Securing Optical Networks Using Quantum-Secured Blockchain: An Overview
:1. Introduction
1.1. Related Work
1.2. Contribution of This Article
- This article briefly discusses the attacks in optical networks and provides a concise overview of blockchain technology, including the process of blockchain, the working of blockchain, features of blockchain, and types of blockchain.
- The article also discusses the concept of QKD and explains the process of secret key generation using the Bennett and Brassard-84 (BB84) QKD protocol.
- The motivation behind integrating QKD with blockchain to form a quantum-secured blockchain and its underlying process are explained in detail.
- The article then focuses on securing optical networks against threats using quantum-secured blockchain.
- Finally, the article presents a distributed quantum-secured blockchain optical network architecture and provides some challenges and opportunities for future research.
1.3. Organization of This Article
2. Overview of Blockchain
2.1. Process of Blockchain
2.1.1. Blockchain Components
2.1.2. Working of Blockchain
2.2. Features of Blockchain
2.2.1. Decentralization
2.2.2. Immutability
2.2.3. Transparency
2.2.4. Resistance to Attacks
2.3. Types of Blockchain
2.3.1. Public Blockchains
2.3.2. Private Blockchains
2.3.3. Consortium Blockchains
3. Overview of Quantum Key Distribution
QKD Process
- Alice generates a random string of bits, and, for each bit, she will randomly choose a basis: either rectilinear (two polarization states, i.e., or ) or diagonal (two polarization states, i.e., or ) with their polarization states. The random string of bits encoded with these polarization states is known as qubits. Alice then sends qubits to Bob through QSCh.
- Bob receives the qubits from Alice, measures the received qubits with one of the randomly selected measuring bases, and obtains a string of all received qubits from the measurement result.
- A random substring of a sifted key is exchanged and compared for parameter estimation and error correction between Alice and Bob via PICh.
- After secret key generation, the encryption process starts. In this, the generated secret key encrypts the information transmitted by Alice and converts the information into ciphertext using a one-time pad encryption [90] and symmetric encryption algorithm, i.e., the advanced encryption standard (AES) [91]. Now, Bob uses the same secret key for decryption, i.e., converting the ciphertext into the original information. In this way, Alice and Bob securely communicate with each other using QKD [47].
4. Quantum-Secured Blockchain
4.1. Process of Quantum Blockchain
4.1.1. Quantum Phase
4.1.2. Transaction Proposal Phase
4.1.3. Transaction Validation Phase
4.1.4. Quantum Block Proposal and Validation Phase
5. Security in Optical Networks Using Quantum-Secured Blockchain
5.1. Distributed Quantum-Secured Blockchain Optical Network Architecture
5.1.1. Application Plane
5.1.2. Control Plane
5.1.3. QKD Plane
5.1.4. Blockchain Plane
5.1.5. Data Plane
5.2. Description of the Process and the Architecture with an Example
6. Research Challenges, Opportunities, and Directions
6.1. Research Challenges and Opportunities
6.2. Research Directions
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
BB84 | Bennett and Brassard-84 |
BCCh | Blockchain Channel |
BFT | Byzantine Fault Tolerance |
DCLs | Data Communication Links |
DCNs | Data Communication Nodes |
DL | Deep Learning |
DPoS | Delegated Proof-of-Stake |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GHZ | Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger |
IoT | Internet of Things |
ML | Machine Learning |
PICh | Public Interaction Channel |
PICLs | Public Interaction Channel Links |
PoS | Proof-of-Stake |
QBs | Quantum Blocks |
QBCh | Quantum Blockchain Channel |
QBLs | Quantum Blockchain Channel Links |
QKD | Quantum Key Distribution |
QLs | Quantum Links |
QoT | Quality of Transmission |
QSCh | Quantum Signal Channel |
RL | Reinforcement Learning |
RSA | Rivest, Shamir, Aldeman |
SDN | Software-defined Network |
SDON | Software-defined Optical Network |
SLA | Service Level Agreement |
TDCh | Traditional Data Channel |
TRNs | Trusted Repeater Nodes |
VONs | Virtual Optical Networks |
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Sharma, P.; Choi, K.; Krejcar, O.; Blazek, P.; Bhatia, V.; Prakash, S. Securing Optical Networks Using Quantum-Secured Blockchain: An Overview. Sensors 2023, 23, 1228.
Sharma P, Choi K, Krejcar O, Blazek P, Bhatia V, Prakash S. Securing Optical Networks Using Quantum-Secured Blockchain: An Overview. Sensors. 2023; 23(3):1228.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSharma, Purva, Kwonhue Choi, Ondrej Krejcar, Pavel Blazek, Vimal Bhatia, and Shashi Prakash. 2023. "Securing Optical Networks Using Quantum-Secured Blockchain: An Overview" Sensors 23, no. 3: 1228.
APA StyleSharma, P., Choi, K., Krejcar, O., Blazek, P., Bhatia, V., & Prakash, S. (2023). Securing Optical Networks Using Quantum-Secured Blockchain: An Overview. Sensors, 23(3), 1228.