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87 Reviews
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Every Day (2018)
Absolutely nothing compared to the book
19 August 2018
I absolutely loved the book, and was thrilled to know that it was being released as a movie - until I watched it, and was heartbroken. The perspective is told entirely from Rihannon's point of view, whereas the book is completely from A's. An entire side-plot related to Nathan was completely dropped, barely mentioned as an aside, and pointless characters were given lots of screen time while hardly having a mention in the book. Mechanics of A's ability are completely changed just to suit the 'teen romance' of the movie, and what I felt were important body switches, showing real diversity, were either completely ignored, or underplayed. The movie could've done so much for representation, but it just didn't care to.

If you can watch this and separate from the book, or aren't reading the book at all, honestly it plays as an averagely low-budget, dull teen movie, with nothing special going for it.
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Never seen a worse movie
27 January 2011
I don't know if this movie was supposed to be funny, or interesting, or clever, but I was bored within the first few minutes of watching it. Ricky Gervais is the same arrogant, unfunny character that he plays in anything he's in. Jennifer Garner and Tina Fey, while usually brilliant at what they do, were dumbed down in an attempt to make Gervais seem funnier, and it just didn't work. The only scene I liked in the entire movie was the one taking place in the hospital, and even that was ruined by bad comedic timing, and the implausible plot line of the rest of the movie. None of the characters were likable, and were two dimensional, and the idea of people not lying often got mixed up with people just always saying what's on their mind (like really, would someone say they hated their job, when just serving food? That's not telling the truth, that's just a bad attempt at a joke). Bad script, bad plot, bad characters. Would not recommend in a million years.
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Bored the whole way through
7 January 2011
When thinking about this film, the one thing that comes to mind is the scene talking about the short story - where nothing happened. I was looking forward to this movie, after all the rave reviews about it, and though it was not the worst film I've ever seen, it's definitely nowhere near the top. I spent the entire thing bored, waiting for something that wasn't monotonous to happen, and it never did. Although well acted, I had little interest in the characters or plot lines. Perhaps it's due to a lack of knowledge or understanding of Orson Welles' career, on my part, but I would not recommend this to other people.
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17 Again (2009)
An old idea, but still a good idea
14 May 2009
This kind of storyline has been done a million times over. An older character wants to right the wrongs of his past, and gets made younger to do that. The good thing about this is that at some point, the movie actually makes fun of this being an old concept, which shows that it knows how to laugh at itself. But Mike becoming younger enables him to connect with his son and daughter on a much deeper level than he would as a father, and even manages to find out what went wrong with his wife. I personally was more touched with the friendship he developed with his son than most of the rest of the movie, though there is a hilarious scene between him and his daughter, which shows both Efron and Trachtenburg at their comedic strengths. I was most impressed by Sterling Knight's performance. After seeing him in Sonny With A Chance, I doubted he could play a character who was supposed to be unpopular and a geek, but his ability just showed me what a multi-talented performer he really is.
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Gracie's Choice (2004 TV Movie)
A breathtaking movie to show you what love truly is
14 May 2009
Many people say they love someone. That they love their family, their children, anything. But true love for a family can be seen in the sacrifices that Gracie, a teenage girl, shows for her family. With an unreliable mother, and ailing grandmother, the burden of her family is left squarely on her shoulders, and we see the lengths and sacrifices she has to give up to keep her family together. Kristen Bell's performance is heart breaking and one that will keep you hooked, especially in scenes featuring Anne Heche, another fantastic performer. The little boys in this movie will break your heart as you can see the struggles in their eyes when they are torn between being loyal to the mother that gave birth to them, and the mother they have always known. One to watch, without a doubt.
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Stardust (2007)
A pretty fantasy movie everyone should enjoy
28 November 2008
I am not a fan of fantasy movies in general, which is why I was initially unsure about watching this movie, but I was encouraged to see it because of the amazing cast, and I do not regret seeing it for a single second. I feel that this movie has elements that everyone, no matter what age they are, can enjoy. It has all the connotations of a regular fairytale, but with twists that keep older viewers entertained.

The acting displayed by Claire Danes was beautiful, and her scenes opposite Charlie Cox showed amazing on-screen chemistry, and kept you drawn in. Michelle Pfeiffer was also amazing to watch, and played the role excellently.

