Sleep Quality Evaluation Based on Single-Lead Wearable Cardiac Cycle Acquisition Device
:1. Introduction
2. Materials
2.1. International Public Dataset
2.2. Subjects
3. Method
3.1. Sleep Staging Model
3.1.1. Data Preprocessing
3.1.2. Feature Selection
- Candidate features that represent the characteristics of the data segment itself
- 2
- Candidate features that represent the relationship between current data unit and the adjacent/overnight data units
- 3
- Useless features elimination
3.1.3. Steps of Model Construction
- Principle of recognizers’ construction
- 2
- Boundary value processing based on variable threshold and window width
- 3
- Determination method of the final category
3.1.4. Model Performance Guarantee and Examination
3.2. Sleep Quality Evaluation Model
3.2.1. Data Preprocessing
3.2.2. Model Principle
4. Results
4.1. Feature Selection Result
4.2. Performance of Sleep Staging Model
4.3. Performance of Sleep Quality Evaluation Model
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Sleep Log Questionnaire |
Job NO. Sex Age Date Device NO.________ Instructions: The following questions relate to your sleep quality last night. Please fill in the questionnaire as soon as you wake up in the morning. Your answers should indicate the most accurate reply of your real sleep quality. |
- 1. Sleep time
- a. Time you went to bed last night:
- b. Time you were ready to sleep last night:
- c. Time you fell asleep last night:
- d. Time you wake up in the morning:
- e. Duration you were awake in the sleep:
- 2. For each of the remaining questions, check the one best response. Please answer all questions.
a. Wake up in the middle of the night or early morning | ①Not | ②Once | ③Twice | ④Three or more times |
b. Have to get up to use the bathroom | ①Not | ②Once | ③Twice | ④Three or more times |
c. Cannot breathe comfortably | ①Not | ②Once | ③Twice | ④Three or more times |
d. Cough or snore loudly | ①Not | ②Once | ③Twice | ④Three or more times |
e. Feel too cold | ①Not | ②Once | ③Twice | ④Three or more times |
f. Feel too hot | ①Not | ②Once | ③Twice | ④Three or more times |
g. Had bad dreams | ①Not | ②Once | ③Twice | ④Three or more times |
h. Have pain | ①Not | ②Once | ③Twice | ④Three or more times |
i. Wake up by noise or roommate | ①Not | ②Once | ③Twice | ④Three or more times |
j. Wake up by physical cause or sleeping posture | ①Not | ②Once | ③Twice | ④Three or more times |
k. Wake up by other reason(s) | ①Not | ②Once | ③Twice | ④Three or more times |
- 3. Feelings in the morning
a. Feel energetic? | ①Very energetic | ②Fairly energetic | ③Fairly sleepy | ④Very sleepy |
b. Head clear or dazed | ①Very clear | ②Fairly clear | ③Fairly dazed | ④Very dazed |
c. How would you rate your sleep quality? | ①Very good | ②Fairly good | ③Fairly bad | ④Very bad |
- 4. How often have you taken medicine (prescribed or “over the counter”) to help you sleep?
①Not during the past month | ②Less than once a week |
③Once or twice a week | ④Three or more times a week |
- Component 1: Subjective sleep quality
- Examine question 3c, and assign scores “0”, ”1”, ”2”, ”3” to the options “①”, “②”, “③”, “④” respectively.
