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82 Reviews
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King Kong (2005)
Never Getting Old
29 December 2021
This film, brilliantly directed by Peter Jackson, keeps its charm even after more than 15 years. Some effects do show their age but mainly the special effects for Kong are still amazing to this day! They are simply superb for their time. The soundtrack has a very classical feel to it but it still does a good job at conveying the emotions we see on the screen.

Apart from these points, Naomi Watts is a standout performance, especially when you consider the fact she probably had to act most of her emotional scenes while looking at a green screen dummy. Jack Black did his character well but everything around his character was predictable. No character arc or evolution whatsoever. The character of Adrian Brody is the typical good guy. Not too interesting. Overall I give it a 8. It's entertaining and beautiful and I would recommend it to almost anybody.
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Dune (2021)
Best film of 2021?
4 November 2021
This movie is amazing and left me even more impressed in Denis Villeneuve's skill and mastery of the art of filmmaking.

The lore was very interesting to me but also completely new since I had no knowledge on the world of Dune before seeing the movie.
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Spider-Man (2002)
As amazing as the first time I watched it
4 October 2021
This movie started the superhero craze of the 21st century with it's riveting portrayal of one of the most beloved characters in the Marvel comics. The special effects were amazing for their time and they do sometimes show their age but it's perfectly understandable as this movie is like 20 years old. Story wise it's great. Tobey Maguire is the perfect Spider-Man in my opinion. He did look a bit older than a high schooler but he's totally believable as a college student. He really nails the nerdiness and good guy nature of Peter Parker. Something his successors would unfortunately fail to do.
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Ex Machina (2014)
Second watch, still a masterpiece
3 October 2021
This movie is amazing. It's a captivating film from beginning to end, filled with suspense and existential questions. All 3 main characters absolutely nail it. Perfect casting, perfect length, perfect soundtrack.
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Point Break (1991)
A cult classic
5 August 2021
Patrick Swayze really shines in this film. I really liked his character and I think the movie would plain and simply be dull without him. Don't get me wrong, Keanu Reeves is not a bad actor. But he was never great. I'm not saying anyone could've played his character because that's not true. In a physical manner, he's perfect. He sells it well. He looks smart yet capable and handy. "Young, dumb and full of cum" would be another way to put it LOL! Great dialogue in this movie. Almost every line delivered by Swayze is quotable. You know the movie's good when that's the case;) On a more serious note, this is a tale of risks and the duality of man, executed in a pretty original way.
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God of War (2018 Video Game)
A masterpiece
5 August 2021
A continuously gripping experience. An emotional journey. A single-player masterpiece. That's what God of War is. Plain and simple. It's a must play. This game came out guns blazing and chose to deliver exciting set pieces one on top of another. Combined with great, fun and challenging gameplay and some decent exploration possibilities and you've got an awesome gameplay loop. Don't want to explore every nook and cranny? Fine. Don't. You don't need to. You're a perfectionist? Great! Your patience will be rewarded with amazing equipment and lore. This is without the shadow of a doubt, one of the greatest game of the PS4 generation.
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Shame (2011)
Addiction and all the shame
31 July 2021
I'm frankly disappointed in people who didn't find this movie interesting, but I get it. This film is not for everyone. It could be if everyone had an open-mind and knew what they were in for. You're in for a depressing tale of what sex addiction does to Man. But you're also in for a sort of case study on modern day relationships, of the rawest form. So much so that you can immediately relate to a least one aspect of Fassbender's character or his sister. That's the strongest suit of this well directed and amazingly acted tale. It doesn't really have a weak point. I can't say there isn't enough to chew on because that's not the case. I really think this is a must watch for anyone who thinks they're alone in their addiction. Everyone has their vices, it doesn't have to be sex addiction. Alcohol, drugs, exercice, gambling, video games, shopping, EATING; anything can be an addiction. You will identify with this movie, but keep an open-mind and don't expect action. After watching it, digest it.
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Donut County (2018 Video Game)
Creative but not fun
28 July 2021
Charming graphics but very poor gameplay loop. Not worth your time or money unless you're looking for an easy platinum trophy. I was genuinely interested in this game though, otherwise I wouldn't have bought it. I was left disappointed by its gameplay mostly. Story is written for 14 year old girls it looks like. Redeeming qualities are the music and art design.
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Loki: For All Time. Always. (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
15 July 2021
This was just a disappointing finale to an otherwise solid season. The newly introduced character is in my opinion poorly acted and the Loki and Sylvie chemistry feels forced. 35 minutes and more of pretty boring backstory. Again, not a bad episode, but a bad finale.
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Mandy (I) (2018)
Cinematography wins
12 July 2021
Crazy cinematography and colour palette. Excruciating-ly slow paced at times. So slow and strange you think there's going to be a jumpscare at every corner. Great atmospheric soundtrack by Johansson. Very unique film, check it out if you are open minded. You might love it. You might hate it, who knows? Only one way to find out!
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Steve Jobs (2015)
Masterful acting by Fassbender
12 July 2021
Michael Fassbender shines in this original and creative portrayal of Steve Job's life at 3 crucial points in his life. Superb directing by Danny Boyle. Tremendous soundtrack. The movie is inspiring in a lot of ways and I feel like a lot of people can take away something positive out of it. A solid 9.5 from me! My main and only real gripe with this great film is that I consider the ending a bit underwhelming for my own taste in terms of spectacle. I feel like it should've given us a bit more to digest there.
