NWCSAF High Resolution Winds (NWC/GEO-HRW) Stand-Alone Software for Calculation of Atmospheric Motion Vectors and Trajectories
:1. Introduction
- Four cloud products: Cloud Mask (CMA); Cloud Type (CT); Cloud Top Temperature, Height and Pressure (CTTH); and Cloud Microphysics (CMIC). The last product provides cloud phase, cloud effective radius, cloud optical thickness, and liquid/ice water path.
- Two pairs of precipitation products: Precipitating Clouds (PC and PC-Ph), providing the probability of precipitation for a cloudy pixel, and Convective Rainfall Rate (CRR and CRR-Ph), providing instant and hourly values of precipitation, more suitably for convective clouds. In both pairs of products, the second product makes use of the Cloud Microphysics (CMIC) product in its algorithm, while the first product does not make use of this information.
- Two convection products: Convection Initiation (CI), providing the probability for a cloudy pixel to become a thunderstorm, and Rapid Developing Thunderstorms (RDT), tracking and monitoring convective systems highlighting many of their properties.
- One clear air product: imaging Satellite Humidity and Instability (iSHAI). This product provides for clear air pixels vertical profiles of humidity, temperature and ozone, precipitable water available in the total column and in three vertical layers, and several instability indices.
- Three conceptual model products: Automatic Satellite Image Interpretation (ASII), Tropopause Folding (ASII-TF), and Gravity waves (ASII-GW). These products interpret the satellite image in terms of conceptual models; the two last ones related to turbulence.
- One extrapolation product: Extrapolated Imagery (EXIM). This product forecasts satellite imagery or other NWC/GEO products, considering kinematic extrapolation.
- One AMV product: High Resolution Winds (HRW). This product calculates atmospheric motion vectors (AMVs) and Trajectories, through the displacement of cloudiness and humidity features in successive satellite images.
- Up to seven MSG/SEVIRI channel images every 15 min (in ‘nominal scan mode’) or 5 min (in ‘rapid scan mode’): HRVIS (band 12), VIS06 (band 1), VIS08 (band 2), IR108 (band 9), IR120 (band 10), WV62 (band 5), WV73 (band 6).
- Up to six Himawari-8/9/AHI channel images, every 10 min: VIS06 (band 3), VIS08 (band 4), IR112 (band 14), WV62 (band 8), WV70 (band 9), WV74 (band 10).
- Up to three GOES-N/IMAGER channel images every 15 min (in the continental United States region) or 30 min (in the North America region): VIS07 (band 1), IR107 (band 4), WV65 (band 3).
- Up to six GOES-R/ABI channel images every 10 or 15 min: VIS06 (band 2), VIS08 (band 3), IR112 (band 14), WV62 (band 8), WV70 (band 9), WV74 (band 10).
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Preprocessing
- Reflectances (normalized, taking into account the distance to the Sun) for all pixels in the processing region, in the visible images on which tracers are calculated and tracked.
- Brightness temperatures for all pixels in the processing region, in the infrared and water vapor images on which tracers are calculated and tracked.
- Radiances for all pixels in the processing region, in the images on which tracers are calculated and tracked, for MSG/IR108 and WV62, GOES-N/IR107 and WV65, or Himawari-8/9 or GOES-R/IR112 and WV62 satellite channels.
- NWP profiles for all pixels in the processing region, with the satellite lowest resolution, for the following variables: temperature forecast, geopotential forecast, wind component forecast, and wind component analysis.
- Latitudes and longitudes, and solar and satellite zenith angles, for all pixels in the processing region, in the images on which tracers are calculated and tracked (calculated by NWC/GEO).
- NWC/GEO-CT cloud type; NWC/GEO-CTTH cloud top temperature, pressure and height; and NWC/GEO-CMIC cloud phase, liquid water path and ice water path outputs, for all pixels in the processing region, in the image on which tracers are tracked.
2.2. Tracer Search
2.2.1. First Tracer Search Method: Gradient Method
- To look for a brightness value (identified as any of the pixel values of the corresponding image matrix, inside a tracer candidate located at a starting location), greater than 120 (in visible cases) or smaller than 240 (in the other cases). This parameter is configurable.
- To verify if a contrast exists between the maximum and minimum brightness value in the tracer candidate, greater than 60 (in visible cases) or greater than 48 (in the other cases). This parameter is also configurable.
- To compute inside the tracer candidate the value and location of the maximum gradient |Δbrightness(Δx) + Δbrightness(Δy)|, considering a distance of 5 pixels in both line and column directions. This maximum gradient cannot be located on the edges of the tracer candidate.
2.2.2. Second Tracer Search Method: Tracer Characteristics Method
- CENT_10% > 0.
- CENT_90% ≥ 114 (visible cases); CENT_10% ≤ 252 (other cases).
- CENT_97%-CENT_03% ≥ 20 if CENT_97% ≥ 150; ≥ 30 if CENT_97% < 150 (visible cases).
- CENT_97%-CENT_03% ≥ 30 if CENT_03% ≤ 180; ≥ 50 if CENT_03% > 180 (other cases).
- CLASS_0: ‘dark big pixel’ (<30% of its pixels are ‘bright pixels’).
- CLASS_2: ‘bright big pixel’ (>70% of its pixels are ‘bright pixels’).
- CLASS_1: ‘undefined big pixel’ (intermediate case).
