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The Task Group on Data Support for Climate Change Assessments provides guidance to the IPCC’s Data Distribution Centre on curation, traceability, stability, availability and transparency of data and scenarios related to the reports of the IPCC.

Task Group on Data Support for Climate Change Assessments (TG-Data)

TG-Data is mandated by the IPCC Panel to provide guidance to the Data Distribution Centre (DDC) on curation, traceability, stability, availability and transparency of data and scenarios related to the reports of the IPCC. Together with the DDC, the Task Group facilitates the availability and consistent use of climate change-related data and scenarios in support of the implementation of the IPCC’s programme of work. TG-Data replaces the  Task Group on Data and Scenario Support for Impact and Climate Analysis (TGICA)  mandated to facilitate the distribution and application of climate change-related data and scenarios to enable research and sharing of information across the three IPCC Working Groups. At its 47th Session on 13-16 March 2018, the IPCC adopted Decision IPCC-XLVII-9 where TGICA was renamed to Task Group on Data Support for Climate Change Assessments (TG-Data) with new Terms of Reference for TG-Data as well as Guidance for the Data Distribution Centre (DDC).


1. Membership

TG-Data members were selected during the 56th Session of the IPCC Bureau (Geneva, Switzerland, 18-19 March 2019). Additional members were selected at the 57th Session of the IPCC Bureau (Singapore, 24-25 October 2019). The Task Group members are:

  • David Huard (Co-Chair; Canada)
  • Sebastian Vicuña (Co-Chair; Chile)
  • BLOK Kornelis (The Netherlands)
  • CHOW Winston (Singapore)
  • CRIMP Steven (Australia)
  • GUNAWAN Wawan (Indonesia)
  • GUTIÉRREZ José Manuel (Spain)
  • HOLSMAN Kirstin (United States of America)
  • KAWAMIYA Michio (Japan)
  • KLUTSE Nana Ama Browne (Ghana)
  • KREY Volker (Germany/Austria)
  • SOLMAN Silvina (Argentina)
  • SONGLI Zhu (China)
  • VAN DER SCHRIER Gerard (The Netherlands)
  • WARREN Rachel (United Kingdom)

Ex-Officio Members:

      i.   DDC Managers and DDC Representatives

Seventh assessment cycle 

  • COFIÑO GONZALEZ, Antonio Santiago (IFCA/CSIC, Spain)
  • GUTIERREZ, Jose Manuel (IFCA/CSIC, Spain)
  • MILWARD David (MetaDataWorks, UK)
  • PASCOE Charlotte (Centre for Environmental Data Analysis – CEDA , UK)
  • REYNOLDS Charlotte (MetaDataWorks , UK)
  • SITZ Lina (Instituto de Física de Cantabria, Spain)
  • STOCKHAUSE Martina (Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum – DKRZ, Germany )
  • XING Xiaoshi (Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), USA)

Sixth assessment cycle

  • CHEN Bob (Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), USA)
  • COFIÑO GONZALEZ, Antonio Santiago (IFCA/CSIC, Spain)
  • GUTIERREZ, Jose Manuel (IFCA/CSIC, Spain)
  • JUCKES Martin (Centre for Environmental Data Analysis – CEDA, UK)
  • MILWARD Adam (MetaDataWorks, UK)
  • PASCOE Charlotte (Centre for Environmental Data Analysis – CEDA , UK)
  • STOCKHAUSE Martina (Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum – DKRZ, Germany )
  • ROGERS Jyoti (MetaDataWorks, UK)
  • XING Xiaoshi (Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), USA)

     ii.   Technical Support Unit (TSU) Staff

Seventh assessment cycle 

  • SITZ Lina (Working Group I TSU)
  • ALIKADIC Azra (Working Group II TSU)
  • SAHARI Wahab (Working Group II TSU)
  • LAMB April (Working Group III TSU)

Sixth assessment cycle

  • MATTHEWS Robin (Working Group I TSU)
  • PIRANI Anna (Working Group I TSU)
  • YELEKCI Ozge (Working Group I TSU)
  • ALEGRIA Andrés (Working Group II TSU)
  • POLOCZANSKA Elvira (Working Group II TSU)
  • AL KHOURDAJIE Alaa (Working Group III TSU) 

2. TG-Data work organization

Executive sub-group
Roles: Coordinate TG-Data activities; Ensure subgroups are progressing toward their own deliverables; Strengthen connection to all WGs and TSUs.

