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Protecting the Next Seven Generations: Self-Indigenization and the Indian Child Welfare Act

Taylor Elyse Mills
Research Institute for Structural Change, Philosophy, College of Arts & Letters, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
Genealogy 2024, 8(4), 139; https://doi.org/10.3390/genealogy8040139
Submission received: 1 September 2024 / Revised: 15 October 2024 / Accepted: 30 October 2024 / Published: 7 November 2024


In 1978, the United States enacted the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) “to protect the best interest of Indian Children and to promote the stability and security of Indian tribes and families by the establishment of minimum Federal standards for the removal of Indian children and placement of such children in homes which will reflect the unique values of Indian culture.” The ICWA was codified to address centuries of genocidal government policies, boarding schools, and coercive adoptions that ruptured many Native families. Now one of the strongest pieces of legislation to protect Native communities, the ICWA was designed to ensure that Native foster children are placed with Native families. Implementing the ICWA has not been smooth, however, as many non-Native foster parents and state governments have challenged the ICWA. While the ICWA has survived these legal challenges, including the recent 2023 Haaland v. Brackeen Supreme Court case, the rise of non-Natives claiming Native heritage, also known as self-indigenizers or “pretendians,” represents a new threat to the ICWA. This Article presents a legal history and analysis of the ICWA to unpack the policy implications of pretendians in the U.S. legal context. This Article demonstrates how the rise of pretendians threatens to undermine the very purpose of the ICWA and thereby threaten the sovereignty of Native peoples. By legally sanctioning the adoption of Native children into non-Native pretendian homes, the ICWA can facilitate a new era of settlers raising Native children, rather than preventing this phenomenon as intended. In response, this Article offers concrete policy recommendations to bolster the ICWA against this threat.

1. Introduction

In 2023, Indian Country and Native allies breathed a sigh of relief when the United States Supreme Court ruled to uphold the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) in Haaland v. Brackeen (MSUToday 2023). The high-profile case involved foster parents challenging the constitutionality of the Act’s provisions that prioritize Native families’ fostering and adopting of Native children (Haaland v. Brackeen 2023, pp. 263–72). Despite a conservative bench, seven of the nine Court Justices held to “reject all of petitioners’ challenges to the statute” (p. 264).
The Brackeen case was the latest of several legal challenges to the ICWA since the statute’s enactment in 1978 (e.g., Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl 2013; National Council for Adoption v. Jewell 2015; Doe v. Piper 2016; In re Alexandria P. 2016). “ICWA has been under aggressive attack by those seeking to undo both its protections and other protections for tribes under our current federal Indian law system” (MSUToday 2023, para. 4). With this recent “victory for Tribal sovereignty, Native children and families, and the future of tribes and Native people in the United States,” advocates are cautiously optimistic about the future of the ICWA (Carson 2024, para. 1; MSUToday 2023). However, the rise of non-Natives claiming Native heritage—also known as self-indigenizers or “pretendians”—presents a different and growing threat to the ICWA that current policies do not address. Rather than preventing the phenomenon of settlers raising Native children as the ICWA intended, the ICWA could legally facilitate a new era of pretendian settlers raising Native children. This threat disrupts Native cultural survivance and perpetuates the dislocation of Native children from their communities, heritages, and traditions.
As this Article argues, self-indigenizers or pretendians increase the chances that the ICWA contradicts itself by helping place Native children into non-Native homes. The likelihood of this happening is significant. With disproportionately high rates of Native children in the foster care system, and thousands of pretendians emerging in recent years, the probability of Native children being placed in non-Native, pretendian homes has escalated dramatically in recent decades. By presenting the legal history of the ICWA and its current limitations within the context of growing rates of pretendians, this Article argues for concrete policy changes to bolster the ICWA’s capacity for placing Native children with Native families.
The rise of pretendians is not unique to the United States; other colonized nations are experiencing similar increases in self-indigenization (Lewis 2023; Gibbs 2021; Nimmo 2022). These nations also have their own unique histories of violence against Native and Aboriginal children and families, such as the Canadian “Sixties Scoop” and Australia’s legacy of boarding schools (Alston-O’Connor 2010, pp. 53–56; Jacobs 2006, pp. 202–31). This Article acknowledges that preserving Native families in the wake of pretendians is a global concern but limits the scope of analysis to the U.S. ICWA in relation to pretendians because the author is a U.S. attorney with legal education and expertise limited to U.S. laws.
This Article also acknowledges that parenting, adoption, and foster care are sensitive topics. This Article does not seek to admonish nor discourage those who seek to raise Native children. In fact, this Article lauds those who aim to provide healthy, stable homes to society’s most vulnerable. Instead, this Article focuses on a macro, policy level, articulating how the ICWA needs to be refined to advance the care of Native children by preserving the intended purpose of the statute: protecting Native communities.
Additionally, this Article acknowledges the sensitivity of the self-indigenizer, pretendian issue. There is no monolithic type of pretendian. While some non-Natives flagrantly and intentionally falsify their ancestral claims to profit from Native identity in academia, the arts, politics, or other positions of power in major institutions, not all pretendians fall into this category. Others conflate genetics with kinship or are second generations of people who were raised to believe that they are Native, only to learn later that their parents’ claims were mistaken or false.
This Article explicitly recognizes the individual complexities of this issue and avoids making universal, normative claims about the motivations of pretendians. The focus of this Article is not to allocate specific blame. Instead, this Article aims to identify policy issues from the collective rise of pretendians, and to recommend methods for how tribal, state, and federal governments can address the issue.
To be clear, this Article is also not contributing to discourse on Native “authenticity.” This Article does not endorse the weaponization of metrics like blood quantum to instantiate hierarchies of supposed authenticity within Native communities. This Article is concerned with the impacts of non-Native people claiming Native heritage with regards to ICWA policy. Specifically, the goal of this Article is to highlight the ways in which the ICWA is vulnerable to having its core purpose undermined if, in reality, it facilitates placing Native children with non-Natives.
Section 2.1 further defines the scope and key terms operating in this Article. Section 3 offers a brief history of the United States’ legal treatment of Native children and families that preceded the ICWA. Section 4 analyzes the ICWA’s tenets, limitations, and recent legal challenges. Section 5 introduces the issue of pretendians to show how the rise of self-indigenization threatens the functions of the ICWA. Section 6 offers policy recommendations for fortifying the ICWA in light of this context.
Content warning: This Article discusses sensitive topics and references sexual abuse, genocide, and child abuse. This Article does not use graphic details but contains potentially triggering content.

2. Key Terms

2.1. “Indian” Under the Law

Within this discourse, terms like Indian, American Indian, Native, Indigenous, and Native American are loaded and often used interchangeably. Because this Article focuses on U.S. law, this Article will use the legal terminology “Indian” when specifically necessary to reference or analyze legislation. The U.S. defines “Indian” in the U.S. Indian Reorganization Act as follows:
All persons of Indian descent who are members of any recognized Indian tribe now under Federal jurisdiction, and all persons who are descendants of such members who were, on 1 June 1934, residing within the present boundaries of any Indian reservation, and shall further include all other persons of one-half or more Indian blood. For the purposes of this Act, Eskimos and other aboriginal peoples of Alaska shall be considered Indians (U.S. Congress 1934, sct. 5129).
This Article will otherwise use the term “Native” to refer to historical and contemporary communities who traditionally and ancestrally were and are the first inhabitants of what is known as the United States. “Native” encompasses cultural and relational kinships and acknowledges the sovereignty of Tribes and Native Nations to set their own membership criteria (See Santa Clara Pueblo v. Martinez 1978). This Article uses the term “Tribes” for consistency but recognizes that Native communities may use terms like Nation, Band, and the like. This Article capitalizes “Native” and “Tribe” as a sign of respect for Native sovereignty.

2.2. “Pretendian”

As stated, a self-indigenizer or pretendian is a non-Native person who claims Native heritage (Deloria 1998). For simplicity, this Article will hereafter use the term “pretendian” to describe the general group of individuals who, for any reason, erroneously claim Native heritage. This Article does not draw distinctions between intent, generation, or circumstance for this group because the focus of this Article is to address policy concerns that similarly do not distinguish among types of pretendians. Again, this Article does not assign normative judgments to the collective group of pretendians; this Article makes the descriptive claim that pretendians exist, are increasing in number, and represent a challenge to the ICWA’s core functions.

