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7 Reviews
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Wuthering Heights (1998 TV Movie)
25 February 2007
A wonderful, faithful adaptation, the 1998 version of Wuthering Heights captures all the romance, brutality and passion of the novel. Orla Brady is stunning as Cathy and truly captures the character, particularly towards the end of the story. Robert Cavanah is also wonderful as Heathcliff, the story's complex (and challenging to play, I'm sure) antihero. The rest of the performances are emotionally charged as well, and no one seems to fall short. One of the great things about this story is how real and complex its characters are. No one is totally angelic or demonic, -good people are driven to do terrible things, and the worst of people love more passionately than all the others. It is a dark, beautiful story, filled with romance and suffering. For fans of the novel, this is the most faithful adaptation I have found, and for those of you who have not read the book, it is a beautiful, moving film.
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A WONDERFUL movie, but it's NOT the book.
30 August 2006
A must see for fans of the romantic, the poignant/tear jerker, and the classic. Oberon gives a wonderful performance, and Olivier and Fitzgerald (the second of which has only a supporting role) are both exceptional and heartbreaking. Olivier's acting has always blown my mind, and his performance as Heathcliff is no exception. This is one of the great black and white movie romances of all time, and frankly one of the best movies I've ever seen. Having said this, I must add that it is NOT Wuthering Heights the book. It's the G rated version of the book, which is not the same thing at all (Heathcliff is not exactly G rated). Despite this fact, I give the film a 10/10, because, though it does its own thing, it does it very, very, very well.
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A truly amazing film
6 January 2006
Life is Beautiful is a completely original depiction of the Holocost, filled with dark humor. When I first heard that there was a comedy of the Holocost, I was extremely against the idea. I though it would minimize the importance of the event and make it appear trivial. But it isn't making fun of the Holocost, and the extreme light hearted humor actually adds to the tragedy of the story. Benigni delivers an amazing performance as Guido, a care free, creative and playful individual you instantly adore. We watch him win the heart of the woman of his dreams, successfully open the bookshop he always wanted, and have a kid. Then, because they are Jewish, they're sent to a concentration camp. But Guido makes sure his son doesn't know they're in real danger, telling him it's a game, and being careful to always hide his suffering. He continues to be hopeful and funny, and that's what makes the tragedy of the Holocost so real. We see Guido create a Beautiful life for his family, then we see the Nazi's destroy it. The difference in the lives of Jews before/after Nazi's is clearer here than in any other Holocost film I have seen. Guido's attempt to keep the illusion of beauty alive for his son is, to me incredibly inspirational. Life can be, and should be Beautiful.

10 out of 10 stars.
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5 October 2005
This is a film of truly Great Actresses. Without a doubt, Hepburn, Boujold, and Redgrave make this film worth seeing. Hepburn, as always, carries the show with ease. Redgrave and Boujold both claim smaller roles, but with a lasting impact. Boujold in particular delivers a haunting interpretation of Cassandra. The script its self is a decent adaptation of a first-class play, and by its self would rank at around a C in my books, but the incredible performances of the actresses bring the movie to life and raise my opinion of the movie to a B. Their performances along with the moving story they tell makes it easy enough to look over the one or two poorly directed scenes or the occasional overly dramatic moment.
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Thumbelina (1994)
21 June 2004
Thumbalina. This is a good family movie. The story is fun and sweet, the characters are memorable and lovable and the music is good ("Let me be your wings" and "Once there was the sun" are particularly memorable). Thumbalina is a good family movie, the kids will love it and the parent's will enjoy it as well. This is definitely a movie to see if you want to be reminded of 3 things: "true love conquers all", "follow your heart", and "nothing is impossible". Those are not the only life lessons it discreetly teaches, many others are buried deeply in it, like all great fairy tales. Don't see it if you want brilliant animation or movie perfection, see it if you want a "feel good" fairytale that. I would give this movie 7 stars out of 10.
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Psycho (1960)
One of the greatist movies I have ever seen! !!!SPOILERS!!!
8 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Psycho is one of the most famous movies in American history. Now that I've seen it, I'm not suprised. The basic plot is: (even though people who haven't seen it already know)

The story is about a woman named Marian Crane who steels 40,000 dollars (at that time a 10 years salary!) and runs off to meet her boyfriend. On the way she stops at the BATES MOTEL, a hotel with "12 rooms and 12 vacancies" that is owned by a young man named Norman Bates. Norman has his own troubles, he lives with his mother, a spiteful and controlling woman. After a long and moving talk with Norman, Marian makes up her mind to return the money. She goes and takes a shower and is murdered by who appears to be Norman's mother. A few moments later Norman finds her dead. The remainder of the movie is about Marian's sister and boyfriend attempting to find out what happened to Marian, and Norman is trying to cover for "mom". Mom ends up to have been dead for 10 years. Norman killed her (for why see movie) and couldn't live with what he had done, so he tried to recreate Mom, in the end he developed Multiple Personality disorder. HE killed Marian and 2 other women before her AS his mother. He would later "awake as if in a daze" to discover what he had done. "Mom" killed because Norman had been in love with Marian, and the 2 other women and he NEEDED his mother to care about him enough to do anything to keep him with her. At the end we discover the more dominate half of Norman (the "mother" half) has probably taken over forever, but he is sent to a place that might be able to help him. (Norman VERY likable when he is him, I hope the place does it's job!)

Amazing performances by all the cast, especially Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates. He is believable as the simple, lovable kid and the...... Psycho! I give this movie 10/10 stars, because it is, as far as I can tell, flawless.
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A basic fairytale...enjoyable family movie
21 January 2004
I first saw this movie when I was about 7 and I loved it. It has enjoyable characters, and a interesting (but understandable to children)plot. Now a teenager, I came across this movie again and checked it out, curious if I would respond to it the same way. I did! The special effects are definetly not spectacular, but it is still a wonderful story.I recomend this movie to people who love fairytales, or childrens movies or your basic uplifting, romance, "good verses evil" plot. I would give this movie 7/10 stars. Definately a family film.
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