Prijs van Microsoft en USAID voor WIKIproject HP-Macedonie ( vervolg)
Het WIKI-project dat wij al 2 1/2 jaar uitvoeren met een school in Macedonië heeft in december j.l. een prijs gewonnen van Microsoft en USAID in Macedonië. Iets meer informatie daarover hebben we net gekregen.
Microsoft and USAID ‘Partners in Learning and Primary Education Project.
On 10 December, at the premises of the hotel Aleksandar Palace, Skopje, (…) was the presentation of works and the remuneration of the best projects that took part in the first Microsoft Innovation Educators Forum in Macedonia.
For the first time teachers in Macedonia, especially innovative ones, took the opportunity to present their projects to show how technology and new developments can enhance the educational process and to improve communication between all stakeholders in this process, in and outside school.… Read the rest