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Kruh in mleko (2001)
dry, concise, not a masterpiece but worth seeing
I quite appreciated this movie, because of its dry and not pretentious style, usage of shots and b/w to reproduce a not-so-happy present society in Slovenia. It's about social issues that hardly will find a prompt answer in a society that present itself as unsteady and in the middle of a deep change.
The director chooses this unpersonal style, through which it obtains the disappearing of its presence in the movie - it's an unobtrusive narrator - and at same time it gives the product a docudrama style quite right.
Well written, it just loses rythm here and then, the second part is not so strong as the first one, but it's short enough not to spiral out its path.
Good work.
Le mani sulla città (1963)
good piece, good movie, an italian historical view
Good inquiry movie, talking about the "roaring" '60 when every builder wanted to get richer and richer, basing his success on poor people's needs. It's a constant in Rosi's movies this political touch, but it's not about complaining about one party or the other, but it's more subtly focused on a certain italian laissez-faire in political matters and in social affairs that in some way is still alive today.
Its way of leaving a great space to dialogues and to silent scenes around the city contributes to create a journalistic approach and the witty speeches give the movie an interesting touch.
Well assembled, quite involving, an interesting piece about how power tends to contribute to its power only.
Also an essential view on the 60s and italian postwar society.