Safety Issues in the Seismic Design of Secondary Frameless Glass Structures
:1. Introduction
2. Research in Support of Seismic Design
3. Seismic Design of Glass Systems Based on the CNR-DT 210 Guide
3.1. Basis of Design
3.2. Consequences Classes and “Secondary” Structural Components
- CC1 = glass failure has limited consequences in terms of loss of human life and small or negligible consequences in economic, social or environmental terms. CC1 includes glass structures/elements in buildings characterized by occasional presence of people. The probability of failure is Pf,50 = 5.83 × 10−4 and Pf,1 = 1.335 × 10−5 (with 50 and 1 the period (in years) to which Pf refers);
- CC2 = failure has medium consequences for human life, but considerable consequences in economic, social and environmental terms. Typical examples are glass structures/elements for residential/office buildings. In this case, Pf,50 = 6.2353 × 10−5 and Pf,1 = 1.3 × 10−6;
- CC3 = failure has high consequences in terms of human life and very great consequences in economic, social terms. CC3 includes glass systems belonging to public buildings and places susceptible to overcrowding, but also stand-alone glass structures (Pf,50 = 8.54 × 10−6, Pf,1 = 9.96×108).
3.3. Nominal Design Life and Reference Life
3.4. Performance Levels
3.5. Design Seismic Force and Q-Behaviour Factor
- Wa is the weight of the element,
- qa is the behaviour factor of the glass element/system to verify, and
- Sa is the peak acceleration of interest, for the element/system to verify, normalized with respect to the acceleration of gravity g.
- ag the peak ground acceleration (rock soil) for the Limit State of interest; while
- S accounts for soil category and topographical conditions.
- Z represents the height of centre of gravity of the glass element to verify (from the foundation level);
- H is the height of the full assembly/building (from the foundation);
- Ta is the fundamental period of the glass element to verify;
- T1 is he fundamental period of the full assembly/building, in the direction of interest.
4. Case-Study Example: Glass Partition Assembly
4.1. Description of the System
4.2. Reference Design Parameters, Major Requirements and Loads
4.3. Design Strategy
4.4. Seismic Analysis—Out-of-Plane Performance Assessment
4.5. Seismic Analysis—In-Plane Performance Assessment
- (1)
- the in-plane seismic force Fa that the independent glass panel must withstand, based on Equation (3), see Table 6, and
- (2)
- the additional series of in-plane seismic forces RQ deriving (when present) by orthogonal LG walls, being transferred by the frictional clamps.
4.6. Seismic Verification of the Glass Partition System
4.6.1. Resistance
4.6.2. Displacements
- (a)
- ulim = Linf/100, with Linf the distance between two point supports (or ulim = Linf/50, in presence of spandrels), or
- (b)
- ulim = 50 mm.
4.7. Verification of Restraints and Fasteners
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Element | CC | |
pre-F (SLS, ULS) | post-F (CLS) | |
Vertical (with linear restraints) | 1 | 1/n.a. |
Vertical (with point-fixings) | 2/1 | 1/n.a. |
Roofs | 2 | 2/1 |
Fins | 2 | 2/1 |
Railings (fall danger) | 2 | 2/1 |
Floors, beams | 2 | 2 |
Pillars | 3 | 2 (with pre-F loads) |
VN (in years) | Example | NTC2018 |
10 | Temporary structures 2 | Yes |
10–25 | Replaceable parts | No |
15–30 | Agricultural structures | No |
50 | Buildings, common structures | Yes |
100 | Monumental buildings, bridges, other | Yes |
Importance Class | Description | CU |
I | Occasional presence of people or agricultural buildings | 0.7 |
II | Normal crowd levels or factories, without essential public/social functions | 1.0 |
III | Significant crowd levels | 1.5 |
IV | Important public, or construction with strategic functions | 2.0 |
Performance Level | Description | |
ND | No damage | No damage in glass; no replacement; watertightness preserved |
SD | Slight damage | Partial loss of functionality; usable building; no risk for users |
HD | Heavy damage | High degree (and cost) of functionality loss; still no risk for users |
F | Failure | Severe damage; evidence of failure; risk for users |
Importance class | ||||
Limit State | I | II | III | IV |
SLO | - | - | ND45 | ND60 |
SLD | SD35 | SD50 | SD75 | SD100 |
SLV | HD333 | HD475 | HD713 | HD950 |
SLC | - | - | F1463 | F1950 |
Ra = 1 (Equation (5)) | ||||
Limit State | ag,max [g] | Sa [g] | Fa [kN] | Qa [kN/m2] |
SLO | 0.128 | 0.154 | 0.385 | 0.049 |
SLD | 0.167 | 0.201 | 0.503 | 0.064 |
SLV | 0.442 | 0.531 | 1.328 | 0.170 |
SLC | 0.546 | 0.655 | 1.638 | 0.210 |
Design Load (Equation (6)) | tL (time) | TL [°C] | GPVB [MPa] |
Dead | VN (50 years) | 50 | 0.052 |
Seismic | 30 s * | 30 | 0.8 |
Crowd | 30 s * | 30 | 0.8 |
Near Holes | ||
Method | (CLS comb. of Equation (6)) | Stress Verification |
Equation (11) [9] | 0.99607 | Ok |
Equation (12) [59] | 0.65315 | Ok |
Equation (13) [61] | 0.99274 | Ok |
Equation (14) [60] | 0.97373 | Ok |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
Share and Cite
Bedon, C.; Amadio, C.; Noè, S. Safety Issues in the Seismic Design of Secondary Frameless Glass Structures. Safety 2019, 5, 80.
Bedon C, Amadio C, Noè S. Safety Issues in the Seismic Design of Secondary Frameless Glass Structures. Safety. 2019; 5(4):80.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBedon, Chiara, Claudio Amadio, and Salvatore Noè. 2019. "Safety Issues in the Seismic Design of Secondary Frameless Glass Structures" Safety 5, no. 4: 80.
APA StyleBedon, C., Amadio, C., & Noè, S. (2019). Safety Issues in the Seismic Design of Secondary Frameless Glass Structures. Safety, 5(4), 80.