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War Room (2015)
An uplifting Message...
The people on IMDb message boards (and elsewhere) that rant against Christian / God-inspired movies are quite obviously people who once 'dared face God' and rebelliously decided that obedience to his Word was somehow 'truncating' their FREE will. Clearly those naysayers DO believe in God, but they are not yet ready to bow their head in obedience, so they raill against God, Whom they fear. They make disdainful comments about Believers because they themselves are insecure and cannot reconcile The Truth with their devil-inspired desires. All of life is ILLUSION, the only REALITY is GOD. I pray for the naysayers, as long as they still live they are to be considered salvageable, and Jesus will accept them with love and without condemnation. They need only reach out to Him. Praise Jesus and the makers of movies like this one, and The Gospel of John, and anything Pureflix>> God's Not Dead, The Encounter, etc. (PS, IMDb spell checker: raill is the correct word, it's only recently started to be replaced in spellchecking programs with 'rail' though 'raill' has a distinctly DIFFERENT meaning. I decry the stupidity that is creeping in everywhere (even though I started using 'ain't' as an 'affectation' a few years back when I moved to The South, but I never said I was NOT a hypocrite). :)
October Gale (2014)
Great Movie, like reading a short story about 'life'.
I really enjoyed this movie. Watched it at 2:00 am when I was writing the final revision of my latest book. I actually stopped working to watch it in entirety when I usually just listen to movies with one ear while working on my writings. Several other commentators did not like this movie. I don't know what they were expecting, I wasn't expecting anything. Netflix just 'recommended' it to me, and I said 'okay whatever'. It wasn't 'deep', it didn't make me waste time thinking about it, it was just an enjoyable semi-suspenseful movie. There was some good emotional moments and the main character, a female doctor grieving for her husband who had died the winter before, was well acted by the beautiful, middle-aged actress whose name I just forgot. (I would have said 'the fall before' but it was Canada so October is really 'winter'.) Along comes a youngish guy who is injured. He's cute, but BFD most actors in Canadian/American films tend to be good looking, which is a shame since most PEOPLE are just average looking. That's why I generally prefer BBC productions or, these days, NOLLYwood movies (Nigeria) because the people look like your neighbors. Anyway I recommend it for a rainy afternoon with a box of homemade popcorn and a sweetie. Likely he'll be reading a book or watching ESPN on his hand-held, but hey, that's fine. After the movie is over, you can go to bed and bother dissecting this movie (or whatever was playing on ESPN).
Murdoch Mysteries (2008)
Interesting, well made, but writers push 'political agendas'
I like the acting in this mystery/detective show. I like the scenery too. But there are SEVERAL things I DO NOT like. #1 the Medical Examiner is a WOMAN, which I HARDLY believe would be true, not in Victorian CANADA. Canada is 'behind' the USA by about 20 years in most cultural aspects and political 'leanings'. Second, it is very obvious that the writers, like so many 21st century TV show writers, push THEIR agendas, particularly HOMOSEXUAL agendas. I'm watching season 1 and the so-called 'ME' has just 'declared' that homosexuality is 'natural' behavior and that a man killed himself because he couldn't live 'a lie' any longer. The man was married with a child but 'in love' with another man. The fact that he conceived a child with his FEMALE wife, does nto indicate 'homo'sexuality but 'bi'sexuality (or what I like to call by its true name: promiscuous sexuality. Not only do the writers of this tripe get to push their hatred of The Church (Christianity) but their own evil desire to have DEVIANT sexual behavior declared as 'normal'. I know I'll be 'flamed' here, but so what? I'm speaking TRUTH not FANTASY. Deviant behavior is exactly that, as well as 'possibly' a mental illness, but it is NOT 'normal' behavior, not at all, and it never will be. It is possible that it might become 'accepted as normal' by the sheeple of the world, but that will NOT make it 'NATURAL'. When the ME raills against God she is claiming that The Bible is just 'words' from an age of repression and mythological beliefs, rather than what it is 'the inspired Word of God'. We are all sinners, but we also have free will, a Gift from God. A GIFT to be used to to find our way through adversity and the devil's temptations, to finally and no longer see through a glass darkly. This is not an opinion held by the sheeple or members of the devil's minions, but it is Absolute TRUTH.
