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Accuracy of Various Sampling Techniques for Precision Agriculture: A Case Study in Brazil

Domingos Sárvio Magalhães Valente
Gustavo Willam Pereira
Daniel Marçal de Queiroz
Rodrigo Sinaidi Zandonadi
Lucas Rios do Amaral
Eduardo Leonel Bottega
Marcelo Marques Costa
Andre Luiz de Freitas Coelho
1 and
Tony Grift
Department of Agricultural Engineering, Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), Viçosa 36570-900, Brazil
Instituto Federal Sudeste de Minas Gerais—Campus Muriáe (IF Sudeste MG), Muriaé 36884-036, Brazil
Instute of Agricultural and Environmental Scinces, Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso (UFMT), Sinop 78550-728, Brazil
School of Agricultural Engineering, University of Campinas (FEAGRI/UNICAMP), Campinas 13083-875, Brazil
Academic Coordination, Campus Cachoeira do Sul, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria 96503-205, Brazil
Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Universidade Federal de Jataí (UFJ), Jatai 75801-615, Brazil
Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801, USA
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Agriculture 2024, 14(12), 2198; https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture14122198
Submission received: 3 October 2024 / Revised: 23 November 2024 / Accepted: 28 November 2024 / Published: 1 December 2024
(This article belongs to the Section Digital Agriculture)


Precision agriculture techniques contribute to optimizing the use of agricultural inputs, as they consider the spatial and temporal variability in the production factors. Prescription maps of limestone and fertilizers at variable rates (VRA) can be generated using various soil sampling techniques, such as point grid sampling, cell sampling, and management zone sampling. However, low-density grid sampling often fails to capture the spatial variability in soil properties, leading to inaccurate fertilizer recommendations. Sampling techniques by cells or management zones can generate maps of better quality and at lower costs than the sampling system by degree of points with low sampling density. Thus, this study aimed to compare the accuracy of different sampling techniques for mapping soil attributes in precision agriculture. For this purpose, the following sampling techniques were used: high-density point grid sampling method, low-density point grid sampling method, cell sampling method, management zone sampling method, and conventional method (considering the mean). Six areas located in the Brazilian states of Bahia, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso, Goias, Mato Grosso do Sul, and Sao Paulo were used. The Root-Mean-Square-Error (RMSE) method was determined for each method using cross-validation. It was concluded that the cell method generated the lowest error, followed by the high-density point grid sampling method. Management zone sampling showed a lower error compared to the low-density point grid sampling method. By comparing different sampling techniques, we demonstrate that management zone and cell grid sampling can reduce soil sampling while maintaining comparable or superior accuracy in soil attribute mapping.

1. Introduction

The use of precision agriculture (PA) techniques contributes to optimizing the use of agricultural inputs, as it considers spatial and temporal variability in the production factors [1,2]. Despite the growing adoption of precision agriculture (PA) techniques, optimizing soil sampling methodologies remains a significant challenge. Studies demonstrate that traditional low-density grid sampling often fails to capture the spatial variability in soil properties [3,4,5,6], leading to inaccurate fertilizer recommendations, inefficient resource use, and ultimately reduced economic efficiency. The prescription of limestone and fertilizers requires accounting for the spatial and temporal variability in soil physical and chemical attributes. This study directly addresses this gap by critically comparing different sampling techniques, offering insights that can potentially transform precision agriculture sampling strategies and significantly enhance agricultural resource management.
A common technique to obtain maps of the spatial variability in soil attributes is grid sampling by georeferenced points. This technique is widely used in large areas and consists of collecting soil samples at various points distributed in the area, usually equidistant from each other. At each point, a composite sampling is drawn around the georeferenced point. After obtaining and analyzing the composite samples, the maps are obtained by methods of spatial interpolation of soil attribute levels [7,8,9,10,11,12]. To obtain reliable results through interpolation, a considerable number of sampling points are required to represent the behavior of the variables of interest [13,14]. Some authors [15,16] recommend that at least 100 soil samples be collected in an area to perform interpolation using kriging techniques. In addition to the number of samples, attention should be paid to the minimum distance between samples [15,17], because there needs to be spatial dependence between neighboring samples. Thus, obtaining maps of spatial variability, especially of soil attributes, can become critical due to the number of samples that need to be collected [18].
As an alternative to the point grid sampling method, cell grid sampling can be performed [19,20]. In cell sampling, the area is subdivided into small rectangles, usually one to ten hectares each, depending on the size of the area. Within each cell, several single samples are collected that will generate a composite sample. The composite sample represents the mean of the attributes in the whole cell, i.e., in this case, there is no interpolation of the attributes. Despite the saving generated with the reduction in the number of samples, this technique generates a map of difficult interpretation due to the low spatial resolution. In addition, depending on the size of the cells, there may be high estimation errors within the cell.
Alternatively, costs may be reduced using sampling based on management zones [21,22,23,24,25], in which the sampling process is similar to cell sampling. However, while the cells are defined without any a priori criteria, the management zones (MZs) can be defined based on maps of the yield, apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa), organic matter, clay content, among other variables [21,26,27,28]. ECa is the most used because it correlates with soil attributes and because it is easily and quickly measured by sensors [29,30,31,32,33,34]. Once the MZs have been defined, targeted sampling is carried out in each MZ. Based on the values of the attributes obtained in each MZ, agricultural inputs are prescribed [35,36]. However, not all soil attributes follow the same pattern as the MZs generated. This means that, within an MZ, a given attribute could show high variability, which would lead to prediction errors.
Among the techniques presented, point grid sampling is widely adopted in large areas with sampling density ranging from one sample per hectare to five hectares for each sample. However, several studies [6,37,38,39] have shown that the interpolation of attributes with low sampling density can generate errors in estimates and, consequently, errors in the recommendation of limestone and fertilizers. The errors could exceed the errors of conventional soil sampling that uses the mean of the attributes throughout the area [6]. Thus, an alternative to point grid sampling with low density would be to use cell or MZ methods. These alternatives reduce the number of samples and might generate better-quality maps than grid point sampling with low density. Unlike cell or MZ sampling methods, the point grid sampling method depends on the interpolation process.
We hypothesize that alternative sampling techniques, such as management zones and cell grid sampling, can provide more accurate and cost-efficient soil attribute mapping than low-density point grid sampling. Thus, this study aimed to compare the accuracy of different sampling techniques for mapping soil attributes in precision agriculture.

