle Grounds are terrible video game names let's be honest. Anyway the biggest problem with Apex is the micro system. Most people will spend a handful of money at least once, even then it is pointless to aim for something you want. I played since launch and the first 6 months after opening over 100 hard earned packs I had no legendary for my main at the time. I rarely got crafting medals in the packs. If I did get crafting medals it was only like 15 or something. (1200) for skin. I did however get like 5 mozambique legendary skins. I then got so fed up that I spent real money for about 50 packs total. All I got was dirty toilet paper. Time went by and eventually I quit Apex. I got my kunai at 498 apex packs!!!!! One heirloom 3 years of sweating the game. Came back to the game last week after leaving the game in season 13 and while it has improved a lot it is still a garbage system. Oh and the devs took like 5 years to get cross progression did they not?