- Component 2: Sleep latency
- Examine questions 1b and 1c, and calculate their time difference. Assign scores as follows:
Time difference between 1b and 1c | ≤15 min | 16~30 min | 31~60 min | ≥ 60 min |
Score | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
- Component 3: Sleep duration
- Examine questions 1d and 1c, and calculate their time difference. Assign scores as follows:
Time difference between 1d and 1c | >7 h | 6~7 h | 5~6 h | <5 h |
Score | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
- Component 4: Sleep efficiency
- Examine questions 1d, 1b and 1c, sleep efficiency is calculated as (1d-1c)/(1d-1b). Assign scores as follows:
Sleep efficiency | ≥85% | 75% ~84% | 65% ~74% | ≤ 65% |
Score | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
- Component 5: Sleep disturbances
- Examine questions 2a-2k, and assign scores “0”, ”1”, ”2”, ”3” to the options “①”, “②”, “③”, “④” respectively. Add the scores for questions 2a-2k and assign scores as follows:
Sum of 2a-2k | 0 | 1–9 | 10–18 | 19–27 | 27–33 |
Score | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
- Component 6: Daytime dysfunction
- Examine questions 3a-3b, and assign scores “0”, ”1”, ”2”, ”3” to the options “①”, “②”, “③”, “④” respectively. Add the scores for questions 3a-3b and assign scores as follows:
Sum of 3a-3b | 0 | 1–2 | 3–4 | 5–6 |
Score | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
- Component 7: Use of sleeping medication
- Examine question 4 and assign scores “0”, ”1”, ”2”, ”3” to the options “①”, “②”, “③”, “④” respectively.
- Global sleep score is the sum of the 7 components score.
Appendix B
Classified as ↓ | W | R | L | D |
W | 6388 | 1795 | 3970 | 418 |
R | 1930 | 5601 | 5050 | 277 |
L | 710 | 1196 | 23,060 | 902 |
D | 117 | 63 | 4589 | 6013 |
Classified as ↓ | W | R | L | D |
W | 8325 | 2147 | 5198 | 395 |
R | 2388 | 7210 | 6092 | 310 |
L | 985 | 1334 | 27,869 | 1021 |
D | 320 | 173 | 5412 | 6497 |
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Category | Feature | Description |
Linear HRV features | HR | Average heart rate |
SDNN | The standard deviation of NN intervals. | |
RMSSD | The root mean square of successive differences. | |
SDSD | The standard deviation of the difference of the adjacent NN intervals. | |
PNN50 | The number of times in which the change in successive normal sinus intervals exceeds 50 ms. | |
LF, HF VLF LF/HF ratio | Low-frequency and high-frequency power. Very low-frequency power. The ratio of low-frequency power to high-frequency power | |
LFn, HFn | The normalized low-frequency and high-frequency power. | |
Features relevant to respiration | coRR | Coefficient of an RR interval sequence and its second-order smoothed sequence |
resf | The dominant frequency in the range of 0.15 to 0.5 Hz | |
strf | The standard deviation of resf | |
Nonlinear features | ɑ1, ɑ2 | The value of slope and offset in DFA. |
SE, FE | Sample entropy and Fuzzy entropy | |
SD1, SD2 | Poincaré plot features. SD1 and SD2 are the length of semi-minor axis and semi-major axis of the fitting ellipse of the Poincaré plot. | |
Time irreversibility features | P1, G1 | As shown in formula (1) and (2) |
Other features | corr2 | If the length of a sequence is n, and the first and last n-2 points constitute sequences s1, s2 respectively, corr2 is the coefficient of s1 and s2. |
Feature | Description |
