Offshore News

Ørsted to Explore Integrating Wave Energy into Offshore Wind Farms

Published Jul 5, 2024 6:28 PM by The Maritime Executive

  Wavepiston, a Danish company seeking to develop wave energy solutions, has started a collaboration with Ørsted to...


Floating Solar Pilot Launched in Dutch North Sea to Test Technology

Published Jul 4, 2024 4:59 PM by The Maritime Executive

  The Merganser project has been successfully installed in the Dutch North Sea as the first step toward testing and demons...


France Secures $11B EU Financing to Accelerate Offshore Wind Development

Published Jul 4, 2024 2:59 PM by The Maritime Executive

  Construction of two offshore wind farms in France is set to proceed following the securing of a €10.8 billion ($11....


German Offshore Wind Farm Selects China’s Most Powerful 18MW Wind Turbines

Published Jul 3, 2024 3:59 PM by The Maritime Executive

  A new offshore wind farm planned for the German North Sea signed a preferred supplier agreement reserving the world&rsqu...


Atlantic Shores is the Next U.S. Offshore Wind Project to Get Approval

Published Jul 2, 2024 4:35 PM by The Maritime Executive

  The U.S. Department of the Interior announced that it has approved New Jersey’s Atlantic Shores South, making it t...


New England Wind Gets BOEM Approval as Pace Accelerates in US Offshore Wind

Published Jul 1, 2024 3:15 PM by The Maritime Executive

  The pace of approvals for the U.S. offshore wind sector continues to accelerate after years of review and planning. The...


Gard Buys Alm. Brand's Marine and Energy Business for $160 Million

Published Jul 1, 2024 2:32 PM by The Maritime Executive

  As part of a large-scale reorganization, Danish insurance conglomerate Alm. Brand Group has sold its Codan Energy &...


August Offshore Wind Lease Sale Scheduled for Two Central Atlantic Areas

Published Jun 28, 2024 3:09 PM by The Maritime Executive

  The Department of the Interior announced today it would hold an offshore wind energy lease sale in the Central Atlantic....


Fire Breaks Out at Africa's Biggest Refinery

Published Jun 27, 2024 1:59 PM by The Maritime Executive

The Dangote Refinery, the newest and largest facility of its kind in Africa, reports that it sustained a "minor fire" on...


Vineyard Wind Reaches Milestone as Largest Operating US Offshore Wind Farm

Published Jun 25, 2024 5:50 PM by The Maritime Executive

  The Vineyard Wind 1 project passed a key milestone today becoming the largest operating offshore wind farm in the United...

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