2.2.3. Condition on the Tracer Closeness
2.2.4. Detailed Tracers in the Two-Scale Procedure
- No ‘Basic tracer’ has been found, but at the ‘tracer candidate’ the following condition occurs: CENT_97% > 102 (in visible cases) or CENT_03% < 204 (in the other cases). A ‘Detailed tracer unrelated to a Basic tracer’ is so defined, with less demanding brightness thresholds.
- A ‘Wide basic tracer’ has been found, in which CLASS_2 values appear in both first and last row or column of the ‘4 × 4 big pixel matrix’, in the ‘Big pixel brightness variability test’. In this case, four starting locations are defined for the ‘Detailed scale’. Each of them is located at the corners of a ‘Detailed tracer’ whose center is the center of the ‘Basic tracer’.
- A ‘Narrow basic tracer’ has been found, in which CLASS_2 values do not appear in both first and last row nor column of the ‘4 × 4 big pixel matrix’, in the ‘big pixel brightness variability test’. In this case, one starting location is defined for the ‘Detailed scale’, whose center is defined by the weighted location of the ‘big pixels’ in the ‘4 × 4 big pixel matrix’.
2.3. Tracer Tracking
- Euclidean distance, in which the sumLP = ΣΣ(Tij − Sij)2
- Cross correlation, in which the normalized correlation valueCC = COVT,S/(σT·σS)
2.4. Height Assignment
2.4.1. EBBT (Effective Blackbody Brightness Temperature) Height Assignment
- A cloud top temperature is computed through the coldest class of the brightness temperature histogram with at least 3 pixels, after histogram smoothing.
- A cloud representative temperature is computed with TC + 1.2σC (visible cases), and TC (other cases), where TC is the mean value and σC the standard deviation of the brightness temperature.
2.4.2. CCC (Cross Correlation Contribution) Height Assignment—Cloudy Cases
- Opaque cloud top pressure retrieval considering infrared window channels, with simulation of radiances with RTTOV radiative transfer model, and option for thermal inversion processing.
- Semitransparent cloud top pressure retrieval with infrared window/water vapor intercept method and radiance ratioing method, considering water vapor and carbon dioxide channels.
2.4.3. CCC (Cross Correlation Contribution) Height Assignment—Cloudy Cases with Microphysics
2.4.4. CCC (Cross Correlation Contribution) Height Assignment—Clear Air Cases
2.5. Wind Calculation
2.6. Quality Control
2.6.1. Quality Indicator
(in the forecast vector consistency test)
(in the other consistency tests)
- One correction reduces the quality indicators of AMVs with a speed lower than 2.5 m/s. It is a multiplying factor defined by the following formula, in which SPEED is the speed of the evaluated AMV in m/s and SPEED_THR = 2.5 m/s:Fs = SPEED/SPEED_THR
- The other correction has the name of ‘Image correlation test’ and affects visible and infrared AMVs with a pressure higher than 500 hPa. It is a multiplying factor defined by the following formula, in which CORR(IR,WV) is the correlation of IR108/WV62 images for MSG satellites, the correlation of IR107/WV65 for GOES-N satellites, or the correlation of IR112/WV62 images for Himawari-8/9 of GOES-R satellites, at the location of the AMV tracking center:Fc = 1 − (tanh((max(0, CORR(IR,WV))/0.2)))200
- All calculated AMVs are considered valid for the spatial vector consistency.
- It is frequent that a quality consistency test cannot be calculated, for example when no reference AMV was found for the comparison. The overall quality indicators will thus only include the available quality tests.
- For the temporal consistency of successive AMVs related to the same trajectory, some limits are defined for the consistency in the speed difference (10 m/s), direction difference (20°) and pressure difference (50 hPa), with the previous AMV in the same trajectory.
- Each one of the three AMVs calculated for each tracer has its own quality indicators, but only one of them is selected for the HRW outputs. The selected AMV is the one which is the best for the most of following criteria: interscale spatial quality test, temporal quality test, spatial quality test, forecast quality test, and correlation (this one with a triple contribution). If this is not definitive, the AMV with the best forecast quality test prevails. If this is also not definitive, the AMV with the best cross correlation prevails.
2.6.2. Common Quality Indicator without Forecast
- It is only calculated for AMVs and trajectories with at least two trajectory sectors.
- For the spatial consistency, only the closest neighbor AMV is considered. For the temporal consistency only the previous AMV related to the same trajectory is considered.
- Four different tests are applied: direction, speed and vector difference tests for the temporal consistency, and vector difference for the spatial consistency (with a double contribution). Formulae for the calculation of these quality consistency tests are also slightly different.
- It is not used for the filtering of AMVs and trajectories by HRW product, so all values between 1% and 100% are possible in the AMV and trajectory outputs. In the cases for which it could not be calculated, an unprocessed value is defined.
2.7. Orographic Flag
- AMVs associated to land features incorrectly detected as cloud tracers.
- Tracers blocked or whose flow is affected by mountain ranges.
- Tracers associated to lee wave clouds with atmospheric stability near mountain ranges.
- Orog.flag = 0. (The orographic flag could not be calculated).
- Orog.flag = 1: PAMV > PMIN. AMV wrongly located below the lowest representative pressure level, mainly due to microphysics corrections in the AMV pressure value.
- Orog.flag = 2: PAMV > PMAX + (PMIN − PMAX)/2. Very important orographic influence at the AMV position.
- Orog.flag = 3: PAMV > PMAX − 25 hPa. Important orographic influence at the AMV position.
- Orog.flag = 4: Very important orographic influence was found at a previous position of the AMV (for which orographic flag = 2 or 4).