Whether you enjoy fantasy movies, liked the book, or are just looking for a good movie to watch, I would strongly recommend this. If not for all the reasons I've listed above, but because of the amazing special effects, and rich storyline.
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Camp Rock (2008 TV Movie)
A brilliant message, but why was half the cast there?
28 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
As with similar Disney movies such as High School Musical, the message in this movie is very clear, and that is to not be ashamed of who you are, and that all dreams are possible. It is a refreshing change to watch a movie as light-hearted as this with all the current problems in the world. Mitchie is a lovable, non Mary-Sue character, and Shane is the perfect depiction of a lot of diva-like stars in the media these days. The characters of Nate and Jason are greatly underused in this movie, though I'm sure this will change in future sequels. I loved the viciousness of Tess, and I'm glad the writers didn't write a cliché and have Tess pretending she wrote Mitchie's song.

However, the characters that puzzled me with their presence were Lola, Barron and Sander. None of them contributed anything to the storyline, or the development of it, and just seemed to be there to make up numbers. Despite this, I loved the movie, and can't wait for a sequel to be filmed.
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Stick It (2006)
Complete Rip-off of Bring It On, and nothing else.
28 November 2008
What part of this movie was not stolen from Bring It On? An outsider comes on the scene, gets peoples backs up with her attitude, and eventually gets everyone on her side to change the way things were before. We've seen it before, move on. The character of Hayley, I found wasn't likable in the slightest, and if I hadn't paid to see the movie, I would've walked out. This is not Missy Peregrym at her best by far. The characters surrounding Hayley were a lot more interesting to watch than her stereotypical character.

Nearer the end of the movie the storyline seemed to pick up a little, but by then it was too late. It's not a movie I would watch back again.
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Enough with the Bring It Ons, we get it already!
28 November 2008
What the makers of these movies need to realise is that nothing is going to beat the original movie, and these remakes (which is all they are) with a different cast and an ever-so-slightly tweaked storyline get quite boring a repetitive to watch, and if I'm honest I wouldn't have watched it at all if it didn't have the wonderful Hayden Panettiere in it. She is the movies one redeeming feature, and one of the stronger actors in this movie. The other characters I felt were very two-dimensional. This movie is also picking up things from Save The Last Dance, with the white girl moving into a predominantly black community, and having to get through school.

It was a very average movie, nothing special, and would only recommend if you like seeing Hayden in yet another cheer-leading uniform.
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Juno (2007)
Cute movie that I would definitely watch again
28 November 2008
Juno shows the strains and decisions that a pregnant teen has to make, from the mundane, to the more life-changing, and I think Ellen Page really does the role justice. The writing is amazing, every line being delivered by Juno is blunt and to-the-point, and often hilarious. The rest of the cast compliment her well, and I especially like the scenes of Juno spending time with the adopting parents. The character of Paulie was a little dull for my liking, but his scenes with Juno were well acted, and showed a good amount of awkwardness which made them funny.

All in all, I think it is a beautiful movie, and really gives you an insight in teen pregnancy.
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Confusing, and absolutely painful to watch
28 November 2008
I bought this movie as I was intrigued to see if it was as bad as all the reviewers and hype about it made it out to be, and it seems that they were wrong- it was even worse. Lindsay's acting was as average as her acting normally is, but what really gave me a headache, and left me just as confused as when I started watching it was the complicated and complex plot. I want to enjoy a movie, and not have to start drawing charts and diagrams and analysing every scene to work out what was happening with it. The ending to me seemed abrupt, strange, and wasn't satisfying to watch at all.

The supporting cast were good enough, but the main problem with this movie was it's ridiculousness.
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Follow the Stars Home (2001 TV Movie)
An amazing, heartwarming movie
29 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen this movie twice now, and think it is so touching and brilliant, it brings tears to my eyes every time. The closeness of Julia and Amy is beautiful, and I find myself crying at the screen at Amy's hardships, and at times, such as when Buddy takes Amy's dog, I can't watch because it's too painful. But that only goes to show how well acted it is.

The performance shown by both Kimberley Williams and Amanda and Caitlin Fein is outstanding, as is Alexa's performance. The bond that develops between Amy and Dianne is also beautiful, and unforgettable.

Seeing this has made me want to read the novel, and I would definitely recommend everyone saw this movie.
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High School Musical (2006 TV Movie)
A great movie, no matter what age you are
29 December 2007
Some people can criticise this as being a cheesy, tacky Disney movie, and babyish, but I don't see it that way at all! Every generation has a movie like this, be it Grease, or be it Dirty Dancing, but just like these movies, the High School Musical series will be remembered for generations to come.