3. The History and Purpose of the Indian Child Welfare Act

The legal history of the United States’ treatment of Native families and children is overwhelmingly violent (Sinha 2022, pp. 457–63). Even before specific laws were in place, in the 1500–1800s, European colonizers murdered and enslaved millions of Native peoples to take control of their lands, now called the United States (Fisher 2017). Kidnapping and sexually assaulting Native women and children were key warfare tactics to rupture Native communities and take their lands (Deer 2015, pp. 32–34). Muscogee (Creek) Nation attorney and legal scholar Sarah Deer notes that “Columbus’s arrival represents not only the beginning of the destruction of indigenous cultures but also the moment when European men introduced rape as a major tool of that destruction” (p. 32). The historical foundations of the ICWA begin with this legacy of violence against Native children and families; Congress enacted the ICWA to end this legacy of violence.

3.1. The Treaty Era: “Wards to Guardians”

In the late 1770s to early 1800s, the U.S. government began to recognize Native legal rights through negotiating (coercing) treaties with Tribes (Fletcher 2016). However, the Johnson v. M’Intosh Supreme Court decision marked a violation and swift diminution of Native rights (Johnson v. M’Intosh 1823). In this case, the Court found that the doctrine of discovery—a Catholic concept used to justify conquest in the name of the Pope and God—gave all discovered and conquered land rights to the conqueror (pp. 573–75; Williams 1991, pp. 56–74). This decision extinguished Native claims to their own lands and decreed that Natives could sell their lands only to the federal government (Johnson v. M’Intosh 1823, pp. 573–75).
This case was the first of three decisions known as the Marshall Trilogy in which the Supreme Court began to establish legal parameters around Native–settler relations (Fletcher 2016, pp. 3–4). These cases further defined Native groups as “domestic dependent nations” whose relationship with the U.S. government was akin to a ward–guardian arrangement (Cherokee Nation 1831, p. 14). In Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, the Court clarified that states could not infringe on Native affairs and lands, but that the federal government maintained guardian-like authority over Native nations (p. 14).
With regard to Native children, these cases presumptively acknowledged Native sovereignty to make decisions about Native children, but the cases also established a permissive framework for federal involvement (Johnson v. M’Intosh 1823). This precedent justified future federal legislation that interfered with Native children, such as the Compulsory Indian Education Act of 1891. Similarly, the second and third cases in the trilogy came just after Congress enacted the 1830 Indian Removal Act, thus beginning what federal Indian scholars label the Removal Era (Fletcher 2016, pp. 8–9).
The irony of parental “guardian to ward” language is stark for the context of the ICWA. For centuries following the Marshall Trilogy, the U.S. ostensibly has been an abusive guardian to the “ward” Tribes. One such example is that the Marshall Trilogy cases coincided with federal removal policies like the 1830s Nunna dual tsun yi (The Place Where They Cried) or Tlo va sal (Our Removal): the Trail of Tears (United Cherokee Nation of Indians-Aniyvwiya n.d.).

3.2. The Allotment and Assimilation Era: Boarding School Violence

During the latter half of the nineteenth century, removal policies shifted toward reservation policies (Fletcher 2016, p. 9). Scholars like Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians member, Matthew Fletcher make clear that Tribes challenged these policies at every turn (p. 9). The Tribes sometimes were able to force government concessions, but their hardships increased as the government took more aggressive stances (p. 9).
One such aggressive stance was the Allotment and Assimilation Era policy of the 1850–1930s (pp. 9–11). Having already displaced Tribes onto reservation lands, the federal government then established allotment laws like the 1887 Dawes Act to divide reservations into individual parcels for Native families (p. 9). Any excess lands that were not allotted went onto the market for settlers to purchase (pp. 9–10).
Not only were allotment laws adept at taking away more Native lands, but they also served to assimilate Native peoples (p. 11). The Supreme Court plainly stated this goal in its County of Yakima v. Yakima Indian Nation decision: “The objectives of allotment were simple and clear cut: to extinguish tribal sovereignty, erase reservation boundaries, and force assimilation of Indians into society at large” (County of Yakima v. Yakima Indian Nation 1992, p. 254). Means of receiving allotments or purchasing remaining unallotted lands were tied to the “civilizing” project in which the government coerced many Native peoples to forego their customs in order to hold onto their lands (Fletcher 2016, p. 11).
One of the most notorious aspects of the Assimilation Era was boarding schools (Sinha 2022, p. 457). Though boarding schools and missions predated the mid-1800s, the number of schools built and funded by the government during this time skyrocketed (p. 457). The purpose of the schools was to separate Native families and train the next generations of Native children to assimilate into settler Anglo culture (p. 457). As legal scholar Anita Sinha notes, “children were taught to replace their inferior, ‘savage’ culture with ‘civilized,’ that is, white, Christian ways” (p. 457).
Though many Native families resisted, Native children were abducted and forced to stay in the schools (Native American Rights Fund n.d.). Children were physically, mentally, emotionally, and sexually abused; punished for using their languages and customs; exploited for labor; and often, killed from malnourishment (Sinha 2022, pp. 458–59; Native American Rights Fund n.d.). The government’s genocidal aims, sought through the use of boarding schools and familial separation, were “to eradicate Indigenous peoples and their culture” (p. 449). According to the U.S. Department of the Interior and Native Nations scholars, over 400 schools were responsible for an estimated 40,000 deaths of Native children during this time (Zaru 2022).

3.3. The Termination Era: Forcible Adoptions

While the government continued to facilitate boarding school operations until the last one closed in 1983 in Harbor Springs, Michigan (Hemenway 2024), the government began to shift in the 1950s toward adoptions as a cheaper alternative to assimilation-via-familial-separation (Sinha 2022, p. 459). The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) coordinated with state courts and the Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) to surveil Native families, remove Native children, and place them with settler families (p. 459).
Not only were adoptions “cost-effective” for the government, in many instances adoptions were profitable for government and religious-run boarding schools (p. 459). Boarding schools would rent or sell Native children to settler families, who would adopt them and exploit them sexually and physically for cheap labor (MacGuill 2018). In the case of Dennis Isaac Seely, a Dakota Sioux who was kidnapped from the Lake Traverse Reservation in 1946 and brought to the Tekawitha Indian Mission in Sisseton, South Dakota, he experienced years of abuse from the Catholic priests who ran the mission before being sold at age five to a white family in Illinois for $10 in 1952 (MacGuill 2018). He shared: “As I got older, I got to thinking of myself as cheap Indian labor…I had to work my way, you know to get my food…” (MacGuill 2018, para. 21).
Known as the Indian Adoption Project, the 1950–1970s were marked by an estimated one third of all Native children taken into the foster care and adoption system (Hidalgo Reese 2022; Sinha 2022, pp. 459–61). Children were kidnapped, sold, or taken by social workers who used ethnocentric criteria to deem homes to be not in the best interests of Native children (Jacobs 2013, p. 137; Graham 2008, p. 56). Of note is the role of intersectional oppression against Native mothers whom social workers regularly labeled as unfit parents on cultural, sexist grounds (Sinha 2022, p. 465; Crenshaw 1991, pp. 1242–43).
This new wave of attempted genocide supported colonial efforts to rupture Native communities and land rights: “[adoptions] served the larger policy aims of the period, which sought to terminate the unique tribal status of many Indian communities, to undermine Indian claims to communal land and sovereignty, and to detribalize thousands of Indian people” (Jacobs 2013, p. 139). In fact, the Indian Adoption Project coincided with what scholars label the “termination era.” During this era, the government began terminating Tribes’ statuses, and with that, ending any federal support and land protections (Hidalgo Reese 2022).

3.4. The Self-Determination Era: Civil Rights and the ICWA

As feminist and civil rights movements swept the nation in the later decades of this era, the government was compelled to shift the rhetoric regarding Natives from “savages” to “forgotten” (Fletcher 2016, p. 13). Titled “The Forgotten American,” President Johnson’s 1968 congressional address pushed for the Indian Civil Rights Act and the start of what scholars call Natives’ Self-Determination Era (p. 13). President Nixon carried Johnson’s ideas forward into policies that renounced the Termination Era and established self-determination actions (p. 13).
During this period, the voices of Native peoples and advocates decried the widespread abuse of Native children (Sinha 2022, pp. 463–64). In particular, the Devil’s/Spirit Lake Sioux Tribe of North Dakota urged the Association on American Indian Affairs to investigate the high rates of Native family separation (Jacobs 2013, p. 137). Mounting pressure and staggering numbers of at least 100,000 Native children separated from their families (about 35%) led to the passage of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) in 1978 (United States Census Bureau Subject Reports: American Indians 1973, Table 2). The ICWA represented the first legal effort to combat centuries of violence against Native communities, particularly Native children and families.

