From the course: Sculpting a Creature with ZBrush and Photoshop

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Working with gravity and movement

Working with gravity and movement

- [Voiceover] Before we get into the details of this character, we need to make sure we pay close attention to gravity and movement. How does our character move in their native environment? Or what about the gravity of this world? Asking these important questions will give us insight on how to use forms and how to bring our character to life. Okay, so let's get in and, we just wanna real quickly go over and make sure that we are thinking of gravity, and the one thing I want you to look at is, let's switch our brush over to the Move Topological. It tends to follow the topology a little bit as it grabs onto some of our sculpture. So, in the areas that you wanna pay attention to are usually around the pec area, maybe the bottom of the shoulder. Right underneath the arm, right as it falls into the armpit is another area to kinda look at. And we're just adding a little bit of weight, a little bit of sag. Even the top of the muscles, we wanna make sure we're looking at, because everything…
