When Mediterranean Artisanal Fishers Protect Coastal Ecosystems
:1. Introduction
2. The ‘Casa dei Pesci’ Along the Coast of Tuscany
3. Amorgorama on the Greek Island of Amorgos
- Pause fishing during April and May, the most significant months for fish reproduction;
- During this time, clean coasts that are not easily accessible by land;
- Progressively, switch fishing gear into a more sustainable form (larger mesh size of nets and bigger hooks to avoid catching juveniles);
- Create three Fisheries-Restricted Protected Areas (FRAs) along the coastline of the island of Amorgos (no-take zones).
- Total of 38 missions for garbage collection with no fishing during the fish spawning period;
- Collection of more than 1200 large bags of litter, plus many very big items;
- More than 15 tons of plastic dispatched for recycling, of which 60–65% will eventually be recycled;
- Recycling of more than 3 tons of fishing nets and ropes.
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Species English Common Name (Italian Common Name in Tuscany) | Species Scientific Name | Number of Individuals | Size Range in Catches [cm] | Lm Total Length, Lmax [cm] | Gear | Depth Range [m] |
Gilthead seabream (orata) | Sparus aurata | 104 | 20–25 | 33–40 70 TL | Gillnet, 1500 m, 40 mm | 8.5–13 |
Common dentex (dentice) | Dentex dentex | 20 | 25–40 | 34.6 100 TL | Gillnet, 1500 m, 40 mm | 8.5–13 |
Shi drum (ombrina) | Umbrina cirrosa | 32 | 26–38 | no data 104 TL | Gillnet, 1500 m, 40 mm | 8.5–13 |
Sand steenbras (mormora) | Lithognathus mormyrus | 64 | 23–28 | 17.4 55 TL | Gillnet, 1500 m, 40 mm | 8.5–13 |
White seabream (sarago) | Diplodus sargus | 21 | 19–24 | no data 45 TL | Gillnet, 1500 m, 40 mm | 8.5–13 |
Salema (sarpa) | Sarpa salpa | 7 | 24–26 | 16.5 51 SL | Gillnet, 1500 m, 40 mm | 8.5–13 |
Common pandora (fragolino) | Pagellus erythrinus | 10 | 22–27 | 13–16 60 SL | Gillnet, 1500 m, 40 mm | 8.5–13 |
Blackspot seabream (besugo) | Pagellus bogaraveo | 2 | 37 | 31.4 70 SL | Gillnet, 1500 m, 40 mm | 8.5–13 |
Atlantic horse mackerel (sugarello) | Trachurus trachurus | 2 | 20, 25 | 21–30 70 TL | Gillnet, 1500 m, 40 mm | 8.5–13 |
Surmullet (triglia) | Mullus surmuletus | 6 | 16–22 | 15–26 40 SL | Gillnet, 1500 m, 40 mm | 8.5–13 |
European flounder (pesce passera) | Platichthys flesus | 20 | 10–15 | 14–30 60 TL | Gillnet, 1500 m, 40 mm | 8.5–13 |
Turbot (rombo) | Scophthalmus rhombus | 1 | 33 | 41–55 100 SL | Gillnet, 1500 m, 40 mm | 8.5–13 |
Red scorpionfish (scorfano rosso) | Scorpaena scrofa | 2 | 20 | no data 50 TL | Gillnet, 1500 m, 40 mm | 8.5–13 |
Grey triggerfish (pesce balestra) | Balistes capriscus | 4 | 35–40 | 13–29.7 66 TL | Gillnet, 1500 m, 40 mm | 8.5–13 |
Bluefish (serra) | Pomatomus saltatrix | 2 | 38 | 30 130 TL | Gillnet, 1500 m, 40 mm | 8.5–11 |
Species English Common Name | Species Scientific Name | Lm in Total Length, Lmax [cm] | Principal Gear in Amorgos | Comment |
Red mullet | Mullus barbatus | 11.5 38 TL | Gill nets, trammel nets | Highly priced, mostly in summer in depth around 80 m |
Surmullet | Mullus surmuletus | 15–26 40 SL | Gill nets, trammel nets | Less highly priced, on muddy ground ~40 m |
Common pandora | Pagellus erythrinus | 13–16 60 SL | Bottom longlines, trammel nets | Economically important |
Blackspot seabream | Pagellus bogaraveo | 31.4 70 SL | Bottom longlines, trammel nets | Economically important |
Common dentex | Dentex dentex | 34.6 100 TL | Bottom longlines, trammel nets | Economically important |
White seabream | Diplodus sargus | no data 45 TL | Bottom longlines, trammel nets | Economically important |
Bogue | Boops boops | 13.6 40 TL | Gill nets, trammel nets | Low priced, locally popular food fish |
Frigate tuna | Auxis thazard | 29.5 65 FL | Gill nets up to 50 mm mesh size, close to the coast from surface to 30 m | Late summer to spring, feeding on small fish near the coast |
Atlantic bonito | Sarda sarda | 37.8 91 FL | Gill nets up to 50 mm mesh size, close to the coast from surface to 30 m | Late summer to spring, feeding on small fish near the coast, most valuable of the small tunas |
Little tunny | Euthynnus alleteratus | 41.8 122 TL | Gill nets up to 50 mm mesh size, close to the coast from surface to 30 m | Late summer to spring, feeding on small fish near the coast |
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Nauen, C.E. When Mediterranean Artisanal Fishers Protect Coastal Ecosystems. Fishes 2024, 9, 472. https://doi.org/10.3390/fishes9120472
Nauen CE. When Mediterranean Artisanal Fishers Protect Coastal Ecosystems. Fishes. 2024; 9(12):472. https://doi.org/10.3390/fishes9120472
Chicago/Turabian StyleNauen, Cornelia E. 2024. "When Mediterranean Artisanal Fishers Protect Coastal Ecosystems" Fishes 9, no. 12: 472. https://doi.org/10.3390/fishes9120472
APA StyleNauen, C. E. (2024). When Mediterranean Artisanal Fishers Protect Coastal Ecosystems. Fishes, 9(12), 472. https://doi.org/10.3390/fishes9120472