The Identical (2014)
Wonderful family entertainment, loved it!
I just needed something to be 'background noise' as I worked on my own projects. Turned on this movie on Netflix on my 2nd large monitor next to my 'working' monitor. Ended up getting an unexpected two-hour break from work due to cancelled meetings, so I sat back in my chair and focused on the movie. It started rather slowly and since I had not read the synopsis here, I didn't know what to expect, but hey I had my popcorn so I settled in to watch. It is an excellent family type movie or maybe a kinda 'chick flick'. NO sex. NO swearing. NO smoking. NO drinking (by the main characters). Just normal, average folks trying to lead good lives. Blake Rayne starring in his first movie ever. He is a well-known Elvis impersonator and that is obvious after the first 10 minutes of the movie. So what? The MAN is handsome, looks like a member of Elvis' family, and boy! can he sing! There's a lot of singing in this movie, early rock music. Apparently some of the other commentors didn't like that, but as a MUSICIAN, I DID. (Non musicians tend to 'like' 'pop' music because they don't grok music. Fine. But real musicians have a different 'understanding' of music.) Other reviewers have explained the premise of the movie, so I won't bother. I go more for 'sensation'... and this movie filled me up emotionally. I thought Ray Liotta gave an Oscar-winning performance, because for the FIRST time I saw how well he can ACT. I didn't know it was Mr. Liotta until halfway through the movie. Ashley Judd was fine, but she is really a one-trick-pony actress, she knows how to play -- Ashley Judd, but she does it exceptionally well. Seth Green is so cute, and quite a good b-rate actor. Actually all main actors in the movie were obviously professionals. BTW, this is NOT a religious movie even though Ray plays a minister and biblical quotes show up once in a while. As far as I am concerned, most people are sheeple anyway, and if the prevailing zeitgeist is 'anti-Christian' rhetoric, that's what the sheeple will baaaaa baaaaa baaaaah in comments for movies of this type. Good entertainment, moral and family strong. LOVED IT. However, the typographer responsible for the end titles (Sherwood Jones) let a typo escape proofreading (I saw the typo), and whoever was responsible for the type fount and kerning didn't understand type for streaming media/TV/movie screens either. The kerning should have been relaxed TV spacing (tight NOT touching), but the titles were, in fact, over kerned, possibly minus 1 when they should have been plus 1), (eruditely yours). Ms. KnowItAll (but I do so BFD) PS this movie may have financially 'bombed' at the theatres, but so did "It's a Wonderful Life". This is a good family movie, that leaves you with a good feeling, and I am BETTING it'll be on TV/streaming media devices for decades to come, just like "It's a Wonderful Life."
The Homesman (2014)
not worth a viewing
Some people liked this movie, but I did not. Why? Because, AS UUSUAL, it portrays women as WEAKLINGS, even Hilary Swank's 'same as a man' character. She KILLS herself for no dam' reason whatsoever except that she was 31, unmarried, and a couple men had said she was too 'plain looking' to marry. However, she had been working her own farm for years, had money in the bank, had a solid, God-fearing spirit and no way in HECK would she have hung herself. The crazy women she is ferrying back east may or may not have existed, but what the story does not tell is the prairie lands of the western North America were settled not so much by MEN as by WOMEN. It was mainly MEN who got murdered by Indians, rustlers, ne-er-do-wells, it was MEN who died by mishap while slaughtering buffalo, hunting bears, etc. and then who was left to save the family homestead?? WOMEN and their children. Women who plowed the fields, chopped down the trees for firewood and log cabins, women who gave birth to children in the fields and cabins, WOMEN who taught their children about God and LIFE and the UNIMPORTANCE of sexual 'love' in the grand scheme of life. WOMEN. Not men. WOMEN. Mary B. Cutty would NOT have hung herself. She was the definitive Prairie Woman. FOR SHAME, Hollywood, PERPETUATING THE LIE THAT WOMEN ARE THE WEAKER SEX. FOR SHAME.