- Orog.flag = 5: Important orographic influence was found at a previous position of the AMV (for which orographic flag = 3 or 5)
- Orog.flag = 6: No orographic influence is found in any current or previous position of the AMV.
2.8. Final Control Check and Output Data Filtering
- AMV BANDS, which defines the channels for which AMVs and trajectories are calculated.
- CLEAR AIR AMVS, which defines if clear air water vapor AMVs are calculated. They are included in the default option.
- QI THRESHOLD, which defines the quality indicator threshold for the AMVs and trajectories in the output files. As already said, the quality indicator with forecast or the quality indicator without forecast can be used for this. The first option is used as default one, with a threshold of 70%.
- MAXIMUM PRESSURE ERROR, which defines the maximum AMV pressure error in the output AMVs and Trajectories, with CCC method height assignment. Default value: 150 hPa.
- MIN CORRELATION, which defines the minimum correlation in the output AMVs and trajectories, when cross correlation tracking is used. Default value: 80% (50% for GOES-N).
2.9. Autovalidation Process of NWC/GEO-HRW Product
2.10. Dependence from NWP Model Input Data
- The cloud detection (some clouds may not be detected and some false alarms may occur, mainly over land, if wrong NWP forecasts for surface temperature are used).
- The cloud type (the separation between low/mid/high/very high clouds is based on thresholds related to the NWP forecasts for the temperature vertical profile, with marginal impact).
- The cloud top height (NWP forecasts for the temperature and humidity vertical profiles are used; here the impact can be large if the NWP forecasts are wrong, for example with low level thermal inversion).
- The liquid/ice water path (related to the NWP forecasts for total ozone, with limited impact).
2.11. Outputs of NWC/GEO-HRW Product
- OUTPUT FORMAT = EUM: one BUFR file using the “Heritage AMV BUFR sequence” defined by the International Winds Working Group (IWWG) more than a decade ago, which is used by most of AMV operational algorithms, permitting a common processing for all AMV datasets.
- OUTPUT FORMAT = IWWG: one BUFR file using the “New 310,077 AMV BUFR sequence” defined in 2018 by the IWWG, which is being implemented by most of AMV operational algorithms as a substitute of the previous one. This sequence also permits a common processing for all AMV datasets with this format.
- OUTPUT FORMAT = NWC (default option): two different BUFR files for AMVs and Trajectories, related to the ones used in all previous versions of HRW product, so permitting continuity of use throughout the different versions of HRW product.
- OUTPUT FORMAT = NET: one NetCDF file, requested by the NWCSAF users for a common processing of all NWCSAF products.
3. Results
3.1. Validation of NWC/GEO-HRW v2018.1 AMVs
- Considering the density of AMV data for the different satellites, equivalent amounts of MSG, Himawari-8/9 and GOES-R AMVs are obtained for regions of similar size. The smaller amount of GOES-N AMVs is explained by the smaller number of satellite channels used in its processing.
- Considering the distribution of AMVs in the different layers, the proportion of AMVs for the high/medium/low layer for the different satellites series is:
- For MSG: 52%/25%/23% (for validated AMVs) and 45%/23%/32% (for calculated AMVs).
- For Himawari: 82%/14%/4% (for validated AMVs) and 78%/14%/8% (for calculated AMVs).
- For GOES-N: 86%/7%/7% (for validated AMVs) and 69%/12%/19% (for calculated AMVs).
- For GOES-R: 86%/12%/2% (for validated AMVs) and 82%/11%/7% (for calculated AMVs).
- Here, the higher density of tracers related to low and very low clouds has a good impact in the distribution of AMVs in the different layers for MSG satellite series. This contributes to a better characterization of the wind in the different atmospheric levels.
- For Himawari-8/9, GOES-N and GOES-R AMVs, the higher concentration of AMVs in the High layer is basically caused by the regions used for the validation (with large high altitude and desert areas, and so less frequent low clouds). Considering for example AMVs calculated in the Himawari-8 Full Disk for IR112 channel, the distribution of AMVs for the high/medium/low layer is 52%/15%/33%, more in consonance with the result for MSG satellite series.
- Considering the different layers, the validation parameters are progressively higher for the high layer, medium layer and low layer. This is a general result of all AMV calculation algorithms.
- Considering the different satellite channels, MVD and NRMSVD parameters seem very different with all layers together, with changes up to a 50% between the best case and the worst case for each satellite series. This is mostly caused by the different proportion of AMVs in the different layers for each channel. Inside each one of the layers, the differences are much smaller.
- Comparing with the equivalent statistics for MSG AMVs, the validation statistics for Himawari-8/9 AMVs show better NMVD and NRMSVD values (up to a 10% smaller), due to its larger proportion of High layer AMVs. NBIAS parameter shows similar values but with an opposite sign. Considering each layer, validation parameters are similar in the high layer, while the NMVD and NRMSVD are up to a 15% worse for the medium and low layer for Himawari-8/9.
- Comparing with the equivalent statistics for MSG AMVs, the validation statistics for GOES-N AMVs have differences up to 15%, in many cases for the better.
- Comparing with the equivalent statistics for Himawari-8/9 AMVs, the validation statistics for GOES-R AMVs are equivalent for the high layer, and around a 15% better for the medium and low layer. Comparing with GOES-N AMVs, the validation statistics for GOES-R are similar (with differences generally smaller than a 10%), but with at least five times more AMVs.