2. Materials and Methods

In this study, six areas located in the Brazilian cities São Desidério-BA, Araponga-MG, Tabaporã-MT, Goianápolis-GO, Sidrolândia -MS, and Descalvado -SP were used, as shown in Figure 1. In these areas, soil samples were collected in a point grid (called GRID-1), and apparent soil electrical conductivity data were collected. Table 1 presents some information on the six areas of study. At each designated sampling point, a composite soil sample was formed from subsamples collected within a three-meter radius. Subsamples were obtained using a soil auger from the 0–0.20 m soil depth. Based on the GRID-1 method (Figure 1), in each study area, the values for nine soil attributes were determined in some laboratory. The mean and standard deviation values for these nine soil attributes are shown in Table 2.

2.1. Sampling Methods Implemented

From the point grid sampling method (GRID-1), shown in Figure 1, the other sampling methods were generated. Figure 2 presents a diagram that summarizes the process of generating sampling methods from GRID-1. This was carried out to ensure that sampling and laboratory analysis did not interfere with error calculations. The sampling methods were defined as follows: conventional method (CONV), cell sampling method (CEL), point grid sampling method with low point density (GRID-2), management zone sampling method (MZ), and random zone method (CEL-RND).
In the conventional sampling method (CONV), the mean of each attribute of the GRID-1 sampling points was considered to represent the entire area. For the cell sampling method (CEL), as shown in Figure 3, each study area was divided into rectangular cells. The size of each cell was proportional to the size of the area, to ensure a minimum of four GRID-1 samples within each cell. In the BA area, cell sizes ranged from 2.3 to 12.6 ha, since this is the largest study area, while in the MG area, cell sizes ranged from 0.4 to 1.7 ha, as it was the smallest study area. In the other areas, the cells were generated with sizes from 1 to 6 ha approximately, arranged as shown in Figure 3. The mean values of the soil attributes for each cell were calculated based on the values of the GRID-1 sampling points that were within each cell.
For the MZ sampling method, zones were delimited based on the map of apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa), here called management zones. The clusters were defined using the fuzzy k-means clustering algorithm [42] with three classes. The generated clusters were processed and analyzed to generate the MZs. The MZs were generated using the Smart-Map plugin [41] for QGIS version 3.28 [43]. After defining the MZs based on ECa, QGIS geoprocessing tools were used to adjust the classes generated: classes with small areas were joined to larger areas; very long and narrow areas were divided into smaller areas. Thus, at the end of the processing, the number of MZs generated in each area was greater than three (the number of classes used in the clustering analysis). Figure 4 shows the interpolated maps of soil ECa for each area. These ECa maps were then used to define the management zones (Figure 5). The mean values of the soil attributes in each MZ were calculated based on the values of the GRID-1 sampling points that were within the MZ.
To analyze whether ECa really contributed as a sampling criterion in the defined MZs, random cells were generated with the same number of management zones defined in the MZ method in each area. This method was defined as CEL-RND. For each study area, one thousand random cell scenarios were generated. Figure 6 shows that the number of cells and MZs is the same for each area. The scenarios were generated using a Python script version 3.9 (Python Software Foundation, Wilmington, DE, USA) executed within QGIS. Thus, it was possible to create a distribution of errors for the random cell method (CEL-RND) for each area and attribute. To generate the random cells, random points were defined distributed in the study area. After the random definition of the points, the Voronoi diagram [44], available in QGIS, was used to define the cells. The mean values of the soil attributes in each random cell were calculated based on the values of the GRID-1 sampling points that were inside the random cell.
From GRID-1 (original), sampling density was reduced to form GRID-2 (Figure 7). The reduction in sampling density was performed in QGIS software; the aim was to remove neighboring points, so that the non-removed points were equidistant and better distributed in the study areas. In both grids with point samples, interpolation was performed by ordinary kriging using the Smart-Map plugin.