Daawat-e-Ishq (2014)
Combination of Eat-Drink-Man-Woman & The Lady Eve only musical
I've been watching a few Islamic-type romantic movies lately (something new, I think, on Netflix). Such lusciously lovely actors and actresses, that's enough of a reason to watch this one. (It's like watching young fillies & colts gamboling in a field of clover.) It's an interesting story, the old one: can't find a guy to marry who isn't after your money. Actually in the USA that would be kinda the reverse, can't find a woman who isn't after the guy's money. (Well not for us tech women, not even 40 years ago, we made decent pay even then, but for your average 'shop girl' and 'rich athlete' guy, that would be the scenario, or at least the dream world version of love.) I like the music, I love the big smiling faces, the beautiful eyes of the ethnic (to me) people. Even the old daddy is kinda cute, though he looks like he's wearing a 'bald cap' but maybe the actor's head really is that oddly shaped, who knows. Bottom line: I recommend it for a cold, rainy night, like it is where I am, tonight. The only problem for me was that I had to take a real break from my writing projects with those oh so tight deadlines, because I had to read the captions, since the language is Hindi?? or some other language of the subcontinent.
Samuel Bleak (2013)
Garbage in Excrement Out
I gave this a 'three' rating because I liked the three experienced male actors (I mean it was nice to see that they were still earning a living from acting, but sad to know that either they are like so many of the other movie /tv actors today -- just parrots, or they must have needed the money) but other than that this movie was a waste of my time. I have to make my review go a full ten lines, hmmm. Okay. The young male lead who was also the writer, okay he's cute, but who knows if he can act? You certainly don't get to see any acting ability in this 'rag'. The writing, well, he's young.... no! that's not really true. The guy is now 30 so he was in his late 20s when this movie was made. Of course, in today's society wherein many of the the Gen-Y(??) generation was raised by coddling, enabling parents....perhaps being under 35 means one is still a 'child'. One thing for sure. The writer can probably write a decent sentence, but he sure doesn't know enough to write a GOOD STORY. I hope that's ten lines because I really don't want to waste any more time on this awful movie.
Hours (2013)
Paul Walker thoughts
I like this movie, so far, but I've only seen 40 minutes of it so far (on my roku netflix channel). The thing is that it is sad that Paul Walker died so young, my dad died at the same age too (only in 1967). Early 40s didn't seem 'so young' when I was in my 20s, but now I'm in pushing towards 70, yes, it is young. The problem I have with Paul Walker is that he started dating his girlfriend when she was sixteen (the girlfriend he still had when he died).... but HE WAS THIRTY-THREE at the time, and his own daughter was 16 too. Now there's no way a 16-year-old girl could have anything about her that would captivate a MAN of 33 except for a young body. But folks, this is not 1854, it's 2014. A 16-year-old GIRL with a 33-year-old MAN is simply PAEDOPHILIA in action. I mean, Mr. Walker didn't even leave that girl anything in his will. Nothing. Obviously he didn't care much about her, huh. Since he was, after all, just an actor (aka 'a parrot') and he didn't look very smart, it is 'possible' that he connected with her on her intellectual level. Who knows. But it still stinks... it's a sorry state of affairs (no pun intended) that the world lets 'famous' people like Elvis Presley, Roman Polanski, and probably Paul Walker, get away with child abuse. Roman Polanski had perverted people like Angelica Huston sticking up for his sexual abuse of a 13-year-old girl, by claiming that the 'girl' was 'a lot older' than her actual age. There are a lot of deviants in Hollywood. To BLAME a 13-year-old's sexual abuse on that 13-year-old, well, it just makes me wonder whether or not Angelica was abused by HER father, John Huston, and so she thought it was 'normal and natural' for an older ADULT MAN to rape her. I don't know. But when I found out about Paul Walker's girlfriend, I lost what little respect I had for him (which wasn't much because all he had was a pretty face, kinda like Brad Pitt and other pretty-boy actors (although of course Brad Pitt is not really a 'boy' any more). I wonder if I will like this movie by the time it's over, in an hour. hmmm.
Shirin in Love (2014)
I loved this movie.
