[Research Experience]
1) Kokkos OpenACC Backend
- Develop the OpenACC backend…
What an exciting work! We will keep pushing forward. :)
What an exciting work! We will keep pushing forward. :)
Liked by Seyong Lee
KokkACC - Enabling Kokkos with OpenACC. 🚀✨ We have recently completed the development of the OpenACC backend for the Kokkos framework to enhance…
KokkACC - Enabling Kokkos with OpenACC. 🚀✨ We have recently completed the development of the OpenACC backend for the Kokkos framework to enhance…
Liked by Seyong Lee
지난 4월 AI-반도체 이니셔티브를 통해 발표된 “국가AI위원회”가 드디어 오늘 출범하였습니다. (짝짝) 8년전 이세돌 9단과 알파고와의 바둑 대전을 통해 전세계에 AI의 등장을 화려하게 알린 서울 포시즌 호텔의 그 장소에서, 향후 다가올 30년 AI시대를 준비하기…
지난 4월 AI-반도체 이니셔티브를 통해 발표된 “국가AI위원회”가 드디어 오늘 출범하였습니다. (짝짝) 8년전 이세돌 9단과 알파고와의 바둑 대전을 통해 전세계에 AI의 등장을 화려하게 알린 서울 포시즌 호텔의 그 장소에서, 향후 다가올 30년 AI시대를 준비하기…
Liked by Seyong Lee
S4PST: Stewardship for Programming Systems and Tools
- Present
Nuclear Computational Low Energy Initiative
Next-Generation Precision for Neutrino and Collider Computations
RAPIDS2: A SciDAC Institute for Computer Science, Data, and Artificial Intelligence
ECP PROTEAS-TUNE: Programming Toolchain for Emerging Architectures and Systems/Y-Tune
Brisbane: Productive Programming Systems in the Era of Extremely Heterogeneous and Ephemeral Computer Architectures
RAPIDS: a SciDAC Institute for Resource and Application Productivity through computation, Information, and Data Science
ECP PROTEAS: PROgramming Toolchain for Emerging Architectures and System
Tahoe: Designing and Programming Exascale Memory Hierarchies, DoE, Laboratory Directed Research & Development Program
ARES: Abstract Representations for the Extreme-Scale Stack
Understanding the Interface Driven Magnetic Properties of Topological Insulators Using a GPU Accelerated First-Principles All-Electron Code
Electronic Structure Based Discovery of Hybrid Photovoltaic Materials on Next-Generation HPC Platforms
Vancouver2: Improving Programmability of Contemporary Heterogeneous Architectures
Programmer-Guided Reliability in Chapel
I investigate the use of programmer-provided information (code and annotations) to enhance the detection and correction of silent data corruption (SDC) in technical applications , with the goal of characterizing the effectiveness and cost (in terms of performance and energy) of such an approach, and to allow the user (or system managers) to make trade-offs in the space of reliability, energy, and performance (R-E-P).
Other creators
Honors & Awards
2024 R&D 100 Awards for IRIS-SDK: Intelligent Runtime System for Extremely Heterogeneous Computer Architectures
R&D World magazine honors inventors by identifying the 100 most technologically significant products and advancements each year and recognizing the winning innovators and their organizations. Winners are chosen from an international pool of submissions from universities, private corporations, and government labs.
Best Paper Finalist in HPC Asia 2024: the International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region
Best Paper Award in the Ninth Workshop on Accelerator Programming Using Directives (WACCPD), in conjunction with SC22
Best Paper Finalist in HPEC18: IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference
IEEE-CS TCHPC Award for Excellence for Early Career Researchers in High Performance Computing
Awarded up to 3 individuals who have made outstanding, influential, and potentially long-lasting contributions in the field of high performance computing within 5 years of receiving their PhD degrees (https://www.computer.org/web/pressroom/TCHPC-Award-2016).
The most cited PPoPP paper between 2009 and 2014
The paper on the high-level GPU programming (“OpenMP to GPGPU: A Compiler Framework for Automatic Translation and Optimization”) was selected as the most cited paper among all papers published in the Symposium on Principles and Practices of Parallel Programming (PPOPP) between 2009 and 2014 (cited 300 times as of April. 2014).
Best Student Paper Award in Proceedings of the 2010 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing (SC10)
Chungbuk Association College Student Scholarhip(1995~1998)
Awarded to top 5 all high school graduates in Chungbuk Province
Full-tuition for four years
IT Scholarship of Ministry of Information and Communication Republic of Korea (2002, 2003)
Awarded to 20 M.S. students and 50 PhD. students in IT area through highly competitive
selection procedure
Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies (KFAS) College Student Scholarship (1997, 1998)
Awarded to 20 students in EECS through highly competitive selection procedures
Ranked 50th of all applicants at the Korea National College Entrance Exam (1994)
Ranked 50th of all applicants at the Korea National College Entrance Exam (50/757,488), 1994
The Samsung Lee Kun Hee Scholarship Foundation (2004~2008)
Awarded to 50 B.S. students, 25 M.S. students, and 25 PhD. Students in all area with focus on science and engineering area
Full-tuition and living expense for four years
Native or bilingual proficiency
More activity by Seyong
I am honored to have been a part of the exceptional team including Jeffrey Vetter, Beau Johnston, Seyong Lee, Narasinga Rao Miniskar, Monil Mohammad…
I am honored to have been a part of the exceptional team including Jeffrey Vetter, Beau Johnston, Seyong Lee, Narasinga Rao Miniskar, Monil Mohammad…
Liked by Seyong Lee
I'm really proud of our team on winning this award! Congrats Jeffrey Vetter, Jungwon Kim, Seyong Lee, Narasinga Rao Miniskar, Monil Mohammad Alaul…
I'm really proud of our team on winning this award! Congrats Jeffrey Vetter, Jungwon Kim, Seyong Lee, Narasinga Rao Miniskar, Monil Mohammad Alaul…
Liked by Seyong Lee
I am thrilled that we launched the High Performance Software Foundation today with Kokkos as one of its initial technical projects!! HPSF is set up…
I am thrilled that we launched the High Performance Software Foundation today with Kokkos as one of its initial technical projects!! HPSF is set up…
Liked by Seyong Lee
I am honored to have had the opportunity to serve as the ISC High Performance 2024 Program Chair and contribute to such an amazing community in…
I am honored to have had the opportunity to serve as the ISC High Performance 2024 Program Chair and contribute to such an amazing community in…
Liked by Seyong Lee
For a tenure track faculty, teaching can sometimes feel overwhelming. However, it could be quite rewarding and motivating as well. I want to express…
For a tenure track faculty, teaching can sometimes feel overwhelming. However, it could be quite rewarding and motivating as well. I want to express…
Liked by Seyong Lee
I'm thrilled to share that our team has won the first ACM Gordon Bell Prize for Climate Modeling. https://lnkd.in/ebYUQ8iz
I'm thrilled to share that our team has won the first ACM Gordon Bell Prize for Climate Modeling. https://lnkd.in/ebYUQ8iz
Liked by Seyong Lee
We have concluded the third "Workshop on Redefining Scalability for Diversely Heterogeneous Architectures" (RSDHA) at SC'23. We explored the two…
We have concluded the third "Workshop on Redefining Scalability for Diversely Heterogeneous Architectures" (RSDHA) at SC'23. We explored the two…
Liked by Seyong Lee
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