The Challenge of Digitalization in the Steel Sector
:1. Introduction
- The proactive identification of skill needs and demands for the construction appropriate training and curricula, including strategizing for the implementation of new vocational education content and pedagogies across the sector, within both companies and education and training institutions;
- The identification, development, and promotion of successful sectoral recruitment and upskilling schemes, and the development of some training tools for efficient management of knowledge fostering talent development and overcoming of recruitment difficulties.
2. The Framework of the Industrial Digital Transformation
2.1. Digital Transformation in the European Industry
- Ensuring a continuous responsiveness to fulfil the changing future demand and securing the market position;
- Preserving competitiveness with efficient processes, and cost and resources saving;
- Achieving higher product quality;
- Maximizing plant performance, by also minimizing maintenance and low capital lock-up;
- Planning a flexible production by guaranteeing timeliness of delivery [10].
2.2. Digitalization in the European Steel Industry
3. European Research Activities on Digitalization in the Steel Sector
3.1. Digitalization & Enabling Technologies
- Internet of Things (IoT) system: The IoT refers to an inter-networking world where electronic sensors, actuators, or other digital devices are networked and connected with the purpose of collecting and exchanging data [42]. According to [43], the composition of an online monitoring system based on an IoT system architecture can be characterized of four layers: Sensing, network, service resource, and application layers. Such a proposed system has been implemented and demonstrated through a real, continuous steel casting production line and integrated with the TeamCenter platform.
- Big data Analytics and Cloud Computing: In the manufacturing industries, including the steel industry, the conventional database technology can have some difficulties in finishing the capture, storage, management, and analysis of large volumes of structured and unstructured data. Big data analytics is related to algorithms based on historical data identifying quality problems and reducing the product failures. On the steel products, the Big-Data solutions are currently used for quality monitoring and improvement. This technology uses new processing modes in order to obtain significant information from different data types, and, to understand them in-depth, gain insight, and make discoveries for precise decision making. An accurate prediction of surface on steel slab defects can be based on the online collected data from the production line and it is important for adjusting the process online as well as for reducing their occurrence. The main problem is that the samples for normal cases and defects are usually unbalanced. According to [44], a one-class Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier based on online collected process data and environmental factors for only normal cases was proposed in order to predict the occurrence of defects for steel slabs. ML-based approaches can provide a relevant support in extracting useful information and relevant knowledge from the available data and enabling the development of data-driven models e.g., for a wide variety of applications, such as material properties prediction [45] and product defects detection and identification [46]. Cloud computing gives on-demand computing services with high reliability, scalability, and availability in a distributed environment. Thanks to this technology, everything is treated as a service (i.e., XaaS), e.g., SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) [47].
- Robot-assisted production: This technology is based on the use of humanoid robots in order to perform operations, such as assembly and packaging. Due to an increasing demand for higher quality, faster delivery time, and reduction of cost in the manufacturing industry in the last few decades, automation and robotics have achieved more and more importance. For instance, if in the steelmaking plant, existing technologies are enhanced with robots and automation, an improvement of surface quality of the steel products could be achieved [48,49].
- Production line simulation: In the steel sector, approaches for the simulation optimization solution have been developed. In particular, investigating potential changes to the designs and operations is the aim of the development of decision support systems [50,51]. Novel numerical techniques, such as meshless methods in the simulation systems of the steel sector, have been also exploited. In [52], a rolling simulation system capable of simulating rolling of slabs and blooms, as well as round or square billets, in different symmetric or asymmetric forms in continuous, reversing, or combined rolling has been elaborated. Vertnik et al. [53] developed a meshless Local Radial Basis Function Collocation Method (LRBFCM) for the solution of three-dimensional (3D) turbulent molten steel flow and solidification under the influence of electromagnetic stirring (EMS) and they demonstrate its application to continuous casting process of steel billets.
- Self-Organizing Production: Such technology involves the automatic coordination of machines, leading to the optimization of their utilization and output. The self-organizing production is related to the decentral instead of central solutions. A new combination of resources, equipment, and personnel, based on a close interaction within them with a master computer, is included and an increase of the automation, leading to the real time control of production networks.
- CPS: Is a system where computation, networking, and physical processes are integrated. The physical processes are monitored and controlled by embedded computers and networks, with feedback loops where they affect computations and vice versa [54].