Apparently the person who wrote the original review of this movie was Persian. He did not like this movie, but probably because the beautiful Persian woman falls in love with the WHITE GUY not the middle eastern guy. Silly doctor! This IS a chick flick, and I've got more news for you. WOMEN OUTNUMBER MEN in this world. FURTHERMORE we are SMARTER than men. We don't all go out to be doctors or lawyers or Indian chiefs (american indians, of course), but that is easily explained. WOMEN MADE society, NOT MEN. Men are like male lions, only needed to to breed to make more more of their species, and occasionally come in and help kill the bigger game animals. Otherwise the female lions do NOT NEED the male lion. Same thing with WOMEN. We don't need men, MEN need US. I loved this movie, it has a happy ending, even though it is built off a silly premise... that an Iranian-American woman would just fall in love with a guy she doesn't know diddlysquat about, but hey, as a woman I'm here to tell y'all that is 'the' definition of a chick-flick after all. They are always built on baloney scenarios. The worst part of this movie was the mother of the female lead, because she had obviously had a terrible face lift. I haven't seen eyebrows that high up on a forehead since I last had tea with the late Mary Kay.
Life in the Word (1993)
Superb, Christ-Centered REAL Preaching
I watch Joyce Meyer on her Roku Channel. Every morning and every evening before bed. Joyce gets disparaged by people who may be fellow Christians yet they think she does not preach the Word of God has GOD intended it be preached. They are wrong. From God's mind through Joyce's mouth to my ears. Praise the Lord and may God keep blessing me and other Christians by providing His message through Joyce. I prefer to hear her messages from God via the Roku Channel, because a) I don't have cable television, only the Roku, and b) all I have to do is click her channel and not hunt for a new message from Joyce on, eg, youtube. Joyce speaks the inspired word of God and I am blessed to be able to see her and hear her. I only wish that Ravi Zacharias had a Roku channel.
Redeemed (2014)
Wonderful movie!
I listened to this movie on netflix early this am while doing edits on my latest book. It was very moving. I gave it a 10 out of 10 but I see that others have ranked it 5.4 average here on IMDb. I can only assume that once more non-Christians (what I call raillers against God) voted it down. I have to believe that the naysayers did not actually WATCH (or listen to) this movie, they just dissed it because it had a Christian theme. Oh well maybe the Mormons will turn out to be right, and after those anti-God folks die they will actually have another chance to come to God (though I doubt the Mormons are right). Good family movie for kids over say 14, who might learn from the message. Another successful David A.R. White movie! Praise God.
Rising Star (2013)
Rather annoying movie
I did not like this movie. Maybe I mean it was too juvenile for me. After all, I am 66 so that is 'possible'. :) But I WANTED to like the movie, because I liked the male lead. Unfortunately he must have picked his latest BFF to be the female lead, because otherwise I cannot figure out WHY she was the female lead. She was not talented, only 'a bit cute'. She couldn't rap. I do think rap is good only for when you are vomiting, but nevertheless there are certain raps that I 'almost' like, but not hers. She was like some Canadian townie trying to do karaoke. As for acting, she couldn't act her way out of a wet paper sack. I mean the guy is an insurance adjuster, but clearly he doesn't know ANYTHING AT ALL about that job, because frankly it is a VERY interesting job. My husband is an insurance adjuster and he is not only the sexiest man I've ever known (and I've known a lot of sexy men), he is also the most intelligent man I know (that's not really saying much since most men are rather stupid creatures after all). The movie is still running on my notepad right now (a roku channel) and the female lead is again trying to act. hmmm. Her arms are flabby (mine are not and I think women who have flabby arms are too damn lazy). Now they are having sex on their first 24 hours together. Kids, this is 2014, not 1967. There is no such thing as 'free love' AND today, unlike 1967, there are incurable forms of STDs. Okay, now I am firmly convinced she must be the producer/lead male actor's girlfriend, because she just CANNOT act, and there is nothing 'appealing' about her AT ALL. Really if you are gonna make someone a 'love interest' at LEAST make her (or HIM) someone that the viewer's imagination WANTS to be with. sigh. Oh well, time to get back to the second revisions to my third book now.
Last Will (2011)
The acting was awful. I felt sorry for Tom Berenger
I give this two stars but only because I liked some of the clothes and I thought Tom Berenger did a good acting job. As for Tatum ONeal... what the heck happened to HER??! Terrible acting! But then again, maybe she always WAS a bad actress, maybe it's always been about the DIRECTION she receives in her movies, because in this movie she couldn't 'act her way out of a wet paper sack'. Every line she says I could have said BETTER and I freely admit I am not an actor. I don't like it when professional actors disappoint in the way they present their lines, don't you agree? I heard she is a drug addict, perhaps if that is true, it explains her lack of brain cells.