2.2. Performance Criteria for Comparison Among the Sampling Methods Implemented

The performance of each sampling method was calculated using the leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) method. In Figure 2, the diagram details the LOOCV for the soil sampling methods. GRID-1 data were used for checking all sampling methods. Thus, it was ensured that all points participated in the calculation of errors in all methods. The LOOCV method consisted of removing a point from the dataset and then estimating this point by the sampling methods described above (CONV, CEL, MZ, GRID-1, GRID-2, CEL-RND). Then, the removed point was returned to the dataset. The process was repeated until all GRID-1 dataset points were finalized. Observed and estimated values for each sampling method were used to determine the RMSE for the attributes pH, P, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, OM, CEC, V and CLA, in the six study areas and for each sampling method described, according to Equation (1).
R M S E =   1 n   i = 1 n ( x i x ^ i ) 2      
where: x ^ i represents the estimated value of the soil attribute at point i; x i represents the observed value of the soil attribute at point i; and n represents the number of points sampled.
For the GRID-1 and GRID-2 methods, the estimate of the point removed in the cross-validation was determined using the ordinary kriging (OK) method after fitting the semivariogram of each attribute using the Smart-Map plugin in QGIS. For the CEL, MZ, and CEL-RND sampling methods, the estimate of the values removed in the cross-validation was the mean of the remaining samples within each cell or MZ. The minimum size of the area of each MZ or cell was defined so that there would be at least three samples to determine the mean, after removing the point from cross-validation. For the CONV method, the estimate of the removed point was determined by the mean of the remaining points.
Spatial autocorrelation was assessed using Moran’s I, calculated with the Smart-Map QGIS plugin [41]. The pseudo p-value was obtained from 999 permutations between the points of the sampling grid in order to assess its significance at the 5% probability level. Positive Moran’s I indicates positive spatial autocorrelation, negative values indicate negative autocorrelation, and values near zero suggest random spatial patterns. Its value was calculated according to Equation (2) [45], considering GRID-1 (Figure 1) and GRID-2 (Figure 7).
I =   n i = 1 n j = 1 n w i j ( x i x ¯ ) ( x j x ¯ ) i = 1 n j = 1 n w i j i n ( x i x ¯ ) 2
where: I is the univariate Moran’s Index (scalar); n is the number of observations in the study area; x i , x j represent the observed values of the soil attributes to be interpolated at points i, j; x ¯ represents the mean of x ; w i j are the elements of the matrix of spatial weights with a value of 0 in the diagonal.