Data prioritization sub-group
Roles: Identify key datasets used by IPCC authors whose long term archival is not guaranteed.

DDC subgroup
Roles: Manage the DDC pages of the website; Liaison between TSU and DDC.

External Partnerships Subgroup
Roles: Create linkages with organizations sharing TG-Data goals; Identify potential new DDCs (for example in developing countries); Establish connection with organizations sharing similar objectives.

FAIR Subgroup
Roles: Develop cross-WG data/code curation guidelines; Develop technical guidelines for FAIR principles; Review of the success of the implementation process; Organize expert meetings; Prepare work for further steps (AR7).

Web pages and Outreach subgroup
Roles: Create web page content; Write guidance material; Develop training material; Organize expert meetings and training workshops; Conduct user surveys;

Introducing the work of the TG-Data – Interactive Atlas Regional Webinars

Introducing the work of the TG-Data – Scenario Database and Scenario Explorer Webinars



1. TG-Data Meetings

The Task Group membership meets regularly to co-ordinate and manage its activities as detailed in its reports submitted to the Panel. Progress reports to the Panel on TG Data activities can be found here. Below the list of Panel presentations.

2. Outreach activities

TG-Data’s purpose encompasses facilitating, in cooperation with DDC, the availability and use of climate change related data resulting from the activities of the IPCC in accordance with the mandate of the IPCC. This has included outreach activities and events.

Sixth Assessment Cycle

Interactive Atlas Regional Webinars

TG-Data together with Working Group I prepared outreach activities linked to the outcomes of the Working Group I report that was released in August 2021. The objectives of these activities were to:

  • Present the main results of the Working Group I report;
  • Engage with the regional research practitioner community over specific regional domains;
  • Present the data availability with special emphasis on the Interactive Atlas (IA) providing regional information and synthesis (from the Technical Summary and the regional chapters 10-11-12-Atlas Chapters).

Details of the different outreach events are available here

IPCC TG-Data Scenario Database and Scenario Explorer Webinars

The IPCC Task Group on Data Support for Climate Change Assessments (TG-Data) together with the DDC organized an online webinar series focused on using IPCC Working Group III AR6 Scenarios Database and Scenario Explorer. The webinars are aimed at researchers and practitioners. The interactive sessions highlighted the data aspects of using the Database and the Explorer, including data availability and FAIR data principles, how to access and terms of use of data.

The objectives of these events were to:

  • Present the main results of the Working Group IIII contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report;
  • Engage with the regional research practitioner community over specific regional domains;
  • Present the data availability with special emphasis on the AR6 Scenarios Database and Scenario Explorer providing regional information and synthesis.

Details of the different outreach events are available here.

Guidance material

This section provides guidance material on best practices on treatment and accessing data relevant for climate-related research that has been used or produced in AR6 reports. For information on how to access relevant databases and tools used within the AR6 report you are referred to the following webpage. Data used in the construction of figures is described in detail in the DDC data catalogue.  

Additionally, TG-Data has produced the following documents describing: 


Data Distribution Centre (DDC)

The Data Distribution Centre (DDC) provides climate, socio-economic and environmental data, both from the past and also in scenarios projected into the future. Technical guidelines on the selection and use of different types of data and scenarios in research and assessment are also provided. The DDC is designed primarily for climate change researchers, but materials contained on the site may also be of interest to educators, governmental and non-governmental organizations as well as the general public. To access the DDC, click here.