4. The ICWA: Core Tenets and Recent Challenges

The ICWA was enacted “to protect the best interest of Indian Children and to promote stability and security of Indian tribes and families by the establishment of minimum Federal standards for the removal of Indian children and placement of such children in homes which will reflect the unique values of Indian culture ….” (ICWA 1978, sct. 1902). The ICWA is considered the gold standard for child welfare because of its robust requirements to preserve familial, cultural, and community wellbeing (Fletcher and Fort 2019, p. 37). Binding on states, the ICWA recently received additional support and clarification from the 2016 BIA’s Guidelines for Implementing the ICWA (BIA 2016). The following section aims to provide clarity to a non-legal audience about what the ICWA’s provisions state and how they function.

4.1. Core Tenets of the ICWA

In the first provision of the ICWA, Congress recognizes the specific relationship and responsibilities that the federal government has toward Indian people (ICWA 1978, sct. 1901). The Act states that Congress “has assumed the responsibility for the protection and preservation of Indian tribes and their resources; [and] that there is no resource that is more vital to the continued existence and integrity of Indian tribes than their children…” (sct. 1901(2)–(3)). This language reflects the Marshall Trilogy’s declaration that the federal government is a guardian to Native peoples. The Act also states that “the United States has a direct interest...in protecting Indian children who are members of or are eligible for membership in an Indian tribe” (sct. 1901(3)).
While the government historically has claimed it was acting in the protective interests of Indian children by saving them from their “savage” communities with boarding schools and forced adoptions, the ICWA clarifies that the Act aims to rectify this history. Specifically, the Act acknowledges “that an alarmingly high percentage of Indian families are broken up by the removal, often unwarranted, of their children from them by nontribal public and private agencies and that an alarmingly high percentage of such children are placed in non-Indian foster and adoptive homes and institutions” (sct. 1901(4)). Therefore, Congress enacted the ICWA to promote the stability and protection of Indian communities and families (sct. 1902).
The ICWA enumerates “minimum Federal standards” for all actions involving the removal and placement of Indian children (sct. 1902). These standards include giving Indian Tribes exclusive jurisdiction, that is, the authority to manage and decide over any child custody proceeding where the child lives or “is domiciled” on the Tribe’s reservation lands (sct. 1911(a)). In a legal context, a domicile is where one considers one’s permanent home or intended place to live, even if the individual resides elsewhere (Wex Definitions Team 2022). For Indian children specifically, the Supreme Court determined that an Indian child’s domicile follow’s the parents such that a Tribe’s reservation can be the child’s domicile even if the child has never set foot on the reservation (Mississippi Choctaw Indians v. Holyfield 1989, pp. 48–49). Tribes’ authority supersedes states in these instances (ICWA 1978, sct. 1911(a)).
When an Indian child is not residing or domiciled on their Tribe’s reservation, a state court must transfer the child custody case from state court to the Tribe’s court unless there is “good cause to the contrary” or objections by a parent, Indian custodian, or the Tribe itself (sct. 1911(b)). What qualifies as “good cause” is one site of contention, as articulated in the next section. The child’s Tribe can intervene at any time during a state court custody proceeding (sct. 1911(c)).
The ICWA goes into detail on all facets of child custody proceedings, but for the purposes of this Article, the most pertinent sections are those concerning the responsibilities of state agencies to Indian children. The first responsibility is the due diligence duty to determine whether the child in a custody proceeding is Indian, that is, whether the ICWA applies to the case (sct. 1912; BIA 2016, pp. 9–12). State agencies that “know or have reason to know” that the child is Indian must seek to ascertain whether the ICWA is, in fact, invoked, and then notify family, extended family, and the Tribe(s) (ICWA 1978, sct. 1912; BIA 2016, p. 9). If the child is found to be Indian under the ICWA, the state must contact the child’s Tribe to provide notice of the proceedings so the Tribe can intervene and assume jurisdiction, if the state court had not already transferred the case to the Tribe (ICWA 1978, sct. 1911, sct. 1912; BIA 2016, pp. 11–12).
Second, state agencies are held to a higher standard for removing Indian children from their families in the first place (Graham 2008, pp. 90–91). Among other components, a culturally qualified expert witness must testify that removal is appropriate (BIA 2016, pp. 53–54). There must be serious risk of harm to the child’s wellbeing to justify removal (BIA 2016, p. 53). This tenet aims to rectify the history of social service workers using ethnocentric criteria that prejudicially interpreted the state of Native homes as unfit.
Third, state agencies are held to the active efforts standard for family reunification instead of to the reasonable efforts standard in other child welfare legislation (ICWA 1978, sct. 1912(d)). While there is no precise federal definition, active efforts are considered to be a higher level of responsibility that require state agencies to thoroughly, timely, and affirmatively act to maintain or reunify Indian children with their families (Vandervort 2019, p. 34; BIA 2016, p. 39). These efforts can include connecting parents to resources, developing case plans, accessing services, and even facilitating transportation to appointments (BIA 2016, pp. 29–44). Moreover, these active efforts must be culturally appropriate, which often requires state agencies to connect with Tribes to determine the right services and resources for the families (pp. 40–41).
Fourth, when reunification is not possible at the time or indefinitely, the ICWA’s placement standards prioritize placing Indian children with Indian people over non-Indian people (ICWA 1978, sct. 1915). Unless the Tribe has a different order, federal standards prioritize: (1) first, a family member, (2) then, a member of child’s Tribe, (3) and lastly, another Indian family or tribally-approved organization in the case of fostering (Vandervort 2019, p. 25). These provisions are designed to combat the government’s history of intentionally placing Native children in non-Native homes to perpetuate cultural genocide. As the next section will clarify, this is another site of contention in recent ICWA challenges.

4.2. Recent Legal Challenges to the ICWA

There consistently have been efforts to overturn the ICWA since its enactment (MSUToday 2023). These efforts often focus on the “good cause” component in terms of the best interests of the child, and the placement prioritization standards in terms of race (Fletcher and Singel 2022). In most of these challenges, non-Native foster parents are the ones raising the claims (e.g., Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl 2013).
The most recent major case to challenge the ICWA was Haaland v. Brackeen (2023). In Brackeen, non-Indian foster parent petitioners challenged the constitutionality of the ICWA in efforts to prevent Indian children’s permanent placements with Indian families instead of with them (pp. 263–72). Among several legal issues, the petitioners argued that the placement prioritization of the ICWA was a race-based provision that violated the Constitution’s equal protection laws (pp. 291–93).
While the Court rejected their claims, the Court did so primarily because the Court held that they lacked standing (pp. 293–96). Standing is a legal concept that determines who has the legal right to challenge a court’s decision or raise a legal claim, that is, bring a lawsuit (Wex Definitions Team 2024). To have standing, a party must have a sufficient connection to the conduct or law and must show that they experienced harm from said conduct or law (Wex Definitions Team 2024). Under this definition and the ICWA, adoptive non-Indian foster parents do not satisfy these criteria, most notably with the harm element. Though the case was received as a victory, this Article demonstrates how the rise of pretendians can circumvent standing and other legal hurdles for non-Indian people.
Another recent case that actually weakened the ICWA dealt with the ICWA’s good cause–best interests issue (Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl 2013). In Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl, a non-Indian adoptive couple challenged the rights of the child’s biological Cherokee father to adopt his own child (p. 641). The non-Indian adoptive couple had been raising “Baby Girl” since an early age, and they claimed that her best interests were to stay with the “only family she had known” (Fletcher and Singel 2022, p. 1756).
Though the Supreme Court found that the child was Indian and invoked ICWA protections, the Court determined that the father could not use the ICWA to stop the non-Indian couple from adopting Baby Girl because the father had relinquished his parental rights before her birth and never had legal or physical custody of her before (Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl 2013, pp. 641–42). The Court also ruled that the adoption was proper because no other Indian parties came forward to adopt Baby Girl (pp. 654–56). The Court said that to find otherwise would create an “ICWA trump card” to override the best interests of the child (p. 656).
Scholars often draw attention to the problem with this reasoning (Fort 2009). The ICWA was designed expressly to protect the best interests of the child, so the notion of an “ICWA trump card” to supersede the child’s best interests is a contradiction (p. 28). Nonetheless, this case weakened the effectiveness of the ICWA to preserve Native families, and, as this Article demonstrates, the case can protect pretendian adoptees even if they are exposed later as non-Native. This reality threatens to erode the core purpose of the ICWA.

