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Quantitative and Confirmatory Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Cereal Grains and Legumes by Liquid Chromatography–Quadrupole-Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry

Division of Foods, National Institute of Health Sciences, Tonomachi 3-25-26, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 210-9501, Japan
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Foods 2021, 10(1), 78; https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10010078
Submission received: 9 December 2020 / Revised: 24 December 2020 / Accepted: 30 December 2020 / Published: 3 January 2021
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Instrument Analysis Applied in Food Science)


For controlling pesticide residues in food and ensuring food safety, multiresidue methods that can monitor a wide range of pesticides in various types of foods are required for regulatory monitoring. In this study, to demonstrate the applicability of liquid chromatography–quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC–QTOF-MS) for quantitative and confirmatory analysis of pesticide residues in cereal grains and legumes, the LC–QTOF-MS method using full-scan acquisition was validated for 151 pesticides in brown rice, soybeans, and peanuts at a spiked level of 0.01 mg/kg. With the exception of 5 out of 151 target pesticides, sufficiently high signal intensities were obtained at 0.005 μg/mL (corresponding to 0.01 mg/kg). Trueness was in the range 70–95%, with intra- and inter-day precisions below 16% and 24%, respectively, with the exception of 7 pesticides in brown rice, 10 pesticides in soybeans, and 9 pesticides in peanuts. No interfering peaks were observed near the retention times of the target pesticides. Furthermore, information on accurate fragment-ion masses obtained by a data-independent acquisition enabled unambiguous confirmation. The results suggest that the LC-QTOF-MS method is suitable for pesticide residues’ analysis of cereal grains and legumes, and can be utilized for regulatory routine analysis.

1. Introduction

Pesticides are used worldwide to increase crop yields by protecting crops from pests, including insects, rodents, fungi, and weeds; however, the intake of pesticide residues contained in foods may adversely affect human health [1]. To ensure food safety and protect consumer health, international organizations such as the Codex Alimentarius Commission, established by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), and the European Union (EU), as well as many individual countries, including Japan, have established maximum residue limits (MRLs) to regulate pesticide residue levels in foods. In Japan, MRLs are currently established for various foods with respect to more than 750 agricultural compounds, i.e., pesticides, veterinary drugs, and feed additives. Therefore, the need for multiresidue methods, which detect a wide range of pesticides in various types of foods, is increasing in laboratories concerned with the regulatory monitoring of pesticide residues.
Nowadays, liquid chromatography (LC) and gas chromatography (GC) coupled with triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (MS/MS) operated in selected reaction monitoring (SRM) mode are the most widely used techniques for analyzing pesticide residues in foods. They are highly sensitive and selective, which enables the robust quantification of trace amounts of pesticide residues in complex matrices. In recent years, LC and GC coupled with high-resolution mass spectrometry (HR-MS) methods, such as time-of-flight (TOF)-MS, quadrupole-TOF-MS (QTOF-MS), Orbitrap-MS, and quadrupole-Orbitrap-MS (QOrbitrap-MS) have also been employed for the screening and quantification of pesticide residues [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14]. LC and GC coupled with HR-MS operating in full-scan mode with high mass accuracy have several advantages over LC–MS/MS and GC–MS/MS operating in SRM mode: (1) There are no limits on the number of target compounds that can be analyzed simultaneously [7,8]. (2) The optimization of MS parameters, for example, SRM transitions, cone voltage, or collision energy, for individual analytes is not needed [8,14]. (3) The adjustment of retention time windows for the target analytes is not required even if the mobile phase or analytical column is changed. (4) The methods allow retrospective analysis for nontarget or unknown compounds by reprocessing previously acquired data without re-injection of the samples [15,16,17]. Furthermore, hybrid HR-MS, such as QTOF-MS and QOrbitrap-MS, offer fragment-ion information, which could be used for confirmation purposes [2,11,18]. Accordingly, numerous methods based on LC or GC coupled with HR-MS have been published recently for analyzing pesticide residues in vegetables and fruits [3,4,5,8,9,10,11,13,14]. In our previous work, we reported the quantitative analyses of pesticide residues in tea [19] using LC–QTOF-MS and LC–Orbitrap-MS. However, to the best of our knowledge, few papers have reported the application and validation of LC coupled with HR-MS for the quantitative analysis of pesticide residues in cereal grains and legumes, such as rice, soybeans, and peanuts. Cereal grains and legumes comprise complex matrices, containing high amounts of lipids and/or starch, which can potentially interfere with the analyses and cause matrix effects. Therefore, they are considered to be difficult matrices for the analysis of trace amounts of pesticide residues [20].
The aim of the current study is to evaluate the applicability of LC–QTOF-MS for the quantitative analyses of pesticide residues in cereal grains and legumes containing high amounts of lipids and/or starch. Brown rice, soybeans, and peanuts are selected as representative foods, and the LC–QTOF-MS method is validated for 151 pesticides at a concentration of 0.01 mg/kg. In addition, data-independent acquisition (DIA) is carried out to obtain information regarding the fragment ions, and to demonstrate the capability of LC–QTOF-MS for confirmative analyses.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Reagents and Chemicals

Pesticide analytical grade toluene and acetonitrile, LC-MS grade water, and methanol were obtained from Kanto Chemical (Tokyo, Japan). Diatomaceous earth (Celite® 545), analytical grade ammonium acetate, dipotassium hydrogen phosphate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, and pesticide analytical grade sodium chloride were purchased from FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical (Osaka, Japan).
Pesticide standards, except for aramite and etrimfos, were procured from Hayashi Pure Chemical (Osaka, Japan), Kanto Chemical, FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical, Dr. Ehrenstorfer (Augsburg, Germany), Riedel-de Haën (Seelze, Germany), and Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). Stock standard solutions of each pesticide were prepared in acetonitrile or methanol, depending on their solubility, at a concentration of 1 mg/mL. Standard solutions (100 μg/mL in methanol) of aramite and etrimfos were obtained from AccuStandard (New Haven, CT, USA). A mixed standard solution (1 μg/mL) was prepared by mixing the stock standard solutions and diluting with acetonitrile.
Leucine–enkephalin, used as a reference compound in LC–QTOF-MS analyses, was obtained from Waters (Milford, MA, USA). A 1-μg/mL leucine–enkephalin standard solution was prepared in methanol/water (1:1, v/v).

2.2. Materials

Brown rice and soybeans were purchased from a local market in Tokyo (Japan), and peanuts cultivated in Chiba (Japan) were obtained via the Internet. Brown rice and soybeans were ground using a centrifugal mill (Ultra Centrifugal Mill ZM 200; Retsch, Haan, Germany). Peanuts were milled using a laboratory mill (SCM-40A, Shibata, Japan).
Tandem graphitized carbon black (GCB)/primary secondary amine (PSA) cartridges (InertSep GC/PSA, 500 mg/500 mg) were bought from GL Sciences (Tokyo, Japan) and octadecylsilyl silica gel (ODS) cartridges (Mega Bond Elut C18, 1000 mg) were purchased from Agilent Technologies (Palo Alto, CA, USA).