The story line ... well, again... not very good, even if rumored to be fashioned after a 'true story'. But really, it's the bad acting. I hate it when I waste my time actually doing nothing but watching a movie (rather than listening to one while I write) and the movie is a piece of garbage. This is one of those movies... I kept watching because I kept expecting, I don't know, something to get better, but alas!, it never did. Don't waste your time on this awful piece. I've made a note of the Director so that I can remember he doesn't know how to direct should I come across another movie I might want to watch that I discover was directed by him.
One Lucky Elephant (2010)
Interesting Story about a 'domesticated' elephant's journey
Very well done story about the journey of an elephant named Flora from a small circus to 'retirement' in a sanctuary for elephants. Some stupid idiot 'phd' female determined that Flora (and other captive elephants) were suffering from 'ptsd'. How moronic! It's bad enough that we make wild animals perform in a circus but then to ascribe their occasional (or frequent) 'acting out' episodes (i.e., 'reacting wild in a non-wild arena') to 'ptsd'... hmmm. I feel THIS way about 'ptsd' when ascribed to HUMANs... MAN UP! Everyone goes through traumatic experiences in life, 'oh well!' THAT'S LIFE. The character of a man (or a woman) determines how one responds to trauma, emotional or physical. EVERY SINGLE SOLDIER in the First / Second World Wars, the Korean War (not a 'conflict' but a WAR), Vietnam, Gulf Wars, etc. suffered after their time at war from feelings of fear, regret, horror. OF COURSE. But some decided to buy into the bull of 'lifelong' ptsd. That is the same kind of baloney as 'attention deficit' "disorder". Now THAT is a matter of self-discipline (in adults) and lack of good mentoring/teaching by 'teachers' or lack of effective, involved parenting by parents. Dr. Swindoll has some excellent books on THAT subject (aka 'boys will be boys') go find 'em and read 'em if you think you have a child with ADD (usually a BOY, btw). Back to this elephant bio... Flora was being an elephant when she 'acts out'. From a baby age, Flora was not raised with other elephants but with human beings who raised her to PERFORM. 18 years of that and any wild animal would be 'skewed' in its reactions to people or other elephants. This was certainly true for Flora. By the time Flora was 'diagnosed' with 'ptsd', she was a young grownup elephant (in her 20s). All she did at that time was BE an ADULT wild animal, who sometimes expressed her emotional response to the world through what WE AS HUMANS call 'aggression' but in the case of an ELEPHANT... is something different. I think the woman who ended up with Flora on her elephant 'sanctuary' made a BAD mistake when she trusted the 'phd' woman who said that Flora had 'ptsd'. She betrayed the trust of both Flora and her former human caregiver, David, by denying Flora the occasional visits from the man who raised her and loved her for most of her life. Still I recommend this 'documentary' about the elephant, but I say 'bah humbug' to the woman caregiver who took over from David (Carol). She imposed human emotions onto an ELEPHANT and decided to be a 'command and control' 'manager' by denying the longevity of elephant memory and also denying the elephant contact with the human man who really does love her. FOR SHAME.