5. The Rise of Pretendians and Their Impact on the ICWA

As Congress and the many Tribes and activists who championed the ICWA’s enactment made clear, the stakes for the legal protection of Native children is high. After centuries of genocidal policies that focused on Native children, the ICWA must maintain a robust barrier against repeating history. Despite some weakening from Adoptive Couple, the ICWA has been largely successful in keeping Native families and communities together. However, this Article explains how the rise of pretendians threatens to convert the protective ICWA barrier into a permissive façade that continues the legacy of assimilation.

5.1. The Pretendian Phenomenon: Who Are Pretendians and Why Do They Manifest

As stated, a self-indigenizer or pretendian is a non-Native person who claims Native heritage (Deloria 1998). Native scholars like Philip Deloria, Eve Tuck, K. Wayne Yang, and Vine Deloria Jr. offer an array of explanations for why pretendians manifest (Deloria 1988; Tuck and Yang 2012; Deloria 1988). For example, in his book Playing Indian, Standing Rock Sioux member and scholar Phillip J. Deloria notes that the concept of pretendians or “playing Indian,” existed at least as early as the revolution days when American colonists’ dressed as stereotypes of Native peoples during the Boston Tea Party (Deloria 1998, pp. 1–9). Deloria argues that the reason for the charade centered on asserting original American identity with authentic claims to the land (pp. 1–9). He states that:
[t]he indeterminacy of American identities stems, in part, from the nation’s inability to deal with Indian people. Americans wanted to feel a natural affinity with the continent, and it was Indians who could teach them such aboriginal closeness. Yet, in order to control the landscape, they had to destroy the original inhabitants.
(p. 5)
Unanga x ^ scholar Eve Tuck and co-author K. Wayne Yang highlight this connection between indigeneity and national identity legitimation in their work “Decolonization is Not a Metaphor” (Tuck and Yang 2012). They articulate several “moves to innocence”—practices settlers use to distance themselves from the responsibility of advancing decolonization—that aim to self-indigenize in some fashion (pp. 3–4, 8–17). They identify the main self-indigenization tactic as “settler nativism” in which “settlers locate or invent a long-lost ancestor who is rumored to have had ‘Indian blood,’ and they use this claim to mark themselves as blameless in the attempted eradication of Indigenous peoples” (p. 10). In this example of pretendians, Tuck and Yang do not differentiate intentions when they note that these settler pretendians “locate or invent” a Native ancestor to claim Native heritage (p. 10).
Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate citizen and scholar Kim TallBear corroborates pretendians’ innocence-seeking motivation, whether intentional or not, in her work Native American DNA: Tribal Belonging and the False Promise of Genetic Science (TallBear 2013). She articulates that “there is a deep desire to disown complicity in the settler project. I think people don’t want to feel the historical guilt for living on stolen land. And I’m not saying they are obviously or explicitly thinking these things. I think a lot of this stuff is subconscious” (TallBear in Yellowhorse Kesler 2022, para. 20).
The second kind of self-indigenization tactic Tuck and Yang describe is the “settler adoption fantasy” wherein non-Native people adopt the ways of Native peoples and with them, native claims to lands (Tuck and Yang 2012, p. 14). Often portrayed in film and media, these fantasy narratives tend to include Native people adopting settlers—both literally or symbolically—or handing over their lands to settlers “for safe keeping,” or both (p. 14). They state: “these fantasies can mean the adoption of Indigenous practices and knowledge, but more, refer to those narratives in the settler colonial imagination in which the Native (understanding that he is becoming extinct) hands over his land, his claim to the land, his very Indian-ness to the settler for safe-keeping” (p. 14). Movies like The Last of the Mohicans and Avatar keep these adoption fantasies alive and influential on the growing number of non-Native people claiming Native heritage.
Another example of scholarship unpacking the invention and reasoning of pretendians is Standing Rock Sioux member and scholar Vine Deloria Jr.’s “Indian-grandmother complex” (Deloria 1988, pp. 2–4). Deloria Jr. noticed that pretendians claiming long-lost Native heritage invoke gender when they overwhelmingly cite a Native grandmother instead of a Native grandfather (Deloria 1988, pp. 2–4). Deloria Jr. explains that the feminization of settler “nativity” avoids “the aura of the savage warrior” ascribed to Native men (pp. 2–4). On another level, the Indian-grandmother complex subtly invokes the gender-based violence in U.S. colonial history where kidnapping and sexual violence against Native women were tools of conquest (Tuck and Yang 2012, p. 11; Deer 2015, p. 32).
Though these scholars note that the vast majority of pretendians are white, whiteness and pretendians are not mutually exclusive, nor are whiteness and settlers mutually exclusive (Tuck and Yang 2012, pp. 5, 7). Indigeneity is considered to be a political status rather racial category, so Native peoples can identify or be identified as a variety of races (Morton v. Mancari 1974). Similarly, any race can wrongly claim Native heritage as a pretendian. As explained in the next section, the ways in which the U.S. census and other data collection mechanisms construct identity categories has an impact on the problem of pretendians and the statistical hurdles that Natives face (Van Dam 2023; Yellowhorse Kesler 2022; Tuck and Yang 2012, pp. 22–23).
In essence, these scholars identify how and why settler pretendians claim Indian ancestry for three core but non-exhaustive reasons. First, being a pretendian is a legitimation tactic to justify non-Natives’ presence on stolen lands. Second, being a pretendian attempts to avoid culpability for historical and ongoing colonial violence, including the specific gender-based violence used against Native women. Third, pretendians ignore and cast undue doubt on the sovereign authority of Tribes, particularly in their capacity to determine their own membership criteria.

5.2. Quantifying the Pretendian Problem

The significant rise in pretendians today has roots in the 1970s New Age hippie movement when settlers appropriated Native culture and repackaged it as spiritualism and counter-culturalism (Leo et al. 2023). This movement coincided with the Tribes’ political Self-Determination Era. The era was helpful for Native communities to reassert sovereignty upon which the U.S. has frequently encroached, but the era also presented social, political, and economically lucrative opportunities for non-Natives to claim long-lost Native ancestry (Cook-Lynn 1997, p. 23). The profitability of indigeneity encouraged self-indigenization.
For example, the BIA established Indian Preference policies in which employers can privilege Native applicants over non-Native applicants for positions in which being Native is an important qualification (p. 23). When the Supreme Court upheld these policies as constitutional in Morton v. Mancari, the Court noted that Native preference is not a racial preference because indigeneity is a political status rather than a racial category (1974). The result helped Native communities but also encouraged self-indigenization.

5.2.1. Pretendian Prestige in Higher Education

Crow Creek Sioux Tribal member and scholar Elizabeth Cook-Lynn calls attention to the growing profitability of self-indigenization in higher education during this time (Cook-Lynn 1997, p. 23). She tracks the increasing number of academic institutions that develop positions and programs in Native studies, which offer jobs, prestige, and notoriety (p. 23). For pretendians who gained access to these positions—whether through preference policies or not—Cook-Lynn notes that many “who had achieved status in academia and held on to it through fraudulent claims to Indian Nation heritage and blood” became the leading voices in academic discourse and research about Native peoples (p. 23).

5.2.2. Pretendian Profit in the Arts

Similarly, an increasing number of artists began profiting from creating music and artwork inspired by or claiming to be traditionally Native (e.g., Buffy Sainte-Marie, Jerry Chris Van Dyke, Lewis Anthony Rath) (Leo et al. 2023; U.S. Attorney’s Office, Western District of Washington 2023; Solomon 2023). With an increased demand for appropriating Native culture in the New Age era, pretendian artists emerged to profit from this demand. The impact of pretendians in the arts was so potent in the 1970–1990s that Native advocates had to fight to get the Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990 enacted. The Act criminalizes non-Natives who falsely claim to sell Native art (Indian Arts and Craft Act 1990). Despite the Act, the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs estimates that as much as 80% of artwork that claims to be Native is fraudulent, that is, not created by Native artists (Riley 2023).