2.3. Apparatus

LC–QTOF-MS analyses were performed using an Acquity UPLC I-class system (Waters) coupled to a Xevo G2-S QTOF mass spectrometer (Waters). The chromatographic separation was carried out using an Inertsil ODS-4 column (100 × 2.1 mm, 2 μm; GL Sciences). The mobile phases consisted of 5 mmol/L ammonium acetate in water (A) and 5 mmol/L ammonium acetate in methanol (B). The mobile phase was pumped at a flow rate of 0.3 mL/min with the following gradient profile: 5% B followed by increasing B to 95% at 10 min and holding it at this concentration for 3 min, increasing to 100% at 13.01 min and holding for 5 min, and finally, returning to 5% at 18.01 min. The column temperature was set to 40 °C. The injection volume was 3 μL. The retention times of the target pesticides are presented in Table 1.
The QTOF mass spectrometer was operated in resolution mode, providing a resolving power of >30,000 at full width at half maximum (FWHM), at m/z 556.2766. The following MS conditions were used: ionization mode, electrospray ionization in positive mode (ESI(+)); scan range, m/z 50–1000; source temperature, 120 °C; desolvation gas temperature, 450 °C; capillary voltage, 1000 V; cone voltage, 20 V; collision energy, low energy (4 eV) and high energy (ramp from 10 to 40 eV); desolvation gas (nitrogen), 800 L/h; cone gas (nitrogen), 50 L/h; collision gas, argon. Leucine–enkephalin (m/z 556.2766) was used as a reference compound, being introduced from a lock spray probe during analyses. The mass window of ±5 mDa was used for the extraction of chromatograms for each target pesticide. The calculated exact mass and retention time for each pesticide are summarized in Table 1.

2.4. Sample Preparation

Samples were prepared according to the official Japanese multiresidue method, namely, “Multi-residue Method I for Agricultural Chemicals by LC-MS (Agricultural Products),” except for the use of a tandem GCB/PSA cartridge instead of a GCB/aminopropylsilyl silica gel (NH2) cartridge for cleanup.
A 10.0 g sample was weighed in a glass tube and water (20 mL) was added; subsequently, it was left to stand for 30 min. Acetonitrile (50 mL) was added to the mixture; then it was homogenized using a homogenizer (Polytron PT 10–35 GT; Kinematica, Lucerne, Switzerland) for 1 min. The homogenate was filtered with suction, and then the residue was rehomogenized with acetonitrile (20 mL) before being filtered with suction. The filtrates were combined, and the resulting volume was adjusted to 100 mL by the addition of acetonitrile.
A 20 mL aliquot of the extract was added to a 50 mL polypropylene (PP) centrifuge tube containing sodium chloride (10 g) and phosphate buffer (pH 7.0, 0.5 mol/L). The mixture was shaken for 5 min by a shaker (SR-2w; Taitec, Saitama, Japan) and centrifuged for 5 min at 3000 rpm (Centrifuge 8100, Kubota, Japan). The resultant acetonitrile layer was loaded onto an ODS cartridge, which was preconditioned with acetonitrile (10 mL), and then eluted with acetonitrile (5 mL). The resultant eluates were combined and concentrated to approximately 0.5 mL by a rotary evaporator (NVC-2100/N-1000, Eyela, Tokyo, Japan) at <40 °C; it was then dried by evaporation under a nitrogen stream. The residue was redissolved in acetonitrile/toluene (3:1, v/v, 2 mL) and loaded onto a GCB/PSA cartridge, which was preconditioned with acetonitrile/toluene (3:1, v/v, 10 mL) and then eluted with acetonitrile/toluene (3:1, v/v, 20 mL). The eluate was concentrated to approximately 0.5 mL by a rotary evaporator at <40 °C and evaporated to dryness under a nitrogen stream; finally, the resultant residue was redissolved in methanol (4 mL) prior to LC–QTOF-MS analysis.

2.5. Method Validation

The LC–QTOF-MS method was validated using a nested experimental design for brown rice, soybeans, and peanuts. Samples were spiked in duplicate at a level of 0.01 mg/kg, and the recovery experiments were repeated on five different days. To prepare the spiked samples, a 1 mL aliquot of the 0.1 μg/mL mixed standard solution was added to 10.0 g of sample, and the mixture was allowed to stand for 30 min before proceeding with the subsequent sample preparation steps. The quantification was carried out using six-point calibration curves with solvent-based standard solutions prepared in methanol. The concentrations of the standard solutions used to construct the calibration curves, to allow quantification, were 0.00125, 0.0025, 0.00375, 0.005, 0.00625, and 0.0075 μg/mL. The linearity of each calibration curve over a wider range was examined in the range of 0.002–0.1 μg/mL.
Matrix-matched standards were prepared by evaporating a 100 μL aliquot of blank solution under a nitrogen stream and then redissolving it in 100 μL of the mixed standard solution in methanol. Matrix effects were evaluated by comparing peak areas of the matrix-matched standards with standards in solvents as follows: average peak area (n = 5) of matrix-matched standard/average peak area (n = 5) of standard in solvent.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Optimization of LC–QTOF-MS Conditions

A total of 151 LC-amenable pesticides, which had molecular weights from 189 to 746, were selected as target pesticides for this study. Because most of the target pesticides produced high-intensity signals under positive-mode operation of the instrument (c.f., negative-mode operation), and since the instrument used in this study was unable to simultaneously operate in both the positive and negative modes, LC–QTOF-MS analyses were carried out only in the positive mode, using the MS parameters optimized in a previous study [14]. The calculated exact mass of each pesticide is presented in Table 1. Quantification was performed by operating in full-scan acquisition mode using ions with the highest intensity among [M+H]+, [M+Na]+, and [M+NH4]+. For most of the target pesticides, the highest intensity was obtained for [M+H]+; only 10 compounds were observed to have their highest intensity for [M+NH4]+ and none of the compounds were seen at their highest intensity for [M+Na]+. The mass window for extracting the chromatograms of each pesticide was optimized by comparing the repeatability of the peak areas of the target compounds, obtained by replicate analyses (n = 5, 0.01 μg/mL) for the extraction of mass windows of ±2.5, ±5, and ±10 mDa. It should be noted that, in general, a narrow mass window for the extraction of chromatograms will result in low background noise and allow the discrimination of coeluting matrix components. This will increase sensitivity and selectivity; however, the use of a disproportionately narrow window will result in peak shape deterioration and low repeatability. Hence, mass windows of ±5 and ±10 mDa resulted in relative standard deviations (RSDs) of <5% for all the target pesticides; whereas the RSD values for 10 pesticides were >5% with a mass window of ±2.5 mDa. In addition, narrow mass windows produced higher signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios. Therefore, considering these results, the mass window was set to ±5 mDa, as a trade-off between S/N and peak area repeatability.