- Considering the ‘Product Requirement Table’ defined by EUMETSAT for the operational use of HRW product, the ‘optimal accuracy’ is reached in the high layer, and the ‘target accuracy’ is reached in the medium and low layer for the four satellite series. EUMETSAT declared HRW product operational more than 10 years ago, and with these validation results it can be considered this way for the four satellite series.
3.1.1. Validation for MSG Satellite Series
3.1.2. Validation for Himawari-8/9 Satellite Series
3.1.3. Validation for GOES-N Satellite Series
3.1.4. Validation for GOES-R Satellite Series
3.2. AMV Intercomparison Studies with MSG and Himawari-8/9 Satellite Data
- Brazil Center for Weather Forecasting and Climate Studies (CPTEC/INPE).
- European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT).
- Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA).
- Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA).
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
- Satellite Application Facility on support to Nowcasting (NWCSAF, NWC/GEO-HRW).
- China Meteorological Administration (CMA, only in the 2014 Intercomparison with MSG).
- The tracking step of all AMV algorithms works correctly, with displacement differences which are statistically not significant.
- Significant differences occur in the AMV outputs, when only the MSG-2 IR108 images and NWP model data are used for the height assignment. The differences are related to the way the AMV temperature is defined by each algorithm. Considering the AMV validation against radiosonde winds and the NWP background winds, NWC/GEO-HRW product shows the lowest vector RMS of 5–6 m/s.
- Using a prescribed configuration for the AMV extraction, a smaller number of AMVs and fewer differences in the AMV validation occur for the different AMV producers.
- Using the specific height assignment method of each AMV algorithm, the impact is positive for all AMV algorithms except for CPTEC/INPE and JMA. NWC/GEO-HRW product shows again here the lowest vector RMS of 4 m/s.
- Using a prescribed configuration with the specific height assignment method of each center, the distribution of AMV pressures is very different for all centers (with only EUMETSAT and NWCSAF being similar due to the common use of CCC method), while the distribution of other parameters (speed, direction, common quality indicator) is similar for all centers.Considering the validation of all AMV algorithms against radiosonde winds, JMA algorithm shows the lowest vector RMS of 5 m/s, and NOAA and NWCSAF NWC/GEO-HRW algorithms are tied in second position with a vector RMS of 7 m/s.For collocated AMVs against NWP analysis winds, the differences between centers reduce very much, with only JMA algorithm having better values and CPTEC/INPE algorithm having worse values than all the rest (which share a vector RMS of 4 m/s). Evaluating the fitting of the AMV pressure to the best fit pressure level, JMA AMVs show additionally to be nearer to the best fit pressure level; much more than all other datasets.
- Using the specific configuration and the specific height assignment method of each center, the distribution of AMV pressures is again very different for all centers while the distribution of other parameters is still similar. This way, it is seen that the differences in the height assignment process drive the majority of differences observed.Considering the validation of all AMV algorithms against radiosonde winds, JMA algorithm shows again the lowest vector RMS of 6 m/s, and NOAA and NWCSAF NWC/GEO-HRW algorithms are tied again in second position with a vector RMS of 7 m/s.For collocated AMVs against NWP analysis winds, the differences between centers are larger due to the specific configuration used by each center for the AMV extraction. JMA algorithm shows again the best values, and NOAA and NWC/GEO-HRW algorithms are tied again in second position. Evaluating the fitting of the AMV pressure to the best fit pressure level, JMA AMVs are again nearer to the best fit pressure level; much more than all other datasets.
- A validation is also made collocating the AMVs from all centers with NASA and CNES CALIPSO satellite, which provides an independent measurement of cloud top heights. The evaluation is qualitative, because CALIPSO is a line-of-site measurement, with few collocations with AMVs (tens of matches only). In this validation, AMVs from all centers are in general located near the cloud base for high level and semitransparent clouds, and near the cloud top for low and medium level clouds. Curiously, the AMV pressures for the different centers in this specific case are similar, in apparent disagreement with the previous results.
4. Discussion
4.1. Use of NWC/GEO-HRW Product
4.2. Installation and Running of NWC/GEO-HRW Product
- Identification parameters, which define the NWC/GEO product, the satellite channels used, and the time difference between the image slots for the tracer definition and tracking.
- Output parameters, which define the HRW product output format and content.
- Output filtering parameters, which define options for the process (calculation or not of clear air AMVs, trajectories, and detailed AMVs and trajectories), and the different filterings used for the AMV and trajectories in the output files (based on the quality indicator threshold, AMV pressure error and correlation thresholds, solar and satellite zenith angle thresholds, and the orographic flag and final control check defined in Section 2.7 and Section 2.8).
- Working region description parameters, which define latitude and longitude limits for the calculations.
- Tracer parameters, which define the dimension and distance between tracers, the use of a higher density for low tracers, and the gradient threshold and contrast used by gradient method in Section 2.2.1 for the tracer search.
- Tracking parameters, which define options for the tracking method to be used, the use of the wind guess for the definition of the tracking area, the size of this tracking area, and the use of the parallax correction described in Section 2.5 to define the AMV.
- Validation parameters, which define if validation statistics are calculated for the AMVs, if the NWP analysis or forecast is used for these statistics, and if the vector difference between the AMV and the NWP wind and the NWP wind at the best fit pressure level are calculated.
- NWP parameters, which define the NWP variables and levels needed for the processing, and the way these NWP variables are extracted from the corresponding grids.
4.3. Documentation of NWC/GEO-HRW Product
- “User Manual for the NWC/GEO: Software Part” [24].
- “User Manual for the Wind product processor of the NWC/GEO: Science Part” [25].
- “Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document for the Wind product processor of NWC/GEO” [17].
