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What Does Cum Laude Mean? GPA and Other Criteria

Cum Laude

Investopedia / Zoe Hanson

What Is Cum Laude?

Cum laude is a Latin term that means "with distinction," "with praise," or "with honor." It represents an academic level of achievement.

Educational institutions use the term to signify an academic degree awarded to someone with honorable excellence in academic coursework. It is a mark of distinction that some students and others use on their resumes as a hallmark of their success in their higher education.

Cum laude is one of three academic excellence designations recognized in the United States. The other two are summa cum laude (which indicates the greatest distinction) and magna cum laude (which indicates great distinction).

Because the terms come from Latin, they are often called Latin honors. They are common in the U.S. but very few countries around the world use them.

Cum laude is awarded when a student achieves academic success and strong grades.

Key Takeaways

  • Cum laude is one of three Latin honors that educational institutions bestow upon graduation; the other two are summa cum laude and magna cum laude.
  • The term is Latin for "with distinction," or "with honor," or "with praise."
  • Educational institutions have different academic criteria that must be met for each honor.
  • Students are never allowed to apply or campaign for Latin honors.
  • Students must have a specific grade point average even to be considered for this honor.

Understanding Cum Laude

Cum laude signifies a distinguished level of academic achievement. An even greater distinction is magna cum laude, which means "with high honor" or "with high praise." Summa cum laude bestows the greatest honor or praise on its recipient. 

The guidelines by which each level of academic honor is achieved differ at academic institutions. Each university or college typically outlines its expectations for each award.

Students who receive Latin honors are typically recognized during graduation ceremonies, and the designation appears on the student's diploma.

Students graduating with honors may also be allowed to wear some special symbol, like a specific sash or tassel on their mortarboard.

In 1869, Harvard University became the first academic institution in the U.S. to award cum laude and other Latin honors.

Criteria for Cum Laude

The criteria for earning Latin honors may include a high grade-point average (GPA), class ranking, a particular number of credit hours completed, and other academic achievements.

Some universities bestow Latin honors at certain GPA levels. Typically, a GPA of 3.5 or higher is required to receive the cum laude designation, with higher GPAs necessary for magna cum laude and summa cum laude. The designation is based only on an individual student's final GPA.

Other universities reserve Latin honors for a stated percentage of each graduating class. That means only a top percentage of a class may receive any honors. Even smaller percentages of the student body may be awarded the magna cum laude and summa cum laude honors designations.

An outstanding GPA alone may not be enough to earn these honors at Ivy League universities and other highly competitive schools.

Faculty committees also consider students' academic records and other academic achievements, such as outstanding papers, published articles, and well-researched assignments. The professors will usually recommend honors for exceptional students.

What Is the Difference Between Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, and Summa Cum Laude?

While cum laude represents a distinguished level of achievement, magna cum laude is one level above. Meaning “with great praise” in Latin, magna cum laude differs from summa cum laude, which in turn means “highest praise” or “highest honor.” Summa cum laude represents the highest level of academic distinction. These designations may be awarded due to different factors such as GPA, class ranking, or additional academic achievements. 

What Is an Example of Cum Laude?

Consider the Ivy League school, the University of Pennsylvania, where students must have a GPA of 3.4 to graduate cum laude. By contrast, New York University awards students cum laude if students' GPAs fall within the next 15% of the previous year's graduating class, and some colleges within the university have their own ranking system. Ultimately, how and when these designations are awarded can vary widely across academic institutions.

Is It Hard to Earn a Cum Laude?

Most students need to have an above-average to high grade point to earn the cum laude honor. It requires a lot of dedication, effort, and time to outperform many peers in an academic class to achieve such a distinction.

The Bottom Line

Cum laude is a Latin term used at educational institutions as a mark of distinction, representing honorable excellence in coursework.

The cum laude designation is often included in resumes by potential job candidates to demonstrate their success in academics and to put themselves above the competition.

Cum laude is determined by GPA or other academic achievements. It is awarded more by U.S. educational institutions than by those in other countries.

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  1. University of Pennsylvania. "Graduation Honors."

  2. New York University. "Latin Honors Archive."

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