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Loki: Journey Into Mystery (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
Creativity and entertainment
8 July 2021
Second to last episode, ONCE AGAIN ending just when you want more. Great effects for Alioth in my opinion. Reminds me of Harry Potter in some ways. I thought the different Loki's were interesting, although borderline silly, especially when they battle it out. Otherwise, I'm excited for the finale. This show is creative and entertaining. I bet Mobius is the evil guy behind it all. Just a prediction. They were some signs in here ;)
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Fight Club (1999)
6 July 2021
Yes. First time watching Fight Club for me. I'm glad I watched it at this particular time in my life though, because I don't feel like I would've truly grasped the meaning of this story had I been younger. This film does more than entertain the viewer, and that's for sure. It asks some tough questions about our world, but most importantly about ourselves. It's a masterclass in suspension of disbelief. The execution and directing by David Fincher allowed it to approach a most unique proposition with tact. For me it's a masterpiece. But that's enough for today as I've already broken the rules...
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A glorified B-movie w/Bruce Willis and Gary Oldman
5 July 2021
This movie was pretty bad all things considered. I get that for its time some of the effects were jaw-dropping, but I review the films based on modern day criteria. You can hate on me for that and I know I will piss off many with what I'm saying. This movie is just a glorified B-movie with some budget. That's all it is really. It was back to back clichés with a generous dose of nonsense. Even when I tried to shut my brain off, this movie did nothing for me. The pathetic predictable final act is what made me give it a 3/10. In other parts it was better and pretty silly as well. Bruce Willis is decent in this. Gary Oldman is... weird? Anyways don't bother. Didn't age well that's for sure.
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Loki: The Nexus Event (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
30 June 2021
Best episode so far! Amazing pacing throughout the whole episode. I'm excited as things are starting to really, really get interesting.
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Loki: Lamentis (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
Decent episode, too much ugly CGI
29 June 2021
Over-usage of the "360 screen" technology from Disney. It really shows at time (flat image, characters on foreground, blurred background). From some reason it felt less prominent in the Mandalorian? Also a lot of bad CGI that ruins the illusion of disbelief. I'm not trying to be a snob, I WISH I couldn't see it right away:( Apart from this, the soundtrack is still solid and unlike others I didn't have a problem with the pacing, the dialogue or the story. Good ending that once again leaves you wondering where the show is going next.
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Loki: The Variant (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
Great second episode, slightly better than the first.
29 June 2021
Man does the soundtrack elevate this show. It's amazing and I can't wait for it to be released. That said, this was a great second episode and I would say it was a tad bit better than the pilot because of its ending. What's good about this show is you really have no idea of where it's going next. At least, I don't!
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Loki: Glorious Purpose (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Very good pilot.
29 June 2021
Despite the fact that I didn't watch the previous 2 Marvel Disney Series, I thoroughly enjoyed this. I haven't gotten around to watching those shows but I simply don't care for their main characters. Loki though, is an interesting character. Very good pilot. Will definitely watch the rest (that's currently available).
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Astro's Playroom (2020 Video Game)
Fantastic game.
22 June 2021
Very fun and accessible platformer that showcases the endless potential of the DualSense controller. Short and sweet as well. It fulfills its purpose with excellence, almost perfection. 10/10 from me. I won't forget this was my introduction to the PS5:)
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Voices (2014)
Season 6, Episode 11
Great Yoda episode, rich in lore.
8 June 2021
Always a pleasure to follow Yoda's aventures. This episode sets up a fantastic end of season arc. No action, but very rich in lore.
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Excellent. 9.5
30 May 2021
I love this movie, despite its flaws. The premise itself, albeit poetic in essence, isn't very interesting or logical (in my opinion). The film basically admits it is illogical and we are, as an audience, suppose to just let it go. Apart from that, Saving Private Ryan is a masterclass in character development and directing. From the very beginning, you understand that this movie goes for a realistic approach to war storytelling. There's no glorious moments when there's no need to. Simply put, there is glory in fighting, risking your life, and dying for your brothers in arms. But there is nothing glorious about crying for your mother when your insides are out of your body. This movie does a tremendous job at showing us that side of war that often is overlooked by Hollywood.
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Decent episode, despite Jar Jar.
27 May 2021
This episode will definitely not please everyone since it revolves around Jar Jar, but it still manages to be entertaining, especially towards the end. Windu saves it.
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Great storytelling
9 May 2021
An introduction to the societal context of 70s NYC. The beginning of a bigger story. The makers of this docuseries really sell this premise well. Tremendous music, sounds like Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross.
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Altered Carbon: Out of the Past (2018)
Season 1, Episode 1
It's okay.
2 May 2021
8/10? Seriously?? Jesus, no. The acting from that police woman was horrendous. Dialogue feels off/forced to be witty. The universe seems interesting, so it's a shame that the pacing ruins the pilot. It just feels weird. I know that's not the best review but hey I'm just telling you how I felt about this particular episode.
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The Serpent: Episode #1.1 (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
An uninteresting pilot
25 April 2021
In a pilot, you want to be intrigued by the story. You want to be grabbed by a show. You want to be excited for what is to come. This episode fails at this. Does this mean it is bad? No. The setting (70s Asia) is cool, but the acting is unconvincing. Probably won't watch the rest to be honest.
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