3.2. Method Validation

As mentioned earlier, the samples were prepared according to the official Japanese multiresidue method “Multi-residue Method I for Agricultural Chemicals by LC-MS (Agricultural Products)” prior to analysis by LC–QTOF-MS, except for the modification in the cleanup step. A tandem GCB/PSA cartridge was used instead of a tandem GCB/NH2 cartridge for cleanup because the PSA sorbent can more effectively remove acidic matrix components, such as organic acids and fatty acids, compared to a NH2 sorbent. The LC–QTOF-MS method was validated in terms of linearity, matrix effect, trueness, intra- and inter-day precisions, and selectivity for detection of the spiking at a concentration level of 0.01 mg/kg with 151 pesticides of brown rice, soybeans, and peanuts. Quantification was carried out using solvent-based calibration curves in this study.
Injecting a standard solution of 0.005 μg/mL, which corresponds to 0.01 mg/kg, five pesticides, i.e., hexaconazole, isoprocarb, methidathion, pentoxazone, and quizalofop ethyl, exhibited insufficient sensitivities, i.e., S/N < 10. Among them, the low sensitivity of quizalofop ethyl could be a consequence of a high background noise level due to polysiloxane contamination, which has a similar calculated exact mass (m/z 373.0981, [C10H31Si430SiO5]+). Therefore, the validation method was continued for 146, of the original 151, pesticides and achieved the required sensitivity of 0.005 μg/mL (corresponding to 0.01 mg/kg). Furthermore, because ferimzone and tricyclazole were detected at concentrations of 0.02 mg/kg and <0.01 mg/kg, respectively, in the brown rice sample used for the method validation in this study, ferimzone and tricyclazole were also excluded from the target compounds for method validation in brown rice. It should be noted that the residue levels of ferimzone and tricyclazole detected in brown rice were below the MRLs (2 ppm and 3 ppm, respectively) established in Japan.
The results of the recovery experiments are shown in Table 2. The trueness of the target pesticides was in the range of 70 to 120% and within the acceptable range of the criteria required by the Japanese [21] and EU [22] method validation guidelines, except for the cases of 7 pesticides in brown rice, 10 pesticides in soybeans, and 9 pesticides in peanuts. The intra- and inter-day precisions (expressed as RSD) were in most cases <10%. All target pesticides that achieved satisfactory trueness values fulfilled the precision criteria of the Japanese validation guideline, namely <25% for intra-day and <30% for inter-day precisions at 0.01 mg/kg [21]. Calibration curves for the target pesticides in the concentration range 0.00125–0.0075 μg/mL demonstrated sufficient linearity, with coefficients of determination (r2) of >0.99, with the exception of the five pesticides (hexaconazole, isoprocarb, methidathion, pentoxazone, and quizalofop-ethyl) for which the detection sensitivity was deemed to be insufficiently high. In addition, calibration curves were also linear in the wider range 0.002 to 0.1 μg/mL with r2 > 0.99, except for the cases of the aforementioned five pesticides. These five pesticides resulted in linear calibration curves in the range 0.01 to 0.1 μg/mL with r2 > 0.995.
It is well known that LC-MS/MS with ESI is susceptible to ion suppression, especially in complex food matrices, mainly due to the competition between analyte and coeluting matrix components [23]. Because the LC–QTOF-MS analyses were conducted using ESI in this study, ion suppression might also have occurred during these measurements. Thus, matrix effects were evaluated by comparing the peak areas of the matrix-matched standard solution at 0.005 μg/mL (corresponding to 0.01 mg/kg) to those of the standard solution prepared in methanol at the same concentration. The matrix effect values are shown in Table 3 and ranged from 0.8 to 1.1 for 134 (out of 144), 141 (out of 146), and 142 (out of 146) pesticides in brown rice, soybeans, and peanuts, respectively. The results indicate that no significant matrix effect occurred for most of the target pesticides studied, even though the soybean and peanut samples contained high amounts of lipids. Thus, these results suggested that the low trueness values for the acrinathrin (peanuts), cycloprothrin (brown rice), deltamethrin (peanuts), epoxiconazole (brown rice), fenpropathrin (brown rice), fipronil (brown rice), fluvalinate (brown rice, soybeans, and peanuts), hexythiazox (soybeans), imibenconazole (brown rice), and spinosyn A (brown rice and peanuts) samples were mainly caused by ion suppression.
Figure 1 shows the extracted ion chromatograms of representative pesticides in soybeans. No interfering peaks were detected in the extracted ion chromatograms of blank samples at the retention times of the target pesticides, which indicate the high selectivity of the method. The only exceptions were tridemorph in soybeans and peanuts. The interfering peaks were, however, less than 1/10 of the peak areas of the 0.005 μg/mL (corresponding to 0.01 mg/kg) standard solution of the target pesticides, conforming to the criteria of the Japanese validation guideline [21]. In addition, the retention times of the target pesticides in the matrices were found to be in good agreement with those in the solvent standard solutions (within ±0.02 min). Furthermore, the RSDs of retention times were <0.5% in brown rice, soybeans, and peanuts, except five pesticides (hexaconazole, isoprocarb, methidathion, pentoxazone, and quizalofop-ethyl) that showed low sensitivity.
The results of method validation revealed that LOQs, defined as the lowest concentration that can be quantified with satisfactory trueness values and precision, are 0.01 mg/kg for most pesticides (Table S1). MRLs of the target pesticides in brown rice, soybeans, and peanuts established in Japan are shown in Table S1. For pesticide/food combinations whose MRLs are not established, a uniform limit of 0.01 mg/kg is applied. As can be seen, MRLs are ≥0.01 mg/kg. Therefore, the proposed method exhibits sufficient sensitivity for regulatory purpose analysis.