All of the cast - both singing and acting wise - show an outstanding performance, especially with amazing voices such as Vanessa Hudgens, Lucas Grabeel and Ashley Tisdale. I also think that Zac Efron's performance can't be faulted, if not for the fact that he didn't sing in this movie.

The storyline is something everyone can relate to, about following your dreams, and with the singing and dancing thrown in from the amazing cast, it's a perfect combination!
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High School Musical 2 (2007 TV Movie)
A great sequel
29 December 2007
I understand that a lot of people feel that this wasn't as good as the first movie, but personally I think it's as good, if not better than the first one. The cast seem a lot more comfortable with each other and their characters, which make their characters seem a lot warmer and welcoming.

I also like that this film concentrates a little more on the importance of characters such as Martha, Kelsi, and Zeke. In my eyes, they're just as important as the main six, and I can't imagine the movie without any of them.

As with the first movie, the singing and dancing are flawless and perfect. My only problem is that there isn't a song that is as amazing and climatic as Breaking Free. The equivalent in this movie would be Everyday, but it's nowhere near as powerful.

Nevertheless, an amazing film that you'd be a fool to miss, no matter what age you are (take it from a 19-year-old!)
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A great easy-going film.
3 February 2007
This film is about The Pussycats, who dream of fame, and who get mixed up in the evil schemes of Wyatt Frame, and his boss Fiona.

I think that this film is very clever and brave in the way that it looked at the branding in pop music, though, I don't think this movie could endorse any more products if it'd tried, which annoyed me a little. Considering the subject matter of the story, I don't think it was appropriate to make it a 98-minute billboard. I also thought that parts of the storyline were unimportant, and could've been forgotten about, especially a lot of the backstage ending.

But I really liked the cast, and thought that Tara Reid was hilarious and amazing, as was Missi Pyle.

If you love music, then I think that this movie is definitely for you, as there are a lot of awesome songs throughout the course.
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Irritating delivery, and weak characters
3 February 2007
Personally, I didn't think much of this film. The way that a lot of the film came across - as a monologue by the main character - didn't make the story believable, and took away from the enjoyment from the film, as it made it quite irritating as the scene would be good, and then interrupted by her talking to the camera.

I also didn't think a lot of the cast, and I think that the characters were too irritating to be likable, especially in a story like this. Though I didn't like their characters, two actors that I liked were Anthony Anderson, as he is a strong favourite of mine, and is a brilliant actor, and Mo'Nique, who did very well in her role.

Over all, I don't think I would recommend this film to people, and if I was given the opportunity to watch it again, I think I'd turn it down.
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Plain Truth (2004 TV Movie)
With so many changes, they have a nerve to say it was by Picoult!
15 February 2006
This might be a slightly biased review, but I have only watched half an hour of this movie, and I've had to turn it off in disgust. They might as well have called it an original movie, because they had nothing of Picoult's original novel in it, not even most of the characters names. For starters, the baby was found in a barn, not in a bunch of reeds, and Sarah and Leda are SISTERS, not cousins. Not to mention the Katie's surname is Fisher, and not Filch. I would understand if some names had to be changed to protect people, but these characters all came from Picoult's imagination. I am absolutely disgusted with their supposed 'interpretation'.

The only redeeming feature I could find in this film was the acting by Alison Pill. Looking at her face shape, she is exactly how I imagined Katie to look.

Fans of the book, I would not recommend you watching this movie. 1/10.
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Better Than The Last
6 February 2006
Because of the last movie, I was scared that I would hate this one, because of bad directing. But luckily, I feel this one included everything important. But naturally, I have some criticism.

I feel that they jumped into the storyline too quickly at the beginning, and this can be forgiven - after all, there was a lot to include in the movie, because of the books length. It does make me wonder what'll be forgotten in the 'Order Of The Phoenix' movie.

The cast have just improved so much since the beginning of filming the first film - they're much better actors, and you can feel a lot more empathy with the characters.

I don't agree with sexual references used in the film. It's understandable that they are supposed to be teenagers - but surely the writers understand the age of the children who will view this?
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What's New, Scooby-Doo? (2002–2006)
Try "What's OLD Scooby Doo"!
6 December 2005
I can safely say I am sick of Scooby Doo, and all it's spin-offs. It's just the same thing as 30 years ago, with a few tweaks in animation, a few character changes, but other than that, the same old story. They find a ghost, it chases Scooby and Shaggy, they find some clues, they set up a trap, it goes wrong, and Scooby ends up accidentally saving the day, then they find out it's not actually a ghost, and that Velma knew it all along. Yawn. Even though they make a joke out of this format in nearly every episode, it's still the same, and boring. I think it's well and truly time that Scooby Doo retired, and the gang are sent to an old people's home.