Crazy Love (2007)
Good documentary but don't call it a love story
The victim, Linda, who ends up married to the guy did not say in this documentary that she loved the man who paid someone to disfigure her and then years later married her. He disfigured her face, her beautiful eyes and ruined her life as much as possible without actually killing her. To me it is obvious he is a narcissist because he never really admits any GUILT over ANY of his BAD VERY BAD actions. Dating her when he was married, obviously he's about 8-9 years older than her. She never had sex with him, and it was 'hinted' but not stated outright that finally in her mid-30s after she'd been disfigured she was planning to lose her virginity, finally! to another guy, but when that guy saw her eyes not hidden behind dark glasses, he freaked. The one man she thought loved her (not Burt) broke off their engagement after she got out of the hospital after the acid attack. This woman was STRONG WILLED. To be blind to the point where she could only see light/dark and 'shapes' and yet walk to work, in a big city, without a seeing eye dog or even a white cane, shows her strength. But by the time Burt got out of jail, Linda had been single, and living alone, for years. She had no one, no money, barely surviving in a one-room 'apartment'. AND there's Burt, still relentlessly telling her he loves her, and asking for her forgiveness. So she has a love/hate relationship with him, what's new about that? She tells him 'if you love me send me money'... and although he was still in jail at the time, he was selling his lawyering services to the inmates and two weeks later she's got a certified check from him for $4,000.00... in early 1970-71. That was BIG money for that time. Enough time has passed that she has 'gotten over' what he did to her, as much as one could, and she no longer hates him. Hate is a strong emotion, and very draining, just like infatuation. (I think infatuation, not love, is the flip side of hate.) So he's out of jail, paid his 'debt to society' (as he said) and she wants some respite from her life of not-much. So she marries him. Odd, maybe, but not 'weird'. She doesn't love him, and he, purportedly, does love her (in his narcissistic way). I understand why she married him. Although he never stopped being a liar/cheat (he's a narcissist), he does seem to take care of her, and finally, that's better than living alone, struggling to survive financially with an overwe'ening sense of loneliness. Maybe his punishment is having to take care of the woman he supposedly loved and yet injured so seriously. Who knows. Life is short and difficult. So she took comfort from her enemy. Move along, people, nothing (new) to see here. Very well done documentary! I was surprised it kept my interest, but it did.
New Street Law (2006)
Enjoyed the short series
Liked the acting, enjoyed the episodes. But the most revealing thing to me was when Jack was charged with violating some legal 'code'. That was revealing because it showed what I've always suspected about the UK and other EU countries.
The Gestapo is in charge.
The very idea that the police could VIDEO-RECORD Jack and the person he was defending during their meetings as lawyer and client is absolutely disgusting! Then to use that information against the attorney to try and get him disbarred... appalling. Also, if the show accurately reflects the law in the UK, UGH. The very idea that one's attorney cannot coach you as to what to say is repugnant. WHY HAVE AN ATTORNEY THEN??? No. Evil is the way of the gestapo and the gestapo reigns supreme in, at least, the UK and ITALY (after the debacle of a trial for the young American woman and then the Italian court's throwing OUT the verdict of INNOCENT and having ANOTHER TRIAL).
Perversion of justice to the MAX.
Thanks for letting the world know what goes on in your courts. I lived in Europe for several years in the 60s, but being a law-abiding person never got in any trouble with the law. Praise Jesus for that! (I wasn't so much 'law abiding' as being a healthy person who preferred to bike ride around the country and go to bed when TIRED rather than drink/carouse around). I'm will do more research on the law and how it is circumvented in the UK then write an up to date article about it. I'm always looking for new articles to write, and this one will be a 'money maker'. Thanks for that! Sorry the series ended so quickly and with a cliffhanger. I expect series in the USA to end abruptly and sometimes with bigger cliffhangers too, but generally in the UK the BBC is a bit politer to its audience. Tsk Tsk!
Valley of the Sun (2011)
Love this adult movie!
I actually do not know if this review has 'spoilers' but better safe than banned forever. ha ha I loved this movie on Netflix. The male star is not someone I remember from any other movie, but I really liked him. Which means that I probably really like the DIRECTOR who drew out of the characters their best performance, I think. I'm recommending this movie to my 90 year old uncle and his 93 year old wife. I'm only worried about the first 3-4 minutes, because I do not know if they have a good bad or indifferent attitude towards porn. Personally I love porn movies, well for about the first 5 minutes than I (and my hubby) don't need 'em anymore, ha ha. hmmm. This is the first movie that had a 'porn star' character that I watched to the very end. I like the movie but I don't buy into the basic premise that the porn star had a nervous breakdown because an uptight neighbor thinks he should move out of her 'decent neighborhood'. I also don't agree with how female porn stars were portrayed as though they were real-life members of that old HBO reality show about the house of prostitution located outside of Las Vegas. If I had been more 'liberated' when I was in my 20s I would have done that for a living for a year maybe two. Why not? I watch porn movies, had the hot body required of porn stars and could have taught viewers a few 'sex lessons' too. I would do them now but no one wants to see a 66 year old body except for a 43-year-old husband (my husband). Enjoy this movie, you won't have to think deep thoughts, you can just enjoy the cute little story line and the pretty face/rockhard body of the main star. That's enough for me, anyway.