3.3. Confirmation

For discriminating analytes from coeluting matrix components in complex foods at low concentrations, information on the exact mass and retention times of the target analytes may not be sufficient, even when using LC-Orbitrap-MS, which, compared to LC-TOF-MS, provides a high resolving power [19]. The EU guidelines [22] state that two ions, preferably a molecular adduct and at least one fragment ion, are required for accurate mass measurement by high-resolution MS. Hybrid HR-MS, such as QTOF-MS and QOrbitrap-MS, provide fragment-ion information via data dependent acquisition (DDA) and/or DIA [2,18]. In DDA, precursor ions are sequentially selected from full scans based on user-selected criteria (e.g., minimal intensity threshold, m/z values). In contrast, in DIA, all ionized compounds are subjected to fragmentation, and thus, DIA provides information regarding the fragment ions derived from all ions. In a previous study into pesticide residue analyses in vegetables and fruits using LC–QTOF-MS [14], we demonstrated DIA using the MSE technique (Waters) [24], which provided full-scan data on both the molecular adduct (at low collision energy) and fragment (at high collision energy) ions in a single run, without selecting the precursor ion. In the study reported herein, we further applied the MSE technique to brown rice, soybeans, and peanuts spiked at a level of 0.01 mg/kg. Figure 2 shows extracted ion chromatograms of molecular adduct and fragment ions from the soybean samples; Table 1 shows that the fragment ions could be detected at 0.005 μg/mL in the presence of the matrices. Among the 146 target pesticides, for 126 pesticides, we were able to detect one or more fragment ions; for 84 pesticides, we were able to detect one or more isotopic ions, and for 134 pesticides, we were able to detect one or more fragment ions and/or isotopic ions. Figure 3 shows extracted ion chromatograms of incurred ferimzone residue found in the rice sample used for validation in this study. As can be seen, the [M+H]+ (m/z 255.1604) for ferimzone together with its two fragments ions, i.e., [C9H10N]+ (m/z 132.0808) and [C6H10N3]+ (m/z 124.0869), were clearly detected, suggesting that the MSE technique could be a useful tool for obtaining fragment ion information for confirmation purposes. However, because the sensitivities of the fragment ion peaks for several pesticides were low, more sensitive methods, such as LC-MS/MS in SRM mode, may be required for confirmation, especially for the pesticides that were shown to be detected with low sensitivities using the LC–QTOF-MS technique described in this study.

4. Conclusions

In this study, the multiresidue method using LC–QTOF-MS in full-scan acquisition mode was validated for the determination of 151 pesticides in cereal grains and legumes. Sufficiently high sensitivities were achieved at 0.005 μg/mL (corresponding to 0.01 mg/kg), with the exception of 5 of the 151 pesticides. Excellent results were obtained in terms of trueness, intra- and inter-day precision, and selectivity for most of the target pesticides at 0.01 mg/kg. The results revealed that the LC–QTOF-MS method offers reliable quantitative analysis of pesticide residues in cereal grains and legumes. In addition, we demonstrated the usefulness of the MSE technique for obtaining information on fragment ions for confirmation. Although we were unable to detect several parent and fragment ions owing to low S/N at 0.01 mg/kg, the LC–QTOF-MS method was shown to be suitable for regulatory-purpose analysis for most of the target pesticides.