5.2.3. Pretendian Power in Research and Leadership

In addition to prestige and profit, power and influence have become available to those who rise in the ranks of government and political organizations on fraudulent claims of Native heritage. Senator Elizabeth Warren is a recent example of someone who, despite the Cherokee Nation outwardly criticizing her claims and not recognizing her, insisted on her Cherokee heritage through family stories and a DNA test (Herndon 2019). She later privately apologized to the Cherokee Nation for the DNA test, but she did not rescind her heritage claims (Herndon 2019).
Arguably more concerning is the influence of pretendian Andrea Smith whose academic prestige and nonprofit development as an alleged Cherokee caught the attention of major international organizations that selected her for research projects on Native peoples (Yellowhorse Kesler 2022). For example, Amnesty International selected her as a Bunche Fellow to do research on sexual violence and American Indian women, and she served as the representative for the Indigenous Women’s Network and the American Indian Law Alliance at the 1991 United Nations World Conference Against Racism (Panelist Profiles 2008). Most relevant to this Article, Smith was chosen to prepare a comparative study report on Indigenous peoples and boarding schools for the Secretariat of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (The National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition 2009).
Smith did facilitate increased public awareness about Native challenges, especially Native women and the high rates of sexual violence committed against them; however, Smith’s influence is pernicious because she had significant power to direct research and policies about a community of which she is not part (Yellowhorse Kesler 2022). As a designated spokesperson, authority, and researcher on Native peoples, Smith shaped discourse on Native peoples globally for decades. Her influence diminished in 2023 when she resigned from her professorship under mounting pressure from activists who determined that her Cherokee heritage claims were fraudulent (Quinn 2023). TallBear explains the dangers of folks like Smith, detailing that “when pretendians rise through the ranks as thought leaders and spokespeople for Indigenous communities, they produce knowledge and artwork that is not based on lived experience as Indigenous people …they [settlers] stole our children. They stole our land. Now they have stolen our representations….” (TallBear in Yellowhorse Kesler 2022, para. 21).

5.2.4. Statistical Storytelling

How research is conducted and reported can have major ramifications on Native communities. For example, in Smith’s United Nations report on boarding schools, Smith held the power to dictate the statistical narrative of Native families beyond the academy. Laws, policies, and government funding are tied to major research reports, and how data is collected and presented are choices that can directly determine financial support, socio-political stereotypes, and future policies in other sectors of life (Tuck and Yang 2012, pp. 22–23; United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner 2022).
One especially harmful example of non-Native researchers compiling data in ways that disenfranchised Native peoples was Termination Era research (Ulrich 2010). In the 1950s, the federal government sought several assimilationist avenues for dealing with the persistent “Indian problem” (Ulrich 2010, pp. 6–8; Nesterak 2019). Boarding schools were one avenue, and in 1953 Congress created another that called for terminating the relationship between the government and Tribes that was previously enshrined in treaties and other acts (HCR 108 1953). Known as House Concurrent Resolution 108, Congress stated that the United States should “as rapidly as possible” end the legal statuses of Indian Tribes (HCR 108 1953, B132). The language Congress used was meant to convey a sense of empowerment for Tribes:
[Congress will] make the Indians within the territorial limits of the United States subject to the same laws and entitled to the same privileges and responsibilities as are applicable to other citizens of the United States, to end their status as wards of the United States, and to grant them all of the rights and prerogatives pertaining to American citizenship….”
(HCR 108 1953, B132)
Ending the ward–guardian dynamic indicated a commitment to ceasing the forced dependency that the U.S. created in Johnson v. M’Intosh. In fact, Congress even acknowledged the harm that the relationship caused when the resolution stated that Tribes would be “freed from Federal supervision and control and from all disabilities and limitations specially applicable to Indians….” (HCR 108 1953, B132).
However, conveniently naming the Tribe–government relationship’s harmful effects was actually designed to obfuscate the positive aspects of the relationship, those being some federal funding support, and government protection of Native lands held in trust (Ulrich 2010; Nesterak 2019); “The goal [of HCR 108] appeared to be cutting government expenses by eliminating payments for Indian programs and putting Indian property on tax rolls….” (Ulrich 2010, p. 7).
As a result, over 100 Tribes were terminated, taking away the trust status for over three million acres of their lands (Nesterak 2019; Bureau of Indian Affairs Records: Termination 2023). Termination was on a case-by-case basis, and here is where data collection was weaponized to strategically steal resource-rich lands otherwise protected in trust. Non-Native government researcher, Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs William Zimmerman, created four criteria for termination: “(1) the degree of acculturation [assimilation], (2) the economic resources upon which the tribes could rely after termination, (3) the consent of the tribal officials, and (4) the consent of state and local governmental officials” (EchoHawk et al. 1995, p. 177). From these criteria he devised lists of Tribes whom he thought could be terminated immediately, those that were close, and those that would need more than ten years of continued “federal supervision” (Ulrich 2010, p. 9).
“There is no evidence that Zimmerman consulted with the Indians in making his lists. There is ample evidence that he was monumentally wrong” (p. 9). When Congress enacted the termination policy, the Tribes on that list included those with resource-rich lands that could be sold to companies or taxed by states when no longer protected by trust status (p. 12). While Congress did not follow Zimmerman’s list exactly, his criteria and compilations formed the initial backbone of justification for termination across the nation (p. 17).
Congress also relied on the individual reports of BIA field agent researchers (p. 17); “Survivors in each tribe have opinions about why they were targeted…Some believe industry wanted the tribal resources, mostly timber; others believe whites wanted Indian land” (p. 18). The consistent theme across terminated Tribes was that they did not know what termination actually was (p. 19). This suggests that the land-grab efforts behind termination were most successful with the least-informed Tribes who were thereby misled into signing away their statuses (p. 19). Some Tribes successfully resisted termination, while others were blackmailed, forced, or swindled into terminating their statuses (p. 19).
The research conducted at this time supposedly narrated the self-sufficiency and economic capacity of Tribes to “be free” of the federal government, but the intended design of the research was to target valuable lands and cut financial responsibilities—meager though they were—to Tribes (Ulrich 2010, pp. 8–20). In other words, the justification for terminating certain Tribes’ statuses was research reporting that Tribes had reached sufficient levels of prosperity and self-sustainability such that they were no longer ward-like dependents on the federal government (pp. 8–20). In reality, assimilation and land-based termination made Native lands and resources vulnerable to settler opportunists (pp. 8–20).
Though pretendians are probably less inclined to conduct research with motives like the Termination Era reporters, the concern persists that, when non-Native people conduct research about Native communities, the results can be devastating. As TallBear notes, non-Natives who speak on behalf of Tribes are not speaking from a lived experience (TallBear in Yellowhorse Kesler 2022, para. 21). But when they appear to be speaking from lived experience in the eyes of government agencies that rely on their work to make decisions about Native peoples, agencies are unlikely to question the validity of their statements as being accurate representations of Native experiences. Pretendian spokespersons can craft inaccurate narratives about the needs and desires of Native peoples with harmful consequences.