3. Results and Discussion

Figure 8 shows the RMSE for each soil attribute in the six study areas, with each polygon representing a unique sampling method. The axes of the graph (polygon vertex) represent one study area. The larger the area occupied on the graph by the polygon (method), the greater the error (RMSE) of the sampling method. Thus, it is possible to observe that the CEL method had the lowest errors. The CEL method did not show the lowest error for all situations, being surpassed a few times by the GRID-1 method and the MZ method. At no time was the CEL method worse than the GRID-2 and CONV methods.
The error (RMSE) of the GRID-1 method proved to not be the best method in all situations. This is probably because the error generated in kriging interpolation is directly related to the spatial dependence (spatial autocorrelations), which varies for each attribute in each area. Table 3 and Table 4 show the spatial autocorrelations measured by Moran’s Index for the grids with the highest point density (GRID-1) and lowest point density (GRID-2) in the six study areas, respectively. When spatial dependence is high (Moran’s Index greater than 0.68 and significant), errors tend to decrease. However, after reducing grid density (GRID-2), there is a loss of spatial dependence (Table 4), and, in this case, GRID-2 tends to perform worse than the GRID-1, CEL, and MZ methods and, sometimes, worse than the CONV method. The requirement for a large number of samples in kriging to ensure reliable semivariogram estimation has been a major obstacle. The authors of [3] highlight this limitation, demonstrating the need for alternative methods that can effectively interpolate soil properties with limited data. Such reduction in spatial dependence after the decrease in sample density has also been reported in other studies [37,46,47]. In low-density samples (GRID-2), the presence of outliers, often caused by management practices or natural events, presents another major challenge. The authors of [4] investigated the impact of outliers on the accuracy of spatial soil property predictions, showing the need for robust methods. Thus, it is clearly better to use the CEL and MZ methods when the goal is to collect a few composite samples to represent the variability in soil attributes throughout agricultural areas.
To summarize the results of the RMSE errors obtained in Figure 8, the area of the polygons generated by each method was calculated in the graph shown in Figure 8. The results are presented in Table 5, where the calculated area is inversely proportional to the performance of the method. This analysis indicated that the cell sampling method (CEL) had the smallest area occupied in the graph and, therefore, the lowest mean error and the best performance. In terms of economy and accuracy, the cell method had the lowest errors. The cell method offers the added benefit that it can be applied to any size of area.
GRID-1 was the second-best method. For the attributes K, Mg, and CLA, this method outperformed the cell method. This confirms that the GRID-1 method requires a significant number of samples to allow for a good fit of a theoretical semivariance model [16,48,49] and allow for correct estimation of values based on the neighborhood in the interpolation process. In addition, the interpolated attribute must have a significant spatial autocorrelation to generate more accurate results. Unfortunately, the spatial dependence can only be known after the sampling has been performed. This emphasizes the importance of a priori analysis of spatial variability using yield maps, satellite or drone images, and/or soil sensors to establish soil sampling strategies.
Considering the analysis in Table 5, the sampling method based on management zones (MZs) proved to be the third-best method, despite using the smallest number of composite samples. The management zone method used between 6 (number of MZs defined in the GO area) and 10 (number of MZs defined in the BA area) composite samples (Figure 5). This number of samples was lower than that used by the cell sampling method, which required 16 to 31 composite samples (Figure 3).
In this study, only the apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) was used to define the management zones; however, it is recommended to use other variables to define the management zones as well [28,35,36,50]. While apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) is a useful and low-cost tool for management zone delineation, its exclusive use presents limitations. ECa primarily responds to soil texture, moisture content, and salinity and may not fully reflect the variability in other important soil fertility attributes. The dependence of ECa on soil moisture conditions can also lead to inaccurate maps if measurements are not taken under standardized conditions. To improve the accuracy of management zone delineation, the integration of other variables, such as remote sensing data (satellite or drone imagery), historical yield maps, and clay and organic matter content maps [28,51,52], can be incorporated through data fusion techniques using clustering algorithms. This multivariate approach allows for a better representation of the spatial complexity of soil fertility and results in more representative and precise management zones for variable-rate input application.
Management zones are defined as areas that have the same yield potential and, therefore, can be treated as homogeneous. The addition of other variables to define the management zones can aggregate information that really impacts the yield. Therefore, it is important to highlight that using only the apparent soil electrical conductivity may not be a good strategy for generating management zones. Even while using merely the ECa to generate the management zones, the MZ method outperformed the GRID-2 method for all attributes. This shows that the MZ method was able to identify variability better than the point sampling method with low sampling density. In addition, there is potential for a reduction in sampling costs.
The CONV sampling method, in which the error was calculated by the difference between the mean value of the attributes in the whole area and the value obtained at each sampling point, was found to have the worst performance (Table 5). The conventional method represents management of the area based on the mean of the soil attributes. It is important to highlight that, when the modeling and interpolation of the attribute showed no spatial dependence, as in the case of GRID-2 in several scenarios, the results of the CONV method are similar to or better than those obtained with the GRID-2 method. Thus, uniform management of the area should be carried out instead of variable-rate application of inputs.
Table 6 shows the comparison of the error (RMSE) of the method based on management zones (MZs) to the error generated for the 1000 scenarios of random cells (CEL-RND). The value shown in Table 6 corresponds to the percentage of points at which the MZ method showed a higher error than the random cell method. Thus, the lower the percentage value in Table 6, the better the result obtained for the MZ method. The number of cells of the CEL-RND method was equal to the number of MZs for each study area. Notice in Table 6 that, for the vast majority of attributes, the values are below 50%. This means that ECa contributed to the segmentation of the area to define the management zones. Logically, since area segmentation is unique for all attributes, and not all attributes are correlated with each other, segmentation will not generate satisfactory results for all attributes in equal proportion.
The best result of the analysis presented in Table 6 was obtained for the area of Goiás (GO). This indicates that ECa contributed to the segmentation of the area for performing more efficient sampling. On the other hand, in the area of Minas Gerais (MG), the error of the MZ method was above 50% for the attributes pH, P, CEC, and CLA. However, this result makes sense, since the objective of using ECa is to segment an area into homogeneous soil strips. In this context, depending on the area, there may not be a similar pattern of variability for all soil attributes. In this case, ECa will not contribute to the segmentation process equally for all attributes. This result demonstrates the importance of adding other attributes to define management zones, especially yield maps [27,28,36].
Random cell sampling, in addition to evaluating the quality of management zone sampling, was also used as a reference for other sampling methods. Figure 9 shows the histograms, considering all nine attributes analyzed in the six study areas for the sampling methods used. This figure shows the RMSE standardized with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of unity. Standardization was performed considering the error (RMSE) in 1000 different scenarios generated for the CEL-RND method. Then, the other errors relative to the CEL-RND method were standardized. The errors were combined to generate the graph comparing CEL-RND with the other sampling methods. Thus, it is possible to observe that the cell method (CEL—Figure 9a) showed a mean error lower than the mean error obtained by the random cell method (CEL-RND). For the methods GRID-1 (Figure 9b) and MZ (Figure 9c), the mean error values also tended to be lower than the mean error obtained with the CEL-RND method. On the other hand, the CONV and GRID-2 methods showed, on average, a higher error than that of the CEL-RND method. Thus, in the case of low-density soil sampling, the options of cells and management zones are more efficient.
In summary, the results of this study have direct implications for decision making in precision agriculture. The cell sampling method (CEL) showed the lowest error for most of the analyzed attributes. Therefore, in the absence of prior data on the area, and prioritizing cost savings in soil sampling, the cell sampling method (CEL) presents itself as an efficient option. Conversely, when prior information on the spatial variability in soil attributes is available, such as apparent electrical conductivity (ECa), yield maps, and maps of spatial variability of clay or organic matter content, the management zone (MZ) method demonstrates greater efficiency. This method proved superior to the low-density grid sampling (GRID-2), in addition to significantly reducing the number of samples required.
Our results highlight several key areas for future research in optimizing soil sampling strategies. First, the development of adaptive sampling approaches that leverage real-time assessments of spatial variability, such as proximal sensing, is crucial. Second, improved guidelines for determining optimal sampling density are needed, factoring in spatial autocorrelation and economic considerations. Finally, the integration of proximal sensing technologies with efficient sampling designs holds significant promise for enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of soil attribute mapping in precision agriculture.