Seven Days in Utopia (2011)
I liked the movie, it was entertaining, no sex, no murders (spoiler?)
The movie was enjoyable to me. I didn't expect it to be anything but what it was, a family movie with a message (kinda/sorta). No sex, no murders, some family drama, a cute cast. No actor/actress had to overly 'emote' in this movie, it looked like it was relaxing for them to make, too. So what if it was predictable? So what if the ending was a 'little lacking in closure'. So what if there's a lead in to a religious site? I didn't mind. I spend very long hours managing my businesses, writing my books, mentoring my people... it can be quite stressful. It is not often that I find a movie or TV series that can reduce my stress and finally allow me to drift off to a deep sleep afterward. When I do watch something that doesn't aggravate me or cause me to have bad dreams or obsessively negative thoughts, I am a happy camper. This movie does that. Lucas Black is a sweet little boy (to this 66 year old), and he is cute. I liked that it was a 'normal people' movie, no sex from the get go, that is soooo overworked in the movie world. Did he win the tournament or lose it? By that final golf stroke, it really did not matter, that's the key point. Reality had set in and Luke (the main character) had had an epiphany meant only for him. He grokked that golf is only a game, and winning or losing it (if you discount the big-buck point of pro golf) doesn't matter to a hill of beans in a lifetime that should be spent in self-assessment and wonder. So I'm happy with the movie overall. It felt like a 'nice surprise' like when someone buys you a gift that you actually like (hey I'm not the only Virgo out there). As for Robert Duvall , he can do no wrong. He is a veteran actor who moved through this movie as though he were a well-balanced and deeply centered individual. I love the way he does understated 'looks'.
But in reality, is it the actors or the DIRECTOR who brings out the best in the actors? I don't know, they never let ME be anything other than the prompter (bah humbug). Nice movie, nice 'cow' (I wondered why they called it a cow when it was so clearly a bull. I was raised on a cattle ranch and no way, even for jocularity, would we ever call a bull a 'cow'. That was kinda odd.) It was nice how the cowboy ended up liking Luke ... that was touching. Watch the movie, don't go to the website mentioned at the end unless you are a true Seeker, but even then, just grab your Bible and start reading it again. No worries for you 'there is no god' naysayers, there's no mention of God in the movie, only a Bible is shown a couple of times.
Requiem for a Dream (2000)
Spoiler: Worst piece of cr@p ever
The only thing good about this film was the cinematography. It reminded me of writings by Jerzy Kozinski who committed suicide at 57, understandably, because he clearly hated life as witnessed by the cr@p that HE wrote. (Hey, this is MY opinion, you can have a different opinion, that's fine with me.) Why Ellen Burstyn acted in this movie is beyond me, she must have needed the money. The portrayals of the drug addicts was a tad too 'black and white' and life is NEVER b/w. As for the portrayals of the medical staff and the police, I don't buy it. I notice they did the 'usual thang' and make the SOUTHERNER doctors/jailers/police the 'bad' ones. Typical. Are there bad doctors, medical staff, jailers and police? Sure, but not as often as 'movie/tv makers' would have you believe. Also, the drug addicts were portrayed more as 'victims' then as 'self annihilators'. The only character I felt sorry for was Ellen Burstyn's. I am thankful I was working on my website when this cr@p was on Amazon Instant Video or I wouldn't have watched it past the first five minutes. UGH is the 'key word' to describe this. The only response I have for this garbage getting an 'award nomination' is DISDAIN.
River Monsters (2009)
This is for all the 'ladies' out there....
Well all the guys are 'bla bla blaaahing' about the big fishes this guy catches. Ladies, ladies, here's what YOU want to know... this guy, this Jeremy Wade fella... truth be told he wouldn't be a 'good catch' but he sure as heck would be a GREAT 'catch and release' option. GOOOOD looking (in a 'weatherbeaten' way, but what the hay I likes 'em that way), kinda a fisherman who could be a blended mix of... hmmm... Tom Selleck circa 1995, Charles Bronson circa 1966 with a little Alby Mangels circa 1976 mixed in. Sure you can watch the River Monsters episodes for the scary big fishies, or you can just turn off the sound and watch them for JEREMY WADE. (Forget about him being a biology teacher, bla bla blaaah, he is the 'peasant woman's Bond, James Bond. sigh. Life is short and all the good guys are only available via flat- panel these days. (But if you are into stalking, I don't see anything on here about him that says he's MARRIED, so what's the harm of going on a 'wilding' adventure, ne c'est pas?