- “Scientific and Validation Report for the Wind product processor of the NWC/GEO” [26].
- “Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document for the Cloud product processors of NWC/GEO” [10].
4.4. Real Time Output of NWC/GEO-HRW Product
- http://www.nwcsaf.org/hrw_p (AMVs shown with a color code based on the AMV pressure).
- http://www.nwcsaf.org/hrw_ws (AMVs shown with a color code based on the AMV speed).
- http://www.nwcsaf.org/hrw_1h (Trajectories related to tracers existing at least one hour).
- http://www.nwcsaf.org/hrw_3h (Trajectories related to tracers existing at least three hours).
5. Conclusions
- It is easy to get, install and use. It is fully portable and independent from external applications.
- The code is fairly easy to read (with functions written in C and Fortran languages, and a code extensively commented to help its understanding), and fully documented.
- There is a fully dedicated Helpdesk where NWCSAF users find support and help on the installation and use of the software.
- It has been adapted to MSG, Himawari-8/9, GOES-N, and GOES-R satellite series.
- Comparing the validation for all satellite series, equivalent validation statistics are obtained for all of them, and so NWC/GEO-HRW product can be used with the same quality throughout all the planet Earth with all the considered satellites.
- NWCSAF High Resolution Winds fulfills the requirements to be a portable stand-alone AMV calculation software due to its easy installation and usability.
- It has been successfully adapted by some CGMS members and serves as an important tool for development. It is modular, well documented, and well suited as stand-alone AMV software.
- Although alternatives exist as portable stand-alone AMV calculation software, they are not as advanced in terms of documentation and do not have an existing Helpdesk.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
AEMET | Agencia Estatal de Meteorología of Spain (National Weather Service) |
AMV | Atmospheric Motion Vector |
ANM | Administraţia Naţională de Meteorologie of Romania |
CALIPSO | NASA & CNES Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations |
CGMS | Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites |
CMA | China Meteorological Administration |
CNES | France Centre National d’Études Spatiales |
CPTEC/INPE | Brazil National Institute for Space Research Center for Weather Forecasting and Climate Studies |
ECMWF | European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts |
EUMETSAT | European Organization for Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites |
GOES-N | NOAA Second Generation of Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES-13, GOES-14, GOES-15) |
GOES-R | NOAA Third Generation of Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES-16, GOES-17, GOES-T, GOES-U) |
Himawari-8/9 | JMA Himawari third generation of geostationary satellites |
IWWG | International Winds Working Group |
JMA | Japan Meteorological Agency |
KMA | Korea Meteorological Administration |
MF | Météo-France |
MSG | EUMETSAT Meteosat Second Generation of geostationary satellites |
NASA | United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NBIAS | Normalized bias (explained in Appendix A). |
NC | Number of collocations (explained in Appendix A). |
NMVD | Normalized mean vector difference (explained in Appendix A). |
NOAA | United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
NOAA/NCEP | NOAA National Centers for Environmental Prediction |
NRMSVD | Normalized root mean square vector difference (explained in Appendix A). |
NWC/GEO | NWCSAF software package for geostationary satellites |
NWC/GEO-Cloud | NWC/GEO Cloud products: Cloud Mask (CMA), Cloud Type (CT), Cloud Top Temperature and Height (CTTH), Cloud Microphysics (CMIC) |
NWC/GEO-HRW | NWC/GEO High Resolution Winds product |
NWC/PPS | NWCSAF software package for polar satellites |
NWCSAF | EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on support to nowcasting and very short range forecasting |
NWP | Numerical Weather Prediction |
OSTIA | Operational Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Analysis |
SMHI | Sveriges Meteorologiska och Hydrologiska Institut of Sweden |
SPD | Mean horizontal speed for reference winds (explained in Appendix A). |
SSEC/UW | University of Wisconsin-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center |
WMO | World Meteorological Organization |
ZAMG | Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik of Austria |
Appendix A
- NC (dimensionless): Number of collocations between the NWC/GEO-HRW AMV winds, defined as (Ui,Vi), and the radiosonde reference winds, defined as (Ur,Vr). Speed components for both types of winds defined in m/s units.
- SPD (in m/s units): Mean horizontal speed for the reference radiosonde winds.
- BIAS (in m/s units): Difference between the mean horizontal wind speed of the reference winds and the collocated NWC/GEO-HRW AMV windsBIAS = (Σ((Ui2 + Vi2)1/2 − (Ur2 + Vr2)1/2))/NC
- NBIAS (dimensionless) = BIAS/SPD (normalized bias).
- NMVD (dimensionless) = MVD/SPD (normalized mean vector difference).
- NRMSVD (dimensionless) = RMSVD/SPD (normalized root mean square vector difference).
- EUMETSAT Operational Services Specification, v2H, June 2018 (Document Code EUM/OPS/SPE/09/0810). Available online: https://www.eumetsat.int/website/home/Data/TechnicalDocuments/index.html (accessed on 24 August 2019).
- Definitions of Meteorological Forecasting Ranges. Manual on the Global Data-Processing and Forecasting System, Appendix I.4. World Meteorological Organization Publication WMO-No. 485. 1992. Available online: https://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/DPS/Publications/WMO_485_Vol_I.pdf (accessed on 24 August 2019).