Supplementary Materials

The following are available online at https://www.mdpi.com/2304-8158/10/1/78/s1, Table S1: MRLs set in Japan and LOQs of the target pesticides. Table S2: Results of method validation at MRL.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, S.S.-S.; methodology, S.S.-S.; validation, S.S.-S.; investigation, S.S.-S.; writing—original draft preparation, S.S.-S.; writing—review and editing, S.S.-S. and H.A.; supervision, H.A.; funding acquisition, S.N. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare of Japan, grant number H25-Syokuhin-ippan-002.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this study are available in the article or supplementary material.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Extracted ion chromatograms (mass window ±5 mDa) of representative compounds. (a) Azoxystrobin (m/z 404.1241); (b) Diazinon (m/z 305.1083), (c) Indoxacarb (m/z 528.0780). Upper plots: standard solution in solvent (0.005 μg/mL, corresponding to 0.01 mg/kg). Middle plots: soybeans spiked with 0.01 mg/kg of the pesticide. Lower plots: soybean blank extract.
Figure 1. Extracted ion chromatograms (mass window ±5 mDa) of representative compounds. (a) Azoxystrobin (m/z 404.1241); (b) Diazinon (m/z 305.1083), (c) Indoxacarb (m/z 528.0780). Upper plots: standard solution in solvent (0.005 μg/mL, corresponding to 0.01 mg/kg). Middle plots: soybeans spiked with 0.01 mg/kg of the pesticide. Lower plots: soybean blank extract.
Foods 10 00078 g001
Figure 2. Extracted ion chromatograms (mass window ±5 mDa) of parent and fragment ions of (a) boscalid and (b) cyazofamid in 0.01 mg/kg-spiked soybean blank extract. Upper plots: [M + H]+ ((a) m/z 343.0399, (b) m/z 325.0521). Lower plots: fragment ions ((a) m/z 307.0633, (b) m/z 108.0114).
Figure 2. Extracted ion chromatograms (mass window ±5 mDa) of parent and fragment ions of (a) boscalid and (b) cyazofamid in 0.01 mg/kg-spiked soybean blank extract. Upper plots: [M + H]+ ((a) m/z 343.0399, (b) m/z 325.0521). Lower plots: fragment ions ((a) m/z 307.0633, (b) m/z 108.0114).
Foods 10 00078 g002
Figure 3. Extracted ion chromatograms (mass window ±5 mDa) of incurred ferimzone residue in a rice sample: (a) parent ion ([M+H]+, m/z 255.1604) and (b,c) its fragment ions ((b) m/z 132.0808, (c) m/z 124.0869).
Figure 3. Extracted ion chromatograms (mass window ±5 mDa) of incurred ferimzone residue in a rice sample: (a) parent ion ([M+H]+, m/z 255.1604) and (b,c) its fragment ions ((b) m/z 132.0808, (c) m/z 124.0869).
Foods 10 00078 g003
Table 1. Elemental composition, retention time, and calculated exact mass of the target pesticides.
Table 1. Elemental composition, retention time, and calculated exact mass of the target pesticides.
CompoundRetention Time (min)Molecular FormulaType of IonCalculated Exact Mass (m/z)Fragment Ion 1Fragment Ion 2
Elemental CompositionCalculated Exact Mass (m/z)Elemental CompositionCalculated Exact Mass (m/z)
Acetamiprid5.5 C10H11ClN4[M+H]+223.0745 C6H5ClN126.0105 C6H4N90.0338
Acetochlor9.3 C14H20ClNO2 [M+H]+270.1255 C12H15ClNO224.0837 C10H14N148.1121
Acibenzolar-S-methyl9.1 C8H6N2OS2[M+H]+210.9994 C6H4N2S136.0090
Acrinathrin11.0 C26H21F6NO5[M+NH4]+559.1662 C13H9O181.0648
Ametryn8.8 C9H17N5S[M+H]+228.1277 C6H12N5S186.0808 C4H6N396.0556
Anilofos9.6 C13H19ClNO3PS2[M+H]+368.0305 C4H8O3PS2198.9647 C2H6O2PS124.9821
Aramite10.4 C15H23ClO4S[M+NH4]+352.1344 C13H19O191.1430
Atrazine8.1 C8H14ClN5[M+H]+216.1010 C5H9ClN5174.0541 C4H6N396.0556
Azoxystrobin8.7 C22H17N3O5[M+H]+404.1241 C21H14N3O4372.0979 C19H11N3O3329.0795
Benalaxyl9.7 C20H23NO3[M+H]+326.1751 C10H14N148.1121 C12H18NO2208.1332
Bendiocarb7.1 C11H13NO4[M+H]+224.0917 C6H5O2109.0284
Benzofenap10.3 C22H20Cl2N2O3[M+H]+431.0924 C8H9105.0699 C8H7O119.0491
Bitertanol9.8 C20H23N3O2[M+H]+338.1863
Boscalid8.7 C18H12Cl2N2O[M+H]+343.0399 C18H12ClN2O307.0633 C6H3ClNO139.9898
Bromacil7.1 C9H13BrN2O2[M+H]+261.0233 C5H6BrN2O2204.9607
Buprofezin10.4 C16H23N3OS[M+H]+306.1635 C9H17N2OS201.1056 C7H8N106.0651
Butafenacil9.1 C20H18ClF3N2O6[M+NH4]+492.1144 C13H7ClF3N2O3331.0092 C8H3ClNO2179.9847
Cadusafos10.0 C10H23O2PS2[M+H]+271.0950 C2H8O2PS2158.9698 H4O2PS2130.9385
Carbaryl7.2 C12H11NO2[M+H]+202.0863
Carpropamid9.6 C15H18Cl3NO[M+H]+334.0527 C8H8Cl139.0309 C7H12Cl2NO196.0290
Chlorfenvinphos (E, Z)9.7, 9.8C12H14Cl3O4P[M+H]+358.9768 C4H12O4P155.0468
Chloridazon5.6 C10H8ClN3O[M+H]+222.0429
Chloroxuron9.0 C15H15ClN2O2[M+H]+291.0895 C3H6NO72.0444 C9H12N2O164.0944
Chlorpyrifos10.7 C9H11Cl3NO3PS[M+H]+349.9336 C5H3Cl3NO197.9275 H2O2PS96.9508
Chlorpyrifos methyl10.1 C7H7Cl3NO3PS[M+H]+321.9023
Chromafenozide9.2 C24H30N2O3[M+H]+395.2329 C11H11O2175.0754
Clomeprop10.4 C16H15Cl2NO2[M+H]+324.0553
Cloquintocet mexyl10.5 C18H22ClNO3[M+H]+336.1361 C11H9ClNO3238.0265 C10H7ClNO192.0211