- Smart supply network: Better supply decisions are possible thanks to the monitoring of the entire supply network. Several factors and objectives have to be taken into consideration in a supply chain of a steel industry. The smart supply networks optimize the steelworks production processes from the beginning to the end of products by using models as part of the integrated supply chain.
- Vertical/Horizontal Integration: Horizontal integration concerns the integration between a resource and an information network within the value chain. Vertical integration is related to networked manufacturing systems within the intelligent factories of the future and personalized customer manufacturing [55].
- Predictive Maintenance: It allows repair prior to breakdown thanks to a remote monitoring of equipment. The combination of equipment monitoring together with intelligent decision methods implement the predictive maintenance techniques. In order to support decision-making and to assist steel companies to improve their competitiveness, ML and Data Mining techniques can be used to draw insights from the data and accurately predict results.
- Cyber Security: Such technology should be taken into consideration, especially for the Internet-based services. A procedural model for a Cyber-Security analysis based on reference architecture model Industry 4.0 and a VDI/VDE guideline 2182 are shown for the use case of a Cloud-based monitoring of the production in [56].
- Augmented Work, Maintenance, and Service: The operating guidance, the remote assistance, and the documentation are favored by applying the fourth dimension, which is the use of the augment reality. This is one of the most interesting enabling technology for companies, especially for improving the maintenance services. For instance, remote maintenance based on remote connection can be carried out by a service technician who is virtually connected. This results in travel costs and time saving, and with quick problem solving.
- Self-driving logistics vehicles: Such technology is based on completely automated transportation systems. The use of intelligent software to support intralogistics operations helps companies to improve processes and to make faster them. In the steelworks, the supply and the disposal of raw materials and the transport of intermediate products as well as the removal of finished products and the handling of by-products, for instance bulk material or slag, are very important. The use of an intelligent transport control system can allow one to plan and control the internal transport orders, resulting in an increase of productivity and service levels, cutting costs.
- Digitalization of knowledge management. Due to an increasing competitive market, the steel sector has been committed to facing significant challenges in the digitalization. Although this process has already started, further improvement can be achieved. On this subject, the knowledge and experience of the technical staff represents the basis of this improvements. The main barriers about the usage of this knowledge and experience are represented by their heterogeneous distribution over the individual staff members, human obliviousness, and knowledge erosion by leaving staff members.
3.2. Past and Ongoing Research Activities Funded by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel
3.3. Other European Funding Programs for Digitalization and Low Carbon Technologies for the Steel Sector
4. The Future of Digitalization in the Steel Sector
- Digital Data,
- Automation,
- Connectivity,
- Digital Customer Access.
4.1. Digitalization Impact on the Workforce
4.2. Digitalization and Economic Impact
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
RFCS Projects | ||||
AdaptEAF | DroMoSPlan | I2MSteel | Plant Temp | Telerescuer |
DESDEMONA | GASNET | OptiScrapManage | SoProd |
EUREKA | H2020 | SPIRE | FP7 |
RECOBA | |||
CDA | PI | CCU |
HYBRIT | IDEOGAS | Biocon-co2 |
GrInHy | OSMet S2 | CarbonNext |
IERO | ACASOS | FresMe |
REGTGF | Carbon4PUR | |
RenewableSteelGases | Steelanol | |
Torero | ||
ENCOP | ||
LoCO2Fe | ||
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Share and Cite
Branca, T.A.; Fornai, B.; Colla, V.; Murri, M.M.; Streppa, E.; Schröder, A.J. The Challenge of Digitalization in the Steel Sector. Metals 2020, 10, 288.
Branca TA, Fornai B, Colla V, Murri MM, Streppa E, Schröder AJ. The Challenge of Digitalization in the Steel Sector. Metals. 2020; 10(2):288.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBranca, Teresa Annunziata, Barbara Fornai, Valentina Colla, Maria Maddalena Murri, Eliana Streppa, and Antonius Johannes Schröder. 2020. "The Challenge of Digitalization in the Steel Sector" Metals 10, no. 2: 288.
APA StyleBranca, T. A., Fornai, B., Colla, V., Murri, M. M., Streppa, E., & Schröder, A. J. (2020). The Challenge of Digitalization in the Steel Sector. Metals, 10(2), 288.