From the course: Cloud Governance Concepts: Tools and Requirements

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Cloud resource governance

Cloud resource governance

- [Narrator] Of course, there are many types of cloud governance to consider, and we'll cover the most relevant ones here. The first type is cloud resource governance. Simply put, this is the main governance over the significant resources cloud providers provide. Examples include cloud storage, cloud databases, cloud computing resources, cloud file systems, et cetera. If you've noticed that these are usually what's listed on the console of a public cloud provider, you're correct. Indeed, this screenshot of the central console of a public cloud provider is the best example of what cloud resources are and why they need to be governed. Storage is the best example of a cloud resource that should be governed by limiting the amount of storage that a user or application can provision. This can be set to whatever level is right for the business application. Limiting the amount of cost that can be incurred, including cost over specific period, such as a month. Limiting the location of storage…
