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  1. Article ; Online: Building cognitive functions from distributed brain activity.

    Duncan, John


    2024  Volume 112, Issue 5, Page(s) 692–693

    Abstract: With recordings from temporal, parietal, and frontal regions of the behaving monkey brain, accompanied by a powerful method for optogenetic silencing of the frontal region, Mendoza-Halliday et al. compare network functions for working memory and visual ... ...

    Abstract With recordings from temporal, parietal, and frontal regions of the behaving monkey brain, accompanied by a powerful method for optogenetic silencing of the frontal region, Mendoza-Halliday et al. compare network functions for working memory and visual selective attention.
    MeSH term(s) Cognition ; Brain ; Memory, Short-Term ; Frontal Lobe ; Attention ; Brain Mapping ; Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods ; Parietal Lobe
    Language English
    Publishing date 2024-03-07
    Publishing country United States
    Document type Journal Article
    ZDB-ID 808167-0
    ISSN 1097-4199 ; 0896-6273
    ISSN (online) 1097-4199
    ISSN 0896-6273
    DOI 10.1016/j.neuron.2024.01.006
    Database MEDical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System OnLINE

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  2. Article ; Online: Practice profit and costs to owners.

    Duncan, Jennifer

    The Veterinary record

    2024  Volume 195, Issue 5, Page(s) 212

    Language English
    Publishing date 2024-11-01
    Publishing country England
    Document type Letter
    ZDB-ID 390015-0
    ISSN 2042-7670 ; 0042-4900
    ISSN (online) 2042-7670
    ISSN 0042-4900
    DOI 10.1002/vetr.4676
    Database MEDical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System OnLINE

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  3. Article ; Online: Construction and use of mental models: Organizing principles for the science of brain and mind.

    Duncan, John


    2024  Volume 207, Page(s) 109062

    Abstract: As an organizing framework for questions of mind and brain, I discuss how the brain builds and uses mental models. Mental models provide a complex, structured description of some situation in the world. The role of perception is to build such a model for ...

    Abstract As an organizing framework for questions of mind and brain, I discuss how the brain builds and uses mental models. Mental models provide a complex, structured description of some situation in the world. The role of perception is to build such a model for the current environment; knowledge provides many of the building blocks; in episodic memory, a previous model is reinstated; in cognitive control, the model dictates a choice of action. A model, I suggest, is a compositional, whole brain state, combining information from multiple specialised brain systems into a structured description of entities in the model and their roles and relationships. The default mode network may play an organizational role as parts of a model are combined into a broader whole. The model combines an active attentional foreground with a more extensive, latent background. Foreground is based on active neural firing, orchestrated by the brain's multiple demand network. Background may also include low-intensity neural activity, but with a substantial contribution from both faster and slower aspects of synaptic change. Interplay between foreground and background underlies core aspects of cognition, including cognitive control, problem solving, abstraction, and learning. Together, these proposals suggest how integrated, whole-brain functions build mental models, providing a unifying framework for the diverse concerns of cognitive neuroscience.
    MeSH term(s) Humans ; Brain/physiology ; Models, Psychological ; Models, Neurological ; Cognition/physiology ; Nerve Net/physiology ; Nerve Net/diagnostic imaging
    Language English
    Publishing date 2024-12-05
    Publishing country England
    Document type Journal Article ; Review ; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
    ZDB-ID 207151-4
    ISSN 1873-3514 ; 0028-3932
    ISSN (online) 1873-3514
    ISSN 0028-3932
    DOI 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2024.109062
    Database MEDical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System OnLINE

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  4. Article: Can a Woman Remain Ignorant of Her Pregnancy up to the Time of Her Delivery?

    Duncan, James

    Chicago medical examiner

    2023  Volume 1, Issue 9, Page(s) 570

    Language English
    Publishing date 2023-07-20
    Publishing country United States
    Document type Journal Article
    Database MEDical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System OnLINE

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  5. Article: Case of Fatal Hemorrhage from Perforation of the Arch of the Aorta, by False Teeth Impacted in the Œsophagus.

    Duncan, James

    Medical examiner (Philadelphia, Pa.)

    2023  Volume 7, Issue 18, Page(s) 214–215

    Language English
    Publishing date 2023-12-20
    Publishing country United States
    Document type Journal Article
    Database MEDical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System OnLINE

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  6. Article: The Use and Abuse of Pessaries.

    Duncan, J Matthews

    The Homoeopathic physician

    2023  Volume 3, Issue 6, Page(s) 189–192

    Language English
    Publishing date 2023-05-01
    Publishing country United States
    Document type Journal Article
    Database MEDical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System OnLINE

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  7. Article: A Case of Traumatic Tetanus Successfully Treated with Calabar Bean.

    Duncan, J A

    The Chicago medical journal

    2023  Volume 30, Issue 11, Page(s) 686–688

    Language English
    Publishing date 2023-07-06
    Publishing country United States
    Document type Journal Article
    Database MEDical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System OnLINE

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  8. Article ; Online: Natural history of abdominal pain in family practice.

    Etches, Duncan J

    Canadian family physician Medecin de famille canadien

    2023  Volume 69, Issue 7, Page(s) 452

    MeSH term(s) Humans ; Family Practice ; Abdominal Pain/etiology
    Language English
    Publishing date 2023-07-14
    Publishing country Canada
    Document type Letter
    ZDB-ID 603565-6
    ISSN 1715-5258 ; 0008-350X
    ISSN (online) 1715-5258
    ISSN 0008-350X
    DOI 10.46747/cfp.6907452_1
    Database MEDical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System OnLINE

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  9. Article: Commencing Hernia.

    Duncan, J Matthews

    Buffalo medical and surgical journal

    2023  Volume 24, Issue 6, Page(s) 276–277

    Language English
    Publishing date 2023-01-20
    Publishing country United States
    Document type Journal Article
    ZDB-ID 426472-1
    ISSN 1040-3825
    ISSN 1040-3825
    Database MEDical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System OnLINE

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  10. Article: Against the Pendulum Movement, in Working the Midwifery Forceps.

    Duncan, J Matthews

    Buffalo medical and surgical journal

    2023  Volume 15, Issue 8, Page(s) 304–308

    Language English
    Publishing date 2023-01-20
    Publishing country United States
    Document type Journal Article
    ZDB-ID 426472-1
    ISSN 1040-3825
    ISSN 1040-3825
    Database MEDical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System OnLINE

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