Shades (2000)
Loved this mini-series!!!
I didn't give it a 'ten' because it ended on a mini-cliffhanger and being a Virgo, I tend to like tidy endings (aka 'they lived (or at least remained dead) happily ever after'), but it was quite good. At the end, Maive gets to 'move on' to somewhere, and there is hope for her immature adulterous boyfriend... he appeared to be moving into his 'adult' years. I liked it enough to watch it in one 'sitting' (aka 'lying in bed propped up on a pillow'). Unfortunately we don't know what's going to happen to the dead guy.
It is available on amazon instant video and worth the price of admission. Interesting that Brits apparently don't have to use baby car seats yet they are totally burdened by endless numbers of 'pay for a license for TV or we'll put you in jail' types of things. I liked it a lot.
Ballykissangel (1996)
Maybe this is a SPOILER, I dunno.
I started watching this show on youtube and at first I liked it, then it turned into something akin to 'hollywood anti-God series'. I cannot believe that the character, Father Peter, would leave the priesthood just like that for a piece of a$$; on the other hand, the actor who played Peter WAS living with the actress who played assumpta so maybe they broke up. It's a shame, really, that they took the opportunity to have a Roman Catholic Priest give up his Belief so easily. Sure I know it happens, but I also know that I was BFF with a Jesuit Priest for 35 years and although I thought he was very sexy (he still is) I NEVER once thought about boffing him or dinking with his belief in Christ. I am NOT a RC, but a born-again Christian. I tell you this, a man who has given himself to the Lord to the point where he becomes a Priest, is not going to give it up for tail (that IS what we are talking about here). We who love Jesus are not easily pulled away from Him. Too bad so many of the TV show / movie makers are so anti God. It's quite a shame.
Habemus Papam (2011)
Waste of time, written by an atheist so what do you expect
I am soooo glad I didn't pay anything but the eight bucks a month cost of netflix for this piece of garbage. It is an insult to all Believers in God and Jesus Christ, not just an insult to Catholics. I am not a Catholic but I am a 'slain in the spirit' believer. If you are a Believer, one of God's Children, then this 'comedy' (which it is not although described that way) is blasphemous. In the past 45 years I have read / devoured (as twere) many books by Christians and about God and Jesus. Many of those books were written by the Popes. Each Pope has proved to me, by his written words, that he is also Born Again. Would a Cardinal, elected almost unanimously, to be Pope, reject that election? turn his back on God and God's people? I highly doubt it. I am going to lobby to have this movie removed from the 'faith and spirituality' group within Netflix to something 'darker'. It 'could' have been a good movie, but the only 'good' thing about it was getting to see some of Rome again after having been away from Italy for the past 30 odd years. Don't waste your time on this garbage. It's just another attack by the devil as assisted by his minions.
Five Fingers (2006)
terrible movie awful acting
How on EARTH can ANYONE rate this a 'good' movie with 'good acting'???
Terrible acting, terrible movie. No 'twist' at the end, pretty predictable.
I'm glad I was working whilst watching it or I'd have to admit I just wasted an hour or so of my time. I'm one of the '18% who rated it a '1' and I'd have made it a '0' but they don't let you. Ryan has a pretty face, but he could not act his way out of a wet paper sack and the girl has massively HUGE lips which I 'suppose' some men might find, err, 'useful' but she still has her teeth so, ah, not so much.
I would not pay money to see this movie.
The Promise (1979)
movie is available on netflix dot com
I like this movie because I love the actor S. Collins.
The movie is also lightweight enough that I can have it on TV in the background whilst working (as I work from home). It's not quite old enough for me to need to watch it to see the furniture design and clothing of the time since I have furniture AND clothing from that era right now (and the hairdo, :)).
The only thing I don't have are the big sunglasses (actually I DO have them but I don't know where they are packed away).
Well, back to work, while this movie plays in the background, right now.