In this section, we assess the performance of Adaptive LINE-P (Case III) against that of UD-WCMA (the only other adaptive energy prediction model available in the literature) and against that of LINE-P (Case III) and IPro-energy (deemed the best two non-adaptive energy prediction models). Note that although we refer to LINE-P (Case III) and IPro-energy as non-adaptive, they are able to model energy variations, but they do not include specific adaptation mechanisms as in Adaptive LINE-P and UD-WCMA.
The comparison is based on short, medium, and longer time period horizons. The classification of the time periods and their graphical representations are extracted from the real datasets available in [
17]. For the longer time period, we consider 30 time slots; for the medium and shorter time periods we used 61 and 96 time slots in 42-, 22-, and 15-min data intervals in 24 h, respectively.
As far as the longer time period is concerned, by deploying real implementation of energy prediction, we have found that a longer time period such as a 1-h data interval is not sufficiently adaptive and feasible, specifically for those regions where the weather changes frequently. Therefore, we have reduced the data interval time from 60 to 42 min and conducted experiments based on 42-, 22-, and 15-min time periods.
4.1. Graphical Representation of Adaptive LINE-P (Case III) as Compared to the State of the Art Based on Longer, Medium, and Shorter Time Period Horizons
For the assessment of all the prediction models, we present the estimation errors in
Table 6 and
Table 7 by using MAE and MSE with the same profile PG&E available in [
Table 6 and
Table 7 illustrate that adaptive LINE-P (Case III) yield less error comparatively to the other prediction models, except LINE-P (Case III), although the error difference between adaptive LINE-P and non-adaptive LINE-P is negligible. Actually, the estimation error is also dependent on the profile; in another profile, we have found higher error in non-adaptive LINE-P (Case III) than adaptive LINE-P.
To obtain the results shown in
Figure 2, we have used a PG&E profile [
16] for the solar energy to assess the adaptive LINE-P (Case III) and the state-of-the-art models based on longer (30 time slots) time period horizon.
Figure 2 shows that the profile corresponds to highly consistent weather; all together, all days are nearly identical.
However, some of the EP models are unable to predict the energy with full accuracy. For instance, UD-WCMA overestimates the energy on all six days. Even though for the first day it starts by underestimating, after the 40th time slot it estimated the real data well; after the 50th time slot it starts overestimating again. Therefore, this overestimation may indicate that UD-WCMA is not sufficiently adaptable, even for consistent profiles.
Similarly, IPRO-Energy starts by underestimating at all days (except for the first day), but as compared to UD-WCMA, IPRO-Energy is better at modeling energy variations. Although IPRO-Energy and LINE-P (Case III) provide adequate results, both are based on a fixed weighting parameter factor; thus, they are not well suited for various types of solar energy harvesters, as mentioned earlier in the paper. On the other hand, Adaptive LINE-P (Case III) is not dependent on any fixed weighting parameter; it performs predictions on the adaptive weighting factor based on the profiles. Furthermore, we observe in
Figure 2 (for all days) that the adaptive LINE-P (Case III) is highly accurate. Thus, for this energy profile, Adaptive LINE-P provides both accuracy and adaptability.
In the following, we evaluate the performance of Adaptive LINE (Case III) along with the state of the art based on the medium (61 time slots) time period horizon of the solar energy profile SCE [
For further assessment of all the prediction models, we present the estimation errors in
Table 8 and
Table 9 by using MAE and MSE with the same profile SCE available in [
In relation to
Table 8 and
Table 9, it is shown that adaptive LINE-P (Case III) has less error possibility as compared to the other prediction models.
Figure 3 shows the results for fairly consistent profiles, to see the behavior and adaptability of the prediction models based on the medium (61 time slots) time period horizon. The graphical representation shows that most of the models are estimating up to the mark only in the first day. It can be seen that in all other days, LINE-P (Case III) starts overestimating. UD-WCMA also starts overestimating in all days, especially on the 12th and 13th of December from the 45th to the 60th time slots, and 20th to 50th time slots. UD-WCMA yields the worst results comparative to the other prediction models. Furthermore, on 11th December, the IPro-Energy model is off the chart from the fifth to the 10th time slots. Although gradually its estimation is approaching the real data, it then starts underestimating from the 40th until the 53rd time slots. On the contrary, Adaptive LINE-P (Case III) seems much better and most of the time yields estimates close to the real data.