5.3. Rising Rates of Pretendians

The aforementioned high-profile examples of influential pretendians are not aberrant exceptions to an otherwise small problem. According to the U.S. census, the number of Native people skyrocketed in the last decade by 85% (Van Dam 2023, para. 18). This number cannot be explained by birthrate or international Native immigration alone; while other factors play a role in this growth percentage, the rise of pretendians constitutes a significant part of this number (Van Dam 2023; Passel 1996, p. 79). According to Senior Demographer at the Pew Research Center, Jeffrey Passel, “this extraordinary growth was achieved through changing patterns of racial self-identification on the part of people [claiming] partial or distant American Indian ancestry…” (Passel 1996, p. 79).
In other words, changes to the U.S. census in recent decades created more opportunities for people to self-identify and be counted in the overall Native population (Passel 1996, p. 80; Van Dam 2023). A person who checked any racial category could write-in specific origins, and for anyone who listed a Native Tribe or Nation, they were included in the overall Native population (Passel 1996, pp. 80, 86; Van Dam 2023). Furthermore, “a person choosing the American Indian racial response did not have to provide any substantial or documentation of this identification. There was no requirement that an ‘American Indian’ be enrolled as a member of a recognized tribe or that any tribal group recognize the respondent as a member…” (Passel 1996, p. 80). The results were 4.4 million more Native people emerging in the last decade (2010–2020) (Van Dam 2023).
This unprecedented growth has been consistent since the 1960s (Passel 1996, p. 86). Meanwhile, Native birth rates remained the second lowest in the nation compared to other census demographics (Van Dam 2023). The age range of the demographic also speaks to self-indigenization, rather than birthrate, as the culprit (Passel 1996, p. 87). According to research by the National Research Council Committee on Population, “the figures for ages under 10 and 20–29 are consistent with data from the previous 10-year period, but other cohorts show increases that can be attributable only to ‘new’ individuals identifying as American Indian…” (p. 87). The abnormal growth cohort regularly consists of those aged 30–59 (p. 87).
The ability to specify mixed heritage for any race is not an inherently bad shift in census data collection, since many Native peoples have mixed heritage. However, the lack of any verification or Tribal recognition protocols, combined with the potential profitability of being Native today, has created inflated statistics through pretendian claims. This reality is corroborated by the fact that “with the exception of Oklahoma, most of the population increase attributable to changing self-identification has occurred in states that have not historically been major centers of the American Indian population” (Passel 1996, p. 81). In fact, “the large increase from changing self-identification in 1970 was completely confined to states that historically had not had significant American Indian populations” (p. 96). Migration plays a small role in this change, but without substantial birthrate or international immigration increases, migration alone cannot account for the major growth of Native peoples in different geographic spaces (p. 96).
The reason for the Oklahoma exception is that one of the most common pretendian claims is Cherokee heritage, and Cherokee Nation’s reservation lands are in Oklahoma (Van Dam 2023). The 2020 census verified this pretendian trend, reporting that the number of people who selected Indian and listed just Cherokee decreased slightly in 2020, but the number of people who claimed to be part Cherokee (in combination with any racial category, though often white) effectively doubled from 770,000 to 1.5 million (Van Dam 2023). Washington Post analyst Andrew Van Dam analogizes the increase to discovering “an entire Alaska or North Dakota populated solely by newfound part-Cherokees. If we can pinpoint where they came from, we’ve probably solved this mystery” (Van Dam 2023, para. 19).

5.4. The Collective, Detrimental Impact of Pretendians Inflating Native Population Statistics

Not every pretendian in this number is able to profit from their claims like the aforementioned artists, academics, and political leaders; however, the inflated overall demographic of Native peoples has a major impact on statistical research and its related legal consequences. For example, if more white people—who are on average the best positioned demographic in terms of health, wealth, and education—claim Native heritage on the census, suddenly the Native population’s average health, wealth, and education levels appear to have increased as well. This impacts where resources go and what affirmative policies may be enacted or terminated. A National Library of Medicine publication Changing Numbers, Changing Needs: American Indian Demography and Public Health highlights this exact issue in which rapid growth in the Native population has shifted health analyses of Native communities (Passel 1996). This has major consequences for public health resource allocation.
This Article focuses on the policy impacts of pretendians on Native children. The most recently conducted survey from the U.S. Office of the Administration for Children and Families (AFCARS) shows that, in 2022, around 10,000 Native children were in the foster care and adoption system that year (AFCARS 2023). The National Center for Juvenile Justice (NCJJ) reports that Native children are still disproportionately 3.04 times more likely to be placed in foster care compared to the general population (Puzzanchera et al. 2023). This number has risen from 2.22 over the last decade, while white children continue to be disproportionately less likely to be in the system compared to the general population (Puzzanchera et al. 2023).
With thousands of Native children in the system and thousands of non-Natives claiming Native heritage, the chances of Native children being placed with pretendians is significant, alarming, and presently unrecognized. The next section explains the specific legal gaps in the ICWA that fail to prevent pretendians from raising Native children. As a caveat, again, this Article does not condemn anyone who benevolently seeks to raise Native children; this Article’s concern is that the purpose of the ICWA to preserve Native communities is thwarted when mostly non-Native people raise Native children.

5.5. Pretendians’ Impacts on the ICWA

Both individual influential pretendians and the lump sum of pretendians inflating the Indian demographic present major concerns to Indian communities. In the context of family and child welfare, pretendians can bypass some of the protective mechanisms the ICWA uses to otherwise prevent non-Indian people from raising Indian children. Specifically, pretendians can (1) avoid the standing issue raised in Haaland v. Brackeen, (2) be elevated on the placement prioritization list, (3) enjoy further protections under Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl if found out to be non-Indian, and (4) contribute to data collection that could suggest that Indian families need fewer protections going forward.

5.5.1. Standing

As stated, standing is a legal requirement for a person or entity to bring suit or challenge legal decisions. To have standing, a party must have a sufficient connection to the conduct or law and must show they experienced harm from said conduct or law (Wex Definitions Team 2024). Non-Indian foster families in Haaland v. Brackeen lost their case in part because the Court found that they lacked standing (2023, pp. 291–96). The Court held that they could not demonstrate a concrete injury from the ICWA itself nor that the Court could offer their requested relief (pp. 291–96).
The non-Indian foster parents claimed that the ICWA caused them injury because the ICWA allegedly puts them on “‘unequal footing’ with Indian parents who seek to adopt or foster an Indian child” (p. 292). This unequal treatment injury, they claimed, should be addressed by preventing the enforcement of the ICWA (p. 292). The Court stated that doing so would not remedy their claim because state agents process placements, not the federal government (pp. 292–93). The Court’s judgment could not prevent state enforcement of the ICWA, so the Court concluded that the party lacked standing (pp. 293–94).
In contrast, pretendian foster parents can circumvent the standing problem. When foster parents are presumably Indian, the ICWA’s provisions allow them to intervene and raise claims of injury if a court seeks to remove their Indian fosterees (ICWA 1978, sct. 1911). This is because Indian foster parents fall under the ICWA’s legal definition of “Indian custodian,” and an Indian custodian has significant rights, like standing, under the ICWA (sct. 1903(6)).
For example, section 1911(c) states that Indian custodians have the right to intervene at any time during a placement or parental termination proceeding (sct. 1911(c)). They can also invoke the “good cause” clause to try to prevent proceedings from transferring to a Tribe’s court under section 1911(b). Indian custodians are on equal footing with the child’s parents and Tribe. Indian custodians are also entitled to notice if Indian child proceedings will commence (sct. 1912(a)). The category of Indian custodian in the ICWA was designed to include people like the child’s extended family who may be raising the child in place of biological parents, but if pretendians have legal custody of Indian children, they are protected under the ICWA rather than rebuffed. Thus, pretendians can avoid the standing requirement designed precisely to prevent non-Indian peoples from having custody of Indian children.

5.5.2. Placement Priority

In a similar vein, pretendians rise in the ranks of the priority list for Indian children’s placement. The ICWA’s 2016 BIA Guidelines detail that, unless the Tribe has a different order, foster placement order begins with extended family, followed by a home approved by the Tribe, then an Indian foster home approved by a non-Indian authority, and lastly a suitable institution approved by the Tribe or Indian organization (BIA 2016, p. 57; ICWA 1978, sct. 1915(b)). Non-Indian foster homes without ties to the child’s Tribe would fall into the fourth category at best, but a pretendian could rise to the second or third placement preference.
Similarly, adoption preferences work in favor of pretendians. The BIA Guidelines make explicit that the order of adoption placement preference starts with a member of the child’s extended family, followed by other members of the child’s Tribe, and then other Indian families (BIA 2016, p. 56; ICWA 1978, sct. 1915(a)). As the Supreme Court made clear in Haaland v. Brackeen, “under ICWA’s hierarchy of preferences, non-Indian parents are generally last in line for potential placements” (p. 292). Pretendians, however, can suddenly rise to the second or third placement preference category by virtue of their alleged indigeneity.
While membership to the child’s Tribe implies that the Tribe legally recognizes that person claiming membership, there are no codified verification procedures in place. A nationally recognized expert on the ICWA confirmed from her nearly two decades of experience that there is a lack of verification protocols in place. She notes that verification protocols would be a best practice for agencies, but she is skeptical that this is happening because there are no requirements or guidelines for states to require proof of citizenship (ICWA Expert Attorney 2024). Therefore, pretendians who claim Indian status or heritage and then seek to raise an Indian child are more likely protected under the ICWA rather than prevented like other non-Indians.

