A Six-Year (2014–2020) Statistical Correlation Study of VLF Terminator Time Shift with Earthquakes in Japan
:1. Introduction
2. Subionospheric Propagation Data, EQ Data, and Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
2.1. VLF Receiver Networks
2.2. EQ Data
2.3. Geomagnetic and Solar Activity
3. Dataset Preparation and Methodology of Statistical Analysis
3.1. TT Data Preparation
3.2. Statistical Analysis Methodology
3.2.1. Εxtraction of TT Statistical Anomalies
3.2.2. Computation of Daily Effective Magnitude
3.2.3. Cross-Correlation Analysis
4. Analysis Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Acronym | Full Form |
EQ | Earthquake |
LAIC | Lithosphere–Atmosphere–Ionosphere Coupling |
TT | Terminator Time |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
TEC | Total Electron Content |
VLF/LF | Very Low Frequency/Low Frequency |
GIM | Global Ionospheric Map |
HF | High Frequency |
NASA/GSFC’s | National Aeronautics and Space Administration/Goddard Space Flight Center |
ISAS/JAXA | Institute of Space and Astronautical Science/Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency |
ISEE | Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research |
WDC-SILSO | World Data Center of Sunspot Index and Long-Term Solar Observations |
JMA | Japan Meteorological Agency |
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Transmitter Call Name | Operational Frequency (kHz) | Location (City/Town) | Country | Latitude | Longitude |
JJI | 22.2 | Ebino | Japan | 32.08°N | 130.82°E |
JY1 | 40.0 | Fukushima | Japan | 37.36°N | 140.85°E |
JY2 | 60.0 | Saga | Japan | 33.46°N | 130.17°E |
NLK | 24.8 | Seattle | USA | 48.20°N | 121.91°W |
NPM | 21.4 | Lualualei | USA | 21.42°N | 158.15°W |
NWC | 19.8 | Exmouth | Australia | 21.81°S | 114.16°E |
TRY | 25.0 | Khabarovsk | Russia | 48.48°N | 134.82°E |
Receiver Call Name | VLF Network | Location (City/Town) | Year of Installation | Latitude | Longitude | Distance from JJI (km) |
ANA | EAL | Anan | 2013 | 33.89°N | 134.66°E | 410.7 |
KRY | Hi-SEM | Kurayoshi | 2016 | 35.40°N | 133.75°E | 457.8 |
SRH | Hi-SEM | Shirahama | 2017 | 33.65°N | 135.38°E | 460.2 |
TRG | Hi-SEM | Tsuruga | 2017 | 35.63°N | 136.06°E | 624.2 |
THY | EAL | Toyohashi | 2013 | 34.74°N | 137.37°E | 675.8 |
HMT | Hi-SEM | Hamamatsu | 2016 | 34.86°N | 137.81°E | 718.0 |
IMZ | EAL | Imizu | 2013 | 36.78°N | 137.07°E | 775.3 |
ITO | Hi-SEM | Ito | 2016 | 35.00°N | 139.07°E | 830.3 |
KMK | EAL | Kamakura | 2013 | 35.30°N | 139.55°E | 883.0 |
KTU | EAL | Katsuura | 2013 | 35.15°N | 140.31°E | 942.2 |
TGN | Hi-SEM | Togane | 2016 | 35.50°N | 140.38°E | 961.2 |
KOC | Hi-SEM | Kochi | 2017 | 33.54°N | 133.72°E | 984.0 |
KKT | Hi-SEM | Zogata | 2017 | 39.20°N | 139.89°E | 1138.4 |
AKT | EAL | Akita | 2013 | 40.09°N | 140.07°E | 1216.9 |
AMR | Hi-SEM | Aomori | 2017 | 41.29°N | 141.21°E | 1378.9 |
STU | EAL | Suttsu | 2013 | 42.79°N | 140.22°E | 1449.5 |
NSB | EAL | Nakashibetsu | 2013 | 43.54°N | 144.97°E | 1755.3 |
WKN | Hi-SEM | Wakkanai | 2017 | 45.51°N | 141.93°E | 1773.0 |
NMR | Hi-SEM | Nemuro | 2017 | 43.33°N | 145.57°E | 1797.2 |
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Share and Cite
Politis, D.Z.; Sasmal, S.; Hayakawa, M.; Haralambous, H.; Datta, A.; Potirakis, S.M. A Six-Year (2014–2020) Statistical Correlation Study of VLF Terminator Time Shift with Earthquakes in Japan. Remote Sens. 2024, 16, 4162. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs16224162
Politis DZ, Sasmal S, Hayakawa M, Haralambous H, Datta A, Potirakis SM. A Six-Year (2014–2020) Statistical Correlation Study of VLF Terminator Time Shift with Earthquakes in Japan. Remote Sensing. 2024; 16(22):4162. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs16224162
Chicago/Turabian StylePolitis, Dimitrios Z., Sudipta Sasmal, Masashi Hayakawa, Haris Haralambous, Abhirup Datta, and Stelios M. Potirakis. 2024. "A Six-Year (2014–2020) Statistical Correlation Study of VLF Terminator Time Shift with Earthquakes in Japan" Remote Sensing 16, no. 22: 4162. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs16224162
APA StylePolitis, D. Z., Sasmal, S., Hayakawa, M., Haralambous, H., Datta, A., & Potirakis, S. M. (2024). A Six-Year (2014–2020) Statistical Correlation Study of VLF Terminator Time Shift with Earthquakes in Japan. Remote Sensing, 16(22), 4162. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs16224162