In addition, we have assessed Adaptive LINE-P (Case III) comparative to the state of the art based on the graphical representation and classical error-calculating methods (MSA and MSE), as presented in what follows.
Figure 4 shows the comparison of Adaptive LINE-P (Case III) and the state of the art for the SDG&E solar energy profile. This profile exhibits very low power production throughout the figure. In addition, this profile is for cloudy days with lots of variation. This kind of profile is a real challenge for the prediction models; indeed, too much fluctuation and extremely sharp variation-based weather is difficult to predict accurately and requires continuous adaptation. As can be observed, most of the models, especially from the second to the fourth days, are overestimating. Moreover, UD-WCMA shows poor prediction for all the days. Furthermore, due to rapid changes in the profile, IPRO-Energy underestimates on the 30th and 31st of October, but once the profile becomes smooth IPRO-Energy predicts well until the end of profile, especially in the last two days. LINE-P (Case III) and Adaptive LINE-P (Case III) overestimate from the 30th to 40th time slots in all days. Thereafter, it can be observed that Adaptive LINE-P (Case III) also shows robustness and predicts accurately as compared to LINE-P (Case III) and the state of the art.
For further assessment of all the prediction models, we also present the estimation errors in
Table 10 and
Table 11 by using MAE and MSE with the same profile SDG&E available in [
For this kind of energy profile, we found that in terms of MAE, Adaptive LINE-P (Case III) yields less errors than IPRO Energy and UD WCMA (between ca. −5% and ca. −34%), and is almost identical to LINE-P (Case III) (+0.5%). In terms of MSE, Adaptive LINE-P (Case III) yields lower error as compared to all other energy prediction models (between −5.5% and ca. −59%). In addition, Adaptive LINE-P (Case III) model is highly adaptive, as can be observed in
Figure 4. However, LINE-P and IPRO-Energy also show good estimations, but they still suffer from the fixed weighting parameter issue, which was discussed earlier.
Results for Wind Energy
In what follows, we compare Adaptive LINE (Case III) with the state of the art based on the shorter (96 time slots in 24 h) time period horizon for the wind energy profile Elia available in [
As shown in
Figure 5, it can be observed that LINE-P (Case III) initially overestimates and then approaches the real data. Similar to the solar energy case, UD-WCMA predictions are rather far from the real data. Most of the time, it can be seen that it starts with an overestimation if the real data increases; on the other hand, if the real data decreases, then its behavior changes completely and underestimates, especially in the last two days in
Figure 4. IPRO-Energy is also not yielding very good estimates. It is clearly visible in
Figure 4 that both UD-WCMA and IPRO-Energy are not suitable for uncontrollable energy sources on the shorter time period horizon. On the other hand, Adaptive LINE-P (Case III) shows robustness, adaptability, suitability for variable-length time slots, and accuracy. If the profiles are changing frequently, then UD-WCMA and IPRO-Energy are not as accurate as Adaptive LINE-P (Case III). In addition, the Adaptive LINE-P (Case III) model is highly adaptable, as can be observed in
Figure 5.
In the following section, we compute the accuracy of the adaptive LINE-P (Case III) by means of the MAE and MSE for the wind energy profile.
4.2. Accuracy Assessment of the Energy Prediction Models Based on the MAE and MSE for Solar and Wind Energy Profiles
In this section, we examine the models based on the multiple (solar and wind) energy profiles. In order to calculate the error possibility in Adaptive LINE-P (Case III) and the other energy prediction models, we consider the PG&E solar energy profile available in [
Table 12 and
Table 13 illustrate that the results provided by Adaptive LINE-P (Case III) have less errors as compared to the other prediction models (down by up to −82%), with the exception of LINE-P (Case III) (+50%) in terms of MSE (
Table 13).
Next, we deal with Elia wind energy profile [
17] to see the possible errors in Adaptive LINE-P (Case III) as compared to the state of the art.
Table 14 and
Table 15 show that the proposed Adaptive LINE-P (CASE III) performs better than the other energy prediction models (error down by up to ca. −78% in terms of MAE and MSE). In the above section, we have compared the energy prediction models with two different sources, namely solar and wind data profiles; apart from a minor exception, the results show that Adaptive LINE-P (Case III) provides the best results as compared to the other energy prediction models.
In the next section, we evaluate the performance of the proposed compressed profile method as compared to the state of the art.