5.5.3. Best Interests

Even if pretendians who are raising an Indian child were outed as non-Indian, under the Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl decision, pretendians are likely able to retain custody (2015). This case held that an Indian father could not use the ICWA as a trump card to take his child from the non-Indian couple raising his daughter, since he had effectively relinquished parental rights (641–42, 656). The adoptive couple rested their argument on the claim that they were the only family the child had known and that it was in her best interests to stay with them (Fletcher and Singel 2022, p. 1756).
The whole purpose of the ICWA is to preserve the best interests of Indian children by keeping them in their families and communities and, therefore, their cultures. Thus, Adoptive Couple already contradicts the logic of the ICWA. For pretendians, Adoptive Couple offers additional protections such that if pretendian parents were to be outed as non-Indian, they could raise the best-interests–only-family claim established in the case. This reality demonstrates that, once the ICWA opens the door for pretendians, the ICWA lacks countermeasures to rebuff those who are found to be non-Indian.

5.5.4. Demographics

Finally, pretendians’ impact on overall Native demographics alters the perspectives that the federal government can have of Native peoples. The ICWA was enacted in response to the alarming rate of Native family separation that continued after years of assimilationist policies. Data collection showed that over one third of all Native children had been separated from their families by the 1970s (Hidalgo Reese 2022; Sinha 2022, pp. 459–61). Like other policies, though, the ICWA can be repealed if deemed no longer necessary. House Concurrent Resolution 108 is a primary example in which federal recognition policies of Tribes were repealed because Congress determined that Tribes no longer needed federal protections (HCR 108 1953).
With the rise of pretendians in data collection, the statistics on Native family separation change. Today, the rate of Native family separation is approximately 1%, with 10,000 of the roughly one million Native children in the foster and adoption system (AFCARS 2023; U.S. Census Bureau 2020). This is a significant change from the roughly 35% separation rate in the 1970s that precipitated the enactment of the ICWA. This fact also speaks to the effectiveness of the ICWA. However, the number of pretendians has also grown substantially since the 1970s, and as more non-Native people claim Native heritage while also not experiencing familial separation, the perceived rate of Native family separation declines.
As data about Native communities increasingly reflects the health, wealth, and experiences of non-Natives—who tend to be white, privileged individuals—the factors that contribute to separation will appear to diminish. Ultimately, the data could tell the story that Native people are experiencing separation at meager rates due to inflated statistics that include non-Native pretendian families who face fewer of the challenges most associated with targeting and separation. Therefore, the actual rate of Native family separation could stay the same but appear to decline with more pretendians included in the count. Under certain political and economic circumstances, a repeal of the ICWA is conceivable on grounds that the act is no longer necessary.

6. Policy Recommendations to Bolster the ICWA

As detailed, pretendians have the capacity to circumvent some of the ICWA’s barriers that are designed to prevent non-Indian families from raising Indian children. In fact, the ICWA can protect pretendians by elevating their positions in placement preference orders and by granting them standing in child welfare proceedings. Pretendians also represent a threat to the utility of the ICWA from a macro perspective by shifting the statistical narrative about Indian family separation rates. To respond to these concerns, there is a need for additional mechanisms to ensure that the ICWA continues to function as intended by preserving Indian families. The following recommendations are a non-exhaustive list of suggested measures to bolster the ICWA and continue centering Tribal authority over Indian child welfare.
This Article acknowledges that Tribes have the ultimate say on Indian child welfare, and that all suggestions below should be vetted and aligned with what Tribes want. The proposed solutions in this Article recognize the centrality of Tribes for making decisions about Indian children. In addition, these solutions do not seek to establish further gatekeeping or authenticity metrics for Indian peoples. Instead, the aim of these solutions is to bolster the ICWA and ensure that Tribal sovereignty and the rearing of Indian children is not eroded by pretendians.

6.1. Verification Protocols

The first solution proposes that states verify the statuses of potential adoptive or foster parents to Indian children who claim to be Indian under the law. As noted, there are no federally codified procedures to verify whether someone claiming to be Indian is legally recognized as such for parenting an Indian child. While this would be a best practice for state agencies, neither the ICWA nor the BIA Guidelines require agencies to confirm that an individual claiming Indian status is in fact Indian under the law (ICWA Expert Attorney 2024). Pretendians seeking to foster or adopt Indian children are likely to encounter no protocols for proving Indian status.
The remedy for this problem is already built into the ICWA. Provision 1912(a) of the ICWA requires that states diligently investigate whether a child in a custody proceeding is Indian (ICWA 1978, sct. 1912(a); BIA 2016, pp. 18–22). The BIA Guidelines detail that when a state court “knows or has reason to know that the child is an Indian child,” the court must confirm, by way of a report, declaration, or testimony included in the record that the agency or other party used due diligence to identify and work with all of the Tribes in which there is reason to believe the child may be a member (or eligible for membership), [and] to verify whether the child is in fact a member (or a biological parent is a member and the child is eligible for membership) (BIA 2016, p. 9).
The same standard can readily apply to individuals seeking to adopt or foster an Indian child who claim to be Indian themselves. Courts already must contact any Tribes with whom a child may be affiliated as a member or eligible for membership. This same protocol can and should apply in the case of potential adoptive or foster parents.
As stated, the legal definition of Indian is what carries weight for ICWA purposes. That definition indicates that an individual is Indian if they are (a) a member of a recognized Tribe, (b) a descendent of a member who was residing on a reservation on June 1, 1934, or (c) a person with a blood quantum of half or more Indian blood (U.S. Congress 1934, sct. 5129). To verify a potential adoptive or foster parent’s status, a court could confirm that the state agency first contacted the Tribe(s) to which the potential parent claims membership. If the potential parent is a member or eligible, the claimant meets the legal definition of Indian.
If the Tribe expressly does not recognize the claimant, the burden would shift to the claimant to show how they meet the definition. Through genealogical research or a blood quantum analysis, the claimant can demonstrate legal Indian status (sct. 5129). This Article does not necessarily endorse these standards, especially blood quantum—a double-edged sword for Native communities—but rather presents them as the current legal standard, for better or worse. If the claimant cannot satisfy any of these criteria in a relatively timely manner, the court ought not consider the person Indian under the ICWA.
Because non-Indians can still adopt and foster Indian children, this proposed procedure would not out-right preclude well-intentioned non-Indians from raising Indian children. Rather, these non-Indians (pretendians) would simply drop in the placement order that prioritizes keeping Indian children connected to Indian communities as much as possible. As a result, fewer pretendians could raise Indian children over and above the children’s actual communities.
Thus, this Article’s first recommendation is that when an individual or couple claiming to be Indian comes forward to adopt or foster an Indian child, the court should require the state agency to contact Tribe(s) with whom the individual or couple claims status to verify their membership or eligibility. If the Tribe(s) do not recognize the claimant(s), the claimant(s) bear the burden to meet the legal definition of Indian for ICWA purposes. If unsuccessful, the court should shift the claimant(s) position in the placement preference order from Indian to non-Indian. This is a relatively quick and easily implemented procedure that mirrors procedures already in place for verifying Indian status of children in custody proceedings.