4. Conclusions

In this study, six soil sampling techniques were compared. For databases that show spatial dependence (Moran’s Index significant and greater than 0.70), the method of point grid sampling followed by interpolation by kriging is the best technique for mapping soil attributes. However, when the sampling density is reduced, the sampling and representation of results by cells constitute the most efficient technique. The techniques of conventional sampling and point grid sampling with low point density showed the highest errors (RMSE), indicating that uniform treatment should be used in these situations, instead of basing variable-rate fertilizer application on maps with low accuracy. In addition, the sampling method based on management zones is more economical than the point grid sampling method with low sampling density and can generate good results when the variables used for its design are properly selected.
The findings of this study have significant implications for precision agriculture practices. By comparing different sampling techniques, we demonstrate that management zone and cell grid sampling can reduce soil sampling while maintaining comparable or superior accuracy in soil attribute mapping. These alternative strategies offer agricultural professionals a more economically viable approach to spatial variability assessment. Specifically, our results suggest the following: (1) management zone sampling can optimize resource allocation by targeting sampling efforts based on soil electrical conductivity and other field variables, (2) cell grid sampling provides an alternative to traditional low-density point grid sampling.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, D.S.M.V., D.M.d.Q., G.W.P. and A.L.d.F.C.; methodology, D.S.M.V., D.M.d.Q., G.W.P. and A.L.d.F.C.; formal analysis, G.W.P., D.S.M.V. and A.L.d.F.C.; data curation, D.S.M.V., R.S.Z., L.R.d.A., E.L.B. and M.M.C.; writing—original draft preparation, G.W.P. and D.S.M.V.; writing—review and editing, D.S.M.V., D.M.d.Q., G.W.P., R.S.Z., L.R.d.A., E.L.B., M.M.C., A.L.d.F.C. and T.G.; supervision, D.S.M.V. and D.M.d.Q. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel—Brazil (CAPES), Funding Code 001.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this study are available on request from the corresponding author.