Clothianidin5.0 C6H8ClN5O2S[M+H]+250.0160 C6H9N4S169.0542 C4H3ClNS131.9669
Cumyluron9.0 C17H19ClN2O[M+H]+303.1259 C8H10ClN2O185.0476 C7H6Cl125.0153
Cyanazine6.9 C9H13ClN6[M+H]+241.0963 C8H13ClN5214.0854 C4H6N396.0556
Cyazofamid9.3 C13H13ClN4O2S[M+H]+325.0521 C2H6NO2S108.0114
Cycloprothrin10.9 C26H21Cl2NO4 [M+NH4]+499.1186
Cyflufenamid9.8 C20H17F5N2O2[M+H]+413.1283 C12H12F5N2O295.0864 C8H6F5N2O241.0395
Cyproconazole8.8, 9.0C15H18ClN3O[M+H]+292.1211 C7H6Cl125.0153
Cyprodinil9.9 C14H15N3[M+H]+226.1339
Daimuron8.9 C17H20N2O[M+H]+269.1648 C8H11N2O151.0866
Deltamethrin11.0 C22H19Br2NO3[M+NH4]+523.0049
Diazinon9.8 C12H21N2O3PS[M+H]+305.1083 C5H15NO3S169.0767 H2O2PS96.9508
Difenoconazole9.7, 10.0C19H17Cl2N3O3[M+H]+406.0720 C13H9Cl2O251.0025 C17H15Cl2O3337.0393
Diflubenzuron9.3 C14H9ClF2N2O2[M+H]+311.0393 C7H6F2NO158.0412 C7H3F2O141.0146
Diflufenican10.1 C19H11F5N2O2[M+H]+395.0813 C13H7F3NO2266.0423 C13H6F2NO2246.0361
Dimethirimol7.8 C11H19N3O[M+H]+210.1601 C8H14NO140.1070 C5H8NO98.0600
Dimethoate5.4 C5H12NO3PS2[M+H]+230.0069 C4H8O3PS2198.9647 C2H6O2PS124.9821
Dimethomorph (E, Z)8.6, 8.8C21H22ClNO4[M+H]+388.1310 C17H14ClO3301.0626 C9H9O3165.0546
Diuron8.1 C9H10Cl2N2O[M+H]+233.0243 C3H6NO72.0444 C6H4Cl2N159.9715
Edifenphos9.7 C14H15O2PS2[M+H]+311.0324 C12H12O2PS2283.0011 C6H5S109.0106
Epoxiconazole9.2 C17H13ClFN3O[M+H]+330.0804 C5H10ClO121.0415
Ethion10.6 C9H22O4P2S4[M+H]+384.9949 CH4O2PS2142.9385 C5H12O2PS2199.0011
Ethiprole8.5 C13H9Cl2F3N4OS [M+H]+396.9899 C11H4Cl2F3N4S350.9480 C8H4Cl2F3N2254.9698
Etoxazole10.8 C21H23F2NO2[M+H]+360.1770 C7H3F2O141.0146 C17H16F2NO2304.1144
Etrimfos9.8 C10H17N2O4PS[M+H]+293.0719 C8H14N2O4PS265.0406 C2H6O2PS124.9821
Fenamidone8.7 C17H17N3OS[M+H]+312.1165 C15H14N3236.1182 C6H6N92.0495
Fenamiphos9.3 C13H22NO3PS[M+H]+304.1131
Fenarimol9.2 C17H12Cl2N2O[M+H]+331.0399 C4H5N281.0447
Fenbuconazole9.2 C19H17ClN4[M+H]+337.1215 C7H6Cl125.0153 C2H4N370.0400
Fenobucarb8.5 C12H17NO2[M+H]+208.1332
Fenoxaprop ethyl10.3 C18H16ClNO5[M+H]+362.0790 C15H11ClNO3288.0422
Fenoxycarb9.5 C17H19NO4[M+H]+302.1387 C3H6NO288.0393 C5H10NO2116.0706
Fenpropathrin10.8 C22H23NO3 [M+H]+350.1751
Fenpropimorph11.4 C20H33NO[M+H]+304.2635
Ferimzone (E, Z)8.9(E), 9.0(Z)C15H18N4[M+H]+255.1604 C9H10N132.0808 C6H10N3124.0869
Fipronil9.3 C12H4Cl2F6N4OS[M+NH4]+453.9725 C11H5Cl2F3N4OS367.9508
Flamprop methyl9.0 C17H15ClFNO3[M+H]+336.0797 C7H5O105.0335
Fludioxonil8.8 C12H6F2N2O2[M+NH4]+266.0736
Flufenacet9.1 C14H13F4N3O2S[M+H]+364.0737 C8H7FNO152.0506 C11H13FNO194.0976
Fluquinconazole9.1 C16H8Cl2FN5O[M+H]+376.0163 C14H6Cl2FN2O306.9836
Fluridone8.6 C19H14F3NO[M+H]+330.1100 C19H14F2NO310.1038
Fluvalinate11.1 C26H22ClF3N2O3[M+H]+503.1344 C13H9O181.0648
Furametpyr7.9 C17H20ClN3O2[M+H]+334.1317 C6H6ClN2O157.0163 C15H17ClN3O290.1055
Hexaconazole9.7 C14H17Cl2N3O[M+H]+314.0821
Hexaflumuron10.1 C16H8Cl2F6N2O3[M+H]+460.9889 C7H6F2NO158.0412
Hexythiazox10.6 C17H21ClN2O2S[M+H]+353.1085 C9H11ClN168.0575 C10H11ClNOS228.0244
Imazalil9.6 C14H14Cl2N2O[M+H]+297.0556 C11H9Cl2N2O255.0086
Imibenconazole10.4 C17H13Cl3N4S[M+H]+410.9999 C7H6Cl125.0153 C8H8ClS171.0030
Indanofan9.3 C20H17ClO3[M+H]+341.0939 C11H11O2175.0754
Indoxacarb10.0 C22H17ClF3N3O7[M+H]+528.0780 C8H4F3NO2203.0189 C9H7F3NO2218.0423
Iprovalicarb9.1 C18H28N2O3 [M+H]+321.2173
Isoprocarb7.9 C11H15NO2[M+H]+194.1176
Isoxathion10.0 C13H16NO4PS[M+H]+314.0610 C7H5O105.0335 C11H13NO4PS286.0297
Kresoxim methyl9.6 C18H19NO4[M+H]+314.1387 C15H12NO222.0913 C16H11O2235.0754
Lactofen10.3 C19H15ClF3NO7[M+NH4]+479.0827 C14H6ClF3NO4343.9932 C8H3ClF3O2222.9768
Linuron8.7 C9H10Cl2N2O2[M+H]+249.0192 C8H7ClN2O182.0241 C6H4Cl2N159.9715
Lufenuron10.5 C17H8Cl2F8N2O3[M+H]+510.9857 C7H6F2NO158.0412
Malathion9.0 C10H19O6PS2[M+H]+331.0433 C6H7O3127.0390 C4H3O399.0077
Mepanipyrim9.4 C14H13N3[M+H]+224.1182 C7H8N106.0651 C13H11N3209.0947
Metalaxyl8.0 C15H21NO4[M+H]+280.1543 C13H18NO2220.1332 C12H18NO192.1383
Methabenzthiazuron8.1 C10H11N3OS[M+H]+222.0696 C8H9N2S165.0481 C7H6N2S150.0246
Methidathion8.4 C6H11N2O4PS3[M+H]+302.9691
Methiocarb8.7 C11H15NO2S[M+H]+226.0896 C8H9O121.0648 C9H13OS169.0682
Metolachlor9.4 C15H22ClNO2[M+H]+284.1412 C14H19ClNO252.1150 C12H18N176.1434
Monolinuron7.7 C9H11ClN2O2[M+H]+215.0582 C6H5ClN126.0105 C8H8N2O148.0631
Myclobutanil8.8 C15H17ClN4[M+H]+289.1215 C7H6Cl125.0153
Naproanilide9.5 C19H17NO2[M+H]+292.1332 C12H11O171.0804 C8H10N120.0808
Napropamide9.3 C17H21NO2[M+H]+272.1645 C12H11O171.0804 C13H11O2199.0754
Norflurazon8.3 C12H9ClF3N3O[M+H]+304.0459 C12H9ClF2N3O284.0397 C7H5F3N160.0369
Novaluron10.1 C17H9ClF8N2O4[M+H]+493.0196 C7H6F2NO158.0412 C7H3F2O141.0146
Oxadixyl6.6 C14H18N2O4[M+H]+279.1339 C12H15N2O2219.1128
Oxaziclomefone10.3 C20H19Cl2NO2[M+H]+376.0866 C11H12NO2190.0863 C10H9O2161.0597
Paclobutrazol8.7 C15H20ClN3O[M+H]+294.1368 C2H4N370.0400
