Exploiting Opportunistic Scheduling Schemes and WPT-Based Multi-Hop Transmissions to Improve Physical Layer Security in Wireless Sensor Networks †
:1. Introduction
1.1. Related Works and Motivations
1.2. Contributions and Organization
- We deploy an effective secure model for WPT-based multi-hop transmission to improve the energy capability of sensor nodes and reduce the decoding ability of eavesdropper in WSNs. Specifically, the dedicated RF signal for powering sensor nodes can be used to interfere the wiretapping channels. The considered WPT-based multi-hop transmission has been reported in this literature.
- We propose two scheduling schemes to improve the secrecy performance in WSNs. We then derive the new exact closed-form expressions for the SOP of the proposed schemes. The asymptotic analyses of the SOP are further provided to show some insight information into the considered system. The analytical results are verified by Monte-Carlo simulations confirming the correctness of our analysis.
- We show through the numerical results that the ONS scheme provides the best secrecy performance among the proposed schemes. Additionally, the effects of the number of sensor nodes, the number of PBs, and time switching ratio on the secrecy performance are also evaluated and discussed.
2. System Model
2.1. System Description and Channel Modeling
- Energy harvesting phase: According to wireless power transfer technique [9], the power beacons support the sensor nodes to harvest energy. Thus, in the energy harvesting phase, sensor nodes can harvest energy from the power beacons.
- Data transmission phase: In multi-hop transmission, sensor nodes transmit information by consuming the harvested energy. Thus, the eavesdropper can overhear the legitimate user’s information. In order to enhance the secrecy performance, the power beacons radiate the jamming signal to degrade the received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the eavesdropper.
2.2. Energy Harvesting Phase
2.3. Data Transmission Phase
2.4. Opportunistic Scheduling Scheme
2.4.1. Random Node Selection Scheme
2.4.2. Minimum Node Selection Scheme
2.4.3. Optimal Node Selection Scheme
3. Outage Performance Analysis
3.1. Exact Closed-Form Expression for SOP Analysis
3.1.1. RNS Scheme
3.1.2. MNS Scheme
3.1.3. ONS Scheme
3.2. Asymptotic SOP Analysis
3.2.1. RNS Scheme
3.2.2. MNS Scheme
3.2.3. ONS Scheme
4. Numerical Results
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. The Proof of Theorem 1
Appendix B. The Proof of Theorem 2
Appendix C. The Proof of Theorem 3
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Symbol | Definition |
Power beacons m with m ∈ {1, 2, ..., M}. | |
Source node in the first cluster, where i ∈ {1, ...,}. | |
Destination node. | |
The number of relay in the k-th cluster, k ∈ {0,1,..., K-1} and ≥ 1. | |
The i-th sensor node in the k-th cluster., ≡ and ≡ with k ∈ {0, ..., K }. | |
The eavesdropper node. | |
The channel gain of link → . | |
The channel gain of link → . | |
The channel gain of link → . | |
The channel gain of link → . | |
, , and | Mean of , , and , respectively. |
with | Time switching ratio. |
with | The energy conversion efficiency. |
Parameters | Value |
The distance between and , | 10 m |
The reference distance, | 1 m |
The position of | (0, 0) |
The position of | ( k/K, 0) |
The position of | (10, 0) |
The position of | (, ) |
The position of | (, 5) |
The number of relays in each cluster, | 2 |
The secrecy target data rate, | 1 bps/Hz |
Pathloss exponent, | |
Pathloss at reference distance, at | dB |
Energy conversion efficiency, | |
Time switching ratio, |
Scheme | RNS | MNS | ONS |
Complexity Order | K |
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Share and Cite
Shim, K.; Nguyen, T.-V.; An, B. Exploiting Opportunistic Scheduling Schemes and WPT-Based Multi-Hop Transmissions to Improve Physical Layer Security in Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors 2019, 19, 5456. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19245456
Shim K, Nguyen T-V, An B. Exploiting Opportunistic Scheduling Schemes and WPT-Based Multi-Hop Transmissions to Improve Physical Layer Security in Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors. 2019; 19(24):5456. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19245456
Chicago/Turabian StyleShim, Kyusung, Toan-Van Nguyen, and Beongku An. 2019. "Exploiting Opportunistic Scheduling Schemes and WPT-Based Multi-Hop Transmissions to Improve Physical Layer Security in Wireless Sensor Networks" Sensors 19, no. 24: 5456. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19245456
APA StyleShim, K., Nguyen, T.-V., & An, B. (2019). Exploiting Opportunistic Scheduling Schemes and WPT-Based Multi-Hop Transmissions to Improve Physical Layer Security in Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors, 19(24), 5456. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19245456