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Source code used to create every computational figure in the paper:
Techniques to understand computer simulations: Markov chain analysis

Luis R. Izquierdo, Segismundo S. Izquierdo, José M. Galán & José I. Santos

All the software in this web page is released under the GNU General Public Licence. Clicking any of the source download links will be taken as an assertion that you agree to abide by the terms of this licence.

| Source code used to create figure 1
| Source code used to create figure 2
| Source code used to create figure 3
| Source code used to create figure 4
| Source code used to create figure 5
| Source code used to create figure 6
| Source code used to create figure 7
| Source code used to create figure 10
| Source code used to create figure 11
| Source code used to create figure 12
| Source code used to create figure 13
| Source code used to create figure 14
| Source code used to create figure 15

Figures and the source code used to generate them

Figure 1

Figure 1 has been created with CoolWorld.nlogo, using NetLogo 4.0.


Figure 2

Figure 2 has been created by clicking on the button Special Conditions in CoolWorld.nlogo, using NetLogo 4.0.


Figure 3

Figure 3 has been created with CoolWorld.nlogo, using NetLogo 4.0. To replicate this experiment, open CoolWorld.nlogo within NetLogo 4.0, go to "Tools" in the menu, then select "BehaviorSpace", and conduct the experiment "figs_3_4_5" twice to obtain two sets of 100 runs.


Figure 4

The empirical relative frequency distribution shown in Figure 4 has been created with CoolWorld.nlogo, using NetLogo 4.0. To replicate this experiment, open CoolWorld.nlogo within NetLogo 4.0, go to "Tools" in the menu, then select "BehaviorSpace", and conduct the experiment "figs_3_4_5" to obtain one set of 100 runs.
The exact probability function (in grey) has been computed using this file (CoolWorld-exact-distribution.nb), which has been programmed in Mathematica 6.0.


Figure 5

The empirical relative frequency distribution shown in Figure 5 has been created with CoolWorld.nlogo, using NetLogo 4.0. To replicate this experiment, open CoolWorld.nlogo within NetLogo 4.0, go to "Tools" in the menu, then select "BehaviorSpace", and conduct the experiment "figs_3_4_5" to obtain one set of 100 runs.
The exact probability function (in grey) has been computed using this file (CoolWorld-exact-distribution.nb), which has been programmed in Mathematica 6.0.


Figure 6

The empirical relative frequency distribution shown in Figure 6 has been created with CoolWorld.nlogo, using NetLogo 4.0. To replicate this experiment, open CoolWorld.nlogo within NetLogo 4.0, go to "Tools" in the menu, then select "BehaviorSpace", and conduct the experiment "figs_6_7" to obtain one set of 50000 runs.
The exact probability function (in grey) has been computed using this file (CoolWorld-exact-distribution.nb), which has been programmed in Mathematica 6.0.


Figure 7

The empirical relative frequency distribution shown in Figure 7 has been created with CoolWorld.nlogo, using NetLogo 4.0. To replicate this experiment, open CoolWorld.nlogo within NetLogo 4.0, go to "Tools" in the menu, then select "BehaviorSpace", and conduct the experiment "figs_6_7" to obtain one set of 50000 runs.
The exact probability function (in grey) has been computed using this file (CoolWorld-exact-distribution.nb), which has been programmed in Mathematica 6.0.


Figure 10

The empirical relative frequency distribution shown in Figure 10 has been created with 1D-Random-Walk.nlogo (applet 1 in the paper), using NetLogo 4.0. To replicate this experiment, open 1D-Random-Walk.nlogo within NetLogo 4.0, go to "Tools" in the menu, then select "BehaviorSpace", and conduct the experiment "fig_10" to obtain one set of 50000 runs.
The exact probability function (in grey) has been computed using this file (1D-RandomWalk-exact-distribution.nb), which has been programmed in Mathematica 6.0.


Figure 11

This (fig11.nb) is the Mathematica 6.0 file we used to produce figure 11. The execution of this program creates a directory named "fig11" where all the figures shown in the animation will be placed. Please make sure you save this file (map.png) in the same directory as fig11.nb before running the program.

Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 12 has been created with CoolWorld.nlogo, using NetLogo 4.0. To replicate this experiment, open CoolWorld.nlogo within NetLogo 4.0, go to "Tools" in the menu, then select "BehaviorSpace", and conduct the experiment "fig_12". This experiment consists of one single run of 10000 time-steps.


Figure 13

Figure 13 has been created with CoolWorld.nlogo, using NetLogo 4.0. To replicate this experiment, open CoolWorld.nlogo within NetLogo 4.0, go to "Tools" in the menu, then select "BehaviorSpace", and conduct the experiment "fig_13". This experiment consists of 1000 runs of 1000 time-steps each.


Figure 14

This (fig14.nb) is the Mathematica 6.0 file we used to produce figure 14. The execution of this program creates a directory named "fig14" where all the figures shown in the animation will be placed.

Figure 14

Figure 15

This (fig15.nb) is the Mathematica 6.0 file we used to produce figure 15. The execution of this program creates a directory named "fig15" where all the figures shown in the animation will be placed.

Figure 15