Roots of problem debt and policies to mitigate its consequencesHow do individuals get into debt and subsequently manage their credit commitments, and how effective is debt advice?
New UKMOD tax-benefit microsimulation updates and models for 2025 policy systemWith over 100 users across academia, government, the devolved assemblies, and the third sector, UKMOD is the pre-eminent tax-benefit microsimulation model for the UK
Understanding the links between intrahousehold dynamics and individual and household debt: New funded PhD opportunityIncludes a placement with the Money and Pensions Service to see how they use research evidence for policy making
New research project investigates impact of menopause and access to HRT on women’s livesNew Nuffield Foundation project with UCL looks at menopause care and impact on women from different socioeconomic backgrounds
Policy event: Housing at the heart: creating healthy, equitable and sustainable communitiesOne-day conference at the British Academy in London on 26 February and launch of Insights 2025 Report on housing related research using Understanding Society
Fees paid and living costs grant for next PhD intake: Apply by 22 Jan for ESRC studentship for October startPhD programmes in Economics, Survey Methodology, Health Research or Applied Social and Economic Research available for full or part-time study