This work was made possible thanks to the support of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel—Brazil (CAPES), Funding Code 001, FAPEMIG, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), and Mato Grosso State Research Support Foundation (FAPEMAT).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Geographic location of the six study areas and scheme of the sampling point grid used.
Figure 1. Geographic location of the six study areas and scheme of the sampling point grid used.
Agriculture 14 02198 g001
Figure 2. Diagram of the generation of sampling methods and the estimation of soil attribute values with the leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) methodology. GRID1: regular soil sampling grid (original soil sampling: most dense sampling); GRID-2: regular soil sampling grid (reducing the soil sampling from GRID-1); CONV: conventional sampling method (considering the area uniform: mean value for each attribute); CEL: cell sampling method by dividing the whole area in small rectangles (considering each cell uniform: mean value for each attribute in each cell); MZ: management zone sampling method based on apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) (considering each MZ uniform: mean value for each attribute in each MZ); CEL-RAND: cell sampling method by dividing the area in random polygon, generate the same number of polygon as MZ method (considering each polygon uniform: mean value for each attribute in each polygon).
Figure 2. Diagram of the generation of sampling methods and the estimation of soil attribute values with the leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) methodology. GRID1: regular soil sampling grid (original soil sampling: most dense sampling); GRID-2: regular soil sampling grid (reducing the soil sampling from GRID-1); CONV: conventional sampling method (considering the area uniform: mean value for each attribute); CEL: cell sampling method by dividing the whole area in small rectangles (considering each cell uniform: mean value for each attribute in each cell); MZ: management zone sampling method based on apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) (considering each MZ uniform: mean value for each attribute in each MZ); CEL-RAND: cell sampling method by dividing the area in random polygon, generate the same number of polygon as MZ method (considering each polygon uniform: mean value for each attribute in each polygon).
Agriculture 14 02198 g002
Figure 3. Representation of the cell sampling method with its respective areas in hectares (ha) and the sampling points of the original sampling grid represented by the red dots, for the study areas: (a) BA; (b) MG; (c) MT; (d) GO; (e) MS; (f) SP.
Figure 3. Representation of the cell sampling method with its respective areas in hectares (ha) and the sampling points of the original sampling grid represented by the red dots, for the study areas: (a) BA; (b) MG; (c) MT; (d) GO; (e) MS; (f) SP.
Agriculture 14 02198 g003
Figure 4. Interpolated maps of apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa), for the study areas: (a) BA; (b) MG; (c) MT; (d) GO; (e) MS; (f) SP.
Figure 4. Interpolated maps of apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa), for the study areas: (a) BA; (b) MG; (c) MT; (d) GO; (e) MS; (f) SP.
Agriculture 14 02198 g004
Figure 5. Sampling method defined by management zones (MZ) generated from the apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) and their respective areas in hectares (ha), for the study areas: (a) BA; (b) MG; (c) MT; (d) GO; (e) MS; (f) SP.
Figure 5. Sampling method defined by management zones (MZ) generated from the apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) and their respective areas in hectares (ha), for the study areas: (a) BA; (b) MG; (c) MT; (d) GO; (e) MS; (f) SP.
Agriculture 14 02198 g005
Figure 6. Sampling method defined by random cells for the study areas: (a) BA; (b) MG; (c) MT; (d) GO; (e) MS; (f) SP.
Figure 6. Sampling method defined by random cells for the study areas: (a) BA; (b) MG; (c) MT; (d) GO; (e) MS; (f) SP.
Agriculture 14 02198 g006
Figure 7. Distribution of sampling points for the GRID-2 method in the study areas: (a) BA; (b) MG; (c) MT; (d) GO; (e) MS; (f) SP.
Figure 7. Distribution of sampling points for the GRID-2 method in the study areas: (a) BA; (b) MG; (c) MT; (d) GO; (e) MS; (f) SP.
Agriculture 14 02198 g007
Figure 8. RMSE of the sampling methods CEL, CONV, GRID-1, GRID-2 and MZ for the soil attributes pH, P, K+, Ca2+ Mg2+, OM, CEC, V and CLA in the six areas under study.