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MSG Channel | HR VIS | VIS 06 | VIS 08 | IR 108 | IR 120 | WV 62 | WV 73 | ||
GOES-N Channel | VIS 07 | IR 107 | WV 65 | ||||||
Himawari-8/9 or GOES-R Channel | VIS 06 | VIS 08 | IR 112 | WV 62 | WV 70 | WV 74 | |||
Cloud free land/sea | T | T | T | ||||||
Land/sea contaminated by ice | T | T | T | ||||||
Very low/low cumulus/stratus | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | |
Medium cumulus/stratus | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | |
High/Very high cumulus/status | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | ||
Fractional clouds | |||||||||
High semitransparent thin | T | T | T | T | T | ||||
High semitransparent meanly thick | T | T | T | T | T | T | T | ||
High semitransparent thick | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | ||
High semitransparent over cloud/ice | T | T | R | R | R | ||||
Multiple cloud types | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | ||
Multiple clear air types | T | T | T | ||||||
Mixed cloudy/clear air types | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | ||
Unprocessed cloud type | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R |
Correction for the AMV Pressure (in hPa) for MSG Satellite Series, Based on the AMV Ice Water Path (IWPccc) or AMV Liquid Water Path (LWPccc) | |
Corr.[hPa] = 51 without IWPccc | Corr.[hPa] = 16 without LWPccc |
Corr.[hPa] = −14 + 48·IWPccc[kg/m2] | Corr.[hPa] = −42 + 226·LWPccc [kg/m2] |
if IWPccc < 1.3542 kg/m2 | if LWPccc < 0.3540 kg/m2 |
Corr.[hPa] = 51 if IWPccc ≥ 1.3542 kg/m2 | Corr.[hPa] = 38 if LWPccc ≥ 0.3540 kg/m2 |
Corr.[hPa] = 10 without IWPccc | Corr.[hPa] = 9 without LWPccc |
Corr.[hPa] = −16 + 37·IWPccc[kg/m2] | Corr.[hPa] = −36 + 251·LWPcccc[kg/m2] |
if IWPccc < 3.3514 kg/m2 | if LWPccc < 0.2271 kg/m2 |
Corr.[hPa] = 108 if IWPccc ≥ 3.3514 kg/m2 | Corr.[hPa] = 21 if LWPccc ≥ 0.2271 kg/m2 |
Corr.[hPa] = −7 without IWPccc | Corr.[hPa] = −56 without LWPccc |
Corr.[hPa] = −29 + 34·IWPccc[kg/m2] | Corr.[hPa] = −109 + 202·LWPccc[kg/m2] |
if IWPccc < 3.3824 kg/m2 | if LWPccc < 0.5149 kg/m2 |
Corr.[hPa] = 86 if IWPccc ≥ 3.3824 kg/m2 | Corr.[hPa] = −5 if LWPccc ≥ 0.5149 kg/m2 |
MSG Channel | HRVIS | VIS06 | VIS08 | IR 108 | IR 120 | WV62 | WV73 | ||
GOES-N Channel | VIS07 | IR 107 | WV65 | ||||||
Himawari-8/9 or GOES-R Channel | VIS06 | VIS08 | IR 112 | WV62 | WV70 | WV74 | |||
100–199 hPa | A | A | |||||||
200–299 hPa | A | A | |||||||
300–399 hPa | A | A | |||||||
400–499 hPa | C | C | C | ||||||
500–599 hPa | A | C | C | ||||||
600–699 hPa | A | C | C | ||||||
700–799 hPa | A | A | A | ||||||
800–899 hPa | A | A | A | ||||||
900–999 hPa | L | L | A | A | A |
HRWv2018.1 MSG-2 Jul‘09–Jun‘10 | Cloudy HRVIS | Cloudy VIS06 | Cloudy VIS08 | Cloudy IR108 | Cloudy IR120 | Cloudy WV62 | Cloudy WV73 | Clear Air | All AMVs |
ALL LEVELS | |||||||||
NC | 67,288 | 98,861 | 90,082 | 226,314 | 228,664 | 139,042 | 227,273 | 20,383 | 1,097,907 |
SPD (m/s) | 12.87 | 10.28 | 10.25 | 17.50 | 17.72 | 22.78 | 20.14 | 17.42 | 17.23 |
NBIAS | −0.03 | −0.13 | −0.13 | −0.08 | −0.07 | −0.02 | −0.05 | +0.01 | −0.07 |
NMVD | 0.35 | 0.41 | 0.42 | 0.30 | 0.30 | 0.26 | 0.29 | 0.30 | 0.32 |
NRMSVD | 0.42 | 0.49 | 0.49 | 0.37 | 0.37 | 0.32 | 0.36 | 0.37 | 0.39 |
HIGH LEVELS | |||||||||
NC | 15,919 | 119,091 | 124,905 | 128,731 | 157,689 | 20,383 | 566,718 | ||
SPD (m/s) | 21.13 | 21.85 | 21.81 | 23.23 | 22.63 | 17.42 | 22.19 | ||
