From the course: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training

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Splitting subtools

Splitting subtools

- [Instructor] When you're in ZBrush, each SubTool can be thought of as its own self-contained 3D model. However, there will be times when you want to break a model into even smaller SubTools. Let's see how it's done. Okay, looking at an easy case. So right know we've got the brows selected and if we zoom in close, you can see that it's really two separate objects even though if we go into solo mode you can see it's contained in one SubTool. So let's split this out into two different SubTools just in case we want to work on one eyebrow separate from the other. So what we can do is come down under our SubTool palette and open up Split. And in here we have Split To Parts. So any separate parts that aren't actually touching each other or made up of continuous geometry will get split apart. And when we click on this, we're going to get a pop-up warning just telling us that we can't undo this. Okay. So while we…