Figure 8. RMSE of the sampling methods CEL, CONV, GRID-1, GRID-2 and MZ for the soil attributes pH, P, K+, Ca2+ Mg2+, OM, CEC, V and CLA in the six areas under study.
Agriculture 14 02198 g008
Figure 9. Histogram generated based on standardization of the error (RMSE) of the 1000 scenarios of the CEL-RND method and other methods. (a) Comparison between CEL-RND and CEL sampling methods; (b) comparison between CEL-RND and GRID-1 sampling methods; (c) comparison between CEL-RND and MZ sampling methods; (d) comparison between CEL-RND and GRID-2 sampling methods; (e) comparison be-tween CEL-RND and CONV sampling methods.
Figure 9. Histogram generated based on standardization of the error (RMSE) of the 1000 scenarios of the CEL-RND method and other methods. (a) Comparison between CEL-RND and CEL sampling methods; (b) comparison between CEL-RND and GRID-1 sampling methods; (c) comparison between CEL-RND and MZ sampling methods; (d) comparison between CEL-RND and GRID-2 sampling methods; (e) comparison be-tween CEL-RND and CONV sampling methods.
Agriculture 14 02198 g009
Table 1. Characteristics of the data obtained in the six areas used in the study compared to the sampling methods.
Table 1. Characteristics of the data obtained in the six areas used in the study compared to the sampling methods.
Area (ha) 120420119759098
Number of soil samples 20414111215018198
Sampling density (samples/ha)
Municipality São DesidérioArapongaTabaporãGoianápolisSidrolândiaDescalvado
Average altitude (m) 24939043251011490757
Crop 3SoybeanCoffeeSoybeanSoybeanSoybeanSugarcane
Collection year 201720092022201020102017
Soil classification 4LAdLVAdLVAdLVALVdLVd
Number of ECa samples489.72278312.23115018122.807
ECa obtaining method 5ERERVeris U3EREREMI
Year of the experiment201620092022201020102017
1/ Area, Area in hectare (ha); 2/ Average altitude (in meters) for each study area; 3/ Crop grown in the area at the time of soil sample collection; 4/ Soil Classification: Classification updated according to Embrapa Soils [40]: LAd—Latossolo Amarelo Distrófico (Oxisol); LVAd—Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo Distrófico (Oxisol); LVA—Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo (Oxisol), LVd—Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico (Oxisol); 5/ Method used to obtain ECa: ER: Electrical Resistivity: measured with the portable meter manufactured by Landviser®, model Landmapper® ERM-02 (League City, TX, USA); Veris U3: Veris U3® soil mapping platform (Veris Technologies Inc., Salina, KS, USA), EMI: Electromagnetic Induction measured with the EM38-MK2® device (Geonics, ON, Canada). Source: (BA) [39]; (MG) [21]; (GO) [40]; (MS) [41]; (SP) [30].
Table 2. Descriptive statistics of the soil attributes obtained in the six study areas based on the soil samples obtained by the point grid sampling method.
Table 2. Descriptive statistics of the soil attributes obtained in the six study areas based on the soil samples obtained by the point grid sampling method.
AreaVariable *pH (1)P (2)K+ (3)Ca2+ (4)Mg2+ (5)OM (6)CEC (7)V(%) (8)CLA (9)
SD (10)0.2912.6420.060.350.180.450.738.922.03
(1)/ pH, Active Acidity in water; (2)/ P, Phosphorus; (3)/ K+, Potassium; (4)/ Ca2+, Calcium; (5)/ Mg2+, Magnesium; (6)/ OM, Organic Matter; (7)/ CEC, Cation Exchange Capacity at pH 7; (8)/ V, Base Saturation; (9)/ CLA, Clay; (10)/ SD, Standard Deviation. * P, K+ in mg/dm3, Ca2+, Mg2+, OM, CEC in cmolc/dm3, and CLA in g/kg.
Table 3. Moran’s Index and p-value for the nine soil attributes analyzed in the six study areas for the sampling grid of highest density (GRID-1) of sampled points (Figure 1).
Table 3. Moran’s Index and p-value for the nine soil attributes analyzed in the six study areas for the sampling grid of highest density (GRID-1) of sampled points (Figure 1).
AreapH (1)P (2)K+ (3)Ca2+ (4)Mg2+ (5)OM (6)CEC (7)V(%) (8)CLA (9)
BA0.71 **0.58 **0.84 **0.79 **0.77 **0.57 **0.64 **0.67 **0.84 **
MG0.49 **0.56 **0.61 **0.48 *0.52 **0.62 **0.58 **0.45 *0.77 **
MT0.85 **0.85 **0.71 **0.70 **0.68 **0.90 **0.88 **0.84 **0.95 **
GO0.74 **0.63 **0.72 **0.62 **0.64 **0.77 **0.80 **0.73 **0.70 **
MS0.390.52 **0.53 **0.50 **0.55 **0.47 *0.54 **0.460.56 **
SP0.64 **0.75 **0.76 **0.72 **0.83 **0.87 **0.70 **0.65 **0.95 **
(1)/ pH, Active Acidity in water; (2)/ P, Phosphorus; (3)/ K+, Potassium; (4)/ Ca2+, Calcium; (5)/ Mg2+, Magnesium; (6)/ OM, Organic Matter; (7)/ CEC, Cation Exchange Capacity at pH 7; (8)/ V, Base Saturation; (9)/ CLA, Clay. * Significance at 5% probability level. ** Significance at 1% probability level.