NBIAS | −0.03 | −0.07 | −0.06 | −0.03 | −0.06 | +0.01 | −0.05 | ||
NMVD | 0.25 | 0.26 | 0.26 | 0.26 | 0.26 | 0.30 | 0.26 | ||
NRMSVD | 0.30 | 0.32 | 0.32 | 0.32 | 0.32 | 0.37 | 0.32 | ||
MED. LEVELS | |||||||||
NC | 15,447 | 31,346 | 29,700 | 65,544 | 64,179 | 10,311 | 60,432 | 276,959 | |
SPD (m/s) | 12.88 | 11.72 | 11.49 | 14.29 | 14.44 | 17.13 | 14.95 | 13.91 | |
NBIAS | −0.05 | −0.15 | −0.16 | −0.09 | −0.08 | +0.04 | −0.02 | −0.08 | |
NMVD | 0.35 | 0.38 | 0.38 | 0.35 | 0.35 | 0.36 | 0.37 | 0.36 | |
NRMSVD | 0.42 | 0.45 | 0.46 | 0.43 | 0.43 | 0.44 | 0.46 | 0.44 | |
LOW LEVELS | |||||||||
NC | 35,922 | 67,515 | 60,382 | 41,679 | 39,580 | 9152 | 254,230 | ||
SPD (m/s) | 9.21 | 9.61 | 9.63 | 10.11 | 10.14 | 11.51 | 9.79 | ||
NBIAS | −0.02 | −0.11 | −0.11 | −0.11 | −0.10 | −0.02 | −0.09 | ||
NMVD | 0.45 | 0.43 | 0.44 | 0.40 | 0.40 | 0.41 | 0.42 | ||
NRMSVD | 0.53 | 0.51 | 0.51 | 0.48 | 0.47 | 0.48 | 0.50 |
HRW v2018.1 Himawari-8 Mar–Aug’18 | Cloudy VIS06 | Cloudy VIS08 | Cloudy IR112 | Cloudy WV62 | Cloudy WV70 | Cloudy WV74 | Clear Air | All AMVs |
ALL LEVELS | ||||||||
NC | 36,841 | 71,618 | 287,147 | 189,457 | 246,356 | 280,899 | 85,148 | 1,197,466 |
SPD (m/s) | 21.70 | 19.95 | 19.58 | 23.60 | 22.58 | 21.94 | 19.32 | 21.46 |
NBIAS | 0.00 | 0.00 | +0.04 | +0.06 | +0.06 | +0.04 | +0.06 | +0.05 |
NMVD | 0.24 | 0.26 | 0.27 | 0.26 | 0.27 | 0.26 | 0.30 | 0.28 |
NRMSVD | 0.29 | 0.31 | 0.35 | 0.32 | 0.33 | 0.33 | 0.38 | 0.35 |
HIGH LEVELS | ||||||||
NC | 26,769 | 48,276 | 196,718 | 183,124 | 214,714 | 229,291 | 85,148 | 984,040 |
SPD (m/s) | 25.83 | 24.52 | 22.61 | 23.73 | 23.44 | 23.31 | 19.32 | 23.06 |
NBIAS | −0.01 | −0.01 | +0.04 | +0.06 | +0.05 | +0.03 | +0.06 | +0.04 |
NMVD | 0.22 | 0.23 | 0.25 | 0.26 | 0.26 | 0.25 | 0.30 | 0.25 |
NRMSVD | 0.26 | 0.27 | 0.31 | 0.31 | 0.31 | 0.30 | 0.38 | 0.31 |
MED. LEVELS | ||||||||
NC | 4200 | 9507 | 65,466 | 6333 | 31,642 | 51,608 | 168,756 | |
SPD (m/s) | 14.67 | 14.18 | 14.68 | 20.08 | 16.72 | 15.85 | 15.60 | |
NBIAS | +0.10 | +0.09 | +0.05 | +0.17 | +0.21 | +0.11 | +0.11 | |
NMVD | 0.32 | 0.33 | 0.35 | 0.36 | 0.43 | 0.38 | 0.37 | |
NRMSVD | 0.40 | 0.42 | 0.49 | 0.47 | 0.54 | 0.50 | 0.50 | |
LOW LEVELS | ||||||||
NC | 5872 | 13,835 | 24,963 | 44,670 | ||||
SPD (m/s) | 7.90 | 7.97 | 8.53 | 8.27 | ||||
NBIAS | −0.03 | +0.03 | −0.01 | 0.00 | ||||
NMVD | 0.44 | 0.47 | 0.43 | 0.45 | ||||
NRMSVD | 0.54 | 0.58 | 0.53 | 0.55 |
HRW v2018.1 GOES-13 Jul’10–Jun’11 | Cloudy VIS07 | Cloudy IR107 | Cloudy WV65 | Clear Air | All AMVs |
ALL LEVELS | |||||
NC | 9282 | 287,572 | 247,350 | 64,486 | 608,690 |
SPD (m/s) | 21.33 | 21.82 | 25.22 | 14.64 | 22.43 |
NBIAS | −0.01 | −0.08 | −0.04 | +0.04 | −0.05 |
NMVD | 0.24 | 0.29 | 0.26 | 0.37 | 0.28 |
NRMSVD | 0.31 | 0.37 | 0.33 | 0.49 | 0.36 |
NC | 6828 | 215,848 | 235,439 | 64,486 | 522,601 |
SPD (m/s) | 25.28 | 24.74 | 25.44 | 14.64 | 23.82 |
NBIAS | −0.01 | −0.09 | −0.04 | +0.04 | −0.05 |
NMVD | 0.23 | 0.28 | 0.26 | 0.37 | 0.28 |
NRMSVD | 0.28 | 0.35 | 0.33 | 0.49 | 0.35 |
MED. LEVELS | |||||
NC | 243 | 33,933 | 11,911 | 46,087 | |
SPD (m/s) | 18.29 | 17.04 | 20.84 | 18.03 | |
NBIAS | −0.11 | −0.05 | 0.00 | −0.03 | |
NMVD | 0.34 | 0.35 | 0.29 | 0.33 | |
NRMSVD | 0.45 | 0.43 | 0.37 | 0.41 | |
LOW LEVELS | |||||
NC | 2211 | 37,791 | 40,002 | ||
SPD (m/s) | 9.46 | 9.44 | 9.44 | ||
NBIAS | −0.02 | −0.09 | −0.09 | ||
NMVD | 0.35 | 0.40 | 0.39 | ||
NRMSVD | 0.43 | 0.49 | 0.49 |
HRW v2018.1 GOES-16 Mar–Aug’18 | Cloudy VIS06 | Cloudy VIS08 | Cloudy IR112 | Cloudy WV62 | Cloudy WV70 | Cloudy WV74 | Clear Air | All AMVs |