Penconazole9.5 C13H15Cl2N3[M+H]+284.0716 C7H5Cl2158.9763
Pencycuron9.9 C19H21ClN2O[M+H]+329.1415
Pentoxazone10.3 C17H17ClFNO4[M+H]+354.0903
Phenmedipham8.3 C16H16N2O4 [M+H]+301.1183 C7H6NO2136.0393 C8H10NO3168.0655
Phenthoate9.6 C12H17O4PS2[M+H]+321.0379 C9H12O2PS2247.0011
Phosalone9.8 C12H15ClNO4PS2 [M+H]+367.9941 C8H5ClNO2182.0003 C7H5ClN138.0105
Phosphamidon6.7 C10H19ClNO5P[M+H]+300.0762 C8H13ClNO174.0680 C2H8O4P127.0155
Piperonyl butoxide10.6 C19H30O5[M+NH4]+356.2431 C11H13O2177.0910
Pirimicarb7.9 C11H18N4O2 [M+H]+239.1503 C3H6NO72.0444
Pirimiphos methyl10.0 C11H20N3O3PS[M+H]+306.1036 C9H14N3164.1182 C5H6N3108.0556
Prochloraz9.8 C15H16Cl3N3O2[M+H]+376.0381 C12H13Cl3NO2308.0006 C9H7Cl3NO2265.9537
Profenofos10.3 C11H15BrClO3PS[M+H]+372.9424 C6H6BrClO3PS302.8642 C9H12BrClO3PS344.9111
Prometryn9.3 C10H19N5S[M+H]+242.1434 C4H8N5S158.0495 C7H14N5S200.0964
Propachlor8.1 C11H14ClNO[M+H]+212.0837 C8H9ClNO170.0367
Propanil8.6 C9H9Cl2NO[M+H]+218.0134 C6H6ClN127.0183 C6H6Cl2N161.9872
Propaquizafop10.4 C22H22ClN3O5[M+H]+444.1321 C5H10NO100.0757
Propargite10.7 C19H26O4S[M+NH4]+368.1890
Propiconazole9.6 C15H17Cl2N3O2 [M+H]+342.0771
Propyzamide8.9 C12H11Cl2NO[M+H]+256.0290 C7H6Cl2NO189.9821 C7H3Cl2O172.9555
Pyraclofos9.8 C14H18ClN2O3PS[M+H]+361.0537 C9H7ClN2O3P256.9877
Pyraclostrobin9.9 C19H18ClN3O4 [M+H]+388.1059 C10H12NO3194.0812
Pyrazophos10.1 C14H20N3O5PS[M+H]+374.0934 C10H12N3O3222.0873 C8H8N3O3194.0560
Pyriftalid8.7 C15H14N2O4S[M+H]+319.0747 C6H7N2O2139.0502 C15H13N2O3S301.0641
Pyrimethanil8.9 C12H13N3[M+H]+200.1182
Pyriproxyfen10.7 C20H19NO3[M+H]+322.1438 C5H6NO96.0444 C12H9O2185.0597
Quinalphos9.7 C12H15N2O3PS[M+H]+299.0614 C8H7N2O147.0553
Quinoxyfen10.7 C15H8Cl2FNO[M+H]+308.0040 C15H8ClFNO272.0273 C9H5Cl2N196.9794
Quizalofop ethyl10.3 C19H17ClN2O4[M+H]+373.0950
Simazine7.3 C7H12ClN5[M+H]+202.0854 C6H10N3124.0869 C4H7ClN3132.0323
Simeconazole9.0 C14H20FN3OSi[M+H]+294.1432 C2H4N370.0400
Spinosyn A11.4 C41H65NO10[M+H]+732.4681 C8H16NO142.1226
Spinosyn D11.7 C42H67NO10[M+H]+746.4838 C8H16NO142.1226
Spiroxamine10.4, 10.5C18H35NO2[M+H]+298.2741 C8H18NO144.1383 C6H14N100.1121
Tebuconazole9.5 C16H22ClN3O[M+H]+308.1524 C2H4N370.0400
Tebufenpyrad10.4 C18H24ClN3O[M+H]+334.1681 C4H6ClN2117.0214
Tebuthiuron7.2 C9H16N4OS[M+H]+229.1118 C7H14N3S172.0903 C3H6N3S116.0277
Teflubenzuron10.4 C14H6Cl2F4N2O2[M+H]+380.9815
Terbutryn9.4 C10H19N5S[M+H]+242.1434 C6H12N5S186.0808 C5H8N5138.0774
Tetrachlorvinphos9.4 C10H9Cl4O4P[M+H]+366.9036 C2H8O4P127.0155 C8H3Cl3203.9295
Tetraconazole9.1 C13H11Cl2F4N3O[M+H]+372.0288 C7H5Cl2158.9763 C2H4N370.0400
Thiacloprid6.0 C10H9ClN4S[M+H]+253.0309 C6H5ClN126.0105 C6H4N90.0338
Tolfenpyrad10.5 C21H22ClN3O2[M+H]+384.1473 C14H13O197.0961 C6H10ClN2145.0527
Triadimefon8.9 C14H16ClN3O2[M+H]+294.1004 C11H14ClO197.0728
Triadimenol8.9 C14H18ClN3O2[M+H]+296.1160 C2H4N370.0400
Triazophos9.2 C12H16N3O3PS[M+H]+314.0723 C8H8N3O162.0662 C7H7N2119.0604
Tricyclazole6.4 C9H7N3S[M+H]+190.0433 C8H7N2S163.0324 C7H6NS136.0215
Tridemorph11.9, 12.3C19H39NO[M+H]+298.3104
Trifloxystrobin10.1 C20H19F3N2O4[M+H]+409.1370 C9H7F3N186.0525 C11H12NO3206.0812
Triflumizole10.1 C15H15ClF3N3O[M+H]+346.0929 C12H12ClF3NO278.0554
Triflumuron9.8 C15H10ClF3N2O3[M+H]+359.0405 C7H7ClNO156.0211 C7H4ClO138.9945
Triticonazole9.1 C17H20ClN3O[M+H]+318.1368 C2H4N370.0400
Table 2. Trueness and intra- and inter-day precision of the target pesticides.
Table 2. Trueness and intra- and inter-day precision of the target pesticides.
CompoundBrown RiceSoybeansPeanuts
Trueness (%)Intra-Day Precision (relative standard deviation (RSD)%)Inter-Day Precision (RSD%)Trueness (%)Intra-Day Precision (RSD%)Inter-Day Precision (RSD%)Trueness (%)Intra-Day Precision (RSD%)Inter-Day Precision (RSD%)
Acibenzolar S-methyl8251080888244
Chlorfenvinphos (E, Z)852385699023
Chlorpyrifos methyl77712835108089
Cloquintocet mexyl8823867118523
Dimethomorph (E, Z)833390579113
Fenoxaprop ethyl773377578055
Flamprop methyl772388499133
Kresoxim methyl8339858138866
Piperonyl butoxide8423808877710
Pirimiphos methyl892385678433
Quizalofop ethyl222222222
Spinosyn A6251270485844
Spinosyn D752571467933
1 Not evaluated due to residue being found in the sample. 2 Not evaluated due to low sensitivity.
Table 3. Matrix effects of the target pesticides in brown rice, soybeans, and peanuts.
Table 3. Matrix effects of the target pesticides in brown rice, soybeans, and peanuts.
CompoundBrown RiceSoybeansPeanuts
Acetamiprid0.99 0.88 1.03
Acetochlor0.89 0.94 1.01
Acibenzolar S-methyl0.98 1.01 0.98
Acrinathrin0.70 0.72 0.68
Ametryn0.98 0.99 1.02
Anilofos0.94 0.96 1.01
Aramite0.85 0.91 0.93
Atrazine1.00 0.97 1.01
Azoxystrobin0.98 0.98 1.00
Benalaxyl0.95 0.98 0.99
Bendiocarb0.92 1.01 1.02
Benzofenap0.91 0.97 0.98
Bitertanol0.89 0.93 0.93
Boscalid0.95 0.97 0.98