Table 4. Moran’s Index and p-value for the nine soil attributes analyzed in the six study areas for the sampling grid of lowest density (GRID-2) of sampled points (Figure 7).
Table 4. Moran’s Index and p-value for the nine soil attributes analyzed in the six study areas for the sampling grid of lowest density (GRID-2) of sampled points (Figure 7).
AreapH (1)P (2)K+ (3)Ca2+ (4)Mg2+ (5)OM (6)CEC (7)V(%) (8)CLA (9)
BA0.570.600.81 **0.46 **0.48 **0.490.570.570.78 **
MG0.74 *0.510.76 *0.730.74 *0.680.690.75 *0.76 *
MT0.620.64 *0.79 **0.68 *0.570.77 **0.70 **0.600.77 **
GO0.89 *0.850.90 **0.860.870.89 *0.93 **0.90 **0.88
MS0.580.580.420.630.71 **0.490.68 **0.66 *0.57 **
SP0.120.81 *0.62 *0.62 *0.66 **0.85 **0.600.540.91 **
(1)/ pH, Active Acidity in water; (2)/ P, Phosphorus; (3)/ K+, Potassium; (4)/ Ca2+, Calcium; (5)/ Mg2+, Magnesium; (6)/ OM, Organic Matter; (7)/ CEC, Cation Exchange Capacity at pH 7; (8)/ V, Base Saturation; (9)/ CLA, Clay. * Significance at 5% probability level. ** Significance at 1% probability level.
Table 5. Area of the RMSE error polygons presented in Figure 8 for each sampling method for the nine soil attributes analyzed.
Table 5. Area of the RMSE error polygons presented in Figure 8 for each sampling method for the nine soil attributes analyzed.
pH (1)-0.1210.1260.1370.2140.185
P (2) mg dm−3100.493105.561118.511147.598141.939
K+ (3) mg dm−31163.9971060.8111343.2971512.5112248.237
Ca2+ (4) cmolc dm−30.7360.8350.8541.1011.122
Mg2+ (5) cmolc dm−30.1090.1050.1230.1510.157
OM (6) dag kg−10.4850.4980.5560.6750.819
CEC (7) cmolc dm−31.9762.0122.4142.6753.183
V (8)%135.815141.419152.494209.661194.558
CLA (9) g kg−126.50121.76935.94248.94577.410
(1)/ pH, Active Acidity in water; (2)/ P, Phosphorus; (3)/ K+, Potassium; (4)/ Ca2+, Calcium; (5)/ Mg2+, Magnesium; (6)/ OM, Organic Matter; (7)/ CEC, Cation Exchange Capacity at pH 7; (8)/ V, Base Saturation; (9)/ CLA, Clay.
Table 6. Percentage of points at which the RMSE of the management zones method was greater than the RMSE generated by the 1000 scenarios of random cells.
Table 6. Percentage of points at which the RMSE of the management zones method was greater than the RMSE generated by the 1000 scenarios of random cells.
pH (1)-32.9%56.4%30.6%0%19.8%80.8%
P (2) mg dm−36.1%61.0%14.1%53.7%24.6%53.8%
K+ (3) mg dm−30.6%47.7%18.2%3.3%4.6%51.6%
Ca2+ (4) cmolc dm−317.7%39.8%19.7%4.1%62.3%5.6%
Mg2+ (5) cmolc dm−357.2%48.0%10.1%0.4%33.7%3.1%
OM (6) dag kg−124.4%34.6%5.5%4.9%23.3%11.6%
CEC (7) cmolc dm−319.7%51.8%6.2%34.4%57.7%7.4%
V (8)%17.1%44.7%86.6%0%54.1%34.9%
CLA (9) g kg−199.3%73.3%0.7%10.1%3.7%0.2%
(1)/ pH, Active Acidity in water; (2)/ P, Phosphorus; (3)/ K+, Potassium; (4)/ Ca2+, Calcium; (5)/ Mg2+, Magnesium; (6)/ OM, Organic Matter; (7)/ CEC, Cation Exchange Capacity at pH 7; (8)/ V, Base Saturation; (9)/ CLA, Clay.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Valente, D.S.M.; Pereira, G.W.; de Queiroz, D.M.; Zandonadi, R.S.; Amaral, L.R.d.; Bottega, E.L.; Costa, M.M.; de Freitas Coelho, A.L.; Grift, T. Accuracy of Various Sampling Techniques for Precision Agriculture: A Case Study in Brazil. Agriculture 2024, 14, 2198. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture14122198

AMA Style

Valente DSM, Pereira GW, de Queiroz DM, Zandonadi RS, Amaral LRd, Bottega EL, Costa MM, de Freitas Coelho AL, Grift T. Accuracy of Various Sampling Techniques for Precision Agriculture: A Case Study in Brazil. Agriculture. 2024; 14(12):2198. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture14122198

Chicago/Turabian Style

Valente, Domingos Sárvio Magalhães, Gustavo Willam Pereira, Daniel Marçal de Queiroz, Rodrigo Sinaidi Zandonadi, Lucas Rios do Amaral, Eduardo Leonel Bottega, Marcelo Marques Costa, Andre Luiz de Freitas Coelho, and Tony Grift. 2024. "Accuracy of Various Sampling Techniques for Precision Agriculture: A Case Study in Brazil" Agriculture 14, no. 12: 2198. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture14122198

APA Style

Valente, D. S. M., Pereira, G. W., de Queiroz, D. M., Zandonadi, R. S., Amaral, L. R. d., Bottega, E. L., Costa, M. M., de Freitas Coelho, A. L., & Grift, T. (2024). Accuracy of Various Sampling Techniques for Precision Agriculture: A Case Study in Brazil. Agriculture, 14(12), 2198. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture14122198

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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