I mean, isn't Casey Kasem getting tired of playing Shaggy over and over again? 0/10
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Inspector Gadget (1983–2023)
Boring, and pointless.
6 December 2005
Okay, so for the first few episodes I watched, I could handle the slight idiocy of Gadget. But after those first few, my patience was tested, and I switched over. As with a lot of children's shows, the format was the same every episode, and it got very boring, very fast. You always knew whatever the Chief was in, he was going to get blown up. You always knew that Penny was going to sneak into anywhere and use her clever book, and you always knew she was going to make Brain follow Gadget. And more importantly, you knew the day was going to be saved by Penny, and then Gadget would promptly take all the credit.

I mean, didn't the Chief ever think to ask Gadget why Penny was there in the first place? Or why he never made the phone call?
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Two Mothers for Zachary (1996 TV Movie)
Absolutely heartbreaking
6 December 2005
Throughout the movie, and then reading about the woman afterwards, I felt complete and utter anger at the legal system for allowing something like this to happen. How dare they be able to decide what is best for a child, on the basis of his mother being a lesbian? This movie literally made me want to throw things, and by the end, I was crying in desperation at how sad Zachary sounded, and shaking my head when the verdict was said. I don't think I could have hated Nancy anymore than I did.

Valerie Bertinelli was amazing in this, though.

I think people...mainly lawyers and homo-phobics should take a long, hard look at this movie, and see how things like this can affect people. By the end, what Nancy saw as the best thing for Zachary, was the worst thing she could have ever have done, and it's a shame that in the end, the real Jody Ann Shaffell had no fight left, and gave up.
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Fillmore! (2002–2004)
Cut down in it's prime
6 December 2005
I hate detective shows, I literally can't stand watching them. But strangely, there's something cutting edge about Fillmore that drew me to watch it. It could be a number of things.

The story lines? They were amazing, especially how a case that seems so simple can have so many plot twists and turns, and so many shocking answers. Even as a teenager, I don't work out who is the culprit until they work it out! Maybe the characters? Of course the best characters are Fillmore and Ingrid, but there's other characters I love, too. Namely, of course, O'Farrell. You can't help but love him! Other factors are, of course, the brilliant voice actors, especially Tara Strong. I love the voices she makes! If I could, I'd definitely make more episodes.

Unfortunately, it's down to Disney, and therefore, we will lose yet another great show.
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Wait Until Dark (I) (1967)
A Brilliant Film from a brilliant actress
2 November 2005
I recently watched this film late night when I couldn't sleep, and after only a few minutes, I was completely hooked.

Audrey Hepburn was brilliant in it, and I think the character of Susy is a brilliant role model for all blind, or recently blind people. Richard Crenna was terrifying, and had me on the edge of my seat for most of his scenes. I also thought that Julie Herrod was a very good actress, despite her age. The whole storyline was very clever, and very gripping. The ending was especially outstanding.

I liked how most of the movie was based in the same place, it made the film feel especially tense.

I'd love to see this film again, and I'd recommend it to anyone.
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Angela Bassett should be proud
16 October 2005
I watched the film recently, and was amazed by how brilliant it was. Not knowing about Tina Turner's life, I was shocked. The movie was pretty hard hitting.

Laurence Fishburne was amazing in his role, he was very scary, and it just made you hate Ike for being so evil. Angela Bassett's performance was outstandingly amazing though - I've never seen so much good acting out of someone in a movie.

All in all, I loved the movie, and any awards for it were well rewarded.

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Stuck in the Suburbs (2004 TV Movie)
Good for a Disney movie
16 October 2005
It was a lot more interesting then I thought it was going to be. I loved the storyline, and I think it would be a lot of teenager's dreams to get something like this happen. It's a good film that shows you no matter what background you're from, you can always do what you want, so it's a nice positive message.

The acting is pretty good, despite it's a Disney film, though as usual the 'little annoying brother' character was unnecessary. Danielle Panabaker's acting was a little boring, but Ryan Belleville was brilliant, as was Brenda Song.

All in all, it was a good film, and I'd watch it over and over again! 7/10.
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