From the course: Foundational JavaScript Security

What is ethical hacking?

- [Instructor] Whenever people think about hacking, they think about guys sitting behind their computers would a hoodie, ready to do no good and destroy computer resources and do all kinds of activities for their own interest. In several cases, that would be correct, and these type of hackers are referred to as black hat hacking. These hackers will use all kinds of techniques to access privileged data or destroy the same data, all for their own benefit, in other words, unethical hacking, but what is ethical hacking? It's the complete opposite of what we just looked at. Hackers following ethical hacking use the same techniques but only to determine if the resources are vulnerable to threats or not. These hackers are called white hat hackers. Let me repeat. Ethical hacking is the practice of using the same methods and tools to define if there might be vulnerabilities into the code or network, and companies pay for these services so they understand if they could be in danger of being attacked. Typically, an ethical hacker will get hired by a company. Then the hacker will do some reconnaissance to determine if there are any open doors for them to exploit and then exploit these doors to figure out what data or resources they could damage or pull. Then they report their findings to the company along with recommendations how to eliminate this system weakness, and that is ethical hacking.