ALL LEVELS | ||||||||
NC | 8630 | 31,657 | 416,089 | 330,893 | 401,488 | 433,933 | 171,870 | 1,794,560 |
SPD (m/s) | 22.36 | 20.30 | 20.07 | 23.43 | 22.79 | 22.38 | 16.84 | 21.57 |
NBIAS | +0.01 | 0.00 | +0.04 | +0.05 | +0.04 | +0.02 | +0.06 | +0.04 |
NMVD | 0.23 | 0.25 | 0.27 | 0.26 | 0.26 | 0.26 | 0.32 | 0.27 |
NRMSVD | 0.28 | 0.31 | 0.34 | 0.32 | 0.32 | 0.32 | 0.41 | 0.34 |
HIGH LEVELS | ||||||||
NC | 6952 | 23,845 | 300,271 | 316,898 | 353,596 | 367,433 | 171,870 | 1,540,865 |
SPD (m/s) | 25.06 | 23.02 | 22.12 | 23.60 | 23.43 | 23.26 | 16.84 | 22.44 |
NBIAS | 0.00 | 0.00 | +0.04 | +0.04 | +0.03 | +0.02 | +0.06 | +0.03 |
NMVD | 0.21 | 0.23 | 0.26 | 0.25 | 0.25 | 0.24 | 0.32 | 0.26 |
NRMSVD | 0.26 | 0.28 | 0.32 | 0.31 | 0.31 | 0.30 | 0.41 | 0.32 |
MED. LEVELS | ||||||||
NC | 638 | 3368 | 77,915 | 13,995 | 47,892 | 66,500 | 210,308 | |
SPD (m/s) | 17.33 | 15.81 | 16.86 | 19.59 | 18.07 | 17.51 | 17.51 | |
NBIAS | +0.09 | +0.06 | +0.03 | +0.15 | +0.16 | +0.09 | +0.09 | |
NMVD | 0.29 | 0.30 | 0.31 | 0.36 | 0.38 | 0.35 | 0.34 | |
NRMSVD | 0.38 | 0.37 | 0.40 | 0.45 | 0.48 | 0.43 | 0.43 | |
LOW LEVELS | ||||||||
NC | 1040 | 4444 | 37,903 | 43,387 | ||||
SPD [m/s] | 7.41 | 9.09 | 10.46 | 10.25 | ||||
NBIAS | +0.17 | 0.00 | −0.02 | −0.02 | ||||
NMVD | 0.63 | 0.44 | 0.38 | 0.39 | ||||
NRMSVD | 0.76 | 0.54 | 0.47 | 0.48 |
Environment Used for Development and Testing | Environment Used for Testing | |
Operative System | Linux RHEL release 6.4 (Santiago) | Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS |
CPU | 4 × Intel® Core™ | 8 × Intel® Xeon® |
CPU i5–4590 @ 3.30 Ghz | CPU E5–2650 v3 @ 2.30 Ghz | |
Architecture | x86_64 | x86_64 |
Memory | 16 GB | 16 GB |
Disk | 500 GB | 500 GB |
Shells | bash; ksh | sh; ksh |
Compilers | GCC compilers 4.4.7: | GCC compilers 7.3.0: |
gcc; g++; gfortran | gcc; g++; gfortran | |
gzip | gzip 1.3.12 | gzip 1.6 |
make | GNU Make 3.81 | GNU Make 4.1 |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
García-Pereda, J.; Fernández-Serdán, J.M.; Alonso, Ó.; Sanz, A.; Guerra, R.; Ariza, C.; Santos, I.; Fernández, L. NWCSAF High Resolution Winds (NWC/GEO-HRW) Stand-Alone Software for Calculation of Atmospheric Motion Vectors and Trajectories. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 2032. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11172032
García-Pereda J, Fernández-Serdán JM, Alonso Ó, Sanz A, Guerra R, Ariza C, Santos I, Fernández L. NWCSAF High Resolution Winds (NWC/GEO-HRW) Stand-Alone Software for Calculation of Atmospheric Motion Vectors and Trajectories. Remote Sensing. 2019; 11(17):2032. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11172032
Chicago/Turabian StyleGarcía-Pereda, Javier, José Miguel Fernández-Serdán, Óscar Alonso, Adrián Sanz, Rocío Guerra, Cristina Ariza, Inés Santos, and Laura Fernández. 2019. "NWCSAF High Resolution Winds (NWC/GEO-HRW) Stand-Alone Software for Calculation of Atmospheric Motion Vectors and Trajectories" Remote Sensing 11, no. 17: 2032. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11172032
APA StyleGarcía-Pereda, J., Fernández-Serdán, J. M., Alonso, Ó., Sanz, A., Guerra, R., Ariza, C., Santos, I., & Fernández, L. (2019). NWCSAF High Resolution Winds (NWC/GEO-HRW) Stand-Alone Software for Calculation of Atmospheric Motion Vectors and Trajectories. Remote Sensing, 11(17), 2032. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11172032