6.2. Rearticulation of Best Interests

The second solution this Article proposes is to update the BIA Guidelines that clarify the nature of the best interests standard expounded in the ICWA. Congress plainly stated that it enacted the ICWA “to protect the best interests of Indian children” by way of promoting and preserving the stability of Indian families and Tribes (ICWA 1978, sct. 1902). An Indian child’s best interests are secured when raised in homes that “reflect the unique values of Indian culture” (sct. 1902). Thus, Congress’s understanding was that, when states follow the ICWA’s provisions, an Indian child’s best interests are thereby preserved.
However, the Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl case weakened the presumed connection between a child’s best interests and following the ICWA. In Adoptive Couple, the Court determined that Baby Girl’s biological Cherokee father had no ICWA-protected relationship with his child because he had abandoned her before birth and never had legal or physical custody of her (Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl 2013, p. 641). His lack of prior parenting permitted the Court to hold that the ICWA’s preventative measures against breaking up Indian families had no relevance; the family had broken before Baby Girl’s birth (pp. 641, 649, 651–52).
The main dissenting opinion makes clear that this narrow interpretation of the ICWA focuses on preventing familial rupturing at the expense of the overarching purpose of the ICWA: to preserve cultural continuity and the stability of Indian communities (669, Justice Sotomayor, dissenting). The dissenting opinion and leading federal Indian law scholars draw attention to the prejudicial, emotional nature of the case that superseded the ICWA’s functions (Fletcher and Singel 2022, pp. 1756–57). For example, the Court’s binding opinion narrates:
This case is about a little girl (Baby Girl) who is classified as an Indian because she is 1.2% (3/256) Cherokee. Because Baby Girl is classified in this way, the South Carolina Supreme Court held that certain provisions of the federal Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 required her to be taken, at the age of 27 months, from the only parents she had ever known and handed over to her biological father, who had attempted to relinquish his parental rights and who had no prior contact with the child (Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl 2013, p. 641).
This language reflects prejudicial attitudes about Indigenous authenticity with blood quantum and thereby insults the Cherokee Nation’s sovereign authority to set membership requirements. In fact, the Court scoffed at the importance of the ICWA protecting families who did not seem “Indian enough” when the Court remarked, “had Baby Girl not been 3/256 Cherokee, Biological Father would have had no right to object to her adoption under South Carolina law” (p. 646).
This language also uses emotional appeals to imply that the best interests of Baby Girl were threatened by the ICWA. By allowing her to live with her biological father—with whom she actually did live during the year between the state supreme court’s decision and the U.S. Supreme Court’s reversal—pulled her away from the non-Indian adoptive couple, “the only parents she had ever known” (p. 641). The Court claimed that this puts “certain vulnerable children at a great disadvantage solely because an ancestor—even a remote one—was Indian” (p. 655). Again, the Court invokes a prejudicial attitude about “real Indians,” diminishes the Cherokee Nation’s sovereignty over membership, and considers the ICWA disadvantageous for Indian children.
Even though Brackeen solidified the ICWA for now, Adoptive Couple was not overturned. The Adoptive Couple case leaves the door open to pretendians who may be outed as non-Indian after-the-fact, but who could otherwise maintain custody if they were similarly the only family the child had known. In fact, many non-Indian adoptive couples appeal to the best interests of the child standard to raise “good cause” that the ICWA says courts may use as a reason to not transfer cases to Tribes (Fletcher and Singel 2022, p. 1793); “In most private adoption cases, the demand for a ‘best interests’ hearing usually comes from the adoptive couple, who tend to prevail in adversarial hearings where they are pitted against underprivileged birth parents and families, leading to what some refer to as ‘wrongful’ adoptions” (p. 1973, note 272).
If a pretendian adoptive couple benefited from the placement priority order at the expense of other Indian community members and the couple was later found to be pretendian, Adoptive Couple precedent—including the prejudicial attitudes and supposed best interests emotions in the case—would work to protect the couple from other Indians seeking to adopt the child under the ICWA. While this Article does not ignore the difficulty for any child to leave a familiar home, the fundamental purpose of the ICWA recognizes the importance of community preservation as an essential bulwark against centuries of cultural genocide.
Therefore, this Article proposes an update to the 2016 BIA Guidelines to clarify that what the best interests of an Indian child are for ICWA purposes, and how courts should respond to best interests claims from non-Indians, whether directly or implicitly with emotional appeals. While the Guidelines cannot overturn Adoptive Couple, they can offer clarity for judges to interpret future cases that are similar, but not identical to the facts in Adoptive Couple.

6.3. Census Changes

On a broader level, this Article recommends that the design of the U.S. census change to prevent pretendians from inflating statistics on Native demographics. The stakes for these statistics include how federal funding is allocated, what programs and policies are maintained, and what future research on Native peoples produces. Because this issue is complex, this Article emphasizes that Tribes should be directing the U.S. Census Bureau regarding how they want the census designed.
This Article recommends creating a national committee with representatives from any Tribe interested in participating, and with the hope that communities like Cherokee Nation and other Tribes whom pretendians commonly list on their census reports would be active members in the conversation. The committee would create recommendations for how the Census Bureau designs and implements the census. Tribes could independently determine whether they would like to create additional verification methods for anyone claiming their heritage.
With more appropriate, Tribally sanctioned data collection procedures, important statistics about Native communities would more accurately reflect community experiences, needs, and overall demographics. This would help ensure that resources—especially those meant to support Native families through family services—continue to be allocated to Tribes. Accurate statistics would also ensure that the government could not easily overturn the ICWA on the basis that supposedly fewer Indian children are being separated from Indian homes, when in reality, many “Indian” homes are pretendian homes.

6.4. State Codification of ICWA Policies

Finally, this Article urges states to codify the ICWA provisions and guidelines into state law. Major political climate shifts and inflated statistics both can lead to government policy changes, as mentioned with the Termination Era. To protect the ICWA’s purpose and functions in the face of these possibilities, states can adopt acts that solidify and clarify the ICWA.
Since the ICWA’s enactment, 17 states have passed legislation to strengthen and expand the ICWA’s provisions (California, Colorado, Connecticut, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming) (Ditzenberger 2023). Many of these states are those with large Native populations. For example, New Mexico collaborated with Tribal leaders to create the Indian Family Protection Act (IFPA) that involves stricter procedures in addition to the ICWA’s baseline requirements (Ditzenberger 2023). New Mexico courts have 24 h to notify Tribes of any child welfare investigation (IFPA 2022, N.M. Stat. Ann. Sct. 32A-28-12); this differs from the ICWA’s general notice requirement by mail, which sets time limits between receipt of notice and proceedings, rather than limits how quickly notice must be sent (ICWA 1978, sct. 1912(a); BIA 2016, pp. 36–37).
Michigan is another state with a large Native population and its own version of the ICWA; the state has twelve federally recognized Tribes with over 240,000 Native peoples residing in the state (Whitmer 2023). In 2013, the state collaborated with Tribes through entities like the Tribal State Judicial Forum to enact the Michigan Indian Family Preservation Act (MIFPA 2012). Spearheaded by Tribal leaders like Judge Allie Greenleaf Maldonado and longstanding allies like Justice Michael Cavanagh (Morioka 2023; State Court Administrative Office 2017, pp. i–ii), MIFPA offers clarity on some of the ICWA’s undefined terms, such as “active efforts”, “culturally appropriate services”, and “qualified expert witness” (MIFPA 2012, MCL 712B.3(a)).
Per the first suggestion this Article proposed, state ICWA laws can include verification procedures for parents looking to raise Indian children who claim to be Indian themselves. If the proposed revisions to the federal law do not come to fruition, states have the power to implement this proposition. States are permitted to add additional procedures, even stricter ones, to baseline federal provisions. Therefore, state ICWA laws offer another opportunity to include state-specific and local Tribe-approved verification protocols for all potential parents who claim to be Indian.
State ICWA legislation is another powerful tool for bolstering the ICWA. This avenue gives states the opportunity to collaborate directly with Tribes, clarify ICWA procedures, add anti-pretendian mechanisms, and, ultimately, protect the ICWA’s functions. With approximately 35% of states already enacting such legislation, this Article urges the remaining states to follow suit, and that all states consider adding parent verification procedures in accordance with local Tribes’ preferences.

7. Conclusions

This Article argues that the rise of pretendians threatens to undermine the welfare of Indian children and families. By circumventing key barriers in the Indian Child Welfare Act, pretendians are able to foster and adopt Indian children, and, therefore, separate them from their communities and cultures. This is the very assimilationist problem that the ICWA was enacted to prevent. Without additional policy reforms on federal and state levels, the ICWA runs the risk of facilitating, rather than preventing, the dislocation of Indian children from their communities.
This Article proposes that codified protocols be added to the ICWA to verify the status of anyone claiming to be Indian and seeking to raise an Indian child; that the BIA clarify the best interests standard so as to close that path so often used to keep Indian children from their families; that the U.S. Census Bureau consult with Tribes to update how the census collects data on Native people; and that states enact their own ICWA legislation in collaboration with local Tribes to fortify the ICWA. While not perfect solutions nor exhaustive, these solutions offer opportunities to protect the core function of the ICWA: protect the next seven generations and preserve Native communities.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

No new data was created from this research.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflict of interest.


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Mills, T.E. Protecting the Next Seven Generations: Self-Indigenization and the Indian Child Welfare Act. Genealogy 2024, 8, 139. https://doi.org/10.3390/genealogy8040139

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Mills TE. Protecting the Next Seven Generations: Self-Indigenization and the Indian Child Welfare Act. Genealogy. 2024; 8(4):139. https://doi.org/10.3390/genealogy8040139

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Mills, Taylor Elyse. 2024. "Protecting the Next Seven Generations: Self-Indigenization and the Indian Child Welfare Act" Genealogy 8, no. 4: 139. https://doi.org/10.3390/genealogy8040139

APA Style

Mills, T. E. (2024). Protecting the Next Seven Generations: Self-Indigenization and the Indian Child Welfare Act. Genealogy, 8(4), 139. https://doi.org/10.3390/genealogy8040139

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