aHRs_t1_b1,aHRs_t1_b2, aHRs_t2_b1, aHRs_t2_b2, aress_t1_b1, aress_t1_b2, aress_t2_b1, aress_t2_b2, zHRs_t1_b1, zHRs_t1_b2, zHRs_t2_b1, zHRs_t2_b2, zress_t1_b1, zress_t1_b2, zress_t2_b1, zress_t2_b2 | Rising and falling trend features of instantaneous HR and respiratory rate in the 3 min window before and after current data unit. |
HRm_m1, resm_m1 | The ratio of average HR and respiration rate in current data unit to that in current one-hour. |
HRm_ma, resm_ma. | The ratio of average HR and respiration rate in current data unit to that in overnight data. |
Total Subjects | Deserted | Usable | |
Good Sleep (≤6 Points) | Poor Sleep (>6 Points) | ||
200 | 87 | 74 | 39 |
Recognizer/Classifier | Features Combinations |
W recognizer | coRR, HR, resf, ɑ2 |
R recognizer | coRR, HR, resf, ɑ1, ɑ2, G1 |
L recognizer | HR, resf, SE, ɑ2, P1 |
D recognizer | resf, LF, ɑ1, corr2 |
Categories | Database | Performance in Each Subset | Accuracy | Average F1-Score | ||
Subset | Accuracy | Average F1-Score | ||||
W/REM/N1, N2/N3 | CincDB | K1 | 0.658 | 0.622 | 0.661 | 0.625 |
K2 | 0.659 | 0.621 | ||||
K3 | 0.665 | 0.628 | ||||
K4 | 0.659 | 0.623 | ||||
K5 | 0.663 | 0.629 | ||||
SHHS1DB | K1 | 0.664 | 0.618 | 0.659 | 0.624 | |
K2 | 0.653 | 0.622 | ||||
K3 | 0.656 | 0.623 | ||||
K4 | 0.651 | 0.629 | ||||
K5 | 0.670 | 0.628 |
“Good Sleep” Accuracy | “Poor Sleep” Accuracy | Average Accuracy | Average F1-Score |
0.784 | 0.789 | 0.786 | 0.771 |
Features Combination | Accuracy/ Youden’s Index | Features Combination | Accuracy/ Youden’s Index |
coRR, G1 | 0.799/0.538 | coRR, resf, ɑ2 | 0.807/0.560 |
coRR, ɑ2 | 0.796/0.523 | coRR, strf, ɑ2 | 0.805/0.557 |
ɑ1, ɑ2 | 0.789/0.530 | ɑ2, P1, corr2 | 0.799/0.554 |
ɑ2, corr2 | 0.780/0.539 | HR, ɑ2, corr2 | 0.795/0.548 |
ɑ1, P1 | 0.776/0.516 | HR, ɑ1, ɑ2 | 0.794/0.536 |
corr2, P1 | 0.775/0.481 | coRR, HR, ɑ1 | 0.789/0.531 |
coRR, ɑ1 | 0.769/0.480 | LF/HF ratio, ɑ1, ɑ2 | 0.772/0.532 |
coRR, HR | 0.758/0.481 | coRR, PNN50, corr2 | 0.770/0.521 |
… | … | … | … |
LF(HF), ɑ2 | 0.648(0.629)/0.315(0.298) | ɑ1, ɑ2, SD1(SD2) | 0.721(0.718)/0.415(0.409) |
VLF, ɑ1 | 0.609/0.226 | ɑ1, ɑ2, SDNN(RMSSD) | 0.712(0.717)/0.382(0.391) |
LFn(HFn), ɑ1 | 0.596(0.607)/0.209(0.214) | coRR, strf, SDSD | 0.704/0.411 |
Work | Signals | Database | Feature Quantity | Method | Accuracy |
Li Q. [32] | ECG | CincDB, SHHS1DB | 8 | CNN + SVM | 0.656 0.659 |
Fonseca P [11] | ECG + RIP | 48 of SIESTA | 142 | multi-class Bayesian linear discriminant | 0.69 |
Sani M. Isa [33] | ECG | SLPDB | 9 | KDR + kNN + RF + SVM | 0.60 |
Our work | ECG | CincDB, SHHS1DB | 33 | PCA + SVM | 0.661 0.659 |
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Li, Y.; Li, J.; Yan, C.; Dong, K.; Kang, Z.; Zhang, H.; Liu, C. Sleep Quality Evaluation Based on Single-Lead Wearable Cardiac Cycle Acquisition Device. Sensors 2023, 23, 328.
Li Y, Li J, Yan C, Dong K, Kang Z, Zhang H, Liu C. Sleep Quality Evaluation Based on Single-Lead Wearable Cardiac Cycle Acquisition Device. Sensors. 2023; 23(1):328.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLi, Yang, Jianqing Li, Chang Yan, Kejun Dong, Zhiyu Kang, Hongxing Zhang, and Chengyu Liu. 2023. "Sleep Quality Evaluation Based on Single-Lead Wearable Cardiac Cycle Acquisition Device" Sensors 23, no. 1: 328.
APA StyleLi, Y., Li, J., Yan, C., Dong, K., Kang, Z., Zhang, H., & Liu, C. (2023). Sleep Quality Evaluation Based on Single-Lead Wearable Cardiac Cycle Acquisition Device. Sensors, 23(1), 328.