Beitrag von Matthias Spaetgens

Profil von Matthias Spaetgens anzeigen, Grafik

Yesterday evening, Scholz & Friends received the GRAND PRIX of the Creative Festival in Cannes.    It is not just a tribute to an idea, but rather to a unique personality: Margot Friedländer   She lost her entire family in Auschwitz, survived Theresienstadt, moved to New York and resettled to Germany at the age of 88. Today, at the age of 102, She is tirelessly educating young people and sharing her story. So that what hppened to her and her family can never happen again. She asks us to "become the witnesses she will not be able to be for much longer." And that is exactly what this picture is intended to remind us of.    Our thanks also go to the Frankfurter Allgemeine, which has been publishing the "clever minds" series with Scholz & Friends for almost 30 years. We are delighted that this perseverance and constant courage has been rewarded. Thank you for the extraordinary partnership. Many thanks also to our entire agency team and the great team of VML's Global Creative Council. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Scholz & Friends VML Thomas Lindner Yamina Grossmann Wim Wenders

Malik Benamara

cannes grand prix winner, call of duty loser, freelance creative director

1 Woche

dahinter stecken halt ein paar kluge Köpfe.

Samy Kouatli

Client Service Director @ Scholz & Friends Berlin / Member of the Management Board / Client Listener / Brand Orchestrator / Enabling Creative Excellence for Clients with the power of Friends

1 Woche

This is the most important Cannes Grand Prix of our time. „I think it is easier to respect people instead of hating them“.

Angelo Kram

love what we are doing

6 Tage

Danke, dass Ihr Euch einmischt und Glückwünsche für diesen so verdienten Grand Prix. Und es ist natürlich ein unglaubliches Geschenk, dass es Menschen wie Margot Friedländer gibt. Das traurige: Wie viele Grand Prix und Friedländers brauchen man in Deutschland eigendlich im diese Katastrophe zu stoppen. Weiter geht's.

Marcos Cline-Marquez

Founder & Executive Producer at ALTERED.LA and Partner at Casa Comedy. Television Academy and Producers Guild of America member.

1 Woche

Incredible. A well deserved recognition for a more than deserving message of love.

Lothar Weissenberger

Managing Director Marketing and Digital Media at DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale

1 Woche

Congrats 🚀🎉sehr verdient für eine mittlerweile auch ikonische Kampagne

Lisa Erdmann

Client Service Director & Member of the Management Board @ Scholz & Friends Berlin GmbH

1 Woche

Super proud of everyone who made this possible and super proud to be a Friend! 💛

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