Bromacil0.95 0.94 0.97
Buprofezin0.96 0.94 0.96
Butafenacil0.94 0.97 0.99
Cadusafos0.95 0.92 0.97
Carbaryl0.99 0.97 1.04
Carpropamid0.94 0.94 0.98
Chlorfenvinphos (E, Z)0.92 0.96 0.99
Chloridazon0.99 0.95 1.02
Chloroxuron0.91 0.97 1.01
Chlorpyrifos0.96 0.93 1.02
Chlorpyrifos methyl1.05 0.95 0.92
Chromafenozide0.85 0.90 0.90
Clomeprop0.89 0.91 0.93
Cloquintocet mexyl0.97 0.96 1.00
Clothianidin0.98 0.88 1.00
Cumyluron0.89 0.95 0.99
Cyanazine0.98 0.96 1.00
Cyazofamid0.80 0.95 0.97
Cycloprothrin0.71 0.81 0.89
Cyflufenamid0.90 0.91 0.97
Cyproconazole0.87 0.93 0.98
Cyprodinil0.99 0.98 0.98
Daimuron0.81 1.05 1.04
Deltamethrin0.63 0.70 0.53
Diazinon0.99 0.97 0.99
Difenoconazole0.86 0.86 0.89
Diflubenzuron0.86 0.89 0.96
Diflufenican0.84 0.92 0.90
Dimethirimol0.99 0.99 1.01
Dimethoate0.97 0.94 1.01
Dimethomorph (E, Z)0.96 0.97 0.98
Diuron0.95 0.96 1.00
Edifenphos0.94 0.96 1.00
Epoxiconazole0.69 0.91 0.98
Ethion0.89 0.93 0.94
Ethiprole0.96 0.95 0.96
Etoxazole0.91 0.90 0.97
Etrimfos1.01 0.94 1.01
Fenamidone0.95 0.95 0.99
Fenamiphos0.81 0.82 1.00
Fenarimol0.85 0.87 0.87
Fenbuconazole0.80 0.91 0.94
Fenobucarb0.99 0.93 0.98
Fenoxaprop ethyl0.89 0.89 0.95
Fenoxycarb0.91 0.93 0.99
Fenpropathrin0.71 0.73 0.93
Fenpropimorph1.08 0.98 0.81
Ferimzone11.02 1.00
Fipronil0.67 0.87 0.95
Flamprop methyl0.85 0.97 0.99
Fludioxonil0.84 0.91 0.95
Flufenacet0.91 0.93 0.93
Fluquinconazole0.95 0.87 0.92
Fluridone0.99 0.99 1.01
Fluvalinate0.53 0.52 0.38
Furametpyr0.99 0.96 1.00
Hexaflumuron0.84 0.91 0.84
Hexythiazox0.81 0.77 0.94
Imazalil0.98 0.98 1.04
Imibenconazole0.79 0.85 0.86
Indanofan0.80 0.94 0.97
Indoxacarb0.91 0.93 0.94
Iprovalicarb0.92 0.95 0.98
Isoxathion0.92 0.93 0.94
Kresoxim methyl0.90 0.91 0.95
Lactofen0.86 0.91 0.96
Linuron0.94 0.95 0.99
Lufenuron0.81 0.87 0.97
Malathion0.88 0.96 1.00
Mepanipyrim0.96 0.97 0.99
Metalaxyl1.01 0.97 1.00
Methabenzthiazuron0.98 0.98 0.99
Methiocarb0.94 0.96 0.97
Metolachlor0.92 0.95 0.98
Monolinuron1.02 1.01 0.99
Myclobutanil0.94 0.95 0.97
Naproanilide0.90 0.93 0.97
Napropamide0.96 0.99 0.99
Norflurazon0.98 0.96 1.00
Novaluron0.82 0.92 0.88
Oxadixyl1.00 1.01 1.00
Oxaziclomefone0.89 0.91 0.96
Paclobutrazol0.93 0.94 0.98
Penconazole0.91 0.90 0.95
Pencycuron0.96 0.96 0.95
Phenmedipham0.97 0.95 1.09
Phenthoate0.93 0.96 1.00
Phosalone0.88 0.93 0.96
Phosphamidon1.00 1.00 1.01
Piperonyl butoxide0.90 0.95 0.95
Pirimicarb1.02 1.00 1.00
Pirimiphos methyl0.99 0.99 0.99
Prochloraz0.86 0.92 0.97
Profenofos0.92 0.94 0.96
Prometryn0.99 0.98 1.00
Propachlor1.02 0.96 0.99
Propanil0.92 0.95 0.99
Propaquizafop0.91 0.96 0.99
Propargite0.81 0.87 0.94
Propiconazole0.90 0.94 0.96
Propyzamide0.94 0.97 0.99
Pyraclofos0.95 0.97 0.97
Pyraclostrobin0.97 0.98 0.98
Pyrazophos0.96 0.96 0.93
Pyriftalid0.99 0.98 1.00
Pyrimethanil1.02 0.99 1.00
Pyriproxyfen0.88 0.91 0.94
Quinalphos0.93 0.93 0.99
Quinoxyfen0.83 0.80 0.89
Quizalofop ethyl222
Simazine0.98 0.97 1.04
Simeconazole0.87 0.93 0.98
Spinosyn A0.72 0.83 0.63
Spinosyn D0.90 0.90 0.92
Spiroxamine0.97 0.96 0.97
Tebuconazole0.88 0.93 0.96
Tebufenpyrad0.88 0.94 0.95
Tebuthiuron0.99 1.00 1.00
Teflubenzuron0.77 0.91 0.90
Terbutryn0.99 0.97 1.01
Tetrachlorvinphos0.92 0.96 0.99
Tetraconazole0.86 0.91 0.96
Thiacloprid0.98 0.94 1.00
Tolfenpyrad0.87 0.94 0.98
Triadimefon0.92 0.98 0.98
Triadimenol0.87 0.92 0.93
Triazophos0.90 0.96 0.93
Tricyclazole10.99 1.02
Tridemorph1.05 1.03 0.98
Trifloxystrobin0.96 0.96 0.96
Triflumizole0.85 0.90 0.90
Triflumuron0.80 0.90 0.98
Triticonazole0.88 0.92 0.97
1 Not evaluated due to residue being found in the sample. 2 Not evaluated due to low sensitivity.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Saito-Shida, S.; Nemoto, S.; Akiyama, H. Quantitative and Confirmatory Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Cereal Grains and Legumes by Liquid Chromatography–Quadrupole-Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry. Foods 2021, 10, 78. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10010078

AMA Style

Saito-Shida S, Nemoto S, Akiyama H. Quantitative and Confirmatory Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Cereal Grains and Legumes by Liquid Chromatography–Quadrupole-Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry. Foods. 2021; 10(1):78. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10010078

Chicago/Turabian Style

Saito-Shida, Shizuka, Satoru Nemoto, and Hiroshi Akiyama. 2021. "Quantitative and Confirmatory Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Cereal Grains and Legumes by Liquid Chromatography–Quadrupole-Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry" Foods 10, no. 1: 78. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10010078

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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