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Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
What a load of s***
How are people rating this film, it boggles the mind that something so shallow is rated over 8 on IMDb. I can only imagine most people rating this have never seen the original or are under 16 years of age. Its all CGI with little substance. I would have rated it a 5/10 but i only gave it 2 to balance out the ridiculous claims that this is a great movie.
This is typical of Hollywood to make something so mediocre compared to the original, just to cash in, not that the original was great but they should have at least made something remotely similar, or follows on from the original.. its lack any significance or similarity to the original movies. The first Mad Max was never great, but gave an insight as to who he was, 2 and 3 were significantly better. It seems Mad Max: Fury Road should have been better, but it just doesn't hit the mark, its shallow, there's not much dialogue to speak of, and new audiences (younger people) who never saw Mad Max wouldn't understand who he even is... This film just shows him as some random person in the desert, in some care, thats gets caught by some other random strangers and imprisoned... but for what, it doesn't really get deep into the why and who he is... This movie should never have had the Mad Max tag, its not even remotely Mad Max.
Ramble over...
The Ladykillers (2004)
Good and Bad.
As a remake this movie falls flat, as a stand alone movie its not too bad and will appeal more to a younger audience and probably mostly American one at that.
Here is the problem with remakes - If you make it exactly like the original then there is little point in remaking it, if you just change the country what is the point when the dialogue and the setting is the exact same almost, with a few words changed here and there... Coupling UK and Coupling USA is a good example... and also maybe Life on Mars. Of course these are TV shows but the comparison stands.
They made this movie very different to the original and shouldn't have called it a remake, or even The Ladykillers. In no way does this resemble the original, which is a classic and is still watchable today but set far in the past when TVs were black and white... is it better than this movie if you are comparing them as the same movie... the original blows this away without a doubt.
So bare that in mind when watching this movie. I wouldn't compare these movies at all, to be honest they are far too different to compare, the only comparison i can come up with is that they have the same name and some of the characters are similar... the scenario is quite different except that they are both about stealing money.
Not a bad or great movie by any means, and i think Hanks character tried to be like the Alec Guinness one, a little strange, and it didn't quite work, for me anyway...
The Last American Virgin (1982)
Not quite as good as the original.
I only recently got to see this movie after all these years and i have to say the original this is based on is much better. I suppose you either have to be American to like this more or maybe see this before you see the original.
Lemon Popsicle beats this in every way, the characters are funnier, better, and more believable in Popsicle, the music is generally better in Popsicle and seems to make the movie more fun to watch.
The storyline in Popsicle is totally ripped off by this movie, completely, with small changes here and there, basically if you have seen Lemon Popsicle you have seen Last American Virgin and its not worth watching again with dreary dull actors and acting.
Give it a miss if you have seen Lemon Popsicle, you wont be missing anything, just a lot of dull acting, although the music tracks are half decent... the rest fails.